#280 - multi ring pour on a long canvas

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hi everyone ben here from artless ordinary so i am going to do a multi ring pour today so the colors i have uh montmartre in pink light purple cerulean blue and turquoise and i have black and white the white is a raldo di polo because i have ran out of montmartre white at the moment and so has the shop until i get some online so what i have done is i have mixed these up about 45 grams paint 45 grams flotrol and i think it was six grams water for the colors the black and the white are about 75 grams paint 75 grams flotrol and i think it was 10 or 11 grams water but they're all the same consistency now so what i need to do is make up my colors so i'm going to put these over so i don't knock them what i want to do is i'm going to put in just a tad of pink then a little bit of white and not much i probably have too much white and too much black but i'd rather have a little bit extra than not enough i might just put that on the edge there then a bit more pink these are gonna drip the these paper cups have a much wider lip but um australia is banning um well i don't know if they're banning but most of the shops now won't sell plastic cups anymore so i have to use the paper ones i understand it's an environmental thing um just once they've got the paint in them i can't you reuse a paper cup when i could have washed plastic but can't get hold of them to be able to do that and i'm knocking paint on my hands so all i'm going to do is just layer this pink white pink black pink white pink black and same with the other colors each time i do a layer i add a little bit more color um and these paints are relatively thick because i'm doing a ring pour if i want oh sugar oh well i just put the black and the white next to each other which i was not planning on doing that's okay because i was talking i wasn't concentrating that's fine i just will do another black layer here the black and the white are mostly just for some contrast and more pink probably going to use the rest of this app so the other reason i'm not as keen on the paper cups is you can't actually store it in that cup for too long because the cups start getting moist from the moisture in the thing um so i can't make the paints up a long time beforehand but that's just how it goes so there's the pink one i'm gonna put that aside and then move on to the light purple i'm going to keep these cups in case they drip at least their color is near where it is where that ring is going to be the white i'll always put back onto that corner so again i have no idea if this is going to be awesome or not i'm just having fun another full-on day at work so you come home and you have fun doing a painting that is really what it's all about for me is just enjoying myself on my time off so i'm going to try not to put the black and white together on these other colors as much as i can i just don't really want the black and the white to mix and make too much gray okay and i'm going to add a bit of white to the top again so i don't mind if i use up all the white if i have any black left over i'll just use that on the corners as kind of like a paint extender now we're going to for the blue so these are all pastely colors which are probably all going to be i think they're all opaques just what i felt like doing at the time should be nice and bright a little bit more should be nice and bright artwork so that's what i felt like having something a little bit bright and sheery so the one difference i'm gonna have here is this one here is gonna have black at the top not the white for two reasons one i'm running out of white and two i wanted it to be laid in that way and now our turquoise and the turquoise i didn't add as much water to it because turquoise paint is always thinner um nearly every brand i have brought turquoise is thin so that's one thing to keep in mind certain colors are often thinner or thicker just innate like that's how they seem to be it's not always a rule but it seems to be with a few brands of the turquoise that i've got they all are thinner so if i go a bit quiet that's just me concentrating okay here we go that's them just going to pour a little bit of black on the four corners that i will this isn't 100 necessary i just had enough left over so i thought i might as well and while i'm here i'm just going to coat the sides probably won't do the top and the bottom edge sides don't really think it's necessary i mostly just want to get these corners done and again if you don't have enough paint don't worry about this part i'm just doing it because i have black left over and i do sometimes worry if the paint doesn't go all the way to the corner without me changing my picture too much so this way here gives me a little bit of an option if i don't want to ruin my rings i can just leave the black the corners as plain black excellent so i'm going to start this way and move over that way so what i will do but is i poured it in from that side so i'm going to pinch the cup on the side part because it will make the colors blend a little bit better with the rings so that should be about right maybe pink a little bit more there now colored fingers okay and just start off then just do rings always got to watch your black it can take over as in i can see here there's a lot more black and white and not a lot of pink i'm getting a bit of gray there that's why i don't always add the black and the white together when i do rings or anything where i'm going to jiggle the cup a lot slow it down a little bit okay i'm just going to put that aside now i'm going to start on the purple and pinch it that way now now these are going to push against each other so hopefully as i spread this out i will get less black because um yeah i wasn't planning on having so much black in this i wanted it more for contrast not for as a main feature but we will see pinch this one here so all i'm doing is just doing rings as the paint comes out slower you just slow down your rings oops that cup was getting in the way and now the last one which is really pushing up against so i'm just tilting the canvas a little bit so it doesn't run off this edge go away a little bug just flew in the middle of my artwork i'm just gonna hold that there my tweezers naughty bug okay i'm gonna have to put gloves on because i am going to get covered in paint okay so the blue looks a little bit squashed at the moment but as i start tilting it it will all spread out a little bit so i'm just going to go sideways a little bit get a bit of that paint going down to the this side i'm gonna come back bring these all a little bit more in line and then i'm going to tilt down all right just go slowly paint don't rush okay coming back up don't want that purple one was kind of coming off the canvas too much so that's why i decided to stop tilting downwards so sometimes it's hard to getting all the paint to go at the same time as you can see it's definitely this side's moving more all right and stop there bring the paint down i think it wasn't i think my rings weren't even enough to be quite honest but we will see so we're bringing the paint down to this bottom corner on this side okay now i'm gonna go up okay that's probably about enough i'm going to bring the weight of the paint just back down to the center and then see if i can squash this side back to a little bit more even shape so it looks like the blue and the purple in the middle are going to stay thinner and these two side ones are going to be more dominant especially that blue that blues kind of become really small because this one pushed into it too much i'm gonna have to go back i'm gonna stop there for a second now one way i can actually do this i'm going to take this glove off here i'm going to see if i can get my hand underneath the canvas and slightly push up in that blue and purple area see if i can stretch them out without stretching out the other colors you don't want to push too hard because you don't want to damage the canvas not happening so much that's a bit better sorry for my wiggles i'm trying to get myself a little bit more even so what i'm doing is i'm stretching out this blue part now i'm going to do the same to this purple and try and push that down into the pink area a little bit it's not going to make a huge difference but i'll make some definitely a lot more black than i had planned okay i think that's going to be about enough if i try and do too much more i'm just going to alter it more than i would want to heavy a lot of paint on there and a lot of paint all over me i've got paint drips all over my arm from putting my hands underneath the canvas like that okay see i got pain all over me so i'm actually quite happy i it's definitely i didn't plan for it to be as dark as as black as it was i was planning for it to be a bit more color but i actually don't mind the black i kind of think it has it is going to make those colors jump out a little bit so all i am going to do is get this plain black there's a tiny little bit left in the cup and just put a little bit more on that edge there because i didn't go all the way over on this side of the canvas that side doesn't really look like it needs it this side just needs a tiny little dab so that's why it was good to actually cover those edges and that corner looks like it's okay so that's why it was a good idea to actually just paint those four corners just in case it didn't go over and we are going to scrape this so like normal we should do this with every artwork even if it just puts you in the routine of doing it if you don't actually have to because if you forget it can alter your artwork overnight or when you do your artwork and change it quite a lot so i try to scrape every single time even if it doesn't look like it needs it it's worth doing now these cups look really cool in here can you see all the patterns sometimes it's a shame you can't keep your cups as an artwork there we go just check that again in another um 10 minutes or so and just make sure it's still not dripping if it's dripping off one side then you know your um table's not level all right that yeah that's all the drips okay now all i can do is wait and let this dry um will i torch it i probably should have torched before i started tilting i was worried it was going to go over the edge just going to give it a quick little torch just make sure these bubbles are hot okay the paint's quite thick so some of them are taking a little bit to pop all right that's it done awesome so yeah the only thing i would have liked the blue to be a little bit bigger but it's fluid art you can't always predict that so what i probably would do next time is i may do the two center ones first and then do the two outer ones um because as the weight of the paint they do start sinking the canvas and i think that the blue one just got a little bit more squished up but um it still looks cool and i love this one this one's really come out quite nice so i'm gonna bring you down for a close-up and see what you guys think okay there we go the colors aren't coming out in camera as good as they could be this is definitely more pink and that's similar in purple that's probably a little bit more blue in real life and that's probably close as well sometimes the camera doesn't pick up every color as good as others but um i'm really pleased um i think this turned out good and every time you do something especially if you haven't done it before you kind of learn as you go so next time i do it like i said i'll do these ones first and then do the outer edges so um and that's just because that's what i would like to see how different it comes out but i still like this i still think this is cool so this is the turquoise ring then we got the blue ring that's kind of gone down into a a ring line we have the purple one here and then we've got this pink one at the end which isn't coming out in camera as good of colors as i would like but um there we go we focus cool but there we go kind of super fun easy to do it's not a complicated pour and it doesn't really mean anything if you want to you can pour more i could have pulled more of this green off and expanded that blue more but i liked the way that this green one looked so i didn't want to do that and um yeah just have fun and remember if more black or white or whatever colors you add into it you will get different kind of effects come through so i didn't realize but this is a 33 minute video so i better stop now so have fun so comment like share and subscribe if you have not already and i will see you soon for another pour okay thank you bye
Channel: Art less ordinary by Ben Mayo
Views: 144
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2Ww-VB5tU3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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