7-Day Winter Camp -30° Igloo Build & Snowstorm

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I feel defeated [Music] [Music] back to Camp here for a nice long stay all goes according to plan look at this wood come to a camp with all this wood it's a dream that is sweet living a life of luxury not much snow just like I remember it put more wood one right there pretty smooth I know so much room for activities [Applause] it's good start for today yeah stove's on let's get some dinner going sounds good to me nice easy start to the trip mhm should be a beauty night too yeah come on in lovely just get toasty in there so nice come home too hard day's [Applause] [Applause] work stove's going it's mine is 12 right now so it's not bad at all but still feels amazing and we buried a couple of beverages in here crore blch shambly these are only beers for the trip can't bring too many on a 5 country trip just one to celebrate first night actually is kind of fro yeah it's getting Frozen yeah the snow actually slows it down the freezing yours wow ni oh so delicious got some golden brown parois for dinner you're very excited with some sour cream oh feels good just going to wind down with some tea here by the fire ice music is fantastic tonight it's a Sy tons of it yeah symphon beautiful to listen [Music] to [Applause] for [Music] [Music] for [Applause] for morning morning hello what was a chilly one it fun yeah yeah save some firewood nice and cooy in here breakfast burritos going this morning warming up our Tomatoes hardt as rocks solid breakfast to start the day and it's all the start to the trip we got yeah fantastic night the the audio last night was magical ice popping all the time which sounds anything from like low Thunder to a cannon firing to lasers like it's crazy the noises it makes yeah it's really cool sound and then the uh the trees were popping too woodpecker and some birds stove popping so yeah it was quite a quite the Ambiance yeah and it was a nice start to the trip it was so nice to have camp set up so just to be able to get out here and not have to do a ton of work Dive Right In day one just dive in yeah yep and that was your coldest cold Camp minus 25 yeah which we weren't expecting thought it'd be warmer and this is your first weekl long winter trip all goes well yeah we were supposed to do a week long one last year yep and uh tragically got cut short yeah day three four three or four yeah injury happened on day three and we left day four so we're excited for this one El to make up for so we're getting our day started got the trail cim charged up picked it up yesterday sure there's nothing on it from last time and last time I missed the links while I was charging it and it happened again there are fresh Lynx tracks here yet again this is our Trail up our car is a kilometer from Camp so it's a nice easy haul and these are links tracks right here walk down the Shor line over there that's so cool they're pretty round no claw oh it's a little so I think we'll set the trail K maybe on this tree here cuz it obious yeah obviously this is this Highway W and again this this is in view Camp is way back there but this area we could still see and I could still film it with the telephoto lens so man I want to get footage of it yeah it's just the most majestic animal they're so cool that's so cool I've never seen I don't know if I've seen link tracks this detailed before like a whole path of them yeah they're in win yeah be curious to follow just see where they came from went seems like came from that Marsh over there I wonder if there's a den right over there huh oh that's so cool yeah yeah well yeah trail cam has to go here I think oh absolutely yeah like somewhere in here where it's like nice and close that's so cool yeah I love links you want to put it that close or somewhere where there's a little bit more of a like view of it well if it walks I'll put it I was going to point it that way so if it walks past or if it goes up the trail like it did last time I don't know yeah come on little buddy do us a favor it's one of those things when the trail cam is there nothing happens and then as soon as it's gone the links walks by so funny okay fingers crossed we're just getting back to Camp after a little wander now we're going to get some chores done before enjoying some activities when it warms off a bit this afternoon kindling look at that bonus that's a good feeling yeah nice looking pile and we got another tree that we can continue processing if we need it mhm probably H I don't know we'll see it's all hard to tell yeah we're not burning overnight yeah should be pretty close good work thank you want a toothpick no thank you I made it myself [Music] snow's starting to pick up and we hope it gives us a lot because we're going to need it for our project tomorrow you can see a big pressure crack running here right around this mound of snow so the weight of that evidently made an impact on on how this formed and that's what causes those big booms in the middle of the night these pressure cracks forming they're not dangerous you're not going to break this ice is Rock Solid at least a foot deep on big lakes you can get big pressure ridges those can be dangerous but on a small Lake like this no it's fine well it's been a while since I've had these on yeah first time this season for me might be since we skated at cell for me H wow it's a little chippy but it's all [Applause] right it feels weird skating without a oh I have the solu who I got the solution here's my stick I should have shoveled like this what's that I should have get the shovel smart faster probably would have ate cop cup how long do we have life for rented it the whole week [Applause] what yeah this cool pattern old truck yeah every was just saying it's like we have this whole lake to ourselves when we first got here it was like having our own little cabin but we haven't seen anyone else's tracks or any sign of anyone on this little Lake didn't really expect to but it's just nice when that actually comes [Music] into we're just going to go for a little wander in behind Camp we're going to look for some birch bark see if there's any chaga and just also enjoy what's left of the daylight while we've got [Music] it [Music] is [Music] [Music] sh [Music] winter camping never ceases to Tire us right out so it's going to be a great sleep mild night should be the mildest of the trip so let the stove go after this and we got a big day tomorrow anything no okay good night this feels so good mhm day three we've got our morning chores done and today we're looking for a little Redemption what are we doing today we are attempting something we haven't done in 2 years which is building a igloo so two years ago 2 inches ago we got pretty close and just the last couple layers we weren't able to complete so we're going to try again today it was also bitterly cold then C so the snow was struggling to bind and Center yeah and then the first time we tried to build a huge Igloo not knowing how how much yeah time it takes and we ran out of time that day so so after and there is a learning curve there's quite a learning curve I'm feeling confident and I'm I'm excited so we're going to set up we're going to make an attempt for the 9 foot OT IG so we're getting the form assembled it looks like a child's toy but it's surprisingly technical there's a whole booklet on how to do it and you have to build a perfect catary arch that's how an igloo works and how it's ports itself so it's no child more technical than you think no it's not child's play we were going to build it on this platform that's why we put all that snow there but we got no snow last night we were expecting a decent inch or something um so we're going to now use the snow to build the igloo instead and build right on the ice it should look pretty cool I wonder if we should put a light powdering of snow around cuz there's a gap here for instance y yeah we've got our first block shoveled for the first three it's actually they're each of third so that we create a ramp so as we come around to the next consecutive level it goes up in a ramp and there's a nice slope leading into the next level so first block it's only a third of a block but let's see how it goes yeah that's beautiful packing pretty well I think so so we laid out the 9-footer initially but then felt it was too small so we've gone with 10 I think our first one was actually 11 which is huge anyway this all pivots around this centered in center and then the bar has different numbers on it for different levels so lots of things to keep an eye on as we move so we're pretty close surprisingly mhm well actually bang on we are around to the beginning so end of layer one beginning of Layer Two so starting up our ramp it's a good feeling cuz the first level has to be you have to make sure it's level every time there's like a little line on the side here you have to make Square to the floor need the right angle so now that's that's the base now we just build on top of it for every layer y [Applause] [Music] so we're coming into the third level now and you know those horror movies where they buy a house and it's haunted and it ruins their lives that's what this infernal tool is to me right now I know aon's going to disagree with me but we're winging it because despite our absolute best intentions and most careful measurements the first layer did not lead smoothly into the the second and now we're just constantly trying to wing it but fully winging it it's a little finicky and it's still going so every block we make is now an inch too much inside so it it creates like an overlap and it collapses so anyway I'm not saying I'm giving up we're going to I we have a full week here we can try again tomorrow if we have to I want to don't want to do it it's the only way to break the curse let's do it get filling but I do prefer a quiny even though one collaps on me still it's finicky and a little technical it's yeah you need a lot of patience and I Aaron has a lot more than me and the other thing is you know we're not incompetent at least aon's not she has her Masters she used to work in concrete pouring concrete into forms for like how many Summers six six Summers and she built her own house shouldn't we be able to figure this so we are figuring out it's just finicky okay things don't work flawlessly like in your little world you're a little fairy tale land it's working more blocks than not are staying yeah at least the snow is is uh centering pretty well today that's why we did it today when it's reasonably mild another sh anyway we'll keep trying we will there's nothing to show get out of here frzi every won't let me film The Gap there's no Gap it would it would reaffirm my point do you see a gap he's crazy do you want to bring the booklet in or maybe little crack so we're going this one cracked yeah still having a ton of fun out here yeah and we have have three this is day three so we have three full days left possibly four if we wanted and I would probably do this every day until we got it right we got it but it doesn't matter only way to break the curse we're going to do it today I don't know what the issue is yeah no we're going to do it today oh yeah okay so you want me to hold you that's this is the other weird thing about this you eventually trap yourself you can't dig out until the end no layer three after layer three you can oh after layer three okay oh my no do you want a running start I don't know I don't want or a stride or too okay I don't know I don't know hun no give me give me a stool you're trapped give me a stool no those are not stable at all I think you can make it I don't know I'm I've got extra pants on and so I don't have like my range of motion's not good I don't know if I can unless I like jump in somersault out so now we must build higher so that you can dig a tunnel out I think so so I went and got our splitting block hopefully Aaron will feel confident jumping out with this I don't hope I well it would just be heartbreaking to tear the wall down so she's just being conscious of that okay what you think yeah good yeah one ready for a lunch like leap on to you okay and then we're going to fall in the snow together one two okay yep three okay I'm getting a lot of things jumping's not one of them and I know that I'm okay with it I need a lunch break snow's starting to come down too yeah big coming along it looks good all right te thank you just quick break here warm up by the stove pile our beds double decker style over there during the day bunk beds bunk beds Wonder me is better yep that was close are you okay yeah I'm great okay wow not free that was very close I almost fell into it Forward I know yeah almost pull you into it back to it back to it feel invigorated we're going to do this we're going to do it yeah it's a spirit crabby duck is a crabby duck f a belly soon 21 days we've been shoving hard craving thaty spoon I got a rum in my tum I could eat for a platoon as the miles pass by our hunger grows we sing [Music] tun it's 3:00 so yeah we have 2 and 1 half hours left at daylight okay it's going to be tight tight it's taking us 5 hours to get to this point yeah you want more Yep [Music] please [Music] for [Music] [Applause] pretty frustrated we got through four levels but as you can see behind me they weren't lining up so we obviously did something wrong uh it's our like third real attempt with this yeah I think it's just a finicky tool so have to practice and get it right but it's discouraging cuz it gets exciting and starts taking shape but um you can see how it's really struggling to line up in this last layer and I'm just taking too long so we're going to see May resume this one tomorrow or maybe we're going to try a different one but we're going to take a break for now we're getting low on daylight so we're going to see if we can resume tomorrow need a break too been shoveling for like 7 hours I feel defeated we do have a sweet snowball Fort that's true that's true it's been a beautiful day checking out a little pre-s Sunset scene here and we'll go have dinner lick our wounds yeah and start fresh tomorrow okay all you can do sometimes eh [Music] y back in the haunt tent aon's reading up the uh manual again and we're going to start the healing process with some hot chocolate here you go thanks one drink deep oh yeah c s you offer me a kennel girl of my good service is that the way of it all right still just above - 20 and there's a breeze so it's going to be a little tougher pack in the snow today but we're ready to give it another shot we're going to start fresh brand new Igloo smaller one bit more manageable hopefully all right off to work let's do it where' we go wrong oh yeah the center thing's in there yeah yeah we need to sh it up yeah walls are probably pretty strong now I know still standing it's nice and strong after centering for the night it's surprising how sturdy it is but we went wrong somewhere and weren't able to finish up so we got to redo it yeah nice and chilly for us today wind is cutting all righty let's get after it starting the new one over there centering in this block and then the pole attaches to this and pivots around it just making this rock solid with a little water so Aaron's measuring this ramp meticulously should a good base should set us off the right foot yeah yeah the goal all right you want to kind of prop that up so why even use an egloo building tool when not just cut blocks out of the snow well the snow this winter this crazy winter we've only got about an inch and a half on the on the lake so there's not enough and the snow here just doesn't hard pack like that like it does in the subarctic and Arctic so this is why we need the tool up here end of the first level Aaron did an Immaculate job should be Flawless no reason why it shouldn't [Applause] [Music] work so level three now here's how long it takes to make one block film the whole thing and moves the form shovel in the first [Music] load boxs it [Music] [Applause] down second load usually takes four of these snow blows into aon's face but she's a trooper [Music] [Applause] [Music] good all good yeah thank you pack it gently but firmly kind of like a good parenting style and how long do you center for the block uh if you're doing it right it says you don't have to let it center right but uh it takes courage sit yeah and centering is just when you make a snowball it all the little snow molecules crushing together releases a small amount of heat which melts a small amount of ice and snow and helps them bind together it's a Snowball Effect and then I gently support the form and lift the ubar release the toggle and slide her off despite the cold today only one block has cracked so it's going well doing well I knocked it off at stick to excited so making the block can go really smoothly like that but there are other times where you try three or four times just to move ahead that one block and the first layer takes quite a bit longer so it all adds up Sun's starting to come up for us now and it makes it feel so good to be out here it's nice yeah this morning was a bit rough but this is what it's all about today's going a lot better than yesterday we've just started layer five and let me give you a little bit of a tour I'm inside sitting down we're on the last block of the ramp leading into layer five so that's it centering right behind me and it's starting to feel like a shelter to me this one's 8 ft much better feeling wind's going to take it into your face it's okay my head we're getting there look how close we are 3:00 we still got time too and I got snowballs in my pouch yeah we do have time it's going to get technical but it's pretty exciting yeah the end is going to be a challenge that we haven't yet attempted but we haven't yet succeeded feel good yeah yeah this is [Applause] fun oh of course as we're getting into our final layers of the igloo the back of the form comes off and then it gets piled on like this and we pack it just as is and then you're still able to Pivot so we haven't successfully got to this place yet where we pull the back off and move forward so it's a big step for us we're just on the ramp leading into to level six wish us luck you ready I'm ready nope all right give us [Applause] [Music] more not [Music] son [Music] [Applause] we've done pretty good today we haven't finished it but we are on the sixth layer starting to get the hang of the blocks without the panel but we're running out of daylight and we're just sore and tired so cold and cold it's getting really cold yeah so we're going to leave it and come back tomorrow but definitely feeling more encouraged than [Applause] yesterday [Applause] y That's a narrow birthing can help shoulders are out good job good work we're almost there yeah it looks pretty cool in there yeah bringing lots of firewood in tonight could be the coest night of the trip but it's going to start cold as opposed to the first night which didn't start to that cold so we're going to run the stove all night thank you you oh it feels good to be in the nice warm tante yeah what are you feeling the most right now bodywise cold yeah uh yeah like chilled but find and then um yeah kind of in here from supporting the form yeah shoulders shoulders and neck but uh mostly just the chill yeah as once we stop it yep how about you lower back yeah yeah be all good in just a sec oh yeah only we had two more beers going to get some hot chocolates going I realized something today with this tool I thought it was an igloo building tool it is a tool that lets you practice the skill of igloo building it's like buying a fishing rod yeah yeah it doesn't catch you fish you you have to learn the skill yeah so yeah it's a it takes longer it's a bigger learning curve than you think when you get this plastic form that looks like kids can make it yeah so that's good we're getting there yeah kind of clicked today yeah it's not like not easy it's not I don't know what a comparison is but yeah something that you that makes it proof yeah right instead it's something that you practice and learn how to use and like a saw doesn't mean you can build a house but mhm if you practice enough you can yeah bring your own level though Cheers Cheers fun day I'm uh definitely wind and sunburnt yeah you probably more than me because I at least think I was protected from the wind quite a bit yeah it's dead calm and quiet in the glue yeah it's nice especially once it's done I was getting some of that that like deafening quiet that you get in the quiny being in there yeah yeah I love that so hopefully we'll finish it up tomorrow dinner tonight we've got some shredded potatoes which you can be like our fries with wild mushrooms and some like spices it looks delicious and we're going to make it poutine Style with some gravy and our the cheese we wanted to use for this went moldy in Winter weird it open yeah and it was unop so we've got that that'll do for sure can't wait this is going to be good already smells a May using once hit the pan portion I'm hungry I'm excited yeah I'm complaining that smells so good while we wait for dinner we've got some freees a treat you can have out here in the winter we found them in aon's truck at the last second and decided to bring them yep doesn't everyone have a pack of truck freezes think she's ready hun mhm look at that mhm go ahead Heavenly Heavenly I think that could be a moose well we can hear something could be Footsteps in the snow I don't think that's the ice doesn't sound like the ice and it's not com coming from the right direction where's it coming from it's coming from like the the marshy area next to us I feel like something's chomping through there be careful oh yeah I'm fine I can see we'll have to go for a little stroll over there tomorrow look for tracks MH you know what it could be it could be a couple of moose bedding down over there you know they were sort of tromping around and getting themselves settled in that' be wild yeah I'd be surprised if they would set up right close to us sure they could smell us cuz now I don't hear anything wow [Music] mhm [Music] [Music] for good and cold this morning minus 30 real GL kept the stove running snow insulation keeps the hole open though good oh okay yeah okay we back okay you ready yeah one two three block of birds came to [Applause] watch sweet beautiful what a morning it's a chilly one look at our little igly that door looks so small yeah you going let it warm up a little and then continue here going it's too cold right now yeah [Music] absolutely [Music] back at it finish line in sight and in a couple hours supposed to start snowing pretty hard so hopefully we can get it done before then and have a nice little roof yeah and if you're wondering why not just throw a tarp on top or some boughs cover it with snow well then it's not a canary Arch anymore so it doesn't have the structural strength it would just feel like cheating at this point we might do it if we if it comes to that if we don't get it done then we can for the night but want to do it right do it right if we can and the book says to create a little bevel here so then you pack the snow onto the bevel and that supports the next one as you go around it's tight in there eh it's tighten in here with the really cold temps overnight the snow's become really sugary and it's not packing very well and also I feel like this these last bits are pretty technical so our nerves have to be fresh we're going to take a little break and go for a walk to another Lake close by leave this one to Center and come back and hopefully keep making some progress on our igloo and hopefully by then the snow's a little better yeah we were planning to go to this Lake this afternoon anyway so just swap the plans nice Sund dogs again today and there's a little connecting Lake and I haven't had time to check it out yet on any of the visits just through here this little marshy area it's almost a separate Lake but they're kind of linked here been wanting to check it out nice to be doing something besides Igloo building for a little bit beautiful spot here would have been a nice spot for the camp too too so we heard what sounded like some tracks last night first we thought it was the ice shifting Aon went over there this morning and she didn't see see anything so it was either the ice or it was further away than we thought and a didn't go far enough but it was a little spooky I just saw a little something move here in the bush and then we paused said ah it's nothing and we heard a stick break so we're going to check it out might have just been a grous yeah look all the yeah there a little squirrel Pantry here dining table look at this what since trees rotted away yeah but look at the be a beaver at one point got pretty close to getting through it just gave and look it's a pantry too yeah more pine cone stash that's so cute here's a good size track be moose hair tracks snow she hair yeah those are fresh the beaver really chewed this one down look at that tons of blow down here but nice Woods get this be our links again haven't seen the trail cam area for two or 3 days now can't wait to check that out hair that's busy up here yeah H got plenty of Birch Park back at camp but Aaron couldn't resist just a nice piece write my well on here do whom it make concern whatever this is took the scenic route having a little fun going under trees you keeping warm this winter needs to refuel after - 30 night too close gr that's okay okay bye was fun so cute I guess yeah it's a really cool spot tons of animal activity there's the Beaver Lodge with some sticks to munch on beaver's been munching on some stuff recently here smaller Birch and I would love to be able to see into its Lodge right there how many are in there yeah are they terrified that they hear footsteps are there wolves out there We just hunkered in and cozy for the winter and we think these have to be Lyn tracks one of my favorite things about winter is just being able to use your imagination to fill in the Gap seeing all the tracks and kind of putting the pieces together it's always really cool found something aon's been on the hunt for chaga we haven't harvested some in a while CU we haven't needed it oh it's a pretty nice piece look at this nice little piece right at reachable length you go thank you yeah it's a mushroom and you can use it to make tea yeah very healthy there it is sweet it's a nice say chunk mhm and if we leave that on there it'll continue growing nice awesome I'm so happy we've sto for a little lunch break and we're going to brew up some of the cha we found so just putting in some water and typically you don't want to get it to a full boil you want to kind of steep it at a simmer simmer so we're going to put them in while this this water's just out of the lake so it's still cold but we'll get up to a simmer and then kind of put it off to the side and you leave it to simmer for several hours we'll have a nice cups of chocolate tonight freshly harvested back to the igloo and we're back at it it's just got to work Aaron wants to sleep in it tonight and it's going to be a reasonable night temperature- Wise It's also nicer out now it's climbed 22° since this morning so it's only - 8 right now according to the thermometer so that should help with packing the snow as well yes yes successful block we've had a lot of crumbles yeah trying to go at this sort of an angle we're so close look at this so close like four more blocks probably yeah hello um final level I'm pretty sure we're about on our last block here so I've taken the form it's not supporting this one I'm GNA pop in move it over what's left of the hole and then John will shovel it up and gently pack it with the shovel from there and uh wish us luck I is that pressure okay yeah perfect I'm holding it up now as John's shoveling in close to the last of it more I know that'll do okay oh so glad we stopped it's packing so much better now I'm packing it from the top with the shovel right there right at the Finish Line no hands so that's the last of the snow final forms holding itself up we're going to let It Center not too long and then remove this form and see if our roof holds and then I got a new crib for the night here we go goingon to bring down the final form see if it [Music] holds got some snow do we have a roof look at that done it's done what do you see snow what did it just fall no we good yeah okay oh yeah oh what a Rel come out here come out you come [Music] in the so much room got company whoa come on in wow that's awesome what do you think yeah it's pretty it's pretty roomy it's more spacious than you think eh yeah it is e flter oh wow what a mission worth it at least once I you say it right now but yeah yeah I'm glad we got one done yeah just finished rhinos so like it's a bit messy but I'll make it into a nice nice bachelor pad before evening don't you worry thanks H oh my goodness thank you great job so I started building some sidewalls and as soon as Aaron got out she couldn't help herself she wasn't done she's making a Monumental grand entrance where she'll be sleeping tonight I'll be in the hot tent I don't know if we mentioned that it'd be a little tight in there for two it would be doable but I think it's good if one of us is in there and if something goes wrong here then yeah yeah turning my Barbie Dream [Music] House hone am home good day at the office oh yeah back home ready for a well- earned chaga mhm well that looks nice and dark mm stuff is super dark darker than coffee thank you welcome cheers everyone we did it yeah that is fresh mhm good batch it's a good batch celebratory pad thae on the menu tonight yum Don't Mind If I Do all right Aron's off to Mansion snow Mansion all righty feels so weird love you have a good night you too see the morning be safe well I'm just getting settled in for the night you can see over here I've got a candle there's just a crack under us um um which I'll burn out before I go to bed I'll put out but a nice candle my boots and things and over here my sleep set up I'm quite excited there's been some big cracks on the ice which is kind of fun being out here sleeping on it so should be a nice night I brought the thermometer that we usually keep outside just out of curiosity and at the moment it's aboutus 5 degrees which is I think about at least 5 degrees warmer than it was outside so that's pretty cool and I'm feeling I feel good it feels cozy in here not too cold I think I'll I'll sleep well tonight just do a little bit of reading before I settle in and probably call it a night I'm cozy and tucked in when I turn out the light feels like any other place that I sleep so with that I think I might settle in turn out the lights and get some sleep the only difference is every once in a while the ground shakes underneath me but that's pretty neat all right good night back to the tent which is so nice and warm it's hard to imagine why Aon wants to spend it over there but I do get it she's an adventurous gal that's why I married her and she deserves to enjoy that sleep in there cuz the iGo is really her achievement I would not have gotten that done don't have the skills and really don't have the patience takes a lot so it's not for everybody but I'm glad we got one done and uh that she gets to enjoy it tonight I suspect she's having a good time if she's not already [Music] [Music] asleep morning it is let me tell you what time it is just after 8 I think yeah quarter after 8 I'm still here it is still here let's uh had a good night sleep yeah so it's about minus 4 so stayed pretty consistent throughout the night pretty warm for sleeping in an ice box yeah overall it was a it was a good night couple of booms on the ice cozy little home here pretty excited about it say it was pretty cool all right let's get this day started look who it is he's got coffee perfect that's hilarious you just came out I have a hot mug for you yay you want it in the tent yeah I'll come I literally just said if John's got coffee ready that's so funny you warm up in there enjoy okay okay thank you thank you wow what a palace you have quite the Mansion cutting up the last of the firewood for our final night wa oh there it goes perfect conditions here for our final day C soy yeah the wind's pretty Gusty as opposed to consistent which makes it a little tricky for kiting cuz see when you get the gusts fills up woohoo and goes nice but then as it dies it you lose your power but it's super fun to have out get a little practice flying it's been a while for me everyone's going on a little chaga hunt and I'm starting a little hunt of my own so I want to do some ice fishing today it's a little windy and chilly got a perfect Windbreak here so something good will come out of the shelter look how strong it is even when it's not complete I can put all my wait here last time I was here caught a pike for dinner on this white tube jig started with that got my Sonar here let's see how deep it is pretty shallow actually just four and a bit feet four and a half let's try it [Music] e [Music] been here for probably 90 minutes now and no signs of life we got the sonar camera if anything could come by I would know and when you're not getting any action with ice fishing is pretty much the most boring thing in the world so I'm happy that I just got to use this igloo in some way it's been much warmer here than elsewhere and that's why I can't go anywhere else cuz the wind is too cold so I'm going to join Aaron she's having some fun over the igloo see what she's up to so Aaron just finished up with the igloo and she got the fire started so we're in here still a pretty good amount of firewood left but we are in for a cold night so we'll see everyone had a good chaga haul today that's yesterday's piece but she added several more should last us a few months just enjoying the fire here to close out day six going to go for a sunset stroll around the lake too and maach chaga this is very nice just got to enjoy the slow pace on final night it's been a wonderful trip and The Best Is Yet To Come with the igloo because Aaron wants to spend another night out there and it's supposed to be in Theus 20s tonight so yeah it'll be interesting to test it in a colder temperature and because we put so much effort into building and it felt like a shame to just spend one night so yeah final night hopefully good Sunset and the stars are supposed to be good tonight too so should be perfect Cheers Cheers for [Applause] - 16 how you feeling good yeah little bit uh hard to leave the tent warm tent but yeah I'm excited already getting down looks good in here good it was - 16 outside when I came in and brought the thermometer in and in here right now I don't know if you can see that but it's about - 9 so it's warmed up 7° in here compared to outside which isn't too shabby so getting comfortable here and you can see I made myself a little bedside table that I didn't have last night so I can keep my candle close for warmth I think it's going to be really nice I hope that John's not um too uncomfortable in the tent with his big stove I really feel for him tonight final night loading up the stove before bed and I might keep it going all night we have enough wood and it should get pretty chilly tonight so might be worth it my Brave wife is in the igloo and it's so cute how much she's enjoying that and hope she has a great night and she doesn't yeah maybe I'll keep the stove running all night just in case and it's nice for me [Applause] too it's about 1:00 a.m. and unfortunately I have to get up and pee so I'm going to take this opportunity to move the thermometer outside so we can see what the temperature is out there it's holding pretty steady at -9° C in here so yeah it's it's not bad I'm very curious to see what what it looks like outside so I'm going to get up and move that go pee and then hopefully sleep the rest of the night [Music] for good morning I had a successful second night Solo in the igloo and it got down to- 26 last night so it was a chilly one out there the temperature stayed survivable in here so that's pretty cool and I'm going to pack up and then John and I are packing up camp today and heading home it's been an awesome trip I'm all packed up so let's wrap on the igloo for this trip let's go head into the tent and see how John's night was yep the temperature held steady is aboutus 26 so chilly night out here morning morning oopsie oopsie you a mess eron's picking up her last few things there at the igloo what a gorgeous morning budgeted the firewood well just a little bit left put here in case I come back leaving camp it was such a beauty we decid to leave it yeah itci to leave it it was perfect yeah might have to come back someday one last thing here wo yes be prepared to fall just in case awesome pretty cool we did it we did it finally glue Champs 2024 yes our kingdom now we retire retire from the game yep retire on top that's pretty cool yeah amazing yeah it was just falling to dust sometimes when it was- 30 and now we're sitting on it yeah coming [Music] down [Music] just got across the lake with the loads and not too far to go on the trail to get back to the truck and complete the trip just picked up the trail cam seems like there's nothing here but otherwise it was a perfect trip wouldn't change anything great conditions and a special trip for Aaron in particular because you solo in an igloo y your coldest cold Camp ever at- 27 last night or -2 out of the igloo and your first full week in Winter camping trip yeah yeah yeah it was a great trip and uh got to go hunt some chaga get out on the skates on the kite a little bit a little ice fishing yeah couldn't have been better experienced so many joys of winter yeah been fantastic having the ice boom while sleeping overnight in the glue was really fun yeah yeah that's super cool yeah now we just got to get these loads up this steep hill but we can't wait for a shower and a burger yeah can't wait it's going to be good all [Music] right back to the truck and now you just hope it starts [Music] right
Channel: Lost Lakes
Views: 159,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost lakes, camping, fishing, ontario, canada, bushcraft, backcountry angling ontario, winter, wilderness, solo
Id: XqZtkN3qSO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 23sec (5123 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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