How to be the BEST DRESSED person at your event!

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what's going to make you look like the best dressed person in the room let's talk about it so we're about to get into the holidays and you may have parties to go to or you just may want ideas on how to look the best your best self look the best you can be wherever you're going I feel like these are tried and true tips that will help so I have 10 tips for you but I want to get some obvious one out of the way you need to make sure whatever you're wearing is wrinkle free make sure you steam it or iron it before you leave the house make sure there's no strings hanging off make sure there's no stains on it even if it's some little teeny tiny one just don't wear that that day wear something that still looks new okay tip number one you don't want to have any items that are competing with each other so if whenever you look at people who look immaculately dressed you're like wow they just look amazing they just have it all together and they're the best dressed they usually don't have a whole bunch of things going on at the same time so if their dress is a very vibrant color don't also have a very loud jacket it's just it's just too much and it just doesn't give the eye a place to focus on and honestly that just kind of gives me anxiety just thinking about it if any part of your outfit is a statement item or a bold color Center your outfit around that piece and make the rest of your outfit be the compliment or the backdrop to that statement item or statement color the next tip to be the best dressed or to look your best is to this is a little controversial but make sure that you're not wearing anything that could be considered out of style so if you're trying to look like the best dressed person you are a little bit concerned with how everyone else is viewing you and that's okay sometimes it'll always think we should dress like that but you know there's occasions where you want to look really nice and you want to you know people to like what you're wearing if you're wearing an item that is considered by most people to be dated or it looks dated it just it's not going to be like ooh she looks out of style but it's just something won't quite look right and it won't don't you know give you that Avenue to being the best dressed person in everyone else's eyes so the easiest way to avoid this is just to stick with classic pieces Timeless pieces don't try to get like what's the latest Trend and and get that piece to be the best dressed and of course you can be an extremely well-dressed person wearing something very trendy but the easiest place to start especially if you're unsure of what to wear to look well dressed would be these classic and Timeless Styles and mainly clothing that isn't a super obvious trend or was a super obvious trend several years ago now I always say to wear things that make you feel wonderful and if you're if there's something that you have that is considered out of style if you love that please keep it and wear that but if your goal is to look like the best dressed person in the room a room full of full of people you're going to want to save those items for some other time we're still talking about Princess Diana to this day not because she wore tons of trendy items or stuck with the trends that she loved but because she wore those classic Timeless Styles and her style is still alive in her heads we still talk about it even to this day the next tip for being the best dressed person or looking your personal best is to wear colors that suit you no hang on a second I personally in my heart of hearts do not feel like you should only wear colors that some guide over there tells you to wear that being said if bright uh fluorescent orange is a color you're in love with but you just you know you're not sure how it exactly looks on you or you're just not sure about it or neon yellow just don't wear it that day wear some other day try it out with your other things but for that day you're trying to be the best dressed wear colors that you know for a fact look amazing on you some colors that tend to be universally flattering on most people are purple teal even white in you know a lot of sometimes you may have to find the right white for yourself but white is often a very great color for most people Navy tends to look good on a lot of people and dare I say brown in a lot of these colors it kind of depends on the if you're getting a warmer shade or a cool shade then it gets a little more a little more complicated so you know if you're just like I gotta be ready by two tomorrow night and I gotta be the best dressed and try going with a color that's universally flattering like try some white honestly an all-white outfit is going to be real flattering speaking of white white is a great color and if you want to be the best dressed person in the room um a white monochrome outfit is lots and lots of times going to look like it's going to be eye-catching it's going to look Chic it's just a very noticeably intentional Chic sophisticated outfit and if you can do that if you have the whites in your closet you have some whites that fit you really well you don't even have to do all white but a white beige and taupe like that monochrome the very neutral beigey whitish kind of monochrome outfit it's always going to look Chic and sophisticated and you will definitely be in the running if not the best dressed person and honestly any monochrome outfit is going to help you look like best dressed person because monochrome just always looks expensive and Chic and sophisticated and intentional and it's very easy to do I really mentioned monochrome in so many videos I have a video coming up next time I probably need to mention monochrome but I'm not because I mention it so often so I'm just going to leave that out of that video let's talk about accessories so I feel like with accessories again going back to that kind of statement thing if you have a big necklace don't have everything else competing with that necklace I wouldn't have a big necklace and like a huge luxury handbag and um bracelets all up and down your arm that is a specific look and you might actually still look like the best dress if you are um dressed like that I mean there are some women who can pull that look off like and it just looks amazing but for the most part and for most of us if we have a big necklace you know tons of bracelets up here and huge earrings and a big print all over our dress it's going to be so much it's just all going to be kind of competing with each other and it may look great to some people but to other people it may just be like oh it's too much I need to go and like you know I need I need a break from her outfit I've never I never feel like you should dress like for other people to approve of you by any stretch of the imagination but I know there are times whether we want to admit it or not where we want to look really good to everybody else and we want to look amazing simple gold jewelry simple Silver Jewelry pearls are always great I'm not a pearl person but I think pearls are very classic and can very much like complement your outfit without being overpowering but easy jewelry that complements your outfit I feel like is more what you want to go for rather than accessories competing with each other another thing maybe this should have been at the beginning of the video that you really need to make sure that is happening you need to make sure that your clothes fit your body that if you're wearing a button-up shirt like this it's not like um okay like flashing myself but you know it's not gaping open or if you're wearing some pants you're they're not squeezing you and making you spill over the top of them or you've lost 20 pounds and you're not wearing the pants that are just hanging off of you all of those things are going to detract from your outfit no one is going to stop and point at you and be like her pants don't fit or anything like that and they may not even be able to tell what it is but it just won't make you look your best which is what we're trying to do in this video and it's just something to keep in mind usually wear clothes that fit you small details can make your outfit really stand out and no one would really be able to pinpoint why exactly you look so good but it might be just those tiny details I've mentioned before that just a simple front or side tuck or tugging your shirt all the way in can be the difference between your outfit looking a little bit frumpy and unmemorable to looking more Chic and put together having small details Within your outfit like you know teeny pleats on your shoulders or mixing textures together something simple like that can really make your outfit pop without trying too hard and so the next tip kind of piggybacks off of that but a lot of times if it's not some super fancy event or maybe even if it's a fancy event a lot of times these women who we would be like wow she looks probably like the best dressed person a lot of times her outfit is very effortless looking it looks very natural it looks like she just pulled it out of her closet got dressed and went there was no planning involved it's not super fussy everything just very much flows together and works with her shape her style her aesthetic so the effortless look is definitely a way to go if you're trying to be the best dressed I feel like when people think about being the best dressed they're like I need to wear the most expensive loud amazing dress um you know fanciest dress that isn't always going to make you look like the best dress now that being said if you are going to a fancy event like a cocktail attire event or a wedding black tie wedding or something like that then you obviously want to wear the fancy dress but even then keeping that effortless kind of look in the back of your head when you're getting dressed I feel I can help you look even better if you're going to be the best dressed this is just you're gonna have to do this but you're going to have to take care of the grooming situation Nails don't have to be painted I'm taking a break from nail polish because my nails just got kind of not great for a little bit but they don't need to have like dirt underneath your fingernails they need to be clean or ridiculously long or something like that your hair doesn't need to have any some super obvious Roots try to use some moisturizer on your face or an exfoliator for your skin to try to make it look more moist before you go to that event I shared with you all this amazing like um unoisturizer I guess it's a moisturizer that I found from Bobby Brown that when I started a retinol product my skin was like peeling like crazy and using this product underneath my makeup really just removed all of that I will link that down below if you do have an event coming up but you're having like dryness in your skin it's a really great product at least for me anyway but just taking care of those grooming details is important to looking your best now when you're at the event if you're like this people are talking to you and you're like yep I don't I mean if you do all those things I just don't really see anyone thinking that you are the best dressed they're they're going to think that you were an extra on Lord of the Rings precious that was my impression of um Gollum so that was an extreme no one's acting like Gollum but anyway you want to make sure that you make eye contact with people and you shake their hands when they're talking to you you're not like yeah I know I saw that like that's like the rudest thing you can do you're smiling at people not not you know unnecessarily but if you know if someone greets you it's nice to smile at them you want to stand up straight these little things like that they again they just support you as a person where if you're doing the opposite of that like you were slouching or you know being inconsiderate or being rude or looking down when people are talking to you it's going to just detract from your whole appearance so those are important things to remember too if you're going to an event this you know holiday season and you want people to receive you in the way that you deserve to be seen so do you have any tips to add for all of us who might be going somewhere where we would like to be the best dressed this season or any other time please add them below I'm sure there's some that I missed but in general I don't think being the best dressed is having the most expensive luxurious fancy thing I think it's more about just the whole entire look that you put together and having all these little pieces and you know doing it in a way that represents you authentically so I hope you like this video give it a thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you didn't share it with somebody that is going to an event if you think it would help consider subscribing what did I miss um be nice to your mailman um pet a dog today buy a plant if you don't already have one except nothing to do with it being the best dressed but I'm just going to mention them because if you're still here there's some wisdom for you is that really was okay live long and prosper I'll see you later
Channel: A N N A R E I D
Views: 128,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5bKigCFTjrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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