6mm ARC vs 224 Valkyrie Full Comparison

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all right so this video actually stems from a conversation i had the other night on the we like shooting podcast i was actually a guest on the we like shooting podcast last monday night it is one of my favorite shooting it actually is my favorite gun and shooting podcast and i was actually a guest on that show we had a long conversation about long range decision shooting um and if you guys are interested in listening to that show i'll leave a link down in the description below it was episode 374 or if you guys are just interested in a really good shooting and gun podcast that has lots of different guests through lots of different fields in the shooting industry um check out we like shooting podcasts they do have an awesome podcast uh so part of the conversation we were having around long range precision shooting uh was about the 224 valkyrie and the six millimeter arc so you guys know when if you guys have been following me for any of my time you know that when 224 valkyrie first came out i was kind of a big fan of the cartridge and i still do really enjoy the cartridge but i have over time started to realize some of the shortcomings of the 224 valkyrie which we'll talk more about in this video it is still a great cartridge but there are some issues that do arise when you try to put a heavy 6 90 88 grain big heavy bullet with a high bc into such a small cartridge and then fit it into such a small platform which is what the 224 valkyrie was designed to do and it does it as well as can be done so both of these obviously are fairly new cartridges the 22.224 valkyrie came out just a couple of years ago and the six arc was just recently introduced at the time of recording this video the 224 valkyrie was designed to be able to take big heavy high super high bc two to four caliber bullets and be able to push them out of a regular ar size platform at speeds high enough to carry to carry supersonic speeds out to some really far extended distances and it does that well to a certain point so the six millimeter arc was introduced i do believe the story that i have heard and i don't know somebody may correct me on this the story i have heard about the six millimeter arc is the military wanted a cartridge they could fit into a standard ar platform that would carry flat flatter trajectories than a 308 out to distance and still pack these same types of energy when it got out to those distances as a 308 and not have to do it in a platform like an ar-10 so both of these are like i said fairly new cartridges both of them have a different purpose to fit into a standard ar platform so the origins of the six arc brashes like we talked about in the six arc versus six five grendel comparison video the origins of the six arc brass are from 762 to by 39 down to 220 russian to 6.5 grendel and then to 6 millimeter arc the origins of the 224 valkyrie brass are from 30 remington down to 6.8 spc down to 224 valkyrie the case capacity this is something that's very interesting and something i really didn't realize until i got doing this video and and doing some research on it the case capacity of these is almost identical now obviously the six arc brass is a short little fat case um and the 224 valkyrie is a longer case uh that is more narrow so even though they're shaped very differently they have almost identical case capacity so the six millimeter arcs and that when we talk about case capacities like i've said in the past we were talking about water case capacity so if you were to fill one of these cases up with water and then weigh that water that's what we're talking about in case capacity so the six millimeter arc has a 34.0 grains of water case capacity whereas the 224 valkyrie has a 34.5 grains of water case capacity so just slightly more a half a grain more worth of case capacity in the 224 valkyrie over the 6 arc the shoulder angle both of these have a 30 degree shoulder angle whereas the six arc coming from the 6'5 grendel that also has a 30 degree shoulder angle maintains that same 30 degree shoulder angle whereas the 224 valkyrie coming from the 6.8 spc with 6.8 spc only having a 23 degree shoulder angle so that shoulder angle is bumped up and given a more sharp a much sharper shoulder angle to go into the 224 valkyrie the velocities now when we were talking about velocities i found good data online for both these cartridges we're going to use hornady's published data for both of these cartridges and honestly cfe223 which which is a great powder for both these cartridges um is not the powder that i use especially for the 224 valkyrie and it's not the power that i plan to use for the six arc now obviously it can be used that a lot of people are using this on the cfe223 but for me if you guys know um one of my stipulations in a load that i develop i try to develop a load with powder that is not temperature sensitive or not extremely temperature sensitive and cfe223 is not one of those powders it is a fairly temperature sensitive powder even though it can create very good velocities if i would actually sacrifice a little bit of velocity to be able to shoot in any condition and have the same trajectory so knowing that the good the data that i found was very comparable using cfe223 um so that's what we're going with so the six millimeter arc with night now and this is all in a 24 inch gas gun so that's exactly what we have here my 224 valkyrie is a 24 inch gas gun so this data was created i did run it ran a generic load for both these around a 24 inch gas gun so um and also note that this is gas gun loads so the pressures that we're working up for a gas gun load are much lower than we would if this was a bolt gun load so if you're getting faster speeds and higher pressures out of your particular bolt gun in either six arc or two two four valkyrie um that is totally fine but that's not what we're looking at here considering most the purpose of both these cartridges was typically to be able to run in some sort of short mini miniature action or a regular ar size platform so the six millimeter arc with 91 or sorry 29.1 grains of cfe223 on a 108 grain eld you're looking at 2740 feet per second with the 224 valkyrie with 29 or 26.0 grains of cfe223 you're looking at twenty seven hundred and fifty feet per second behind an 88 grain eld so in my last in my six millimeter arc versus two two four grendel or i'm sorry 6'5 grendel comparison video that i did recently there was quite a few comments in that particular video asking me why i didn't use the exact same weight bullet for both cartridges now a lot of you will understand why i didn't but for those of you who don't and might want to ask that same question in this video if i was to use a 90 grain bullet for the 6 arc in that video which is a fairly regular size bullet high enough bc in the six millimeter in the six millimeter uh category um and then i was to do a 90 grain bullet in the 6'5 category yes they would have a much closer muzzle velocity but when that got out to further distances the trajectory of a 90 grain 6.5 bullet with such a low ballistic coefficient would fall out of the sky much faster than the 123 grain bullet that we chose to use so i'm trying to make these as even of a comparison as possible and this is just for any of you who may be wondering why i'm not using the exact same size bullet for both these so with these we have actually been able to with the 88 grain eld and the 108 eld we're able to get a very close comparison between these two cartridges uh even though they're not the same grain weight so that that's all i want to say about that so trajectory trajectory with the six millimeter arc with that 24 inch gas gun with our 29.1 grains of cfe 223 at 2740 feet per second with a 108 eld you're looking at at what and i also want to say i have true data for both these bullets so i'm using my true ballistic coefficients um that i have come up with for both these bullets i've been shooting both these bullets for quite some time i have trued both these out to transonic so i do have very good true data at least for my particular rifles so that's the ballistic coefficients we're using for these generic loads so the six millimeter arc at 500 yards um with a with at 2740 feet per second with the 108 eld with a ballistic coefficient a true ballistic coefficient of 0.262 um is what my true ballistic coefficient we are looking at a 10 and a quarter minute of angle drop at 500 yards or 10 and a quarter minute of angle elevation at 500 yards with a 928 foot pounds of muzzle energy at one thousand yards we're looking at thirty two and a and three quarter minutes of angle elevation with four hundred and twenty point five foot pounds of energy so the two two four valkyrie um with my true ballistic coefficients behind the 88 grain eld which is a 0.262 now that is almost identical or i'm sorry 0.260 so that is almost identical to the ballistic coefficient of the a the 108 eld and you might be saying well how is that possible if you look at the the 88 grain eld and how long that bullet is in compare it is almost the exact same length as the 108 eld even though this is in a much smaller diameter cartridge or smaller diameter bullet so this is where some of the problems arise in in my personal opinion with the 224 valkyrie when trying to push such a super high bc bullet with such a small charge it has a hard time now they do stabilize but it has a hard time staying consistent so you can work up a load with the 224 valkyrie with one of these super heavy for caliber bullets and you'll tend to find that they will shoot great for about 100 rounds 80 rounds and then that load will completely fall apart and you will have to go through and completely redo your load development whereas if you are not trying to push such a long heavy bullet a lot of guys have went down to the 80 grain the 80 grain category of bullets and that's actually where i ended up i ended up shooting the 80 grains and found that i was finding much more consistency and my load didn't fall apart at any point so that is one of the shortcomings i think that came about with the 224 valkyrie and i think a lot of people have realized that and that is why you don't see as many people loading the 90s and the 88s and the 95s anymore because of those issues trying to run such a big heavy bullet in such a small diameter cartridge so the 224 valkyrie with our 26.0 grain charge of cfe223 uh with the 88 grain eld at 2750 feet per second so 10 feet per second faster and a .002 uh less on our ballistic coefficient um at that 2750 feet per second at 500 yards you're looking at 10 and a quarter minutes of angle of drop and 759 foot-pounds of energy so the almost identical drop to the six arc it is an identical elevation to the six arc at 500 yards um and slight and a considerable about about a mount less energy uh and that is obvious because of the much smaller bullet even though it's traveling the same speeds uh with the same ballistic coefficient it is a smaller bullet it packs a smaller punch um out to a thousand yards you're looking at 32.5 minutes of angle so a quarter minute flatter trajectory out to a thousand yards from the 224 valkyrie um and 341 foot pounds of energy so 80 foot pounds of energy less out to a thousand yards now i would imagine nobody's planning on taking any game or any d large size game with a two two four valkyrie or a six arc out to a thousand yards but these are the numbers that we come up with so barrel life in both these cartridges both these typically any of these small cartridges that fit into a standard ar platform are going to have very good barrel life so these six are just like we talked about in the last video there is not a whole lot of data out there yet on burning out barrels for the six art because it is such a new cartridge at the time of recording this video so because of that we don't have a lot of data on that and we have to rely on very similar cartridges and the numbers that we come up with their barrel for for their barrel life which is with the six arc you're looking at about three thousand to thirty five hundred feet per second or 3 500 rounds of barrel life and that when we talk about bare life we're talking about not talking about how many rounds can i get out of a barrel before it is completely shot out we're talking about match accuracy so the the highest accuracy you can get out of that particular barrel you're looking at between 3 3 500 rounds for the 6 arc whereas the 224 valkyrie um smaller bullet less charge weight you're looking at 4 500 to 5 000 rounds of match accuracy from the 224 valkyrie now there if you look in a lot of the forums excuse me there are numbers all over the place uh different claims of barrel life for the 224 valkyrie and i think a lot of that comes from the fact that uh jp if you guys know anything about jp barrels and their ultra match barrels that are cryogenically treated and all that those barrels typically get a longer barrel life and jp has been a large adopter of the 224 valkyrie and because of that i think a lot of people are assuming that the barrel life that you get out of those jp barrels which they're claiming to get over 6 000 rounds uh and still be holding very tight groups um is the same bare life you're gonna get out of a standard two to four valkyrie barrel that's just not the case so i'm looking from all my research and everything that everybody i've talked to we're looking at 4 500 to 5 000 rounds of barrel life from the 224 valkyrie which is a significant amount more than the 6 arc recoil these things almost have the exact same recoil now obviously you're pushing a small a slightly smaller bullet out of the 224 valkyrie so you're going to have slightly less recoil but it is they're so both have such minimal recoil that i would say it's almost not even noticeable even though the six arc does have a slightly more stout recoil both these cartridges would be great for a small child wanting to get into long range precision shooting factory rifle availability because the six arc is very new from what i am aware of there are not any factory bolt guns or anything like that available for the six arc um gas guns there are a few factory gas guns available like cmmg which is something i forgot to mention in my last six arc video cmmg was the first to introduce fully full six arc rifles um and there's santan arms i think there's actually a couple other manufacturers that are doing six arc rifles um but nowhere near as many as the 224 valkyrie obviously the 224 valkyries been around for a couple years now and there's been a lot of different companies adopt the 224 valkyrie cartridge so you're looking at like mossberg and savage both have two two four valkyrie bolt guns and gas guns so as well as most of the other manufacturers that you're gonna find the bear creek arsenals the palmetto state armories all those have many different options in the 224 valkyrie so the two two four and as well as barrels of being available and all that there's just so much more available for the 224 valkyrie and i think one of the big things that has hindered the six millimeter arc from having such a huge rush on people producing parts and and barrels and things for the six arc is the fact that this all happened at the same time as this whole pandemic mess and because of that uh you guys if you guys follow along with the gun industry at all you've seen all the panic buying and all the stuff going on manufacturers are having a hard enough time keeping their stocks of the things that they sell the most of uh replenished without trying to get into new cartridges like the 6r so i do believe when this when all this stuff is over we will see a lot of 6 arc stuff coming online and being available just like we have in the 224 valkyrie so factory ammo availability just like with the rifles six arc being brand new with all the stuff going on there's not a whole lot of people doing ammo for the six arc as a matter of fact the only from what i am aware of hornady who is the who is the company that introduced the six art cartridge is the only company doing six arc ammo uh factory ammo right now so if you are looking to do factory ammo you are gonna have to go with hornady and it is gonna be hard to find because of all the things going on and the shortage in ammo in general the ammo availability of the six arc is no exception so the 224 valkyrie the 224 valkyrie because it has been around a lot longer there was a lot of companies that jumped on it right off the bat you're looking at hornady federal sierra and underwood there i think there are even a couple more that all do factory ammo for the 224 valkyrie um brass availability just like obviously if hornady is the only one doing factory ammo horny is the only brass available for the six arc and it is somewhat hard to find and if you are looking to find six arc brass having a hard time you can easily neck down six five grendel brass and if you're wondering how to do that uh check out eagle eye shooting's channel he has a great video on necking down six arc brass from two two four or from six uh six five grendel um two two four valkyrie obviously it's been around a while so you're looking at hornady federal and starline all doing 224 valkyrie brass and there may be some others but those are the ones that i am personally aware of as well as components are going to be a little bit cheaper for the 224 valkyrie obviously you're running a smaller bullet it takes less material to make a bullet in a two to four diameter than it does in a 243 diameter so you are going to have it's going to be cost you a little less for components like bullets for the 224 valkyrie so this has been the full breakdown of the six arc and the 224 valkyrie i hope this was helpful if you guys are looking at either of these cartridges maybe this helps make your choice i'll see you guys next time
Channel: GunFather Precision
Views: 3,120
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Keywords: long range, precision, rifle, shooting, 224 valkyrie, 6mm arc, 6.5 grendel, 6.8 spc, 350 legend, gas gun, bolt action, custom, caliber, cartridge, 556, 223, comparison, vs, hornady, eld, sniper, sniper 101, ballistic, trajectory, ballistic coefficient, velocity, reloading, factory ammo, recoil, applied Ballistics, saami spec, numbers, data, buy, reloading, 88gr, 108gr
Id: W3suOTEvC6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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