7 Car Myths Stupid People Fall For

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run up your engine now myths are propagated throughout society for various reasons often they have a tiny bit of basis and truth like this first one don't talk on your cell phone where he's filling your car with gas at the gas station because it might cause an explosion well and that's fake not on the old days with old cell phones that had external antennas theoretically they could have a spark in the antenna they could ignite gasoline vapors well modern phones are different damp internal antennas there's no antenna sticking out of this phone even with these I've never even heard of one causing an explosion boy hey nobody has folks like this anymore these phones have internal antennas they don't make any smart so when you're filling a common gas yack away if you want on your modern cell phone just remember to turn the engine off cuz the engine running creates all kinds of Sparks and you don't want the fumes to go so always shut your car off before you put the gas pump inside and fill up and of course don't smoke or vape dose vape machines put out really high temperatures what you're filling up fill up you want to talk on your phone go ahead and don't start vaping up a storm while you're doing it now the second myth is another common one people say hey fill your car up with gasoline first thing in the morning when it's cold and the gasoline is more dense then in the afternoon if it warms up it'll expand and you'll have more gasoline well there's a lot of reasons this isn't true most gas pumps the tanks are underground it's relatively insulated the temperature doesn't change that much from the morning to the afternoon but the main reason is even if the gasoline expands and contracts a little bit whatever you pump in your car has a certain amount of energy called British thermal units and it doesn't matter what size it is inside your tank if you pump it and fill up you're gonna have the same amount of British thermal units whether that gasoline expands or contracts inside your tank the energy is in there just like a battery and it doesn't matter what size of this it still has the same amount of British thermal units inside that's the law of physics that's not gonna change so get up early in the morning to fill your car's gas tank you're gonna save anything now the third myth that you got changed your engine oil filter every 3,000 miles it's actually one that was originally based in reality check when I was a young mechanic my father had a 1954 Ford Fairlane v8 you changed the oil every 3,000 miles and the reason is a doubt was one it didn't even have an oil filter that was an option so there was no oil filter to filter the crud and back in those days the oil wasn't as well made as it is today but neither were the metals and the engine thinks just wore out faster so you wanted to change your oil every 3,000 miles to keep sludge from building up to keep where from happening but modern oils and engines I better magnae used to be no I still change the oil on my cars every 3,000 miles and often less than that but that's you're a different reason I don't drive all that much oil will break down over time so regardless so how many miles you drive here you want to change your oil once a year at least after you have a normal car and you're using normal oil not synthetic oil I'm more of a believer I'm changing every 5,000 miles 6,000 miles or so and if you use full synthetic oil you can Porsche it to seven or 10,000 miles especially if you do a lot of highway driving cuz highway driving doesn't wear the oil I had a customer the other day I changed the oil room they drove out to California and back and then they said Scotty we checked the oil and it was whistle clean I said boy yeah if you drive like 4,000 miles on highway 60 70 80 miles an hour that's equivalent 10% city so 4,000 miles is more like 400 then you can push it even further to change but even the synthetic oils are only good for one year and your vehicles so regardless of the mileage that you drive you want to change your oil once a year but to 3000-mile that is a myth from the past it was once true but it isn't anymore no no before a new modern myth one propagated by the engineers and manufacturers is that you got a modern car with one of those sealed automatic transmissions there's no dipstick that it has a lifetime floored you never have to change the fluid in the automatic transmission well as far as this mechanic is concerned that's a myth propagated by the manufacturers in the I asked an engineer once I said what do you mean by this is a lifetime fluid and they just said well Scotty that means that the fluid is good for the lifetime of the transformation you never need to change the Floyd it'll last as long as the transformation does but how long is the transmission gonna last and you know he says well our warranty is for 60,000 miles like if I had a transmission and went on 60,000 miles I come back and strangling my cell occurs got over 230,000 miles on the original transmission still shifts like a dream they're just telling you that well kind of planned obsolescence here you want to not change the transmission fluid oh you don't need to it's great fluid but if your transmission goes out what it's got a hundred thousand miles or more on it they're not gonna fix it for free they're gonna say well that was a lifetime the transmission time to buy another one now I don't mind buying a cheap microwave oven I don't mind buying a cheap watch for $29 but I sure as heck don't want to have to put in a five or six thousand dollar automatic transmission because it decided to go out because the fluid got dirty and things wore up now yes the fluid matter transmissions is much better than it used to be when I was a young mechanic you change the fluid and filter in a transmission every 30,000 miles but today most of them use full synthetic fluids and yes they can last longer but they're still going to get dirty things are still gonna wear out over time that's just how machines are there's friction bits of metal are gonna wear out things are going to get dirty inside then the seals can start leaking and something is dumbass the little front main seal of your automatic transmission that might cost twenty dollars might cost you a thousand or more to take the engine and transmission apart to change that seal so you still want to change that fluid the life time myth of you never need to change it it's a bunch of planned obsolescence myth-making by the engineers and manufactures yes the fluid lasts a lot longer but me I still change the stuff every sixty thousand miles or eighty thousand miles because it's not that hard to do in most cases you just drain and fill you don't flush so you're getting a certain percentage out and you keep taking little bits out and putting the same exact fluid back in Valhalla but don't just leave it and think it's gonna last forever because your lesson from the past that told you how wrong they can be back in my grandfather's day it was a mechanic they originally used alcohol mixed with water to keep the water from freezing in the winter and your radiator of course don't when it got hotter outside the alcohol would have just evaporate that would be the end of it so they came out with what they called permanent antifreeze so everybody figured it's permanent they left it in well all the anti rust capabilities of it wore down after so many years and then it ended up destroying a whole bunch engines because it wasn't permanent but he said it was at the time now the fifth myth is that using your car's air conditioning systems gonna radically lower your gas mileage you shouldn't use it if you want to get better gas mileage again it's a myth based in reality from the past I've seen young mechanic take the GM's they had this gigantic compressors they had like three four pounds of fridge on inside him they took a reasonable drag and you could lose a few miles per gallons on your annum but minor ones hey and I'm modern I mean anything in the last 30 years modern ones hardly use that much energy at all matter of fact I had a costume he drove from Houston to the Indianapolis 500 and back and on the way here an air conditioner saw what his gas mileage was and the way back he turned the air conditioner off and rolled the windows down and found that he got the same gas mileage whether he had the air conditioning on or whether in the air conditioning off with the windows rolled down now of course at highway speeds rolling your window down it's going to make the air more turbulent and the vehicle won't be as efficient driving through the atmosphere so it's gonna have a little bit more drag well that tiny bit of drag a roll in the windows down was exactly the same as the tiny amount of drag that the air conditioner and his Mustang took so it really isn't true anymore don't think you're gonna get great gas ROG if you turn your air conditioner off it doesn't make hardly any difference at all but if you have a car anything man the last 25 years you turn on the air conditioner you do that a lot worse gas much you got a problem with the air conditioning system or the electronic system if an air conditioner is starting to wear out it can really put a strain on the engine I've had customers where the car ran fine if you turn the air conditioner on every time you came to a stop that would stall out it was because the compressor was dragging too much power then you know you'd have a problem and have it looked at but normally it is gonna make hardly any diff ah in your gas mileage run an air conditioner now the sex myths one way to check your batter is to get in your car and you crank your engine over and your undergoes run run run run I'm Rahman but it won't start that means the battery's okay and something else is wrong in the past that was pretty much true if a car in the old days if the battery wouldn't crank it over a jump start I'd start right up we know well the battery's gone or it's drained something's wrong with the battery but today's cars are much more complex you can have a battery high note here that has plenty enough power to crank the engine over but won't actually start the car cuz motor cars have so many computer systems to them I see this quite a bit actually in a winter have enough power to crank the engine over but there's not enough extra power to run the ignition system the fuel injection system the anti-theft system and if anything goes wrong and either of those three systems cars not gonna start even though it's cranking over I've had numerous late-model cars towed over here and a customer says well I know it's not the battery because it cranks over it just won't start so I get out my trusty little battery checking machine positive that's a positive hanging up the negative then turn it on push the button not checking it doesn't take that long it says recharge battery which isn't surprising because I don't dry this car how much anymore but it knew that the barrier was good and just needed recharging if it would have said replaced battery because in a bad cellar some these machines can check that really fast and I have had quite a few batteries in the last 10 years customer told the car in thinking well it's cranking headlights come on batteries okay battery did not have enough electricity to run all the computer system all I did was put in a new battery and whoop up they started and away they drove so if you don't want to be fooled by a battery that cranks you carbo won't started once every year or so to have your battery check is one of these machines by one if you want they're not all that expensive anymore and then you can test any car you own you're working on all cars then you'll know hey the battery's starting to go if it's 100% it's fine but if it starts getting to thirty forty percent and it's a good idea to buy another battery before it's trans you somewhere they last for years so bite the bullet when it's weak and don't get stuck somewhere no seven to the last myth I'm gonna dispel yes your cars engines weren't you want to put a heavier oil maybe it says to use a zero w 20 and you're gonna put a 20 w 40 or something it cuz it's a thicker oil and you think it's better for your engine because it's worn well this is another myth that was based in reality in the past yeah when I was a young mechanic cars generally have bigger engines a lot of them have v8s here in the United States with pushrod engines and as they war you could put a little heavier oil in to compensate for the wear and the piston rings and everything so then it would run smoother and make less noise and really the pinnacle this was STP oil treatment that's super thick oil that made it thicker which was okay in those old engines but in modern engines no modern engines have variable valve timing and many other complex devices that require a thinner oil to work correctly you throw it all that's too heavy it's gonna wear those systems out because they don't get correct lubrication on startup realize that when you start your car about 90% of them that'll wear in your engine occurs and a dry startup when the cars been sitting a while and you've started up it's got a pump oil till the top cams variable valve timing and all that stuff's on the top the oils too thick it takes too long to get there and has bare metal for a little while yeah well where your engine out even faster won't help you it'll actually hurt your engine they're gonna say ask out of your hypocrite your Celica there it's us to use 10w30 and you use 20 w 40 it's got two hundred and thirty thousand miles and it's just a plain old engine there's no variable valve timing it's got cams on the top but they're not variable it's a much simpler design and you can put a little bit heavier oil on them as they age but don't do that in any modern car it has variable valve timing GDI fuel injection those have to have oil that flows correctly and the thinner the oil of course the better it flows and especially for you guys and gals that live up north pure synthetic allow the lawyer is it really flows good at low temperatures and if you put in like a 20 40 and an engine air that's so thick you're certainly gonna wear it out faster especially in the winter when it's really cold stick to the oil that it says on an oil cap out of cars naira like 0w 20 or real oil so you know seven car myths that you should stay away from assets is mechanic money I'm giving away one of these off to battery checkers to have a chance to win place to clean non-offensive comment i'm youtube comments below and the computer will randomly choose the winner who can now check their car batteries all by themselves so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 1,916,541
Rating: 4.893096 out of 5
Keywords: never do this, don't do this to your car, things not to do in a car, how to maintain your car, car maintenance, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, scotty kilmer, things, things not to do in a new car, car maintenance fails, car maintenance for beginners, cars explained, car repair fails, car repair fail, fails, car fail, car fails, car myths, myths, mythbusters, myth busted, stupid people, dumb people, dumb, 7 things, 7 car myths stupid people fall far, 7 myths
Id: og9pL0wjdqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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