[6.5] CREATING KIEVAN RUS - Dyre the Stranger Campaign for Crusader Kings 3 (Historical Lets Play)

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so that was weird i guess we're back why not what happens the board should be fine looking good on my end [Music] oh man a weird set of issues today [Music] drunken i think it's honestly i think it's just youtube being a [ __ ] right now something like something has changed in the last like two three weeks everyone's getting like greatly reduced traffic notifications aren't being sent out um streams are dropping streams aren't like getting out to as many people it's really really weird corny has anyone ever told you you're an awfully pessimistic person [Music] okay so let's try and push forward the wind's taken out of my sails a little bit but hopefully we'll kind of pump up a little bit between this text conversations and other annoying things today it's been a [ __ ] wild ride so let's take a look um so we do matrilineal they also increase our house which is good else has got 18 living members jesus christ i take your point let's we can really go with anyone she doesn't really have any like crazy good traits or anything like that so i guess this is okay that's to south bulgaria [Music] i don't want to get into it alliance with pinks i'd rather just conquer pink oland isn't a terrible uh alliance to have i also just don't want to get involved in like a distant far away alliance that i just can't go to a and they want me to help and like i dammit but i think this is a good one matrilineal too so this brings more robust into my bloodline this might be the way to go organ women really cute worth an alliance okay so i think we'll do this yeah [Music] back up let me back up where am i going going i'm not going anywhere all right so this guy powerful vassal ah that's fine you don't you know you still not a great vassal not bad chief david but my son who's on the council who dried up who poisoned me who poisoned me this guy poisoned me for sure poisoned me i'm a [ __ ] [Music] oh okay back got that one right where do i have you looking for for the thingies [Music] yes no continue to find those secrets there's something there a little bastard i put him in visby and he just goes hogwild oh [ __ ] oh we don't want to do that that marriage right now a marriage has happened in the land interesting go right here yeah it's okay all right wait [Music] is it an issue is issue to marry off non-heirs to non-landed for inheritable traits but yeah no not at all you can do actually do that matt you're 100 cool to do that no it's you wait a minute so kursk was just conquered back into the casuaria that's interesting but now we border the causaria and it's going to be a pretty interesting little situation here uh what kind of wars they have going on okay so that's back down the step that's over here sting [Music] [Music] so we do not want to get another king title going on prior to our death because if we have enough lands for another king title like say white ruse for example then it will create that because of confederate partition [Music] what's up eddie how are you back here and do some raiding west is my out of our game i'm playing hard and they have a lot of alliances i'll style know what to do right now i'm a little i'm still a little like kind of sketched out on succession i feel like i should kind of play with this a little bit we landed the big daddy over here uh grim near so grimner is not gonna get anything in succession yorkie's nice game good well done mouse let's look for some congenital traits maybe i do some disinheriting which i can do [Music] this will pretty much guarantee intelligent [Music] goddamn crabs everywhere maybe we'll just go with this and put um pretty into the mix um okay so how do we [Music] oh strats tournaments i got that one [Music] since for the most part everyone other becomes and this i mean he's gonna be a terrible vassal will be a pain in the ass because kallus well he's actually not that bad evil paragon double sinful here oh virtuous virtue sorry hello not the one i've actually never disinherited someone from the line of succession i have no idea what the effects of it really are um but if i disinherit people it just pretty much pushes these things up the line so if i disinherit ivan it just takes these and goes okay well you get one more county and you get one more county [Music] and [Music] denounce removes them from announce this will move them from your dynasty [Music] oh i'm sorry this isn't room bastie it disinherits them and then denouncing them allows them to be imprisoned all members of our dynasty and imprisoned reason against him ah interesting okay [Music] oh you just go ahead and do it fraud we will wait on [Music] i can't believe i was poisoning my son i mean it could have been someone else do you have any vassals that really hate me do you have any rivals yeah that's my right that's my rival [ __ ] 18 intrigue old laggard [Music] can't find any secrets in that court give it one more round we'll give one around i mean he could he could but remember he's poisoned until 901 and he's going to start losing his benefits of these other things in the next two years to the chattering king here um yeah start the war guy [Music] i mean this is just all my better arms i could win this with these guys alone probably yeah i want to get to 2800 and we're good we don't wait don't wait the dance oh we did not befriend him black festivities i expected the mood was dour [Music] well that was easy [Music] i know when i am defeated the peasant revolt has ended and we have won well that was a fast little revolt yeah you can abduct the pope that's pretty sweet right i guess i'll try to befriend this dude i mean so it appears the guy who poisoned me just uh okay good okay she became a fortune builder whoa what a steward nice for you do you not have a husband let us make one for you let's see i mean there's nothing really crazy here i guess i could look for someone to bring into my court but somewhat no one has just no one just has good stu yep at all period [ __ ] you have an ironborn oh good call good call oh ah there we go [Music] [Music] welcome back jack how are you doing man well i think 62. the giant this is huge i'm doing well man i'm doing well we're getting our paces here we were having a little issue with the stream but it's gotten a lot better so hopefully it stays that way that way with the brain on that guy yeah 21 learning too we'll get that she'll come join the court peasant leader here would make a decent whoa even got robust this can just be like a great anything yeah i've got a lot of horrible static vassals though that down okay pause that one those victories down low county control okay so let's perfect let's actually fix that 19 months 19 months we'll do it in the capital first and a lot of that i'm surprised we still have a lot of issues with that it might just be might just be because of um we're not russian and i don't know if we should tiny child you tiny little child oh you beautiful tiny child or dunya sure i don't know if it's just because or i don't know when we should convert to russian august done and done so let's host a feast and hopefully we can get stuff like life reaffirmed or things that'll help us out i don't have any stress to really lose nice um i was about to bite into the most succulent piece of duck i have ever seen one of my servants keeled over clutching at his throat he had been helping himself to a taste of my meal at the very least he served as a warning to not touch the bird while receiving just punishment for his crime i do not know who's behind this but they must be found and brought to justice watchful for two years uh commission epic decision is from um learning stewardship diplomacy writing writing history diplomacy we need to we need to like put an end to this crap maybe i should do this this epic before i die i can't decide we can host a feast though guess we can do that of course luke [Music] and this will at least uh we can hopefully get yeah we're now going to have to switch to destroy i got two days left before this okay huh huh to think my son my rival would you son of a [ __ ] i cannot believe that chieftain ragnar had the nerve to plot against me to murder his own father i shall not let this go unpunished who knows what might happen the next time i wonder what might be the best course of action well it is time to deal with that a cheering gathering indeed one that's gonna happen sorry guys no it's not my heir it's just my second oldest son he's also my chancellor so that is what it is but [Music] it's time to deal with that because he has just been you may want to murder him rather than disinherit you know what i might not be wronging dude oh he has claims on everything you have to expose it and then i can imprison him yeah this is super expensive holy crap we don't even have enough uh a prestige to do so i hate to do it because he's he i mean he's a good he's a good he's a good boy no lot of great things going for him so let's expose it though exposing a secret gives you the [Music] hook hey paris what's up man five dollar donation from paris hello how are you your history lesson on the varangians i'm going to play as sturgeon and his band of men who's soldier for the empire dude good call paris that's sick why can't blackmail unhook or blackmail four hook sorry oh yeah but obviously black hook we already have a weak hook my spymaster just did though that's what we just found out mean he's a criminal because um he's an adulterer and he slept with my spouse that's why what he is honestly maybe we just expose and imprison him i i think it's very it's this is the russian history we're talking about killing him is in is incredibly historic i i think slept with my spouse sup with his stepmother and tr expose me or expose me and try to yeah yeah yeah so [Music] my hook is only because of uh i'm the house head he's already in this list yeah guinness yes [Music] yeah he's my son he slept with his my wife who is his stepmother and then tried to poison and then kill me he's right here jail him in torture all right so we will expose this then right we're exposing this so we can then jail him am i correct in saying this little [ __ ] sleep with his wife bye rod king dear ruthena has presented irrefutable evidence of a murder attempt against me uh the crooked nave behind the plot is none other than my son agnar that's my word he will come to regret his failure guards arrest this filthy criminal you know walk free go to jail he is going to jail i'm replacing my chancellor back with the other guy who was at least a passable chancellor and he didn't try to kill me not even once did he try to kill me chieftain ragnar you were supposed to be the chosen one you are a sinner and you're in debt how does thou plea gain 30 dread spend 100 gain 5150 lose stress gain trait kinslayer whoa that's pretty intense [Music] revoking some this title here [Music] you have no heirs you son of a [ __ ] yeah i could make him renounce his claims he'd lose all these claims because his kids would only get uh well his kids wouldn't get [ __ ] that shows me [Music] patrick actually so that's what happened he we imprisoned him for sleeping with my wife his stepmom and we released him and he he like he poisoned me what are you saying corey courtney yeah yeah so we've we've taken away his title we'll move him to the dungeon what is the empire that involves ruthenia it is russia garrett yeah it was brutal patrick this affected this family of course but [Music] in the dungeon he goes yeah jack remember when i almost killed a father what a [ __ ] show it has become in here okay back on track all right so we've dealt with our murderer at least low counter control in gotland i can or uh in visby i can only wonder why beast right woman for the job my friend my dear wife alfred has alfie alfred uh whatever it is has been working hard to ensure that everything about the feast goes smooth it arrives on time the guests are still seated in the right place and everyone seems content with my wife beside me at the great table everything is ready i squeeze her hand and smile at her before rising to announce the start of celebrations in household efforts goody am i marshall there oh what do you mean by that like are you to to increase control yeah we'll get there we're we're doing it in our capital first we're not norse right now right now we swap we swapped over to slovakia the feast is dwelling down and i find myself deep in conversation with my respectful daughter aslaug she inquires about my opinion on troop compositions a subject she is deeply interested in herself is indeed is it sort of that fascinates me as well i'm supposed to perform your friendship with our daughter darius a rivalry no not another one intimate no no intimate relationships with my daughter no more weird family stuff let's just have a close nice honest friendship nothing weird there so we have some oh [ __ ] the kingdom of white roost has been established up here so we have some options and let's pause real quick take a look um i think our next expansion is north into pinsk um and the main reason behind that well actually maybe it's west because if we look at our empire title we do have to grab this land uh galicia vulginia and if we grab five of the six du jour de ure counties then it makes succession easier if i grab all six it will force the title to be created when i die because of confederate partition so we can expand here we can pretty much take one two three four this right here and four five six seven honestly if we just take this and maybe get some vassalage going over here [Music] like if we offer vassalage to this guy on our heirs come around i think it'd be pretty good but i think this thing is pretty primed to be gobbled up pinks i would like to take but the issue is issue i see with pinks is that since it is the you're a part of white ruse i'm going to come into an issue with with um uh former minsk now now white roos so i think that we hold off on them i think that's probably the best way to go we do also still have to deal with um the river kids up here far to the north who seem to be are they expanding oh no they're they're helping uh we're over there [Music] so do you guys agree expanding west gravlin grabbing this is probably the best way to go oh [ __ ] roman heinrich dropping 200 check bro [Music] yeah check running yeah yeah yeah i did it right i did it right thank you very much man really appreciate it well there are there are a lot of those things double notifications again that'll fix that [Music] okay oh yeah yeah this is like ripe for the taken go with we could invade this guy no no we don't can't do this i have time so to grab the most land we'll choose duchy and we'll choose this the duchy of vulgina [Music] that's probably the best route to go and then we'll just sweep in here fast and snatch this up [Music] they're getting old [Music] what the hell's going on jesus christ my son yarl has an affair with the spy master of brenda i do not see what the fuss is about it's not as if and lustful [Music] i mean i'll lose level of devotion i don't really really care about that i think at this point hey y'all thank you very much man two euros from big yao swinging in with with a hot red thumb on me i well i'm just and everyone right disgusting yeah i mean honestly i'll lose a level of devotion and i think that's okay [Music] um i don't want to imprison them i don't i don't find a benefit in doing that does anyone agree with me on that like doesn't seem worth it yeah i don't want to necessarily for my child is it not by yow me sorry uh zhao i'm sorry man we will go orthodox jack but not this um not this not yet yeah you're right matt oh juan okay man i'm so sorry a secret experience oh okay okay okay i was like do you mean to tell me that he touched a kid because that's the case these the head's coming off i don't care that's like a that's a general principle oh paris that'll that won't help at all tatiana here bastard who would have known jesus man i know my simple accent lost everything lost everyone headed for their respective homes i'm proud to say that the feast was a success i have my wife to thank until next time let's do then a little bit of uh oh can't go to playgrounds oh romping and stomping yeah i do not want to fight them on these uh lands on the moor i think we're gonna get them before uh i don't think it was just the same time oh okay so we'll go siege this and then we will be station be seizures this dude to who is that my son will do i'm just it's just an arm foolery johnny what's up man that court is going hog wild over there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay good good yeah garrett it's definitely better to split the army uh especially if it's like such if it's such a like huge army by comparison to other armies right so it's like yeah there's no way that this guy's gonna lose hey he created the uh the duchy here interesting like ten thousand versus two or three thousand like not even worth it it just split them up that way they won't oops no wonder passionate interests my spring blossom lilacendis is playing absent-mindedly with her hair she tells me about the rumors of court though i know little of such things i find myself mesmerized by her passion for the subject her beautiful eyes are positively glowing and the deep insight behind her words is clear even to a novice like me i think i could listen to her forever i think i love you [Music] by an entry yeah i'm not necessarily looking to start any loves or any any get into any kind of ridiculous situations i am a pious man i have a love of my life and my wife or my second love of my life and my wife christ there was a commotion among the children today ordis was attempting to preach among her fellow youngsters and became the target of a small fight bellies intervened and did what he could to protect her oh yeah you keep the trait brave for sure dude calm or zealous zealous is good i actually do really like zealous because i think it brings up a lot of really cool fun character um traits and development but i think brave is really strong and it's also a virtue no it's not not anymore just gregarious and honest are our virtues now he's not a vassal he is the next heir [Music] i have to pee so incredibly bad i am so sorry do we stick with brave or do we go to zealous or do you guys see a reason to go with calm be right back could you use russian real fast [Music] hmm so [Music] so so um do [Music] so so so that's actually a pretty interesting point armin armin said for an heir brave isn't useful he won't be in direct fights i would go with calm but it does help him out in certain situations likelihood of dying in battle plus 100 i actually did not realize that that is a personality trait with brave i didn't know that that's actually really interesting that's cool zealous can be quirky there can be times where it really works out but if i'm going down diplomacy or learning it can actually circumvent some of the options it kind of is a it's interesting let's think about it here's pensive he's gluttonous he's diligent he's a planner so being brave isn't necessarily terrible uh which traits blind panda so what trait does gluttonous decrease stewardship sean i guess the only problem here is dread decay plus 50 but that's probably not that bad you know what i think i might go with calm here because we're either going to be learning our diplomacy and maybe we start with diplomacy that way we can get befriend started and that will help us out a lot bravely gluttonous must be a texan holy [ __ ] and i could afford the stress i have got so much to do excuse me sorry i think calm kind of fits the role play of his character better all right let's let's do a call i'm gonna go con i feel like it just kind of fits his role a little bit better uh i'm in the wetlands i don't really want to go fight you on the wetlands i'm not going to what's this oh that's right you're you're a two-pronged war my dude the young mediator there was commotion among the children today gurley was attempting to preach among her fellow youngsters and became the target of a small fight lord he's intervened and managed to stop the fight remaining calm she's my daughter fine with me it's kind of like the other end of that exact scenario we just looked at it is possible to have two king titles just kind of lead blocking him out of my lands here [Music] whoa whoa whoa what's going on over here why is he oh it's a hostile army why is it hostile i'm fighting each other i'm not gonna have my son get killed by this 2000 strong army over here it's weird i guess because we have the same objective uh oh better get over there oh now my friend ruslan has died thankful that sucked all right so we no longer have a alliance with white roosts unfortunately my son seems to be okay though a little bit of a tussle came out on top in the end we're destroying this army who are you you are the guy oh you're the i see you truck you are after chieftain prayed for his mother anna and his guest oh ah yes okay all right dragon overlord thanks again man i appreciate the donation brother get money for her i get 50. he doesn't contribute to the war score that i know of got a good one what's this as we get some money out of that what's this what is this are these hostile armies that's [ __ ] wild [ __ ] better keep running boy up jack [Music] i gotta smash out these other armies over here i really want to summon these guys so i'm going to do it i really want to use the branch in host it's funny this guy's not a brandian though do i need them no is it be fun yes is ripping heads in the off in a battle just a berserker thing or can other knights do that without that trait um ripping a head off makes you a berserker i believe you look at creating under the creating kingdom titles yeah we did corny so the minimum for this kingdom is six so we're gonna get five so that my son can easily push push away [Music] i mean we're going to easily conquest this it's just the initial like [ __ ] of dealing with i want to hire them and we'll write that [Music] we are not at our amended arms limit in fact we should probably increase some of that um i was thinking of maybe making some armored footmen but we can also increase all these numbers we can make one more men in arms like we should probably do that try and smash this guy out and this will win our war ivan comes of age a native appeaser hey shy native appeaser or naive i was like native appeaser what is that [Music] oops doesn't just keep your fame back uh what do you mean by that all these just annoying little like armies that i'm not necessarily hostile with but i'm hostile because we share the same target it's really annoying uh [Music] actually from gravel as onya ah that little border there oh my wife is my wife's died that's the second wife i've outlived fully on it i'm not i've loved you yet i feel your passing more act more acutely than i ever thought possible we're always there my constant companion that take your take you for granted there are so many things left unsaid well we can marry again yay she died malnourishment what does mountain how did she die of malnourishment we just had a feast well it doesn't need to be fertile fact infertil is preferred my wife bro um it's i suppose it actually that's child low i don't want any more children here this this this'll do she looked like she had a tapeworm dude bruh [Music] intense stubborn and trusting right page look didn't even worry about him fertilize but this is fine no chance 50 perfectly good yeah this'll do gonna cost me a little bit of fame but we're fine it's fine whoa find a redhead people are all over my land at this point i don't really want to split up the army too much either it's hostile to me i'll still in the hall uh yes panzer because i put her onto domain limit increase oh she's my lover that's why she keeps doing this what's up scott how you doing dude looking down the perfectly shaped seashell and imagining he'll just smile i can barely contain myself who is it now agree my lord the old merchant gestures fell with a wink the perfect gift for a loved one spend money for this or this i want to gain stress here she gets an opinion of me oh this is my herculean milady i see that's why i did this well we shall go with this one wrap it well i see they just wrapped up that force of doom [Music] perfect now we just need to win one of these wars and we'll be good in shape i'm gonna actually document this today and take a look oh oh what was that what was that what was that was that was that was that was that was that was that okay okay okay charming king dear i so he wants to fight the kazuria which i mean he probably should and that's good because that will weaken the causaria oh pause please so i can do this the kazuri has already got three wars it's dealing with they're probably they're probably not going to attack me and why blackmail and hook this guy for sure uh yeah i think i think we're okay it's just the annoying thing about this is that we have to deal with this kind of like multifaceted war wherein someone's already declared war too the same time as we did so look at all this crap floating around my lands sons of [ __ ] all right we'll accept i'm a little hesitant to do so but we'll accept what's up julian i'm here with this dude i can sell this can't it yeah the war is almost over we have to just beat one of these armies and we'll be good we also deal with these crap ass armies that are just harassing me oh [ __ ] became a pretty interesting little fight [Music] um i already have like a awesome opinion with my whole family yeah you like me dude father yeah are you imprisoned brother yeah well brother try to kill me brother sd.com let's go with flatterer and i think we will in our final days we'll switch over to a medicine focus let's take a look here this is gonna get really spicy very soon so in february of 899 though in almost a full year we're going to lose living healthy so we'll have not feeling well after that we we should you're right i don't i want him to die soon so bellas can take over but i want velas to be of age and he has to wait two years so he might succeed with one year uh until he comes of age so i guess we'll kind of see how it goes did i do anything with succession here i mean this all seems well and good should just kill him and should we convert to russian uh dear is 52 right now 53 right now [Music] oh god look at it he just he's gonna be so bad he's gonna be such a painty ass if i reset my perks you can give vellus more stats what do you mean oh this no we're fine doesn't have intrigue that's not his focus he's just a little [ __ ] this guy has just warded him up to be that way because he's a diplomacy [Music] if i kill my uh yeah border collie i think you're right oh hola hunt some daughters do [Music] let me do this ellis has got some pretty pretty awesome intrigue bella's to be a great ruler if he stays there uh that's too gamey brothan that's too gamey i like that but that's too gamey hmm all right let's take a look at him real quick i want to look at some [Music] oh get that herculean bloodline or i should actually go with beautiful fast from the king of white roose finds power anything with white ruse which grandson was like wrong yeah a half den not true i think as they were born before um i think we get beautiful and this character would have all three but that's not silliness that important for me full laggard ah beating him over here yeah i mean it's a little minor alliance get him that's cool i like that the shot there's something majestic about the way the boar gazes across the landscape from behind the bushes i raised my bow i suddenly glanced over my son ivan to see him doing the same expect true ivan i like extended family all the way across the lands just getting pulverized right now hostility heavier hostile hubble [Music] is plaguing an in-game mechanic i believe so [Music] turning from the wild we a reinvigorating hunt indeed nephew slain or the battle of cheshire with the cat i just like last time it was like oh your son your nephew had his head ripped off oh god nine months on the sea that's pretty brutal we can't get that other army down here to fight and it is actually kind of like hindering us yeah we're definitely taking some attrition i just gotta do something this i'm splitting the armies up they start to replenish ah we discovered ledger finally that's the first innovation we've discovered since we started this campaign well what does ledger do for us domain limit plus one that's nice i was watching 30s play with heart other with other children when voice love voice tried to push her over the moment did not last long as vote as stories soon made an entire entirely new game out of it and forgotten the previous game entirely nickel so i suppose that's fine she must never let others walk all over her who's the culture head um bjorn bjorn's son they're finally coming back online no more attrition for them nothing like that i'm trying to i don't want that to happen oh like 55 days so we can get there before this happens [Music] what i'm trying to do is okay so they're good they're okay now so it's okay we have a chance of like winning this game good i gained obese we are obese and we are at death's door it's gonna happen [Music] all right we have to make a decision here oh [ __ ] well this just got shitty i shouldn't let them take that i let them do it because i figured it would be good for me but it's okay it's okay it's okay i'm not mad i'm not i'm just upset bringing the skin yeah it goes so here's what we have to decide though do we convert to russian before we die because my whole family will convert to russian so it won't be as big of an issue do we do that [Music] oh god we just have to we have to win this war for that to happen god you do not lose a scandinavian elective because it stays with the title where is this army now like we can't even do anything to win this war to convert it's getting elected right now is is fine it should be no big the electors yeah everyone's got my son this dude does not but my son's got 28 of the votes russian culture we're already the russian religion [ __ ] damn it well we didn't have a chance to do that but it's okay we have got quite a bit to do now uh we got some we got some stuff to do we got some stuff so he shall return well maybe we put no no he's a powerful vassal so we put him here why can't my wife be here why is she over there that's weird okay oh i'm that's right i'm 16. uh my master will go to the same guy this will go to this is going to get pretty spicy action to install yarl half hafdan of churn knob indian throne oh let's also do this i forgot we have got some killing to do i lose a level devotion by killing my [Music] brother do this get a little dread but i could do the it will drop our it'll drop us down uh a sinner i think actually we'll lose level devotion yeah we'll go from dutiful to sinner you're a child you're a child [Music] who do i have as my who do i have guard be my guardian uh the virdunya or the brother-in-law yeah no child this time guinness but next time i'll kill a kid yeah i think this is a good option you have a g no i'm the genius i'm the genius yeah but this i was looking at the higher stewardship would be kind of nice oh yeah he hates me never mind good call go with that oh she's a witch but no she's got good trades he's very good um i think we're going to use a little bit more piety kill some more people here you're in the dungeon to which you shall stay who's the house head now i'm the house head good we did not switch to russian we died before we switched to russia unfortunately [Music] and i think honestly we'll kill this guy too it's just we're spending this to get our dread up and this is good but that'll be so 30 dread which is nice council okay we need a marshall so the question is do i put my brother as marshall or this guy you know it's probably better to do this guy i mean for one he's a better marshal for two he's a powerful vassal this guy is two but he's my brother and i think i'm a little bit likelier or easier to get him along with me uh using befriend we did not get which trait best to not make people with claims in your life are powerful good call i have my best like spymaster yeah we're going to befriend my brother for sure which everyone has more troops yeah so this guy does have more troops versus him even has 007 at the top so yeah we'll put him you make a terrible buddhist king like that okay so we don't have we have to finish that when do we turn fine july so we're almost 16. i've our use another [ __ ] or ivan [Music] stewart's not very fond of me you're right can't do anything i can send him a gift here yeah that'll that'll do for now that at least puts him a little bit up so this wife is this way because [Music] uh she has what's it called inside diplomatic range all uh female and unmarried do it by some of skill the reason we have the wife that we have is because she has um that's a good call actually corny my brother's skills will increase i love vegeta here my wife's right here i think that like divorcing her and choosing someone else we had already kind of set this up to create a strong bloodline so i think that we're good to be totally honest so i think wow he joined we just made him a counselor yeah we want that robust i want this war to be over thank god done good who are my successors i don't know any successors honestly my current success may be jarl grimnir because he's just so goddamn cool we got really nothing for that little war unfortunately it cost us quite a bit of time that army's been disbanded i should have kept them and pushed into this fight which we can still do facts i don't know we'll go fight and kill this real quick action getting any action to install yarn why is this this could be good because this prevents him from joining a faction against me doesn't it if he's got an alliance with me that's that's a good call i think here he's a good half brother he's got a good set of skills oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that up well we're sticking with what we've done we we should have made the alliance with him first i didn't realize that i would have done that like that crap it's all right it's all right i think i wonder if i can do this it's kind of gamey but i guess i'm gonna do it it will effectively eliminate both of them from joining factions again [Music] and then if i jump back can i just do that again now [Music] i wonder if it'll now interesting that's interesting so we just did that and it kind of like that's interesting how that worked well [Music] all looks solid right now no i don't know maybe he is out i'm of age i take my first steps into adulthood i find myself reminiscing about some of the people who have made an impact on the man i have become friendship by shared with authorities meant a lot to me when we were young and still have her by my side means a lot so we gained faster we gained mastermind philosopher were lost to trade pensive childhood trait and we have uh become quite the quite the ruler now we will go into learning but i want to do i want to get diplomacy going first to get befriend i think it's really important and if he was originally tutored by his father he would be fi he would be strong in the ways of diplomacy we'll go majesty focus i mean i could go family focused but she's not even of age so i think we'll just stick with this for the prestige now we can't convert to a culture yet because we're not at we're at war still but how's this war going it's going seems to be going pretty well and pretty strong um we're gonna commit some people to it still groaning discontent huh we will go orthodox eventually i think if we just go take this it'll contribute a little bit and we won't have to worry about them saying you didn't contribute anything we'll raise armies in fact this is this is all we need i'm fine with that we'll go attack this put the half brother there no stop oh 13 months maybe allie joins the four okay this going faction's losing a lot of content discontent this is a pretty successful uh what's it called i'm not gonna lie guys 15 years well there [Music] i suppose is better than nothing i mean yeah it was because of succession we lost a bunch of domains so with that we have to increase our domains which we'll do there any troubles huh as king alligator to attend a local wrestling tournament looking around i noticed my half-sister authorities sitting under a pavilion clearly boredom halfway to death halfway to death board halfway to death on the other hand this could be a good opportunity to ease drop on the conversations of other attendees um comes your best friend cover a random secret inside the realm did you get her married [Music] becomes my best friend so let's also find a good marriage because we don't have any strong alliances we have this we have this and that is it so now these are white roofs exactly kevin beeler exactly so i know he's older kind of health is he in though fine he's wounded but he's fine what is this one for estonia tony's got the three rampant one what's up travers all right that's from a while back [Music] well it's just to kind of shore up a border for now all right ally have a good one you want to accept why not [Music] finland there's nothing really i mean she does have uh hail and she does have quick which are great things to have but i think we go with a strong alliance here um and this won't be for long because i mean he's not being helgy this year is not going to last for very long oh [ __ ] his whole his son might kill him oh that's his opinion of me sorry he loves he loves his dad he is not a good follow-up ruler is a family of drunkards but i think helgi will be a good call for now that'll it does give away my sister into that bloodline but it's fine i do traverse i got it man i know you want i know you want me to marry a bulgarian but this is my sister i'm marrying off i get it bro i've got a good strong alliance for him now too so that should help like kind of protect me a little bit what's going on what's going on let's get back across the border quickly now [Music] but what is the pretense of this war it's just this chieftain that's just kind of boring [Music] oh i mean i could convert these to raiders no because we are at war even down here macaroni beef pasta dude don't you dare get me started you can send your cleric to claim lands in your own kingdom for vassals you know i know that's not tyranny oh blind we can we can do that we probably should i as a point of fact like to who has this yeah yeah yeah screw this this is this is not good fabricated claim so basically we're going to fabricate a claim on everything that he has so these yeah perfect perfect perfect perfect we contributed a little bit to this it was just enough to kind of get see 40 contribution guys we're zeroth place [Music] nope nope she do now oh i can imprison your dirty wife why though what's the crime tempted to murder family member well this is the whole the whole [ __ ] thing in it there's your health oh it's poor is it that's actually not good we don't want him to die because it'll go to his son come on bro why are you being a bastard it increasing this is so strong like it's such a better um thing now i like it way more i can revoke it yeah let's put him under house arrest and call that way should keep them alive for a little bit longer but this is gonna be a great way to get two pieces of land without even actually doing anything um we'll invite some champion yeah i think we actually have some pretty sweet ones but they're older now 62 59 59 these are the heir of my father's champions we need new champions no no you're you're fine corny i did not i totally forgot to do that but now that he's under house arrest he should be okay and this is only gonna take us 10 months so we should be able to get those quickly why is there so much yeah there's low counting controllers people are just trotting all over the place all right local culture will be 300. so maybe we do that hunt actually devin i mean i'm not worried about my stress but it's a good way to get some good and early person interesting breton just pouring my way through the through eastern europe [Music] [Music] poachers here in the chieftains woods they huddle together as i ride up with my guards making a poor job of hiding the dead stag behind them do not do this to your mercy their blades and bows rely their word punished poachers this is a where wait a minute well it's got a popular opinion penalty for them but returning the prowess to be nice animal is the 42 chance for this to go through and i'm not stoked on calm i'm gluttonous and i'm diligent i'm calm do excellent bowman berserker nice okay bring him aboard nice thing is yeah you should cost like nothing to do so perfect uh okay the servants has packed his chest in his way instead of stare wells with yem with yemelon going goes his claim on the chieftain of the one we've got is an evil maniac yeah he really is an evil peter on the bush on this great pox is syphilis lovers pox is syphilis others boxes we owed but this would be for the dubrovistia oh the aldum of turov itself though well i think he's uh we can just do that war on our own we don't really need may your journey be swift and safe brother that land got split up so quick we got gobbled up in like a three-way war lover's box is the hurt bro is it really i thought it was syphilis [Music] you return home my rs are expanding out a little bit more this war is not over yet but hopefully soon the factions have lost their fervor intrigue is looking decent enough a pretty woman no she's dead no god no i'm going to swap you out leaving the multicultural kingdom of virginia comes with its own challenges foreign subjects often feel eliminated when they cannot spread native tongue and quark resentment my marshal i achieved in upon us suggests that i could significantly improve relations with my mari subjects by learning just i don't care about mari we're going to convert to russian [Music] this costs oh that's gonna put me into debt oh but this one [Music] we're on our second error now uh or our i guess it's our first air or second character [Music] okay of course man do i but does does learning the language help me out at all so hey rurik is really fun like hey holy [ __ ] matt delight thank you very much massive donation largest of the day why this is like the last two weeks it's been been a slow time lately thank you very much dude i really appreciate that matt dropping the big bombs on us where is the notification for that [Music] thank you very much matt i appreciate that man put her there he'll endorse me don't worry about that um time to hit the books let's see if we get it if not it's just a little bit of stress yeah i know how you feel dude so here's a cool thing i'll show you guys um my brother's well no i'll also i'll wait i'll surprise you guys here i'll play it right now and you can hear it um so my brother made is it we're not paws right good my brother made he he started the track or for the new intro for when we do um [Music] videos or when we do streams it's nowhere near done he's working on more stuff for it but i'm gonna play it it's gonna play for three minutes while we're doing everything you can be able to hear the majesty that'll happen when we start up a stream from now on once he finishes it okay of course oh it's going in the background [Music] sounds pretty good so far right wait till it really gets going [Music] incomprehensible despite many years of study just like in a solid grasping language i've learned some words with the grammar the phrasing it continues [Music] doesn't cost me any money [Music] we're going to be playing cyberpunk on the channel all right thomas have a good one dude this is my brother made this he made this song he's got he hasn't there's more that's coming into it but this is the song as it is right now wait till it hits there's a special there's a special sunset coming [Music] wait for it it's coming we're almost there it's like 18 more seconds [Music] oh oh what's about to happen [Music] oh oh it is going wild youtube user914 drops of donation a massive one 25 gotta raise the bar on your donations keep on doing what you're doing gives us guys stuck in the office something to look forward to well thank you very much man and that is that is now the largest donation of i think it's of the month that might be the biggest one of the month or we'd know i think we had a 40 or 50. but it's definitely up there thank you very very much man thank you guys all very very much hey keith no none none taken dude he uh there's a lot more that's gonna happen like he added some drum transitions in here there's a whole other half of the song that's not even written yet [Music] that's what we've got so far [Music] churches out there yeah that's my uh guys make sure you turn it blue like that stream helps me out [Music] okay so is this war almost [ __ ] over with it is a drawing trend both can marry send them time well spent no not want to adopt the mari culture [Music] yeah quite the giant transition back criminals vassals okay so i mean i could i just want this kind of about his no we're not going to ransom this guy he is gonna pay the pied price the pipe the piper piper the p the pickled pepper he's gonna pay the pickle pepper we're out of truces which is good so we can probably start to gobble up little little bits of land here now like this guy's little uh last county because he's gonna lose this war yeah so that he's gonna that's gonna get destroyed was this war or the chieftain uh he wants to expand out [Music] good call ics i probably should have ac has helped me out with the uh um with the religion video because i was having a hard time trying to like get all my thoughts straight on it so a huge shout out to big daddy asus on that it's the history time theme song no that'll just be like the stream is starting soon um okay so we should probably grab this before it just gets completely gobbled up and we can actually start to go on raids which is cool and pause but he's i mean actually has got an interestingly decent strength army enough to rival mine i mean in conjunction with this dude oh i guess not after religion video i want to do a hellenist game do me too kevin and thank you very much dude five dollar donation for the big daddy you big daddy dealer when do i think the first dlc will drop i may or may not know that it will be happening next year when i do not know that's double double notifications it's really annoying sway pushing luck i finish reading the latest letter from my brother chieftain ivan and smile he seems to have warmed to me at last well this is a success while this is a success i am tempted to use this opportunity to try and get even closer how to put my diplomatic skills to the test hmm oh he can be insulted by this huh this could be kind of fun [Music] okay [Music] i can't wait to play baldur's gate yeah well let's just try it he appreciates the effort an additional tack-on wolfgard how are you dude i'm doing well how are you how are you during these wild [ __ ] time what are you doing out here half dan stop fighting for other people's lands you adult [Music] i'm married oh i see you called me into the middle of your war where is your stupid war why does this happen these two fighting against oh are you 300 oh oh i mean i could i could get involved in that war very easily but it looks to be like a little bit of a yarldem issue within this [Music] and losing 350 fame right now isn't going to be great but i think but he's already kind of winning [Music] versus hell might have just found a typist that was the typist for an inspiring writer dude that's good man thank you that's that's awesome yeah we'll accept hopefully he just completes the war i have to do anything it's exactly what i'm doing matt i can accept if he calls me in i've got gotland i can use to to as a springboard over to there what the hell who has gotland i had got oh court position point one i'll be finding a good one but we'll do defender of rod once we get to devoted servant yeah i i i got the beta here for uh or the beta the early access for what's it called and i'm excited to play it what was i looking at though i wanted i wanted this to go through so that ah yes the wedding celebrations uh let's get 350 prestige my lovely wife why do you not like me so much wife wife of mine 12 that's pretty huge that just saved me a whole sway to get her higher up let's go with and we'll do [Music] when did you change from uh towards the end of my guy's life means maybe oh a karen oh karen's actually pretty sweet here this guy is nothing impressive how much is karen karen's 50 i don't think it's worth it she doesn't have any of the great traits that make her worth it so both of them failed to impress me what am i looking for position nope position nope position nope okay well oh oops that'll change now i'll probably find one alright so we got some options here invite him though gently yeah oh looks like we're gonna have to make her i suppose position well i could make my brother-in-law the physician it wouldn't be a bad call making her the position up terribly my brother-in-law i mean mine seven team but i can't you [Music] uh the english no i didn't england um i think we make sky or position we'll oh he's anyone see any problem with this like with him being different uh religions so ah victory and yet it will soon though uh there it goes diplomacy for befriend this will be quite short but let's choose a vassal oh we're already swaying someone aren't we well we'll end that on our wife and befriend her i suppose i mean no vassals really hate us which is pretty good so we're okay for now we'll probably befriend our brother or something like that so they're not like anything against me 35 percent oh that's good that's good maybe we'll get groom to rule too so to help out with uh children and then i think we're good to jump now jump after that into learning go through scholar or something of the sort [Music] i came done okay we are coming up to the end of our stream here pretty soon next 10 15 minutes i mean we could join in on this real quick get some quick uh prestige i think this is just gonna figure itself out oh i got you travers okay okay i think if we take advantage of this now we'll get uh he even he can't even call an ally into the floor life here what's up dude massive science affection i'm sorry man [Music] father the child has been a mystery until now y'all remember is the another child out of wedlock you salty dog you four days perfect see it done it'll cost money but see it done i know we can't declare war but that's okay broke this idol buddy that's mine i got managed to means don't do that man my skills has proven himself highly capable especially in discrete manners there are some projects i would like to undertake in the chiefdom of okay make the reigns my bro i don't like that but go for it i also shouldn't be talking liberties no yeah go for it go for it oh i spend 75 i got it i got the i got the the the renown you get nothing from me dude i know we're in debt um i think it is a good it's a good start um but i pity though is just just have at it man the if you can set up a consistent schedule and stick to it you'll grow just because that's consistency seems to be the biggest thing that youtube looks for but other than that that's really the only big tip i've got for you is just try to stay consistent with it [Music] one second real fast i'm sorry pearl i didn't want this for you okay sorry about that kept crashing dude it was crashing it was annoying okay we do unfortunately whoa david died no well i guess we're going to put my brother on here at least he we're in a relationship relationship whoops this were in a what's it called with him it's got family focus which is diplomacy so good good all right it's fine you try we should try a stream as island raiders and just stay at sipo with hand in the business forever everyone india for setting having an island empire at the end that's pretty actually pretty cool i like that idea so we're going to have to take this but we've got to wait a little bit longer until we're above seven more months basically more a little bit more a little bit more or the new target of the what oh i guess they he expanded that interesting that's annoying because we can't get what we wanted but [Music] yeah i didn't realize they just they grew over there i mean that's fine that's kind of what we wanted but all right just we wanted to do this we're gonna have to go that direction anyway for the empire for the empire raise our massive army here a veteran of many wars oh man dude this place just split up too there's a bunch of independence wars damn all right well then there it goes right there did we take is she the reason that this happened yeah force that demand you keep the contested title they pay me money i gain some prestige unfortunate thing like i said though is that that was not a war of our making and we can't take this land like i wanted to we'll wait to do this but i do want to do that eventually she's been swayed which is good 75 gold again i just think we have to get it done with it's gonna put us more in debt but it is what it is and we will be able to take all of his lands now and now we put him back in jail back in prison and we have gained those lands which is good we now will have more direct vassals from those lands which is good too well i think that is a good place to end it um what i think we're going to be doing here is probably streaming for the next couple days um yeah i wanted to put him in the dungeon i wanted him to stay there and rot and die but this way if he dies his kids won't have any claims on any of my land no no i don't want to release him he's already he's already tried some horn swaggle before he didn't try to kill me true but he has a high bit of intrigue and he already has a bit of a sultry past i mean i could ransom him but it's not really worth it for me i agree with you travers i agree with you what's up hugh let's go ahead and roll those credits here let's go through and give some thanks out the spawn won't get claims because e is the one with the claims and he has pressed claims um so this doesn't create implicit claims down to his kids so let me go to i the stream elements we go to activityfeed and let's give out some thank yous here we have quite a few donations today we had the 156 from dragon overlord we had a 5 donation from paris a 872 from roman heinrich um 237 from what is not juan but yao wow now i feel like an [ __ ] i can't pronounce it but mr varela who donated 236 from portugal uh matt delight with the 20 donation youtube user 914 with the biggest donation at 25 and then kevin beeler with a five dollar donation well i think yeah i think i was a lard yeah it rivals the other largest one which was 25. oh no no we got a one hundred dollar donation on october third spicy one don't even worry about it eddie don't even worry about it darn thought police all right guys so we will probably i might just stream again tomorrow um i do have a video i'm gonna work on on uh the top mods i think that are really cool for uh banner or not bannerlord for um uh crusader kings three so we'll be doing those all the way the record for late you hold the record for late october man it is all you it is all you um but we'll be back here probably tomorrow and definitely for sure saturday we're going to do a uh hunt showdown stream with indy pride and play a little halloween spookiness with that game nope i don't want to press that button i want to press this button make sure it saves but we'll be back here guys in about so today's wednesday so if not tomorrow then definitely friday and absolutely on saturday we'll be doing two streams um you can be on the lookout for those and i'll be working on that video to do uh like the top mods in my opinion for things for crusader kings three but i have to use russian so bad and i gotta refill my water so i will talk to you guys here in the next coming days again thank you so much for watching here today don't forget to like subscribe all that kind of fun action but most importantly wash your hands stay safe and i will see you guys here tomorrow or friday you two wolfgang thanks for jumping in man hope everything goes well with your typist position or i hope everything goes well and you get the type of position you too edie thank you very much richard have a good one zypher have a good one brother acs thank you again for your help thanks to the streams part have a good one you too my dude you too my bro marowin thank you and goodbye to you as well alright guys everyone have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 4,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crusader kings 3, crusader kings, III, paradox interactive, italianspartacus, campaign guide, guide, beginner's guide, tutorial, how to get started, noob, newbie, first time, essential tips, tips, gameplay, campaign, lets play, live stream, new player, get better, HD, 2020, release, launch, ironman, difficulty, dyre the stranger, kievan rus, russia, slavic, unite the slavs
Id: g75DZyGuLsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 4sec (9244 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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