640 mph Train, Hovering Car... Top Magnetic vehicle projects

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[Music] you had better Park your curiosity in a cozy seat as what we've seen in Sci-Fi movies is about to unfold in reality and all these wouldn't it be possible without magnetically levitating means of [Music] transportation instead of riding on top of the track our first hero Glides through the air underneath the track that's why it's also called a Sky Train thanks to the magnetic force the train has zero physical contact with the track resulting in a smooth quiet ride that gives freedom to maneuver this makes the floating train a competent fast alternative to the subway at onet the cost and with Superior Energy Efficiency due to the absence of rolling resistance in general the basic working principle of a mag L train lies in the simple physics law where magnets two similar poles repel each other while two opposite poles attract one another so there is a line of electromagnets installed on the train and two lines of magnets installed on the guideway that are responsible either for propulsion or levitation the levitation magnets create a repulsive force with the magnets on the train in the upward direction to make the train levitate to propel the vehicle forward an alternating electric current is applied apped to the propulsion magnets so they alternate North Poles and South Poles to attract and repel the magnets on the train with precise timing this helps pull the train forward from the front and push it forward from behind such technology powering Japan's superconducting magv train is going to be put into the everyday business of carrying commercial passengers by 2027 and despite traveling at 310 mph it ensures a much smoother ride than conventional steel wheel trains because the only source of friction is air without a question it's a technological Marvel but what if we could eliminate the air resistance by running the train in a vacuum tube that would have theoretically made it possible for this technology to transport people at Hypersonic speeds that is what China spacecraft manufacturer is working on the impressive news is that 6 years ago the company was realistic about its prediction to reach a speed of 372 mph in 2023 the main goal at present is to achieve a speed of 620 mph in a vacuum tube system where the flatness of the track is within a 0.3 mm tolerance to ensure constant levitation throughout its operation if everything goes according to plan this will beat the speed of an airplane without any harmful gases and at a tiny fraction of operational costs [Music] if this seems too good to be true another maglev train has already exceeded the speed of an airplane using a pretty interesting method of propelling the vehicle forward as a rail gun uses electromagnetic force to launch for example High Velocity projectiles from a stationary position this high mass magav sled is being shot off and moving speedily along a special track in practice such a method has been applied by the US Navy who used an electromagnetic catapult on the aircraft carrier to accelerate a jet to its takeoff speed within a very short distance while they encountered some challenges this method seems to work well with a maglev vehicle setting the world's highest speed record for electromagnetic propulsion technology but the exciting news doesn't end here as China aims to use the very electromagnetic accelerator to launch crude spacecraft the SI of a Boeing 737 into orbit this will serve the same function that a super heavy booster does for a Starship but to reach such speeds the launching device must be at least 5 m long located in a vacuum tube this nearly reaches the height of Mount Everest the highest point on Earth let alone the huge amounts of power required and remarkable advances in engineering that the new system demands anyway if successful this will report reportedly reduce launch to orbit costs to only $60 per kg unlike spacex's $33,000 per kilg a world-renowned German Engineering Group tisson C is working on making what once felt unimaginable a reality that will enable passenger Transportation not just within but between buildings too to commute more quickly efficiently and safely and the key to this is the elevator since its invention in 1854 the working principle of an elevator has mainly remained unchanged but thanks to Magnetic technology the group is changing the course of history by offering the world's first ropeless elevator system that can move not only vertically but also horizontally instead of one cabin in one shaft moving up and down the groundbreaking system allows multiple cabins in one shaft to circulate in a building thus providing significantly more capacity and much less waiting time for passengers the system is being constantly tested and evolved at the group's specialized subsidiary TK elevator test Research Center in rodile Germany tisson cou is the same company that in collaboration with Seamans has built the world's fastest magav train so far currently being operated in Shanghai China Elon Musk has recently said I think we really are on the edge of probably the biggest technology Revolution that has ever existed if you'd also like to be part of these excitements the renowned y combinator back careerist has designed specialized online programs to lift your career above the ordinary and Propel It Forward imagine soon Landing a tech job with a six figure celery and guess what you don't even need to code you can go through the link in the description or if you are watching on TV you can scan the QR code so as not to miss out on this special opportunity as we saw high-speed mlft trains are the most fundamental breakthrough in Railway technology but what if we have the advantages of a magift train without getting out of our beloved cars researchers have already done real life experiments where the magv car's early prototypes fitted with permanent magnets underneath the body reportedly hit 143 mph but since the heavy magnetic system increases costs and makes cars impractical to drive on regular roads the scientists have come up with a brilliant idea of embedding only the car's Wheels with ring-shaped magnets to achieve levitation let's take a look at the animation to see how it works in a simplified language first of all unlike magnetic Railways hovering cars will flow on a simple aluminium Lane STP structure which is much easier and cheaper to integrate into the existing traffic infrastructure according to the physics law when magnets start moving and electric current flows through their adjacent conductors transforming them into an electromagnet the faster the magnet moves the greater the force in our case when the car's magnetic Wheels start rotating first an electric current flows through the aluminium track transforming it into an electromagnet and since the direction of the force follows the polarity of the moving magnet this generates a repelling magnetic force which leads to levitation and is used to accelerate the car or stop it that vertical suspension is achieved when the front and rear magnetic Wheels rotate at the same speed in different directions since the entire body of a magav car is similar to a traditional car it can switch freely between a maglev car and a conventional electric car thus getting rid of the constraints of the track existing in other classical maglev system systems to enhance the maneuverability of a magnetic levitating car scientists have also started working on a six-wheel variant where for example the midside magnetic Wheels can rotate in opposite directions to achieve pivot steering the same scientists are also working on developing a super fast maglev train powered by high temperature superconductors as we see the applications of magnetic technology are only limited by our imagination in what other places do you think it can transform our lives and could it result in completely new inventions [Music]
Channel: Future Lab
Views: 260,985
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Id: _c9agb_WpBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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