7 Disney Rides that MIGHT be OVERRATED

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[Music] step into the future in epcot center's newest adventure step into the future in horizons step into the future today [Music] [Music] for centuries man had but his own two eyes to explore the wonders of his world then he invented the microscope a mighty eye and discovered the fantastic universe beyond the limits of his own meagre sight now your adventure through inner space has begun through monsanto's mighty microscope you will travel into the incredible universe found within a tiny fragment something like this oh hey hey hey you can see me well that's that's good news i've been stuck in here for quite a while i bet you're wondering how i ended up in your tv you started my old vintage disney parks commercials and the correct answer to that is i have no idea i went to sleep one night woke up started by people speaking french about space mountain and also people rapping about splash mountain i mean none of this makes any sense all right i don't get these old commercials you know being trapped with disney commercials for the better part of a week has given me a lot of time to think i mean look at this world of motion was it really as good as they're making it out to be i mean it was an omniverse which we all enjoy but i don't oh hold on well the signal's improved it's a green screen again i'm it's working it's okay um apparently one way to get out of this weird commercial box that i'm stuck in is to talk crap about old disney rides easy enough i mean world of motion who who likes world of motion now test track 2.0 that's so much better and it's working and now uh um soren sorry visit disneyworld.com for more about the happiest celebration oh no it happened again when you wish upon come on do i have to spell it out all right audio's looking good um soarin soarin over california was it really as good as we remember i would think a lot of people would answer yes especially after having been on soaring around the world now i've heard a number of complaints about sworn over the world from the bad cgi to the bendy eiffel tower and i would say one of those two complaints is valid i mean yeah i guess both of them are valid but let's not go out here pretending like soren over california had the absolute most cutting-edge cgi graphics of all time this hang glider looks like he's made out of play-doh but then so do these rowers can you kind of see what problem i'm running into sword over the world i think fits better at the land pavilion at epcot because it's guys it's epcot the world showcase going around the world soaring around the world it makes a lot of narrative sense to be there soaring over the world at california adventure though that's different because while soar over the world makes sense at the park where you travel the world disney california adventure is not that park plus it's got california in the name right there see now in order to get out of this weird tv commercial box limbo that i find myself in i'm not here to say whether or not california is better than over the world or over the world is better than california i'm here to raise the question of was the old version of the ride really as good as we remember it and in this case i'm going to say yeah the score the smell of flying over those orange groves and the way none of the landmarks really bend the same way the eiffel tower does really make this more i'm gonna say immersive than over the world i'm not saying over the world is bad in fact i like all versions of soren but sworn over california just really made you feel like you were actually flying over california was the original soarin as good as we remember yes and i think that's part of the reason why disney just insists on bringing it back for every food and wine festival at california adventure they know people want it okay but that's an easy one yes sorn over california was great let's go to a bit of a more difficult one [Music] step into the future step into the future today with horizon yeah yeah we get it all right we understand horizons is where you step into the future sure sure whatever is it as good as we remember it is mission space better than horizons it sounds sacrilegious to say let's go through the old ride and see what it had to offer compared to mission space nowadays at least horizons didn't make you vomit but neither did universe of energy and i do prefer cosmic rewind over that let's let's talk about horizons oh horizons how do i love the let me count the ways is it your ufo-esque facade your kitschy set pieces or your unique brand of 80s retro futurism we're always looking back at the 60s retro futurist like that was a big deal no my friends the true charm is an 80s retro futurism i mean just look at this look at you telling me you don't want to live in this city i want to live in this city the ride was an omnimover similar to the haunted mansion which guaranteed short weights and i'm always a fan of short weights essentially it was just a longer more intricate on-ride version of the post-chauffeur space mountain at the magic kingdom it served as a sequel to the carousel of progress and was sort of a slice of life pov you live in the future style ride now let's head over and look at mission space now i will admit the facade is really good looking the mission space facade is impressive i said it the q and the pre-show they're they're okay you know they're fine it's not really super high budget it's mostly just a video you watch where they explain what's gonna happen i get real big dinosaur vibes from the pre-show of mission space but when you get on the actual attraction it is a simulator not only that it is a centrifuge and if there are two things i dislike immensely those are centrifuges it's a long story i won't get into it and simulator attractions the only one i ever thought was sort of good like passable is millennium falcon and that's just because it's so interactive mission space was so vomit inducing that they introduced a green team a less intense version of the attraction and i still get nauseous on that one i'm just i can't take it i seriously can't handle it i will give mission space two concessions though the rotating space station in the queue that's really impressive it seems like it's pulled right out of horizons it's even got the little logo on it see right there and for those brief moments where you do feel truly weightless without being nauseous or looking to the side or having to do anything when it's not rumbling that's fun vomit inducing simulator or slow moving dark ride with physical sets and an original theme song i think you all know where i'm going with this yes i do think horizons was better than mission space and not overrated in the least you know sometimes we look back at these old attractions with rose tinted glasses like sworn over california or horizons and we think to ourselves man it would be so much better if these things were here today and sometimes that's correct in the case of sorn over california or horizons but other times not quite for example in this instance let's go back further before the days of sworn over the world and soar over california back to the land pavilion right next to the best attraction ever and talk about kitchen cabaret and food rocks see kitchen cabaret preceded food rocks which proceeded soaring over california which preceded sworn over the world it was all about nutrition and the different food groups you could find within your very own home and your very own pantry it's back in the days when the land pavilion was all about nutrition and health sort of like another pavilion i've heard of that is now closed but we're not going to dwell on that it wasn't about soaring or living it was about eating and eating well now food rocks was this sort of animatronic musical show think tiki room or country bear jamboree but instead of birds and bears you have milk cartons and tomatoes and horrifying cheese women now you can already kind of see where i'm going with this i don't think food rocks or kitchen cabaret were as good as people remember them to be they were part of the epcot forever fireworks now they are part of epcot history but they were a bit cheesy pardon the pun and that's not a bad thing i think they have their charms food rocks and kitchen cabaret were equal parts creepy entertaining and cheesy again i gotta think of a different word it's not going to work for this segment but to say that these were classics they belong with all these other epcot greats like world of motion horizons journey into imagination that's being a bit disingenuous i think it's it's not bad it's just not amazing it's got that weird kitschy charm but it's not that classic epcot charm that world of motions and horizons and journey into imaginations had it's something completely different something i guess almost indescribable because aside from things like i've already mentioned the tiki room and the country bears we haven't really had another attraction like this since food rocks it's its own whole kind of thing but i mean this is where the epcot purists are wrong food rocks and kitchen cabaret weren't good they could be fun but they weren't good i do think soren is a better use of the room right now now as to whether that's soaring over the world or sworn over california i'm talking about please be sure to refer to the earlier segment in this video thank you okay what do we talk about next uh let's what's this what's what's this all about uh i thought we would fix this problem let's go okay you will travel into the incredible universe found within a tiny fragment of a snowflake ghost host i am the first person to make this fabulous journey suspended in the timelessness of inner space are the thought waves of my first impressions that sounds like a living hell oh inner space we're talking about adventure through inner space okay a test test test okay all right we're looking good again adventure through inner space it's at disneyland right where star tours is these days and if you've watched some of my past videos you know where i'm going with this yes i think adventures throughout space is superior to star tours i will take a physical set dark ride omnimover narrated by paul freeze any day of the week of my life over a simulator attraction but no no no we're not here to start fights we're here to talk about whether or not it was overrated and compared to the other paul freeze omnimover dark ride i will say that yeah adventure through inner space is kinda overrated it was disney's first foray into dark rides like this right it didn't have audio animatronics the same way pirates or mansion did looking at actual ride footage of it it feels like i could best describe it as a moving art show where you go through these different scenes of the snowflake and the mighty microscope and it's very beautiful set pieces really cool sort of early disney set pieces like you would find in the fantasyland dark rides except you're on an omni mover and not much happens now compare that to star tours which was a massive massive hit upon its opening the park stayed open for three days straight and continues to this day to draw you know a serviceable amount of crowds whether or not star wars belongs in tomorrowland that's a different conversation it doesn't but we tend to look back on adventure through interspace with these rose tinted glasses yes it was a dark ride with physical sets yes it was narrated by the ghost host but it wasn't all that great it wasn't an e-ticket like pirates are mentioned and i think we forget that because we all automatically sort of assume in our brains that dark ride with physical sets is better than a simulator but everyone i can't be out here in good conscience saying that adventure through inner space looks like an amazing e-ticket attraction it might to people like me it's just in this current disney parks climate that we live in if they were to bring back the 1967 version of adventure through inner space i think people would be very disappointed that it replaced star tours now if they brought back adventure through inner space but spruced it up at some animatronics add some really cool special effects i think it would be a vast vast improvement over star tours but as it stands the old ride is remembered fondly but you know it's a snowflake i say bring it back and do something cool like i don't know instead of shrinking down inside of a snowflake we could instead shrink down to the amount of time it took for the cosmic rewind boarding groups to sell out on opening day that would be cool and interesting to see wait what but i digress let's move forward ahead to one of the most well-loved classic disneyland and walt disney world attractions that has an unlikely successor at walt disney world and no even though the camera was focused on the people mover we are not talking about that instead we are talking about the magical and futuristic skyway to fantasyland and also to tomorrowland at both the magic kingdom and disneyland that took me a lot of words to say the skyway now walt disney world where you can currently visit princess rapunzel flynn rider and the toilet used to be the entrance to the skyway and boy let me tell you what a skyway it was you got to see some aerial views of fantasyland as you traveled toward tomorrowland the tomorrowland station by the way is actually the space mountain bathrooms that you can still access today those were these skyway bathrooms back when they first opened now you're saying to me offhand ellen there is nothing that replaced the skyway at either parks besides two bathrooms oddly enough just huh actually never thought of that before the tangled restrooms replaced the fantasyland station and the space mountain restrooms replaced the tomorrowland station i guess they just yes they just need bathrooms and yes while you're correct that no attraction technically replaced the skyway they were both torn down and never spoken of ever again we do have at the walt disney world resort one of the best rides you don't have to pay to go on the skyliner now i personally have never been on either skyway so i can only speak to the skyliner but i do love myself the skyliner but does the skyliner make you look back at the skyway i'm saying skye a lot and wonder to yourself maybe this was a bit overrated no no it doesn't when you hear me talk about some of my favorite attractions they're not the rise of the resistances they're not the cosmic rewinds or the test tracks they're the slower more intimate attractions the people mover living with the land the skyliner in this case at walt disney world and of course the disneyland and walt disney world railroads at least the people mover railroad and skyway do and you know what i'll even throw the monorail in there transportation systems things that you can just hop on and ride around and around and around and a disney dance case around and around and around and around and around attractions that aren't about thrills but are instead about taking in the scenery taking in what the imagineers and walt and roy and all of these different executives yes even that one have brought to you somewhere where you can just sit back relax and be at the disney parks no the skyway was not overrated and riding the skyliner to this day helps me just sort of reinforce that the skyliner is essentially the same thing except instead of going land to lane you go hotel to hotel to park to park and honestly at this point i'm beginning to think that i oh oh yeah did you see 16 by nine i told you this was all going to work out now i'm back at the green screen again finally i can just take a breather and relax all right well um all i had to do apparently as it turns out is tell people their favorite disney attractions from when they were children were overrated and not as good as they remember so how about we continue that and go back to where we started this video at with world of motion now now world of motion i think is pretty fun i've never actually been on it but it gives a lot of spaceship earth and horizons vibes it was the ride that preceded test track some people preferred test track 1.0 some people preferred test track 2.0 i'm in this camp but some people even more so than 1.0 versus 2.0 preferred the world of motion and i can see why look at this footage world of motion like horizons is best described as a spaceship earth style ride a cheesy epcot dark ride that took you through the present the future and also sometimes the past and showed you where we've been where we are and where we're going and in this case quite literally because it's a history of motion starting from the very beginning with the hand-drawn cart and going all the way up to the cars of the future and the one thing that really really interests me about this attraction is the ride system looks to be quite similar to ford's magic skyway from the 1964-1965 world's fair even the show building sort of calls back to the 1964 world's fair although it could also be in the shape of a wheel so you know who knows either or and now today where all of the different show scenes of world of motion took place it's the test track queue the building though is the same when you're in the queue for test track just look up and around you you'll see the black painted ceilings of the warehouse that are left over from when world of motion was around although test track 2.0 itself is on the newer side the show building is very very old and has been there since opening day and you can really feel it when you're in line it feels like it's just classic epcot sort of hidden behind these walls and facades somewhere down deep in this building world of motion still lives i don't know if that's true or not but i like to think it is some hidden props or maybe even remnants of a full show scene hidden just beyond our view i know it's probably not like that but it feels like it is now was world of motion overrated i don't really think so like i said it's that classic epcot edutainment dark ride like spaceship earth horizons and to a sort of lesser extent living with the land which is you know one of the only remnants of an old epcot that we still have as a kid it would probably be extremely boring to me but nowadays i absolutely love spaceship earth and living with the land so me now i would most likely enjoy world of motion better or worse than test track i don't even think we can compare these two attractions because they're so fundamentally different one is a radiator spring style slot car racer and the other is a slow moving dark ride through history but in order to keep me out of the commercial realm was it overrated i'm gonna say no i'm gonna say world of motion was completely raided it filled a really charming niche that isn't really apparent today at epcot and that's why i love it was it good yeah i'm gonna say it's good look at this futuristic city model again drawing back to horizons 80s retro futurism was awesome and i want to live here how would you even enter this building how where would you what would you do where would you live it's made out of crystal and would you look at that the green screen is back which means i can wait i might be able to if i get in here perfect look at that everyone it looks like i'm out i did it i finally escaped from those commercials that was a absolute nightmare i don't want to ever go back in there again but just to be sure to be safe i'm going to make a few enemies i think i need to talk about one more attraction that was highly highly overrated that is looked back on with fondness that i don't think really deserves it all right everyone i'm i'm sorry but uh we need to talk about the great movie ride yes uh-huh i i did indeed go there my friends the great movie ride was one of the flagship attractions of disney mgm studios now hollywood studios when it first opened it was a tour through both golden age and classic movies in hollywood and at the time more modern movies from hollywood like alien and indiana jones now before i get into the bat i want to talk about some of the good with the great movie ride some things that i actually enjoyed and sort of miss and that's one the live cast members just like another classic disney attraction that is now sort of rethemed the great movie right featured both audio animatronic show scenes and live cast members guiding you through the story and i think the aspect of having a live cast member on the ride with you really adds a lot like on the jungle cruise no two rides are quite the same because the cast member makes it unique another thing that i loved in the great movie ride was the wizard of oz see not that one but munchkinland the giant munchkin land set with the wicked witch of the west audio animatronic when i was a child i thought that was a person it's an animatronic that set is incredibly well done and the animatronic is super impressive that is of course the munchkin starts shaking then you gotta run for your life and lastly not quite the outro scene but the intro scene the loading area when you ride into the movies literally into the movie theater into a screen there's absolutely nothing like it i love that set all the bright light bulbs it's it's very main street usa but you're inside in a controlled environment it's beautiful and now on to the uh the bad parts footlight parade everyone remember footlight parade no okay good i mean a lot of us know about the old movies that are inside the great movie ride either a from the great movie ride or b we just know of them you know because they're classic films but children and families riding those rides they don't know about footlight parade they don't know about singing in the rain and kids even may not know about the wizard of oz i don't know if you're a young person watching this video have you ever seen the wizard of oz and what did you think of it i'm honestly really curious i think the great movie ride in concept really worked a journey through movies but the fact that they just couldn't upgrade it every you know decade or five years or 20 years it really sort of for a lack of a better term put an expiration date on the ride i would liken the great movie ride to maelstrom where when they both existed disney fans and hardcore disney parks enthusiasts yes we liked them but the average disney parks guest wasn't really lining up for hours in order to visit the puffins or to see singing in the rain now that you can meet on and elsa or mickey and minnie they get people excited and they have long lines because people love these characters and i'm not saying ip is always a good thing right maelstrom wasn't ip great movie ride was a lot of ip if you think about it but they just weren't made for everyone meanwhile frozen and runaway railway were and i think that's what it comes down to and that's why the great movie ride was overrated i'm so sorry well now that that's finally over i think i will go say hello to my family and go get something to eat because it has been a week i am very hungry and feeling very faint so uh i'll see you all in the next video in the end card and i'll s sorry about the the great movie ride entry i it's you know hello my friends and thank you so much for watching this video on a bunch of old disney parks rides that i think we might you know look back on a little bit too fondly if you enjoyed this video or if you hated this video hit that like button and hit the subscribe button if you're new around here and want more content like this a massive thank you to all of my supporters first and foremost over at patreon.com offhand disney they help keep this show running and i couldn't do what i do without them if you want early access to some videos some exclusive videos head over there there's a link in the description down below and even just one dollar a month will get you access to most of the perks they are such wonderful people and i i can't thank them enough honestly thank you all so much all of my patrons you guys are just the best still no re-theme announced for tarzan's treehouse so it looks like my powers have a recharging phase if you want to follow me on my other social media accounts when that news does break i can say that i've called it i'm on twitter instagram and tick tock offhand disney on all of those places i should be that hard to find i mean i could be pretty difficult to find but not on the social medias and i'm really excited to say that we do in fact have a new episode of foolish mortals filmed and i am just in the editing process of that right now so we should have a new foolish mortals episode out if you're not subscribed to that channel it will also be linked in the description down below it's the podcast that i do with my good friend disney dan who is as we speak on a disney cruise i'm extremely jealous so uh head over there check it out when it's live i'll let you all know when it does end up going live and that i believe is all the news i have for you all thank you so much for watching thank you for sticking around until the end card that's like the coolest place to be if you're an offhand disney watcher and i will see you all in the next video goodbye
Channel: Offhand Disney
Views: 82,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uKqV_CkmyLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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