7 Fashion Trends that will LAST and 7 that WON'T!

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in this video I have seven trends that are trending they're trends that are trending right now but are actually Classics and I have seven that are trends that are trending right now big trends we all love them well I love some of them but they are Trends and they do have a shelf life and they go kind of in and out of style this is not like a good and bad or what to wear What Not to Wear I would never tell you not to wear anything that you love anyway but it's kind of like a let's look at Fashion like a bird's eye view but in terms of historically what has had staying power and historically what hasn't and what I would do with this information is I feel like 80 of your clothing budget should be kind of spent in this classic category and if you like any of these Classics that are trending right now now is a great time to find them since they're trending they're all over the place and then put 20 of your budget towards these trends that you may love right now but in three years you might be a little bit tired of and you may have to put away you don't want to spend all your money in this category so I mentioned in my my out of style video that the all over logos like logo Mania is kind of faded out you know it's not really the thing right now and quiet luxury has taken over quiet luxury is always classic will never go out of style but it I love that it's trending right now and so what that means is that a lot of these um big brand names are really focusing on more of the toned down versions of their bags or you know their items as opposed to it being a bag with like logos all over the place and so I like that better to be honest I like it when there's maybe a little logo but it's not completely covered and I love that quiet luxury look everything fits just right it's probably in more classic colors more classic Styles maybe there's like an Hermes belt or maybe the handbag is a very quiet subtle YSL but there's nothing loud about it very sophisticated very polished very old money elevated Basics are a big Trend right now and they have been trending for a long time but again I mean Basics never go out of style but I love that this is a trend right now because that means that like if you're trying to find Basics and really work on the backbone of your closet which is usually your Basics it's a really great time to go out and find them because since it's trending pretty much every brand has their line of Basics and so you can really find one that really works for you and your style I mentioned another video I'm really loving the heavier weight crew neck basic tees that's just kind of what I'm into right now so I've had a pretty easy time finding some that I really really love elevated Basics also just means wearing an outfit of Basics but maybe you add a belt or you have a Blazer or maybe it's got an interesting color combination maybe there's some tailored pants in that outfit maybe some tailored shorts but it's all very balanced and looks very sophisticated tube dresses are a trend that I really feel like is a classic now hear me out maybe I shouldn't call them tube dresses let's say a strapless solid color maxi dress Maxi gown now that sounds a little more classic I guess the Maxi length is very in right now Olive dressing is very in right now which means like it just kind of looks like your your whole outfit is a column so maybe that's a maxi skirt maxi dress but it's not high low it's not ruffled edges it's a very sophisticated look and if you think about it a strapless solid color dress it's in a classic color like red or Navy or black or even you know something more neutral or like an off-white is never going to go out of style ballet flats they went out of style for a number of years but it wasn't really exactly the ballet flat itself that went out of style it was more so how we were wearing them like we were wearing them with midi skirts which is not a very flattering look for a lot of people or we were wearing them with skinny jeans and like a tunic and a circle scarf there's ways that we were wearing them that made them feel like they went out of style and I also felt like they went out of style too but when I look back it's more so the way that we were wearing them so ballet flats are back in a big way and it's more so the Almond toe or like a pointy toe but just your general ballet flat it really it doesn't ever go out of style I do think that this is one that you kind of need to pair with items that are more on Trend with not trendy but just more on Trend with the way fashion is going like instead of your skinny jeans try a straight leg and instead of a midi skirt try a knee length skirt or you know a mini skirt I think there are ways to style the ballet flats to make them look really fresh and feel very classic and I definitely think they fall into the category of trends that don't really ever go out of style leather jackets leather pants leather has been on trend for a few years now and it's one of those things that even though we might see it kind of Fading Into the background I do do not ever see leather looking out of style I think I mentioned this in another video a head to toe leather look now that's something different that could definitely start looking you know like a look that's definitely a look that you can do but just a leather jacket or a leather pair of pants and a classic style that really is something that doesn't ever go out of style no matter if it's trending or not I've said this before but I really think now is a great time if you've been looking for leather or faux leather pants now it's such a great time to look for them because a lot of places are on sale they're moving things out to get spring items in and I always think leather is a great item to add to your outfit to make it look a little bit more interesting I mentioned in another video that pencil skirts are kind of coming back and they're definitely not never out of style this is a very much a classic item but they really just weren't on the Forefront of fashion for a while but now they're kind of coming back and so what that means is you'll be able to find them a lot more places and pencil skirts can be a very classic Timeless look I think they also get really very much associated with this the corporate work attire look which is great for going to work but I love them as well with like a looser fit more casual top you know you can wear them with boots you can wear them with ballet flats you can wear them with sandals and it doesn't have to be just your simple traditional black pencil skirt you can you know get this in a color you can get it with a slit in the side you can get it with sequins like there's lots of different options for the pencil skirt but the style in and of itself is a very classic okay this is the last trend of the classic Trends category and it's you may you may not agree with me here but hear me out and it's metallics so metallics are very much a trend right now they've been trending metallic pants you know metallic dresses um and so with metallics I don't think all metallics are necessarily classic but I do think a metallic shoe or a metallic bag or even maybe a metallic pant maybe if it's a classic style and it's like gold or silver something that's you know toned down I do think that could still be a very classic item that won't ever look out of style let me know what you think do you think metallics are classic obviously not all of them but do you think some metallics can be labeled as classic or do you just think oh this is a trend and we won't see it in three years so now let's move on to seven trends that are trending right now and I love some of them but they are trends like whether we like it or not they they are here now but then some unknown amount of time three years five years maybe one year they'll they will have been people get tired of them they start to be a little over saturated and they just kind of start to move out okay the first Trend that is actually a trend and you know it and I know it but it's Uggs Uggs have made a comeback they were humongous when I was maybe in high school or something like that and then they like kind of went away people were just wearing them but not really as a fashion statement and now Uggs are back Uggs are back I haven't seen anyone wear it with their bathing suit like they did back in the day but I'm sure that's coming and others are great they're very comfortable um I've never been an Ugg person but I know that they are very comfortable and they have a place in this world and they have a place for on your feet but they are a tricked let's talk about jeans for a second I think straight leg it is here to stay it will be a classic I do think straight leg is a classic I think it'll be a very long time before straight leg goes out of style or does kind of like the skinny jeans did where they were in style for 15 years and then they kind of like oh there's more things we could wear um so I think those are here to stay but what I do feel like is definitely a trend and it's happening right now it's a huge Trend but I do think that eventually it will be we will look back and be like oh yeah that was 2023 is the really baggy jeans low rise baggy jeans I'm not wearing them a lot of you guys aren't wearing them they're not practical a lot of the time and I do think baggy jeans are a big Trend celebrities wearing them and they're great and it's wonderful but I do think it is a trend that'll be here for a few years and then it'll probably kind of um start swinging back the other way this next one is another denim item but it's a big Trend and I think this is just going to be a very big trend for this year and on into next year you might end up with one by the end of the year I actually already have one and it's the denim maxi skirt I really love this I love the denim maxi skirt I think it can be styled very beautifully I think you do have to be careful to make sure you don't look frumpy in it to make sure you have like a you know a top that's balanced with the denim skirt but I love this look it can be very classy and just very stylish and very interesting but I do think that eventually you know two years five years whatever it is um the hemlines will start to shorten back up we'll kind of go back to more classic denim skirts like the you know thigh length or knee length and um and you know denim maxi skirts will be a thing that people wore in 2023 and 2024 maybe 2025 and then it kind of faded out does that mean you shouldn't go and buy a denim maxi skirt if you freaking love it absolutely not this is a great Trend I think it can look beautiful and um and even whenever it's not trending if you still love it obviously obviously still wear it I mean I'll still wear mine I guess I have a lot of denim in this video I didn't realize that until just now but this next one that I see and I think it actually might happen sooner rather than later but it sat crossover um pants like where the button looks like it's kind of been like hacked like it was like a jean hack for if you're if your pants were too big and it's crossed over that has been a trend for a while maybe a couple of years and I feel like it's getting a little bit saturated like I feel like you can find that kind of all over the place and whenever that happens that kind of signals that people will start getting tired of it eventually and then be like oh my gosh I just want the regular kind but I do think that's a trend it's not a classic it's a trend eventually people will kind of stop liking that this one is going to ruffle some feathers and I don't even know why because I'm not telling you not to wear it I'm just telling you that I just really think it's a trend and it's been a trend for a long time and it may I think actually will stay here for even longer I think this is going to be a long time a long decade-long Trend that's happening and I have a gazillion tops like this um but I do think it's a trend and it will be you know we'll eventually go the other way but it's cutouts how long have we been wearing cutouts we've been talking about cutouts I remember doing a video about them a couple years ago it's like cutouts is a big Trend this year um but it's like the trend that just kept on keep it on and everything has some version of a cutout now which I really like this I think they can look very you know kind of sexy but in a subtle way that a lot of them aren't very risque they're just kind of like a little cut out here at the shoulder or you know a little cut out here um you know at your elbow or like your chest but they're very subtle and so they're very wearable and I think it's kind of like how everyone used to love the cold shoulder because it was like you could still wear a bra you're still covering up but you just had a little Skin showing but I do think this is a trendy Trend I think it's a trend that's going to last a decade maybe even more it's already lasted quite a few years and it's still going very strong and it keeps morphing into something else I think that's why it keeps going so strong so it's definitely one that has had a lot of staying power and it's still here if you have a cut out top you're eyeing and you're like you're really loving that it's not going anywhere for a while trust me I would not buy it anyway if you really love it but just you know I don't think this is one that's like on its way out or anything like that corset tops they have been trending for a little while now like a few years they started off with straight corset tops very unwearable for people like myself but then it kind of morph into corset style tops that are very wearable and I actually think this is a really beautiful look and a great way to update your style and just kind of elevate it a little bit but I do think it's a trend in three to five years we'll kind of get tired of it and it will be something else it won't be a classic that will never look out of style in my personal opinion this next one is speaks near and dear to my heart because I love it and I love doing it I was doing a lot more maybe a year ago than I am now but I do love this trend but I know that it is a trend and it will eventually kind of look a little bit dated because it already has before and what that is is color blocking so do you remember 2012 we were all color blocking and we're bubble necklaces and putting um mint green with coral and or with yellow and that was like it was kind of like more like pastel color blocking so that went away for a while and then somewhere around 2020 color blocking came back but in a different way more like brighter colors deeper colors more pigmented colors and it's so beautiful I really love color blocking some people can do it so amazingly well and I will personally not ever stop wearing that until I personally get tired of it as with all these Trends but I do see that as being something that we're doing right now and it's really fun and eventually we will look back and it'll be like oh yeah that was what we were doing in 2020 and 2023 and that was really great I remember that year because of what I was wearing um and it is a you know it's a trend it's not a classic look it is definitely a trend so what did you think do you feel like I um classify these right I do think the fashion world is so fun and Trends are a lot of fun and let me just let me just put it to you this way if you lived through the 80s and you were like a teenager in the 80s you know the 80s is a very specific decade with very specific hair very specific clothes do you think anybody really regrets wearing that they might look at pictures and been like man that had to be 1982. it was a fun time it was a great style and they probably have good memories of wearing whatever it is they were wearing if all we did was wear you know white shirts and black bottoms and that's all anyone ever wore it would just be so boring it would be really be boring I don't want everybody to wear classic Styles all the time because it just would not be interesting Trends are really fun let me know what you think and give this video a thumbs up if you liked it or thumbs down if you didn't consider subscribing if you haven't already and I will see you next time
Channel: A N N A R E I D
Views: 94,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gfCWMjkJIxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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