6.7 FORD P0401 FIX egr cooler replacement

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hey guys today on the shop we're gonna be talking about the 6.7 liter Ford EGR cooler replacement can be taking care of that p0 401 insufficient flow EGR code and I'll show you a few tips and tricks that I use along the way to help speed up the process so the 6.7 liter has two cooling systems they have one for the main radiator and that's petcock is on the driver's side and there's one for the secondary radiator on the passenger side and that does the EGR cooler and also the the intercooler so you're going to have to drain both these systems to do that so let's start off with the driver's side you're going to want to make sure you release the pressure on the cap before you start open up the petcock because you open up that pack hock and there's pressure in the system you're going to be in for a little bit of surprise so while that's draining you can go ahead and start taking the airbox out and all this intake system out over on here's just a few clips to get your air filter lid off and then there's just an 8 millimeter right here at the at the intake side start taking that off get this whole intake system a do a so once all settled rained down you can start taking all these cool tubes off that go from the the bottle to the EGR cooler and they clip into the intake right here um I just like to use like a trim panel tool to pop off all these clips so you don't break them and then you can just use a regular pair of pliers or even you know a specialty pair of pliers to these kind of hose clamps and just start popping all these off and get them out of your way so the next obstacle you're gonna have to contend with is this this pipe right here and it goes from the into the exhaust manifold down to the over to the EGR cooler right here and the issue is the bolts usually come out fine right there but some of the bolts sometimes down where that goes down into the exhaust manifold those bolts sometimes break off so what I like to do is I like to get the torch with a little heating tip like a brazing tip almost and just get down there and just very very gently warm up the in the exhaust manifold side and try not to heat the bolt too much but actually heat the manifold itself and then just apply nice light even pressure onto that bolt and I've had pretty good luck getting them out that way if they break off I mean you end up having to go in there and drill them and they can definitely be a little bit of a pain but unfortunately there's really no other option you just got to heat it hope for the best and then if it does break then you got to kind of drill it out so a lot of guys will say to take the upper plenum off I don't really think that's necessary unless this bolt breaks off I try to avoid it a little bit of a pain to take that plenum off so what I like to do is I grab a little 8-millimeter swivel socket on a 3/8 drive adapter and then I I reach down inside there with that so this is the kind of heating tip I like to use make sure you have plenty of light once you get that pipe pipe out of the way next step is take this one off right here it goes from the intake plenum over the EGR cooler so there is a little probe here that measures exhaust temperature it's actually technically intake temperature and that comes up underneath and just gonna want to unplug that and then take your trim tool separate the connector from the intake manifold I like to leave these things thread it in if I can a lot of times these sensors aren't so bad but a lot of egt probes if you have any experience with them you try to loosen these things up and they pull the threads so if I don't have to take these out I avoid it at all cost all right now we can start pulling this valve off first thing you want to do is unplug the valve itself and then there's ten bolts that hold this EGR valve on all the way around stop popping all those bolts up now depending on what area from these little dowels on here it can be a little bit tricky I mean these things got corroded in here so definitely something to watch out for you want to make sure that you're not going to be breaking the little ears off of the EGR cooler housing here or on the EGR valve especially we're going to reuse that after you get that Valve out of your way next thing you don't want to do is take this little diverter valve piece off so you're gonna take this vacuum line off there's one connector pop that off and then same thing as EGR valve there's a bunch of bolts all the way around there's two bolts that hold this little plastic wire loom on you just take those bolts out push the wire loom over to the side and then take those surrounding bolts off so as you can see that cooler is just plugged solid all right let's pop that cooler core out and get this cleaned up so there's really no way to avoid it when you pop this cooler core out it's gonna make a mess I mean this housing will hold a whole bunch of coolant it doesn't matter how good you drain the system it's just gonna hold it in there so I'll just put a big bucket under it and be prepared to clean up after don't be afraid to bend this housing a little in the cooler core a little bit here obviously we're replacing this just make sure that you're not marring up the housing or ruining the ceiling surface at all on the housing itself but the the cooler core and you can bend that doesn't matter that's just going in the trash so the cooler can't come out with this D gas bottle in the way so go ahead and remove that it's two eight millimeter bolts right here a couple of hoses pop those off and get this bottle right anyway so a lot of guys don't like to do it this way because there's two o-rings way down inside on the backend that if you take the whole cooler housing out there's a back cover that you could take off and you can pretty easily get to those o-rings um I personally found it a little bit more difficult to get the whole housing out as compared to just going in with a long pick getting the old dole ring out and then just very carefully taking a pair of needle nose pliers longing and loss pyres and going in and certain that new o-ring it is a little bit tricky the first couple of times you do it I don't advise this but I've seen quite a few guys get away with just not even changing those o-rings I mean that's that's totally a call that has to be up to you because the issue is if that old ring does fail now you're leaking coolant into your into your EGR system so I always advise changing those o-rings but the easiest way for me tea has been with a long pick get the old ring out and then take a pair needlenose pliers and just get that new old ring in make sure it's seated in the groove nice and good check down inside make sure they're in good to go now you're ready to start reassembling so aside from the cooler you can need this replacement gasket set it's actually a kit comes with pretty much all the gaskets you need to do the job I'll put a link in the description of the video below with the part numbers and it'll be the part number for the gasket kit and a part number for the cooler itself and then I'll also put a link to the orange coolant that you need your gonna put back in these trucks I also suggest at this time adding a coolant additive it's one of those regular service interval things before word typically by the time the EGR cooler is bad it's also due for the coolant additive so I'll put a link in the description for that also so if you really struggle to get those o-rings out of there don't feel discouraged it can be difficult to do I mean I've done so many of them that it kind of almost comes the second nature to me and I've had a pretty easy time switching them like that but just for you guys out there that either don't feel comfortable doing it that way or you struggle it's not that much harder to take the rest of the cooler core out there's only seven more bolts as three across the front and then two more on each side and then you can take the whole cooler housing right out of the truck it does get a little tight over on the AC line some guys suck down the AC some guys will disconnect the PCM and get all that out of there I don't really feel like that's necessary but what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go ahead and pull this cooler housing out so you can actually see where those o-rings are you get a better idea of it and you can also see if you do prefer to pull the housing out you can see how that goes no on the other hand if you do manage to get those o-rings changed out and they're in there nice and good at this point you can start reassembling make sure the surface is nice and clean here and then start putting the gaskets on the order that they came off once I get this cooler I'll kind of have a little tutorial I'll show you exactly which way this goes back together because what I'm going to do is I'm going to assemble this whole cooler housing together off of the truck and then we'll install it as one unit so aside from those seven bolts that hold that cooler on there's a couple things I forgot to mention like I said it's been a little while since I've done it this way is the exhaust back pressure tube has a nut that holds it holds the tube right onto the back side right here it's a ten millimeter nut if you take this one coolant tube off right here it makes it a little bit easier to get to and then there's a little plastic retainer that holds the wiring harness on right here and then there's two little clips that hold the heat shield that goes over the top of the injector lines that you just got to pop those off once you get those out once you get those out you can just kind of pop the EGR cooler up off the dowels and then just kind of work and wreck it out sometimes just going to push up a little bit on this AC it does come out it's not easy but it does come out of there have a little bit of patience you know sometimes you go to use a little pair of needle nose pliers to pop those clips off and everything but then once you get it out we can take it over to the bench and stop disassembling this thing and I'll show you where those o-rings are alright now that we've got this housing on the bench here what you can do is take six thirteen millimeter bolts off just gently pry it off obviously being careful not to mess up the sealing surfaces now these o-rings I was talking about right here so obviously once you have this out it's it's much easier to do these o-rings this way it's definitely personal preference like I said I don't suggest not replacing these all rings I have had a couple come in here that had some issues that this o-ring was torn from somebody that didn't replace the o-rings so just make sure however you do it while they're in the truck with a long pic or taking the whole cooler assembly out of the truck just make sure these always get changes very important once you get this thing totally stripped down you get all the old ol rings off and everything you're gonna want to clean up the carbon and all the the sealing surfaces I like to use a little carbon scraper nice and gentle and just kind of get the majority of this carbon off once I get the majority that carbon off then I'll use like 3m scotch brite pad like one of the rectangular pads and just kind of scuff everything up and make sure everything's nice and clean and then I'll go over everything with a nice spray of brake clean and make sure that all the sealing surfaces are nice and you try to get as much carbon out of this thing as possible after you get it all cleaned up nice now you can put these new o-rings in make sure this seated all the way into the grooves and then I like to lubricate these now I use a transmission assembly loop because does it need a way in any of the o-rings and it just it works pretty good kind of rub that on the o-rings all nice then you can take your gasket out of the gasket kit and the cover stock putting it back together so once you get the back half assembled the next step is going to be to reassemble this cooler if you wish to do it outside the truck which I mean at this point with this fire it might as well do it this way so want to put this gasket on first on here you're gonna see it says cooler side on one side of the gasket make sure you really pay attention to the way these go on I don't know if you really could mess it up but it's good to know so then I take the new cooler and take some more of this lube gently slide it on it this can be real difficult sometimes to get it seated all the way I've seen people try to suck it in with the bolts I've seen all different things people hit it with a hammer and when you do that you can bend this flange and then things don't seal right so personally I like to take it and put it on the ground and push it on in eventually you hear it go Fudd let's see it all the way now just check verify make sure it's seated make sure all the bolt holes are accessible then you're good to go then you can take your next gasket this one right here says bypass side so this side is going to face the bypass valve I'm gonna put that over the dowel put that over the dowel and then this is something you want to inspect this bypass valve is very common for failure so just kind of make sure it moves freely make sure this valve is nice and flat because this thing actually with time will start to curve a little bit and that can cause a failure so just make sure that this thing is in good shape make sure the surface is a nice and clean and definitely get all the carbon cleaned out of this thing and then you could pop this on and then last but not least we get the EGR valve gasket in EGR valve now if you're going to be installing new EGR valve obviously this is the time to do it don't necessarily have to do the valve just because the cooler failed don't forget to change out the gaskets that go between the EGR cooler in the valve cover area here and just kind of make sure you get everything tucked up out of your way and then you can sneak to singing it's a little bit heavier once you get everything assembled so just take your time make sure you're not breaking any clips or hooking on in the injector lines but should be good to go just nice and easy work it in and then just reverse all the steps from their style hooking everything back up and that's it we'll see in a little bit alright guys so after you get the single back together it's time to start filling up the cooling system the best way to fill it up is with one of these vacuum vacuum fillers this one's by snap-on there's a few other companies that make them you don't necessarily have to get the snap-on one I'm not gonna get into how to use this today because I'm gonna make a completely separate video just on this and you know I'll show you that you can use on anything from a little Volkswagen to Chevy Cruze or a Ford Focus all the way up to one of these big trucks and it works really well to make sure you get all the air out of the system you don't need it it just makes life a lot easier if you don't have one fill the cooling system up nice and slow keep constantly checking it make sure those thermostats open up and after you take it for a drive make sure you check on the cold level again and once you get that coolant filled up everything's good to go clear the light take it for a long nice road test make sure you have no leaks before you drive this thing obviously and check over all your work but take up a nice long road test and verify the EGR is functioning properly verify you have no other codes and from there you should be good to go I hope you guys enjoyed I didn't really cover putting it back together I figured you know you could just reverse the steps on on how do you took it apart if anybody has any questions on reassembly feel free to drop a comment below or message me reach out to me I'm here to help guys so I appreciate everybody watching if you liked like the video subscribe thanks for watching in the shop
Channel: In The Shop
Views: 63,342
Rating: 4.929893 out of 5
Keywords: In the shop, Nathans garage, Ford, 6.7, P0401, EGR, EGR cooler, egr valve, diesel, fix, insufficient flow, truck, powerstroke, check engine light, diy, exhaust, tools, f250, f350, f-250, f-350, superduty
Id: 4Qs7bW4ctSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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