7 Days To Die Alpha 19 | Base Day One | Ep 45 Defending my Mine

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oh my god guys so i loaded into the game wasn't paying attention getting ready uh checking all my settings and stuff and i look over and i see a bunch of dogs running literally about 15 20 feet to my side right along this ridge up here and then uh i'm lagging out a bit because for some reason my settings were at 4k and uh i definitely can't record and stuff doing that so uh where did they go there's a ton of them like that was insane here we'll check this out a little bit holy crap where did they all go they just they took off i guess so there's a big huge dog horn somewhere around there i don't know how they didn't see me it was really weird they were close enough to and i wasn't paying attention they could have ganked me that could have been my first death on seven days to die wow that was insane i looked over and literally thought i was dead there are so many of them uh anyway what we got to do this episode is i got to get some iron here and i've been finding along with some other people as well uh that iron is bringing in screamers like crazies so what we're going to do at our uh at my big hole is we're going to create some defenses that way we can't get a screamer [Music] okay so for our smg auto turret i'm going to set one of the or two of these up there and we'll turn them on while we're mining we're going to need a motion sensor some forged steel which we already have a bunch of handgun parts oil and scrap polymer so let's go see what we have kicking around in handgun parts here and see if we can even uh make two of them so let's open this up we got seven wow that's literally all we can make at the moment that's okay though we'll put them there and then if in the future we stop using that mining area we'll move them or bring them over to this base but yeah we're gonna need some uh some handgun parts do we have a whole bunch of maybe handguns kicking around let's check that out here we go let's sort that there we are and it does not appear as so we have like one two i could sacrifice two i'm gonna do it anyway but uh we have two of them and each one gives three so one handgun equals one turret okay okay let's go ahead and make two motion detectors here we go motion sensors coming up those don't take very long themselves and i'll grab the oil and i'll grab the scrap polymers with since they take 5 minutes and 32 seconds each i'll make one in each workbench there we go smg auto turrets on the way and uh i assume we're gonna need a lot of electrical stuff here so we're gonna have to bring um i'm gonna bring two engines with me because i don't know how that much that's gonna take and oh look at this we have uh some relays kicking around so we can use that uh a speaker i think that's actually the alarm let's go yeah the speaker's the alarm so what we'll do is make a third motion detector and uh we'll have an alarm too just so i know there's a heads up for them and we also get a got to get a generator bank on the way i did grab our wire tool so it looks like we have everything we'll need i'm going to bring a little bit of concrete and uh the frames with us so we have something to build on so since i'm waiting for the smg turrets here uh what i've done is scrapped everything in my weapons chest from level three down uh into parts that way it says compacts better i can use them to make better weapons later to sell to the trader or for my own use and anything level six i'm also holding on to as well because i want to have that level six collection going on you know that would actually be uh pretty damn cool so uh let's look at the parts here we have a whole bunch of parts going on wow we got what 38 rifle parts uh 50 machine gun parts that's like done the parts kicking around that's awesome uh okay there we go so uh we got that done now the next thing we need to do is make sure this forage here is running but because this one is our bulletproof glass block um it is in our best interest literally keep this thing going uh so what are we low on iron oh damn uh that's what we're actually low on too so we'll just we'll kill we'll keep pumping then uh sand into it because we can never have too much sand that's the resource it uses the most of okay so let's uh fit a full stack of sand in there i highly doubt that clay soil will uh go down by the time we get back uh and they'll top it off with some wood always got to keep these forages going guys very important now i want to talk to you guys about my goals here so recently i introduced my laptop as a third person accountant oh my god i'm having a blast with that um now i kind of really looked at like you know my playthrough and how everything's going and honestly kind of how do i halfway through my base day one series um is pretty interruptive um i'm having a lot of fun doing it but we're going to continue doing my base day one let's play like this and then i'll actually specifically make a cinematic let's play for those who want to enjoy the cinematic part of it because i do really enjoy doing it but i'd like to maybe keep everything the same right and we'll see about uh alpha 20 here we'll come into it and see if people want the cinematic right away or not and we'll see how it goes but i am enjoying doing it what i'm going to do is improve my skills with it while i'm uh in between alphas here we'll do some one-off videos like i'll do some builds we'll probably do some builds in my let's play uh where i'm like building a house or a bridge and i'll use my second cam and make like super time lapses from like beginning to end of building it i think that would be pretty damn cool and uh they can be one-off videos you guys can enjoy like a 10-minute video long of like a 50-day project of building a giant uh bridge or something like that would be really neat right so i think that's uh the direction we're gonna head in that my laptop is on the way back which is good uh they're actually just giving me a brand new one so uh pretty happy about that anyway uh let's go see the uh progress made here on this oh yeah look at that there we go okay do we have to wait for these guys here no we're good to go we have everything we need okay um i'm gonna get some bulletproof glass going on in here and uh we're gonna go to my giant hole there we go 71 more nice oh got a coyote gotta stop for some meat here that's something we're getting really low on honestly i haven't really been concentrating too much on food uh for my own production at this point i've just been buying stuff off the trader because we do have an abundance of trader money and we're still doing pretty well for ammo and stuff so i'm happy with that now it's only a short little flight here on my way to my hole so i'll see you guys there and coming in for a landing here now the entrance to my hole doesn't look impressive but let me tell you guys once you get in there you'll be impressed anyway uh this area here literally has every single resource i need uh that the forest offers it has uh it has wow iron over here it has coal has nitrate like even coming on the way down as nitrate has coal over that way stone we've been getting through here by making pass and stuff um it's actually been that a pretty big blast anyway uh i'm gonna go ahead oh yeah and there's lead down there dude we can get lead from there so this is our super mine my super hole uh now what i'm gonna do is actually make oh yeah what i'm gonna do then is bust my uh for now okay we'll have to put a land claim block down at some point so we can move it uh but i do want to drill this down to uh to stone so that's what we'll concentrate on first with the iron is getting this area drilled out and then what i can do is just build a pillar right up and put our defenses right in the middle two smg's side by side um i think really should uh should cover it pretty damn well or we might have to go four you never know but you've always got to protect your hole right okay so uh the best place then for it the most secure place i'm gonna i'm gonna think is uh gonna be right here so i'm gonna put a uh a two by two foundation down we shouldn't really need like too much protection or anything for it and oh there we go we actually need to uh put like the generator and stuff down beside it so i'm gonna go ahead and there we go oh and this one here i keep saying oh uh this one here we're gonna actually put our uh motion detector on it uh damn we only brought one so we're only be able to do the motion detector in one direction but whatever it is what it is first thing we got to put down generator bank there we go nice uh didn't mean to put it that way but it is what it is there we go and uh we'll turn this one around uh this way and maybe we'll turn this one around uh this white-ish i don't even know this is dangerous like they could still get to us a little bit but at least oh i didn't bring any ammo for it whoops i forgot i brought everything but the damn ammo my bad okay well let's get these uh get these hooked up and then i'll have to run back quickly and grab some ammo then okay so for my alarm system here uh we don't even need right wire relays yet unless we uh intend on putting some more smgs down uh but for this what i'm gonna do is just put this on the side here and uh our sensor on this side so we'll only be able to see it that way but that's okay at least it'll give us some general heads up that maybe a zombie might be coming from the direction that uh we're gonna have to take it out with okay we'll get all that hooked up there we go from the generator yeah to the motion sensor and then from the motion sensor to the speaker that's gonna be nice and loud and obnoxious and i love it okay well let's head off back home and then uh we got some mining to do i'll drop some of this stuff off anyway oh looks like we have ourselves uh a little visitor here what's going on wolfy wolf what's up you want to come play i could turn you into meat there we go let's uh run this gyrocopter down boom oh geez not oh i almost went into my big hole here oh hey hey hey get get get off my gyrocopter okay you know what boom i'm gonna turn you into poo okay we're back so uh let's go ahead and get everything loaded up here the generator i'm gonna throw the battery into it we're gonna refuel turn on we're gonna refuel actually all the way i'm gonna go ahead and open that so i'll probably use all that up mining that's okay and uh make sure that these things here are loaded up locked and uh what the heck how did that just take damage that was weird oh look looks like i swung as i opened it that was kind of weird okay so camera preview camera preview um oh what we can do actually i'm an idiot i do this every single time uh so we're gonna unlock ammo and then we're to turn this around and there we go so we can face this one this way because that's where uh the screamers are really going to get the drop in on us escape to get out of it it's focused locked and uh we'll take a look at this one here we'll do the camera wait we didn't need to unlock the ammo whoops move move and i guess we'll have this one facing this way whoops and i fired it okay there we go let's get out of that nice okay there we go guys oh you know what let's interact with this uh it's only detecting self target allies target zombies there we go that's what i want nice uh okay so we're gonna go i think four five seconds with the alarm i think that way at least it'll turn off okay well let's try that out i've never actually done this before for protecting my holes but i'm getting really tired of the screamers and we need ourselves tons and tons of iron so let's go ahead and start this okay i swear i heard one i could definitely hear some oh there we go [Music] oh no it got past our defenses oh wow did it die did it die from that fall i think it died from that fall guys i don't think it took i don't think i took any shots from that uh smg at all that is cool oh and it sounds like it took out another screamer too oh this is badass this is gonna be so much fun all right let's get some of that rotten flesh what's up zombie dog there we go temp from him nice okay well uh i guess let's continue on smg's got our back oh i hear another one is it gonna get past our defenses no i think the smg just one-shot it sick nice i should have done this a long time ago okay i gotta continue going down here i just want to hit bedrock we're getting pretty close [Applause] [Music] oh looks like we got a real weakness on that side she is down did she see us yep she saw us okay i can't wait to actually build the defenses in the middle here we'll have much much better coverage uh what i'll have to do is put down a uh another land claim block then actually since i'm gonna need a land claim block uh i'm gonna go ahead and uh make one of those ahead of time there we go uh we'll have to move those others i'm going to go build two more smgs because i do believe we have the handgun parts to do it now so uh we'll have ones that face in every single direction one alarm and uh we should be good to go i think that's pretty damn cool okay let's go turn my light on so look at this i'm pretty damn close down here has got a little bit of this to take out here i'm gonna get that done now oh that hurt finished her off there we go sorry big lady no disrespect but i'm trying to work okay i think uh right here should be a good spot yeah we're good right here this is actually a perfect spot there we go one two three four um actually no not on that side because i'll absolutely actually uh fill that in so there we go uh we'll start this year i'm going to make a full four tall tower and then uh i'll see you guys up at the top hopefully oh i don't think actually we have enough to uh to accomplish that at the moment so what i'm gonna do is do a one tall tower and then i'll come back and uh fill it in come back with more supplies and uh and fill it in because we'll be able to hold up a platform with just one block easily here we go i think this is a perfect height for our uh platform here we got room for expansion and everything else good to go uh so i'm gonna carefully crouch over this edge here there we are uh one down this way so we're gonna need those relays again uh by the way but that's okay because we have to go back home and uh and grab ourselves up some more um concrete mix here i definitely didn't bring enough yeah we only have 730 left okay well i'm going to uh try to safely jump down here there we go nice and i'll come back with enough to fill that in and we'll run some relays up and whoops ah that's okay i'll go down to the base we'll just dig down two more and make sure it's sitting on stone then go up uh my bad okay gyrocopter let's go home we got some stuff to make uh gyrocopter wow that's my bad this isn't a gyrocopter this is condor okay here we go so let's check out what we had left for hanging parts i swear we had seven for some reason nope we have eleven we have eleven parts left okay awesome let's get two of these going one in each workbench again and since we're home we uh managed to get ourselves almost uh four stacks of iron here we may as well get these guys uh all topped off here get some iron going into them yeah there we go uh how much longer do they have on them 27 i'm going to add another 30 minutes i think here we go i'll throw the half stack in here we already had a little bit kicking around but not enough and uh we're gonna switch that out uh for clay soil there we go like look how low on the iron we're getting nice look at that it was actually a good idea we came back so uh i got some relays here we're gonna need another engine i'm actually going to bring two with me just in case uh to power the whole thing because i'm going to put the engine down near the uh the bottom so it's easier to refill and everything all right i guess i just got to wait on these things here and we'll go back over and we're done look at that there we go so we got our two smg turrets let's hurry our butts over and uh try to make it back at least before nightfall this way they can uh defend us at night that's right i'm going mining out in the open at night with this thing i think that would be the best uh should i bring some lights with me some lanterns nah i'll be fine and we're back with a uh a little bit of time to spare so first thing i'm gonna throw down here is a land claim block so we can start moving our stuff here we go where are you there bam gonna put it here for now uh so that destroyed the one bag at our base uh we're gonna have to put a new one down when we go back i actually honestly forget where it is you must repair it oh you're kidding me that's right we hit it once we hit it once wow okay uh well i guess i'll pick up what i can here and uh we'll be one smg down until i head back and get the supplies in order to fix that oh that's so derpy so very derpy okay well first thing then what i'm gonna do is uh i'm gonna get our stuff placed down here like our uh turrets we gotta get uh we got three on us so let's do that i don't know why i moved that many so we need one uh facing that way one facing that way one facing this way and then uh the third one's gonna be facing over that way uh so let's go ahead and get those uh wired together did i bring that with me oh no i did i did put it away absent-mindedly put it away ah damn it oh well it is what it is um i guess i'll have to head back and once again uh grab some more stuff so we'll grab the wiring i'll grab some stuff to repair it and we'll head back we should be able to do this at night we're okay we're big boys girls too okay there we go i got everything damn it and of course now it's night time too hello day 51 or day 52 coming up here wow it's awesome i love these long playthroughs to be honest that's that's why i think my base building on these uh on seven days to die really last that long because like looting and doing stuff like that is it's always a blast but building is really what keeps me in the game long term i'm really looking forward to doing some projects this time around all right and here we are nice and safe and sound i was actually able to park nice and close to our stuff here okay oh that's my gyro uh that's a condor making that noise it's like what the hell is going on here so let's whip up our nail gun here and uh get this thing repaired so we can place it properly and then we'll get this all nice and wired up and uh i'll get our pole filled in here there we go we're going to take that nice kind of pointless building that thing there it's kind of just in the way now whatever at least it's a it's a marker there we go call that a marker has a purpose i guess okay let's get up there place that other smg down fill that in there we go and the smg has to face that way nice all right and uh what about the wiring tool uh what we can do is uh chain these together so one two uh so we'll start it then uh from this guy here we'll go up all right so we got a place down then some wire relays let's get those going i don't think we need too many okay we'll do one there because that's about just out of placement oops wrong way no i don't want that there we go i want to go from this one up to this one yeah there we go okay let's go let's go down towards the bottom here and get the rest of the stuff placed okay so i guess uh we can actually build our generator right here because we made a platform for it or you know what screw it i'll just place it this high there we go hopefully zombies won't uh be tempted to hit it or anything right there okay we're gonna hook up to there nice nice nice okay so that's good to go let's uh get our generator bank filled up i brought three just in case you never know how much we're gonna need so uh we'll get that fueled up right away we'll turn that on and uh we gotta go and split up some ammo and get it put up in these things now oh there we are okay there we go so all four of these have ammo in them they're locked and that should save ammo too because now won't be killing uh zombies uh just the screamers so as far as the uh the alarm goes here uh what i'm gonna do is put it on the outside uh what one sensor actually we only need one speaker so i'll put the one speaker on this side too here we go uh speaker bam one of these bam oops did i put that the wrong way i did at least we could pick it up wow moving a little too fast there we go uh so we'll put a sensor there sensor on that side sensor on that side and the sensor on the far side here whoa there we go that's drippy this is going to be a little sketchy let's see if i can't pull this off from up here um it's not that i'm afraid of falling because i can survive that height no problem but i just hate having to come all the way back up pain in the butt oh see look at that ouch see barely ain't the damage to me it's because i have like coins and special gifts and stuff i'm pretty special guys i can fall without getting damaged to far distance uh can i reach actually from here and put one on oh yeah much easier there we go i'm trying to get that from the ledge damn it it's uh so complicated okay can we get one from this side we can okay there we go so now we have cameras facing each and every way uh so we got to get these wired up here so what i'm gonna do then is uh take it from here there we are uh we're gonna power this to the motion sensor over there and uh actually we might need to make oh wait we can't do multiple ones into the motion sensor no we could not so we actually have to uh daisy chain or the uh the alarm damn oh no that was not the right one that's annoying uh okay let's look at that there we go and i guess we'll do like a little bit of a daisy chain i guess if one powers is going to power the other ones and then power the uh the speaker well we're going to find out god these lights are distracting okay i can do that from up top here there we go go from that one there over to motion sensor yeah uh motion sensor over to the other motion sensor and then from that motion sensor to speaker yeah okay so hopefully that works everything else is set and good to go uh we should be good to go for uh mining once i get that finally all hooked up downstairs there we go get rid of that light yeah we still got to do some building too of course i can't leave it just like this that's um it's a lot of resources to lose up there that would really suck okay we're gonna hook that up to there yeah so it should be all powered and good to go now look at all the lights coming out from there that's actually pretty awesome uh okay well i guess uh i'm gonna start placing a few of these down i think i have to auger out yeah i gotta auger out here should only be a couple of blocks yeah we're good okay i'm gonna start building my way up oh well i'm going upwards here one thing i think i forgot uh was to spend points here yeah we have one point available and uh we were working on the perception tree here uh to get our salvage operations up so there we go nice uh we can harvest sixty percent faster and sixty percent more resources this will give us eighty that'll give us a hundred uh you're the king of junk dealers and envy of the grease monkeys of the apocalypse nice uh so that'll make it super fast so yeah we kind of really want to get up there we want to get my lucky looter all the way up too uh so eventually uh i think this here what are we gonna need perception level seven and uh for this we're gonna need perception level seven yeah actually we're not too far away from getting what we need of this tree nice because we really got to start concentrating on electric traps soon too uh as you can see uh it's day 52 we're going to start getting a bigger battery zombies and we really don't want them blowing up and taking out all our spikes and stuff our iron spikes are getting a little bit uh outdated now oh you know what i was just thinking about how i arranged the um [Music] uh the motion sensors i think we are going to have to run a speaker from each one unfortunately guys um i i think that's going to be a thing uh now the reason being is because if the first one's not turned on i guess the ones following it wouldn't get power either so that was a little silly but we can always fix that um we'll come back with uh three more speakers next time oh and you know what that scared the crap out of me uh we did that wrong we we didn't set the motion sensors correctly supposed to know there's a zombie whoops my bad see like that one's like hey there's a person there this person damn it okay let's uh i may as well just kind of pull around here and fix the other two there we go all fixed now we just have to get them wired up to uh to speakers that's unfortunate uh if there is a way to do that guys and i'm just being silly definitely let me know down in the comments maybe save me some wiring and time and uh resources uh but for now our smgs should be working so i'm going to uh get my butt down there and we're going to get to mining because that's what we really need to get done we need a lot of iron here uh we went through a lot of spikes last round and i'm sure this hard knight too we're going to go through them again and then we're going to on uh getting our electric traps and everything going all right guys let's do this oh it's going off oh it went off so that must have meant that uh killed the screamer i would assume so let's go take a little bit of a look here i want to confirm with the body now i can't tell by xp because i was getting a whole bunch from uh mining yeah look at that it killed a screamer that far away too oh sick this thing is going to be awesome now i could just mine iron without even having to worry um of course hanging out to like refill with bullets and stuff um but without the screamers calling in a horde we really shouldn't be going through too many of them awesome oh just killed another one as i'm reloading i hear a bullet go off that thing is sick if you guys are doing the same thing as i'm doing 100 go and make one of those uh the alarms are not necessary but kind of fun can't wait to get those going that way i can hear it over top of my auger too and no uh how many screamers we are killing oh oh look at that we have another friend coming our way uh so i was just checking our inventory of one two three four five six and a half stacks of iron so far this is actually rather pleasant is she dead yet didn't see the xp for it ah seriously she saw me from here damn it well at least the alarm went off hey did i see to see a dog drop down there what's up dog there we go actually oh those things are going off like mad give me that flesh there we go seems like the dogs always make it through but they're the only ones damn it so the screamers can see me down this far which actually kind of sucks i'm gonna have to uh i'm gonna have to hang out pretty close to here because the range is really high [Applause] hmm that alarm keeps going off oh crap what happened are we out of oh wait i think our alarm system is actually is it working because the that was going off and it's hooked up to this one there's no way it saw them over there maybe the alarm system does work that way who's that even firing at oh wow a screamer all the way over there i think no that's a garbage can there's a garbage pile okay well that's a little wild so uh we got a lot of supplies here what i'm gonna do is head back home we're gonna drop some of this stuff off and uh we're gonna get prepared to do the uh some trader quest here to get up to uh tier five going on uh so anyways guys unfortunately i have run all the time for today's episode but i truly do hope you enjoyed i know i did uh we'll have to see how about much better we can get this thing working the uh next time we come mining too because yeah that's pretty kick-ass but i mean if the screamer can see us i'm thinking maybe she was over here like over on that edge and uh it couldn't get to her because she was just along the horizon for it but anyways guys as usual hit the like button if you liked the video i'll see you in the next what one people say i'm gonna do my thing my way no matter what you people do i'm gonna do my thing much better than you no matter what you say or do oh boy gonna roll right off of me like water off the back of the turn [Music] good boy
Channel: Skippy0330
Views: 25,278
Rating: 4.9517298 out of 5
Id: e-w4YqAblxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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