7 Days To Die Alpha 19 | Base Day One | Ep 34

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i need a ton of wood hey friends welcome back to seven days of die alpha 19 experimental still on build 173 here i just gathered some wood and we are on our way home if you missed last episode we worked on the production floor got a good chunk of that done ran out of materials so we had to wait a while for some materials to be made so i figured it'd be a good time to go out and do some easy smash and grabs and uh we had upgraded our looting capability our lucky looters so it worked out well for us we got a lot of upgrades going on here and uh dammit i was pressing shift and tab i'm about to press tab here to open my thing but if you guys use steam you know what shift tab does it brings up your steam overlay uh that's got me killed a few times actually anyways moving on from that i'm gonna get this thing parked here and uh get all my loot stashed away what we're gonna concentrate on tonight is actually getting some better gear getting mods and everything together because we got some better weapons and tools and stuff and a whole bunch of motor tool parts so we should probably build ourselves some nice things okay nice and organized here so i got everything together everything put away uh let's take a look at our concrete mix here we still have a lot coming but uh looks like we have a couple thousand to play with tonight uh which is gonna be really nice uh if we take a look at our forge is over here let's see how many how much we can build uh we'll get some more forged iron on the way it's still 36 minutes but i'm going to top that off a little more there we go we'll put it at 40 uh 76 nope 56 works there we go one hour and of course we'll get our steel one topped off here uh making us some steel these are gonna be for the uh support pillars downstairs and our uh two stone ones here are exclusively making cement for us and it looks like they're also uh in need of a top off so let's go ahead and get those done okay there we go i'm going to go ahead and grab some sand here because we do have some cement we should get some mix going and this here is still working hard on uh plugging away putting resources in so we're gonna keep this going uh it's only at actually three minutes so we're gonna uh put another 45 ah now we'll put 63 on that perfect okay and let's get some more concrete mix go on here we'll get uh 1050 going in this one and the odds and ends here going on in that one there we go perfect okay we're good to go there so next step is then to fill in the last remainder of the ceiling we have in here and our production area is pretty protected it's not very tall but i kind of like the nice compact space to be honest there we go that should be more than enough to fill in this area and then we're actually starting to uh bulk up a little bit on this uh for the next leg of our build which is gonna be the uh the bird funnel i think the bird funnel will be a lot of fun uh pun intended i guess on that one okay so the next step is i need to build a way to get up and down there so we need to make ourselves some ladders and uh a new hatch all right there we go so now we have a hatch and a ladder system that goes from our battle level to our production level and now we can get up to where the uh the funnel is going to be there we go perfect so um now i was thinking of doing the blade traps in here but what i might do is um electrical fence right in this area right across just wrap it all the way around nice nice so that when the birds do get down here they get shocked and then on the second level above that right here we'll build a nice um block in what we'll do is we'll put blade traps around so that when they get shocked and in the back here uh they get chewed up by the blade traps which are hitting them i think that might work uh one two three one two three one two three we might be able to pull that off um should be interesting i'd like to be able to take them out with blade traps and not a turret we could also um use arrow traps i've never actually used one of those in my life to be honest uh dart trap there we go see i even called it an arrow trap like a big dummy but we could also use dart traps darts are pretty cheap to make these are pretty cheap to make too so we could put electrical above that way they get shot coming down and kind of are stuck in place and then dart traps below them uh hopefully hitting them that would be neat uh i actually got to get myself a lesson on how to get the dart trap activated obviously with the tripwire post i haven't used one of these in forever too it's going to be a neat bringing new stuff into this build yeah that's what we'll do so we'll uh do dart traps on this first level right here uh we'll actually make it this way three by three one two three dart traps one two three dart traps three dart jobs [ __ ] chops and uh maybe hollow them out from down below so that i can refill them from uh from below i think that would be cool yeah there we go coming up with ideas okay so let's take a look here with the frames and see what exact shapes we can make with these now because they uh they added a bunch of shapes in uh so we of course we can make our wedges our ramps and uh all the corners so that's perfect that's actually exactly what i need okay so we can actually frame out the place take a look at it instead of having to put blocks down and risking uh not building it correctly damn that's actually pretty cool okay well i guess our first project then is gonna be to uh make a whole bunch of uh traps we needed three six twelve of those 12 dart traps so we're gonna have to make ourselves some oil i think here let's take a look at our components which is down by the workbenches oh look at this yes we did actually make a whack of oil ahead of time which is really nice because i was going to use these for blade drops but we will also use these then uh to make the the dart traps here we go can come over here and uh grab up what we need wow this is going along smoothly now we're pumping out uh materials like crazy okay so we got a bunch of forged iron uh let's go to our workbench here we need to make uh 12 of these dart traps up here uh we might actually be even able to set these up for horde night too which is pretty damn cool okay so that used up a good chunk of our mechanical parts uh a good decent chunk of our electrical a lot of our oil and about half of our forged irons so that was quite a bit but 31 minutes those will be done uh so we need to make the oh are those things called again they were just beneath the darts here i think they're just called darts dir yeah here they are okay so they actually seem rather cheap and you make them in the forge itself okay well uh let's stop the iron here for now then we have a little bit on us and uh let's make ourselves some darts here how many can we make 446. okay we'll pump out a whole bunch of these in so our next step then is to make a whole bunch of these uh tripwire posts which are actually rather cheap so uh i'm gonna make up i think uh 20 of those just to have them here we'll make them in the other workbench here we go 20 of those coming up that takes 45 seconds 45 whole seconds now it's been so long since i've done these so i think i can actually put these uh post in behind and wire them up we'll uh we'll have to see how this goes it's gonna be real weird uh i should probably actually pop over to creative and uh see if i can figure this out instead of trying to mess around with it in survival probably be the best choice you know what screw it i'll be right back guys i'm gonna go and uh get myself a little bit of a refresher course here on tripwire and uh and our good old friends dart traps here we go i'll see you guys in a minute so i've gone ahead here doing something different than uh you've never really seen my survival series because i really don't want to mess this up and i want to test it out so i figured i create the survival world come into it and we'd test it out here so uh what i've done is created a mock-up of what would be our hatch coming out with all of our um with all of our dart traps coming out of it it's going to take a lot to fill these it takes three stacks to fill them entirely uh so what i've done here is i think we can make the motion sensors i'm not entirely sure yet but i'd like to try this design is attach the generator to the motion sensor and then just daisy chained all of these dart traps together so essentially if i drop a zombie on in there it uh it should power that and go now um what i wanted to test to see if this motion sensor could actually see through a corner like this or if it needs to be out in the clear because if it needs to be able to clear then i guess we can uh sacrifice a corner block or something like this and uh use that so anyway uh without further ado let's go ahead and uh drop a zombie into there we'll drop uh we'll draw a bow here we go bo oh he missed oh stupid bow okay uh i guess we'll try again here then we'll go f6 oh no hey hey no oh i gotta get the dev gun here look at me messing up this is how i'm not this is see how unversed i am and uh in this uh we want to go with the instant death pistol here that should kill that zombie for us there you go stop it that was my bad but stop it there we go let's try that again zombie boat should spawn on top of me if i move he'll fall in there and it does not appear as if it saw him at all damn okay well uh what we can do then is try it with the sensor up here i think that would be in the good alternate way to go all right i'm gonna rewire this okay well let's try this again then i'm going to go ahead go up here zombie bull should spawn on top of me and then fall in oh yeah look at that no chance for him at all okay so we will have to take out a corner block here to do it uh so what i'm going to do here is create another couple of rows what i should be able to do is fill this all in solid so that our generator and all of our stuff is protected and just uh make a nice access hole from underneath uh to be able to refill that generator i should be able to repair and replace these by coming up this way and then just daisy chaining these together from the front again so um i think this will be a solid design if it actually really works out okay there we go so uh i got a little bit of this concept together now we guys can kind of see how i've been envisioning this coming along uh so pretty much the birds i'll be in the middle here battling the zombies and stuff and then the birds will be like oh holy crap we have to get to this because that's what they seem to be going for it was like the week hatch uh so they'll fly down here and uh try to get to me so what we're gonna do here i think is uh dig down a little bit there we go make myself a nice little bit of a space in here and uh we'll actually we'll test this out i'll spawn in a whole bunch of birds and uh we'll see what happens so as far as the sensor goes i've actually stuck it in the corner here it was pretty exposed so i put iron bars on top of it and i think that'll actually uh that will keep it a-okay because they shouldn't spin stuff up here or anything so uh anyway i'm gonna go ahead and uh spawn in we're gonna go spawn 25 we're going to go vultures we're going to go animal zombie vulture we're not going to go radiate it do anything too crazy here spawn those in and and they should be pretty upset here so let's let's go ahead there we go uh what's up guys see me right here right oops it's shooting oh wait i have this thing programmed uh for me let's check this thing out here uh nope just uh just zombies okay what's it shooting at then that's odd i am not a zombie here we go okay maybe we should uh if we made a horde night i wonder if they would try to get down to me because i think they only do that stuff during horde night and i'm at 100 house so they have no reason to actually come after me okay you know what uh set time i think you do seven and uh 2200 there we go i wonder if that's gonna make these things uh angry enough to start uh coming after me here uh regardless okay what's up guys you angry yeah they see they're not paying attention to me at all what's it shooting at down there like what's it seeing is it seeing them all the way over there hmm we're gonna have to build this a little taller then damn there is really no way to see if this works well other than actually doing it on horde night wow oh look at that there's an airdrop over there kind of looks cool on hard night or are they are they swooping at me i think they are does that mean they they're actually on to me now no damn okay so um you know what let's just try to uh do it like this there we go it's on day seven so we just spawned 25 more holy crap look at them all look at them yeah they're not coming after me at all here what if yeah it seems as if this thing is actually picking them up up there so i might have to angle it down or just build the uh built the thing taller itself uh so i'm gonna go down here i think and uh see if you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna eat some glass here we go and actually damage myself and maybe that'll make the vultures a little more a little more interested in me oh no um i have internal bleeding so i should probably also grab a bandage here there we go we'll grab a regular one so i don't really get any extra health use it you cannot use it you cannot use that at this time damn okay so i guess that's not bleeding let's take a look at this internal bleeding better hope you find an emergency room in time is that going to actually kill me come on guys okay well this is disappointing i wanted these guys to all come after me here but apparently uh they have decided i'm not worth it see the music plays but they're not really coming after me coming after me here we go let's go down here a little bit are you coming guys yeah they don't care okay so the only real way to test this thing guys is do it on horde night but at least you see what i'm trying to get at here with um with building this i think this would be really cool to do anyway i'll see you guys back in the survival world all right and we're back in our survival world here so uh i really want to test that i really want to know if that works on horde night well i guess we're going to find out and if not we're going to have a really elaborate top of the base for no reason here uh so here we go so can we build motion sensors we can look at that problem solved nice let's get one of those going too then yeah we definitely don't need these tripwire posts it'll be a lot cheaper in electricity too we only need three motors to power that whole thing and what i'm gonna do here with these two is i'm going to actually split this up and we're going to make 15 and 1 and 15 in the other to uh to make our to make it faster for us there we go uh so we're going to build 14 of those in there and then it should be 15 only four what is happening here uh dart traps we need a 12. what am i doing guys i'm an idiot holy crap i'm having a moment let me grab some coffee six and one for 15 minutes and five in the other okay well we have five going on this one and we have six going in this one uh so whatever we have it going holy crap did i ever have a moment there hey we have them all right i'm gonna go ahead and make sure our forges are nice and topped off okay we're good to go and uh we actually have a decent amount of steel as well so we may as well see what we have in here for ingots for steel we have all together uh just over 500 steels so let's go ahead and go down below and start upgrading some of that steel uh some of those pillars up fully up to steel here there we go uh there's only a few left i think yes in there on that side so i'm going to have to make some uh walkways across here with my frames but uh that's okay oh i have actually oh i do have some x on me cool okay that's handy we need to repair those too okay there we go so i got the whole inner uh pillars here upgraded to steel which means we can start doing the outside and steel too this is gonna look pretty uh pretty badass by the time it's done so i just have to come up in this corner here and repair the few blocks that did get damaged we had uh one block taken out in total last hard night so it wasn't too bad i was able to handle it quite well there we go finally take those torches out too those things will increase the heat map ever so slightly so if you really don't need any torches running guys i highly recommend not doing it okay there we go i almost go to halfway around the building there with the steel we had remaining but uh we are fully out now but look at that we're slowly turning into a steel fortress here so her uh her insides her frame is pretty damn strong so i should also start making myself uh some more steel spikes too once we have those dart drops done uh let's take a look here and see how much progress we've actually made on those had a little bit of a hard time getting up there okay we are uh still seven minutes in on them damn it okay that's okay i'm just being impatient uh the other thing we need oh wow dir i think we actually have one yes i think we have a generator we don't even have to make one uh we only have two engines though which means we're gonna have to get a third one so you know what let's go out for a little bit of a trip in the gyrocopter here and uh go get ourselves some more components and whatnot oh you know what guys this high school here we looted this really early game and now it's day 40. i'm kind of wondering maybe if maybe there may be new loot in here ah there should be new zombies spawn so this might get intense uh let's run in just make sure it's worth it empty not worth it okay let's get the hell out of here then uh jar condor do me well oh there we go save me from the radiated that's actually kind of funny okay so that's not lootable again i kind of forget which day we looted that but whatever okay i'm in a search of a lot of cars we need some engines at least one engine i'd like to get a couple though just to have a few as backup these factories here usually have a decent amount of cars on the property so uh let's take a look through through the back parking lot if i haven't salvaged it down yet uh not trying to land on this tier five building not always a good uh good practice uh i did it uh in alpha 18 but it was real risky a few times okay cool i'm gonna get these uh four cars scrapped down here and get ourselves some components we're get we're getting low anyways so [Music] okay well no engine uh but lots of parts and some oil so i'll take that looks like we have some cars up there too i'm gonna uh quickly just uh ground fly my way over there stupid land land is for hosers oh hey there's a vending machine that works here and hey look the stuff we can buy so let's grab some skull car candy let's grab some eye candy let's grab some sugar butts some madame junkies wow this one's actually full of them uh hackers okay cool and you know what i'm gonna grab up some canned goods just because i feel like eating here all right let's get those in my belly then well no engine off of that so uh let's go ahead there's a factory right ahead of us here and there's a whole slew of cars at this one uh this one's actually a rather good one oh cool there's a pop and pills right here too uh which probably has some cars for us all right let's do it the epic engine search of 2020. uh this car is not going to give it to us i don't think i think this is the last layer here [Music] yeah no it's a second last layer that gives you possibly the engine there we go we finally got an engine see it's this layer right here the second last one just right after i told you guys to do that figures all right well i'm going to take down the rest of the cars and around here i may as well see if we can't grab another extra engine or two and uh we'll go back home we should have our dart traps ready oh there we go we got lucky we got a second engine cool mission accomplished already and we still have four or five cars on the other side i just hopped over to this uh popping pills to grab those ones up and uh always looking for the bones and the extra flesh all right let's grab these over there oh wow look at them over there too okay we'll grab these three and then stop at that oh holy crap guys we got four four bottles of acid from the trunk of that car that was actually a uh pretty damn sick fine nice uh so we're two engines up already all right there we go looking pretty damn good uh let's head home with our two car engines and home sweet home look how much the stuff we got while we're out there we got a level six car battery then that's pretty sick and we even got some more candy just for our collection and all of our dart traps should be done so i'm gonna get all this stuff put away and we're gonna lay down some dart traps here we go we got 12 dart traps on us so let's go and uh check out our toolbox here we should have a wire yeah there we are and we also should have our generator did we did we grab that up i thought we grabbed that up last time uh apparently we didn't cool so we also need our rebar frame blocks here and our gun here we go we'll switch out some of this stuff those two down so we're gonna put a generator bank down i gotta put some of these uh rebar frame blocks down fill them in put our stuff on top of it and get it all uh nice and wired up so let's grab the motion detector too there we go new journey of the journal entry camera day 40 new journal entry that's awesome okay here we go this is going to be uh pretty damn sick so i'm going to start facing these things out because they have the they have the arrow to show you which direction they should go in uh thank god you could pick these things up though you know what i'm saying okay there we go so we have all of those in i gotta fill in these corners here oh damn i forgot my mix there we go definitely have a lot of that kicking around our cement mixers have been going full time here so we're definitely getting caught up on supplies which is good uh because we're going to need a lot of it to fill up this place here so there we go so now it's nice and solid uh what i want to do is place the motion sensor itself where did that go ah there it is in that slot here we go facing in that direction uh i might be able to angle it down too so it's not so picking up birds flying around up in the sky or something okay and uh what we're gonna do is make a nice solid area here uh i'm also gonna go ahead and i hope that's not on the support you know i'm gonna take this block out right away here and find out where this lands exactly okay look at that of course it lands directly on top of us supports so uh we definitely can't fill that spot uh what we're gonna do then is oh i guess generator can go anywhere uh we'll put the generator right here in this spot right here uh so i'm gonna drill out the floor here and there should not be a block underneath this okay there we go so uh that hole is nice and exposed so we can actually put the generator ooh we should actually put it right here that's an even better spot for it then we can wire the generator uh up to the motion sensor we'll leave a little bit of this exposed so we can come in and fix it later if we need to uh you know what yeah we should i i gotta leave this block out because repairs would be insane if i didn't okay and i'll put some in behind here whoops and behind here just so i remember and uh we're looking good so all i got to do now is take this here and uh wire it to every single dart chop one to each one just create a line with it there we go nice and cheap on the electricity okay so i should have created a complete circuit with that there we go just double checking it uh one way we can check this is to actually get this generator bank loaded uh i have to go and actually grab the extra two engines uh there's no ammo in it so it won't kill us we won't do any harm but we can use ourselves to actually trigger it here we go back in the hardware and uh oh shoot look at this oh wait we had an extra battery never mind i thought it bolted stupid it's just me being stupid all right uh oh you know what we can do too is make a little light so we could see if the vaulters are actually um attacking oh that's cool okay we're gonna do that too so uh i'm gonna go ahead and get this all powered up i gotta get my mind together here there we go one two three we're gonna refuel that turn it on it's powered uh this motion sensor should be set for um target allies target zombie and target self just for now there we go so that one's powered uh yeah i guess if the circuit was broken this last one here wouldn't be powered so uh we're looking good so it's powered up all the way around so let's go ahead and turn it off of that because i don't want it to trigger for me and uh kill myself and we will take a look at no well uh we'll take a look at the camera here try to maybe aim it down a little further there we go that way it won't be uh maybe picking up any of the the vultures in the sky we just want the vultures while they're up in here that should probably could be good enough right there there we go oh look it even shows it angled down cool okay well that's uh that's literally that um that's all it's done uh the last thing we can do we have some light bulbs down here we can use one of those let's go to our hardware over here grab up one of those light bulbs here we go put it down here we're gonna put it actually right where oh you didn't know i'm actually gonna do it all the way around here here we go okay so this might be uh might be a little tricky but i don't think i can actually grab it from there we might be able to walk up and down without breaking the connection so we want to go one oh i can i only have to do that once all i have to do is uh go to one light here there we go and then go from that light to the other lights so now whenever this thing is actually triggered and on wow these are five watts each that's a little rough uh so this outputs 150 each one of those so we have 120 we have 30 extra watts to play with so 5 10 15 20 uh we're still looking pretty good and damn we have ourselves a screamer apparently uh let's go and take care of her here where is she oh well she found the spikes i guess never mind okay good defenses cool so whenever this goes off these lights here should go off too damn that's gonna actually be pretty damn cool i'm pretty excited to see this in uh in the works uh so i still have to keep uh pumping these iron darts out like mad so uh let's go ahead and get some more of those cued up there we go 807 minutes on those and because we're actually going good on or doing good on the steel here i'm gonna go ahead and start making darts in this one too there we go make them twice as fast all right uh so i guess uh next step is just to kind of start filling in above and making the pattern here for the funnel uh but guys i'm looking at the time here and unfortunately reeve ran out today i i do hope you enjoyed it's a little bit of a different episode uh i had a ton of fun i can't wait to see this in action i hope you guys can't either and stay classy everyone pack up some game [Music] you people saves i'm gonna do my thing much better than you no matter what you say or do oh boy you're out of luck it's gonna roll right off of me like water off the back of a dog and i go [Music] here i go can i go [Music] good boy
Channel: Skippy0330
Views: 30,296
Rating: 4.9271135 out of 5
Id: QM8bkpq3j7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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