15 Fashion Mistakes to Stop Making NOW! (I made ALL of these!)

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here's the thing it's been a minute since I've made a good old-fashioned fashion mistakes video old-fashioned fashion mistakes you see what I'm saying so it was time right and I have a theme for this fashion mistakes video and it's fashion mistakes Anna made in her 20s and her 30s and probably this morning it's not a video meant to make anyone feel bad about anything but maybe this will help you or maybe this will show you how far you've come if you also too used to make some of these fashion mistakes let me start out with one of the biggest mistakes that I made in my 20s for sure and even into my 30s as well and it took me years to fix this and I'm probably not even going to describe it correctly but maybe you'll nurse to understand what I mean but I used to only buy clothes or only spend money on nice clothes and search out and go shopping for nice like cute clothes that were to go to a fancy event or or going out for the night or Saturday night or on a date or like something going out-ish I wasn't going out every single night in my 20s actually maybe I was but I would really put no effort and as small amount of money as I possibly could into my day-to-day clothes like clothes that I was going to work at my corporate job it will fit the corporate attire um you know it was cheap that was what I bought I didn't feel beautiful in it I didn't care I just it was a close I wore it to work it never occurred to me to care what I looked like during the day obviously what ends up happening the fashion mistake here is that you just end up looking like you just don't care for all of the daylight hours now it's kind of the opposite now I could probably do with some cute going out clothes but my casual clothes I love them I feel comfortable in them I like the way they look I mean it took me years to get to this place another fashion mistake that I have fixed and I do not do this anymore and this was definitely well into my 30s when I was making this mistake but I used to wash my clothes after every single wear I mean I would wear it for a few hours that day nothing really happened but it would go right into the laundry bag I just very much felt like if I wore them I need to wash them it's just gross not to do anything else my jeans even I would wear them I would wash them I'd wear them I would wash them and so many of my jeans did not last as long as they probably should have because I was just washing them drying them I wasn't even gonna turn them inside out I don't even know if I washed them on cold water you know I just was not taking the proper care of my clothes now that I'm older and wiser I know that you don't need to wash your clothes after every single wear now the one exception here I live in Florida and June July August um it's it's kind of hot and sticky during those months but usually I do have to wash everything after everywhere at least like you know my tops and things but if you didn't get dirty you didn't get stains on it you weren't like you know profusely sweating in your clothes while you were wearing them there really isn't a reason why you need to wash them every single time oh my goodness I definitely made this big fashion mistake in my 20s and that was not considering my outer layer as really part of my outfit and you're like well Anna you live in Florida what outer layer do you really need well in my 20s from age 21 to 29 I lived in Boston and then I lived in New York city so I needed an outer layer anyway I would have the same like one or two jackets one of them was like missing a button and I would just wear that like oh nobody cares about my outer layer nobody sees my jacket yes they do when you show up somewhere from out in the cold that's the very first thing they see and I did not even did I even consider that did I even think about it in my 20s now of course in my 20s too which is different from now I just graduated college I was making entry-level salary I was living in you know the most expensive places in the country um it's not like I had all this money to spare to go and just you know buy a whole bunch of clothes but that wasn't really the reason why I didn't take the time to you know get get my jacket fixed and put a button on it was more so just not seeing the value in it and wanting to spend my money on like a really fancy pair of four inch heels um instead of all these things that made a lot more sense in my life okay this next one I'll bet a lot of you guys make this mistake right now and it's not playing dress up in your clothes enough or at all someone were to tell me that I needed to play dress up in my own clothes when in my 20s I would have really probably laughed in their face but now older and wiser Anna realizes that this one little thing playing dress up in your clothes is a difference between looking at your closet and having nothing to wear and a closet full of clothes and having a closet full of clothes and bunches of things to wear it's not the only thing and there are a lot of reasons why that could be I have videos on that but one of the big reasons is that people don't play around in their clothes enough you have to do this at a time when you're not about to go somewhere now I do this a lot more now that I well I never used to do this so I do this now and I end up in this Flow State where I'm just like having the best time in my clothes I come up with new outfits I'm like feeling myself I'm like I do look skinny I've lost 10 pounds I really haven't but like the clothes look good on me and it's like oh yeah that's right because I buy clothes that fit me now I don't buy clothes that are three sizes too small because I wish I was that size you know so it's kind of fun so if you've never done this before I strongly encourage you you know carve out 30 45 minutes 15 minutes if you are not sold on this idea and just start playing around in your clothes and see what outfits you come up with this is great to do before you go on like a shopping spree so this kind of goes hand in hand with planning out your outfits and I know I've talked about that before I'm my channel and that is such a game changer oh my goodness planning out your outfit it just it just takes away so much stress in your life and in my 20s and in my 30s and sometimes even now in my 40s um I don't plan out my outfits and when I don't and I think I have the idea I'm like in my head I'm like oh yeah I'll wear that you know and then I go to put it on and it just doesn't look the way I want it to it doesn't fit right anymore or maybe I gain a little weight since last time I wore it or something and then I have to Scurry around and find something else to wear and it just never ends up being the thing that I want to wear so along those same lines when I know what I want to wear and I've already put the outfit on I know how it looks getting dressed is such a breeze and it's actually fun I can focus on like trying to make my makeup not look like I got hit in the face with a bus um you know so I can focus on other things instead of stressing out about what I'm going to wear this next fashion mistake I made a little bit in my 20s but mainly in my 30s and I mean there was about a five or six eight year period where I made this mistake every single day and that was wearing a you know okay decent kind of cute outfit but always with some ugly but comfortable shoes in my 20s when I lived in Boston and then New York City and I walked all over the city in high heels and some kind of heel and completely ruined my feet I even went to a podiatrist at one point and he was like you need to wear flat shoes lady did I listen no in my 30s when I was in Florida my feet ruined I'm like oh give me the comfortable but ugly shoes all day long I really didn't spend any time at all trying to find comfortable and cute shoes that I could wear and I in my head I was just like oh my outfit's really cute like nobody's really gonna see my shoes or care about my shoes that's not really true your shoes are part of your outfit and they can sometimes make or break your outfit that's what we talk a lot about like if you wear dirty shoes with a really cute outfit it's like oh cute oh um it just kind of detracts from it now I have a few pair of shoes that I think are really cute and they are comfortable and it took me a long time to find those in the end all the time and trial and error and everything was very worth it to find shoes that I think are really cute and they you know complement my outfit and not detract from it but are also comfortable steak that I always made in my 20s and I feel like I've already kind of touched on this a little bit but specifically I would buy so many clothes that were looked great on me if I felt skinny that day or if I wasn't bloated that would look great if I was wearing four inch heels um you know we're very fitted needed a strapless bra like this clothes that really weren't that comfortable but they looked really cute and I love them but they just weren't that comfortable so I would usually wear them you know for an occasion like going out or something but I would not wear them often even after that first time I'm like okay I kind of the newness was had been worn off and I wore it and I was constantly doing this all night or like just hobbling around on these heels and it made me not really want to wear it again even though I loved the item and so I know a lot of us kind of fall into that trap again kind of like the shoe thing I try to find things now that are cute and comfortable or if it is something fancier you know and I do have to wear like a strapless bra whatever maybe it's just the strapless bra but not also four inch heels and a skin tight dress and um you know whatever else it is to make me just like every single part of my body is uncomfortable in my 20s I was in really great shape I did boxing um I ran a lot I was very active and of course I didn't appreciate it that then you know I just I always felt like I only lose 10 pounds or something but um but I was in really great shape now in my 30s you know I got married then I had kids and you know I I gave my all my weight in my stomach area and so the fashion mistake that I was making is I was so concerned about anyone being able to tell that I had a belly or had a stomach you know that I would wear these really baggy Tops This was when skinny jeans were still everybody wore skinny jeans no one was even talking about straight leg or anything now also in my defense high-rise had not really come around yet like people really weren't wearing high rise at all it was all mid-rise or mainly mid-rise but looking back and occasionally I would get some kind of like there would be a photo of me or um you know a video or something where I was turned to the side and I'm like oh God like I just I'm it makes me it made me look so much heavier than it actually was and so I'm know a lot of us do that we're like self-conscious about a part of our body so we want to wear something that's really oversized to try to hide it but it doesn't really do that it just kind of almost makes you look bigger and so what I have learned and I still you know battle with this a lot for certain items but I just kind of learned to embrace my body and my figure a lot more like now um high-waisted is great for me because it kind of you know tucks in everything and and makes me look a little more curvy as opposed to like muffin top but I'm kind of okay with people knowing that I have a stomach or that my butt is not the most perfect butt it just it really doesn't bother me anymore like I feel like I wear clothes usually that fit me and that are flattering on me but I'm not trying to wear clothes to force my body into looking in some kind of perfect way but I don't get so self-conscious about thinking people are out there being like ooh look Anna has um some weight around her midsection like no one's doing that nobody cares they're all thinking about what they look like and they're themselves and now I just focus on my whole outfit and how I feel in it and you know is it comfortable do I feel okay Anna do I like the way I look in the mirror and if I'm happy with that then I'm I'm okay I'm that that works this is a mistake that I I fixed a long time ago I can honestly say I did not do this in my 30s but I did do it in my 20s um and it was buying an item because it looked good on somebody else and you know I had friends that I loved their style and everything but they have very different bodies that I did I mean we all have a different body and I wouldn't consider like my shape versus their shape versus how that same item would look on me and a lot of the times it may look great on your friend but if she doesn't have the same kind of body you have the same like figure and that kind of thing it's gonna look different it might not look as good in my case it never looked as good So eventually I mean like years in the making years down the road I learned what looks best on my body I think in this fashion mistake in probably every fashion mistake video I've ever made um but I just but it's definitely one that I made in my 20s and I just didn't think about and it's not even really like a mistake but it's just something to think about that I never thought about and so what it is is those dresses that come with the belt the little fabric belt already attached or even sometimes a little Act actual belt already attached they're very it's just kind of there to like give you that idea of the style or to cinch a waist or something you don't have to stick with that one you can take the fabric belt off put on a real leather belt and it looks so much more elevated and speaking of that I also did not know at that time to cut off those little strings that hold the belt on they're basically there just to hold it there while it's being sold in the store same thing with those little you know things that come on the inside to help you hang up your item I gotta I have to get rid of those because you know having them right up my face when I'm talking to somebody is not cool so that's another one you know stopped doing a long time ago when I was in my 20s and good part of my 30s I was a very compulsive Shopper very compulsive buyer I would go shopping just for fun if I was in you know if I was feeling kind of gloomy that day I would go you know shopping to cheer me up when I was in New York I loved walking up town to like bergdorfs and just trying on a whole bunch of things that I never in my right mind could afford um but I just love shopping and I would see something and I would be beautiful and I would buy it and it would be amazing but I would never consider do I have anywhere to wear that too um do I have anything that it will go with do where where am I going to be wearing it it usually was some kind of like fancy going out-ish type item I do still love shopping as like a therapy and it is fun to do but now I like having a Clear Vision whether I'm going off shopping for fun or not I like to have a clear vision of what I do actually need and what I don't need and um you know if I'm looking for anything and and I like to question myself before I make some big purchase not having a go-to outfit or a couple of outfits I never it even heard of this concept or idea in my 20s or even my 30s really it was just kind of like somebody asked me hey I'm in your neighborhood you want to grab lunch I'm like ah like what do I wear I don't have anything you know what should I oh my gosh you know it just was stress me out now I have like somebody asked me to lunch because I got all kinds of things that I know right in my head I can go and put on and I'll feel good in for a daytime lunch in the neighborhood I have never been a makeup expert by any stretch of the imagination but definitely in my 20s I felt like more was better if I was going out somewhere um and my eye makeup didn't look right I probably just needed more I most likely did not need more I did need more eyeliner I didn't need more mascara I didn't need more whatever I was trying to do on my face um now I realize sometimes less actually is more sometimes on camera when you're taking photos is a wonderful time to pile on the makeup and I have I pile it on every time I do this and you can't even hardly tell but in day-to-day life people want to see your face I want to see your face I don't want to just see like a film of like colors and and makeup like I want to see you and I know that that's how a lot of people are and it just is more personal when you show up as you not a painted face another mistake that I feel like a lot of us make still make to this day and I stopped doing this um probably a few years ago but I used to save a lot of my really nice things for a fancy occasion a lot of my things that I would have more or less so in my 30s that I would buy that would be really nice I would just save them for a special occasion I have a couple pairs of diamond earrings and I'm like I only want to wear those if we're going to go out somewhere nice and I need to wear diamonds and I had to get it out of my head and I still have to kind of remind myself of this like no I can wear diamonds during the day I don't have to only wear those for an anniversary or something some special occasion diamonds should be worn all the time I think I mean should they I don't know I don't want to wear diamonds all the time but there shouldn't be anything wrong with wearing them if I'm what am I saving them for to wear them twice a year that doesn't really make much sense this was a big fashion mistake that a lot of people make even now and I definitely made my 20s but I mean it was just went so far beyond this that I had so many more fashion mistakes to fix before I even got to this point so the battery mistake was I did not have any basics in my closet I mean not a single one a lot of my casual clothes were like t-shirts jean shorts flip-flops I just did not place any value on cute casual outfits um so it really wasn't even concern about it so like I mean I had other things I needed to fix but I definitely did not have any Basics unless I needed it for work or something like that but now I realize as I've just did a video on this about Basics that like complete my wardrobe but they complete me um you know they're super important in your wardrobe and maybe this is just not even a problem that 20-somethings even have now it's funny Basics are a huge part of my life um and also my life is very different in my 20s I was going out probably two or three times a week and doing something fun and fancy and what whatever and I didn't have any kids now I have kids and I live in a different whole different place so I do need a lot more casual clothes than I did then I also don't work at a corporate office job like I did then I mean my lifestyle is very different now those are some of the fashion mistakes that I made in my 20s and my 30s I say some because Lord have mercy I could probably make a part two I just made a lot of mistakes in fashion in my 20s and I made fashion mistake videos before I'll link one up here and down below that I did maybe a year or so ago anyway let me know what you think I love hearing from you guys and um give this video a thumbs up if you liked it or a thumbs down if you didn't consider subscribing and I will see you next time
Channel: A N N A R E I D
Views: 65,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NG-AfnCnd5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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