6/2/21 // Mid-Week // "Are You Guilty? Adultery" // Pastor Jason Holley

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[Music] have you been wounded are you bad or scarred do you feel like no one knows to swear you are you don't have to leave the way you came you can be restored in jesus name [Music] there is restoration heal the presence of the lord [Music] [Music] jesus so no matter your condition it is presence there is always restoration with just one touch he'll make you whole again as you place your broken pieces in his hands though you've been casting god said you're not destroyed he'll take you higher than you've ever been before there is restoration in the presence of the lord and you don't have to carry that lily [Music] healing in the little scored heads of jesus so no matter your condition in his presence there is always restoration [Music] there is strength there is the little healing hands of jesus so no matter your condition there is presence there is always restoration respect the bible says in matthew 5 verse number 27 starting again as we hear on the sermon on the mount the bible says ye have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shall not commit adultery but i say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart and if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy not that thy whole body should be cast into hell and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is not profitable for thee that one of our members should perish and not that the whole body should be cast into hell you may look this way as we come here tonight of course we have been backwards a few verses and we've looked at a few things as we've been here on a sermon on the mount we went back a couple weeks ago we started thinking about the fault if we were really guilty but we were talking about being guilty as jesus preached and when he preached he preached about being a murderer and we had to really think about what the lord meant by that and we've already understood by now that jesus was not coming to extinguish the law he was not coming to this dispute if you want to say it that way god's word or anything about god himself he was rather coming to be able to fulfill the law so by that what he's teaching is is that we submit ourselves to the lord and he is king of our life not just because he is king of kings and lord of lords but we literally make him king of our life we are his servants but what happens is we submit to him and we don't live against the law then what happens we live like christ and because of that it goes deeper than just what you see black and white when it comes to the scripture it goes a lot further now and in a nutshell if i can make it very simple to you i guess this is how i would explain that the very best that i could and my terminology is this as he said it's not just about your actions it's also about your attitude so when you're thinking about jesus and grace and then looking at the law it's not just about your actions it's also your attitude and we know that god looks upon the heart of every single one of us and that's why sometimes it's so easy to be able to judge somebody when they have open sin because we see by their actions that they're wrong that they're guilty but see when jesus comes and he begins to preach and he begins to talk about these things and the sermon on the mount and he's thinking about the law and all this different stuff with christ and the law he goes further and he says no i'm not just looking at your actions i'm looking at your attitude so tonight when we come to this text it's very obvious what he's speaking about now he he changes it's no longer murder he's not asking if you're guilty of murder now he's asking if we're guilty of being an adulterer if we have ever committed adultery now listen to me and i say this very respectfully very humbly and very carefully that before we say no we must understand the extent of it because jesus goes deep now i want to say this and there's going to be some things i'm going to make clear because as i begin to be able to look at it the way jesus unfolds it it's almost as if we're trying to condone water down dilute the word of god if you want to say it that way or almost make people feel bad for living right when the truth be told that's not the case what i want you to be able to understand is this this is is that living for the lord jesus christ just because you live for the lord i don't think you should ever condemn sin but i think we should be a lot more careful of the way forgive me for saying this way we just hang people out because of all their dirty laundry so many times in good churches and i'm talking about fundamental churches and what i mean by that is the bible definition of fundamental or understanding the definition itself within fundamental that you live by what the bible says that when you do that you understand that yes just like the woman that was caught in adultery that is sin that is wrong but at the same time jesus says wait a minute the first of you without sin in your life you cast the first song so i'm not saying that we should condone sin when it happens but i do think by the grace and the mercy that we have received we need to check our attitude and our motive sometimes when we see people fall into this sin now listen to me i know when we do that that there's going to be people who know the bible they're going to throw it in our face and they're going to say oh well you know god will judge me you don't judge me and blah blah blah and i i understand that and all they're trying to do is they're trying to silence the conviction that they're under that's what they're trying to do nowhere does god say it's okay but i'm saying you and i need to be reminded that we are not god god does a good job at being god so let god be god and let's learn to pray for our brothers and sisters that fall into any kind of sin that is in their life so when you come through here let's begin look there's a lot to be able to see here tonight so before we deny let's look at what he's talking about as being guilty of adultery first thing you see again and notice this is going to be a repeated word he comes back on and you see the common explanation notice what the bible says in verse number 27 again it says it says ye have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shall not commit adultery so remember jesus comes and he challenges them but as he challenges them this is not what jesus is doing he is not challenging the word of god he is not challenging god himself no he's challenging the the pharisees because what happens is is they will t take they will cut and paste if you want to say it away what they're so good at and jesus says friend it goes a lot deeper than that so he he makes them begin to think about what they're saying so that they don't have this pharisaical attitude or this excuse me for saying this way this spiritual snotty attitude thinking they're better than somebody else so this is a common explanation you hear it over and over and over here's why because what they focus on are the things that are outward so in other words if you can see it then obviously it's sin now let me just say this i agree with that not only that but it's also the things that are obvious and let me say this what they're saying in black and white what the scribes is speaking is this is that if a man was to be able to be lying with another woman that is not his wife that is adultery and you know what that's exactly what adultery is that so he's not disqualified he he's not saying that's not the case that's not what the lord is saying he's going deeper beyond that so in agreeance with that that is the obvious but jesus is saying listen it's not just limited to what's on the outward side it's also about what's on the inside because he talks about sin and sin don't just start all of a sudden with fruit it starts with a root and the root is on the inside now listen to me i know that we talk about a lot of things in the last thing especially whether you're young or old you'll think well i'm too old or i i don't mess around or talk to no i would never commit adultery well we're going to get there in a little bit but you know as well as i do don't ever think that you are too good or too far that you're not going to fall into sin because i know a lot of good men and i know a lot of good women that have made mistakes that never set out to make those mistakes and that's why i said these are some of our spiritual heroes they never woke up one day and said i'm going to do a b and c but because somewhere down the line the door began to open up or there was a little crack the devil wheezeded himself in there right and because of that he began to bring in sin they they responded that they yielded to that the sin was committed so that's why the lord says i'm not just looking on the outside i'm trying to kill the root on the inside and that's how jesus works can i just stop and say time out for a minute i'm thankful that the lord does work that way i'm thankful that he does not wait till we get to the very end of it and all of a sudden we begin to be dealt with i'm thankful that he does see the heart of us and he can convict us and the holy ghost lives inside of us that way that we don't have to wait till it ruins our home and ruins our families and ruins our marriages and ruins our children and ruins our ministries now i'm thankful the holy ghost lives inside of me and i'm convicted by my sin praise the lord for that so what he's saying is there's a common explanation and he says this common explanation is this you say it's all about the outside but jesus says it's not just the outside it's also the inside and what leads to the sin so that leads us to the next step you see the correct exposition what do you mean by that notice what the bible says in verse number 28 he says but i say unto you that whosoever now notice he's he's diving deeper here he said but i say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart so he said friend it's not just the lying with her it's a lot further than that if you so much look at her and you even think about it because now this is where he's he's zeroing in he's putting a target it's about the inside not just the outside everything starts on the inside and here's why because what it comes from is lust let me say this that is one thing that we must deal with and everybody that i know as long as you live in this flesh everybody somewhere down the line you're going to battle that lust to be able to overcome it and to be able to yield to the spirit and not to the flesh so what we got to address is the lust that is in our life and i just want to ask you tonight how do you feel when nobody sees your lust and nobody sees the problems and nobody sees the thoughts how do you feel about it and i got one goal tonight and this is it whatever god wants to do let god be glorified and that's what i want but at the end of the day as i was praying this afternoon i was obviously thinking this is a very very touchy a lot of people don't want to talk about it different things but you know why i think that it needs to be preached number one because jesus preached today man and he preached it it's good enough to be preached no matter where you go but secondly because listen if we want a healthy marriage we don't need to steer around these topics and think well we don't need to hear that and assume it no that's what the devil wants us to do he wants us to be ignorant to the truth free we need we need to see what god says about it because that way it's not a debate i deal with so many divorces i deal with so many issues and separations it's all about he said she said what they want what they want what they deserve what they deserve when that day today you don't get a choice when you got saved it's god's way and if you and i disobey that and listen our disobedience is not to the one even though we made a vow our disobedience is unto god first that's the one that we're failing so the again it goes back to this it's not do you love your family do you love your ministry do you love your testimony do you love yourself do you love your spouse so the key is number one do you love god the way you say you love god because the first person you fail is not everybody around you the first person we fail is god himself and and that's where the issue is we don't love the lord the way we should love the lord if that is the case in our life so he gives this exposition and he begins to talk about these things and they overlook it so what he's saying is it's a lust it's a lust issue and let me say this to you when you and i lust if you know anything about lust it is never enough no matter what it is if you lust it's never enough it goes on and on and on and on i'm going to give you a lot of scripture tonight because these things need to be backed up and and explained but i want you to listen what the bible says starting in the book of proverbs chapter number 30. there's a lot of verses here but verses 15 and 16. he says the horse leash have two daughters crying give give he says there are three things that are never satisfied yeah four things say not it is enough the grave the barren womb and the earth is not filled with water and the fire that saith not it is enough this is what he's saying that literally that hoarsely horse leash is like something that has has like these three fingers in it and latches on and it never stops and that's exactly what lust is it's like it's like it's like a leech it never stops and it just keeps draining and draining and draining and draining and friend listen we don't need to worry about at the end of the story when it comes to adultery we need to start on the front side of it and realize i need to deal with my lust and sometimes that's some hard conversations to be able to have with people you love and or accountability partners that are in your life but remember this god gave us the ones that we're with for a reason and we need to be open with him and we need to be transparent with him because the last thing we do is try to cover it up and then all of a sudden that lust begins to bring bring a fruit and that fruit turns out to adultery and everything is ruined you understand how severe that is it goes on down and listen let me give you some other verses the bible says in matthew chapter 23 verses 25 and 26 he says woe unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites he said for you may clean the outside of the cup and the platter he said but within they are full of extortion and excess thou blind pharisee cleanse first that which is within with a cup and platter that the outside of them may be clean also so in other words what god is saying is free we need to take care of the inside we need to take care of our heart not just the outside we need to guard our hearts so the lord is teaching this so tonight as a child of god i encourage you listen if nothing else this might not be a temptation you deal with on a regular basis praise the lord hallelujah but you and i probably know somebody who is and you know what a spiritually mature christian will do they will know how to pray for somebody these young couples that's getting ready to get married and shannon and them is getting ready to get married and brad well listen you say well how can i be a blessing pray for them and i know they don't want to talk about it no young couple does but pray for them that when they start off their marriage you can make a difference in their life that they know that hey they love one another and they keep that bond not just them and i'm not trying to pick on you but i'm saying that's how we are an effective church we're an effective church because we're praying for one another the right way we're we're praying for our couples we're praying for our marriages we're praying for our leaders i mean your sunday school teachers the children's workers we need to pray for strengthened marriages and know that lust can destroy it so we need to worry about the inside and not just the outside the bible says in first samuel chapter 16 verse number 7 listen to this he says but the lord said unto samuel look not on this countenance or on the hide or a stature because i have refused him for the lord seeth not as man seeth for he looketh on the outward appearance but the lord looketh on the heart so here he is he's saying take care of the heart take care of the heart i mean this is bible after bible after bible the lord is saying don't just wait till the adultery protect the heart it goes further the bible says in proverbs 3 4 23 keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life he's talking about keeping the heart now matthew 5 8 we preached through this when we first started in the beatitudes he says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god keep your heart right keep your heart pure all of these different things and then first corinthians chapter number six verses nine and ten listen to this it says know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers uh he says no abusers of themselves of mankind nor thieves or nor covet covets uh covetousness he says uh nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners he says shall inherit the kingdom of god so he says over and over and over you need to keep your heart right because these are issues that you're going to deal with that if you don't deal with it it's going to cost you a great price so i want to ask you tonight as we think about the way that the lord thinks about it i just honest question don't raise your hand whatever you do and don't respond this way are you guilty have you ever been guilty and i'm not talking about just since you've been married you need to identify you live in the flesh and we need to see that and say you know what i can fall and i can fail just like anybody else does don't ever think that you can't because friend we can you know it's very very humbling to me very scary at the same time i heard a lot of people say this a matter of fact you know i hear a lot of times that especially when young men are being raised by father and and if you say this please don't don't be upset with me i'm just being transparent with you i it it it bothers me when when i hear a father teach his son son you can look but you just can't touch because what he's saying is it's okay to lust just on that that that's completely contrary to what what what the lord says you understand i i remember listen i'm just saying stuff i've heard back in the days when i worked in a secular world you know it don't matter where you get your appetite as long as you eat at home people laugh about it christians laugh about i mean you understand what i said but friend when you really think about it that that's a serious business that's serious it's nothing to tiptoe about it and sometimes we take it so lightly and and now this is just something that's just sad it's just it just literally falls off of our lips and we make a joke of it but you know what happens sometimes it might seem to be an innocent joke but to an innocent mind what it does is it plants a seed it plants a seed and before you know it then all of a sudden that's what they get thinking you know and let me say this my boy's 14 15 years old you know i tell him don't date anybody amen but i have been guilty when i'd be out there coaching i used to coach a lot of baseball of course before i cut back and just focused on nolan and i mean hundreds a lot of our team boys are from that but they'd come out there and they'd have a girlfriend you know and i'd say you know y'all need to leave them girls alone and they come out there with another girlfriend or something you know how boys and kids could be and they wouldn't even be coming to church in time and i'll say boy you got a spare tire and everything else i mean you know talk about and they make a joke of it what i'm saying to him is i'm saying to him every time i turn around you got a new girlfriend but here's the deal honestly as the more i think about it now looking back at my life i should have never made a joke of him just being careless right with his life you're teaching them and i wasn't trying to put thoughts in his mind but what i'm saying is something that innocent listen to me i'm not trying to be picky and i'm not trying to be critical tonight but something that picky that's how we need to evaluate our words that's how we need to evaluate what we say we need to examine ourselves and say you know did i plant that seed because it might seem to be funny you know because little susie's in daycare and she's got five boyfriends running around and i y'all might as well laugh because you know sometimes we talk it is cute like that but there comes a time where it's not cute we need to teach them that and most of all they need to see it in their home they need to see it in their home i i'll never forget when i was seven years old listen without going through a lot of details a lot of things that happened to my household it was completely different from from jesus and bible and anything else i mean anything okay but there was one thing that was consistent until i was the age of seven years old and that was this is that i thought that real love was between one man and one woman no matter how right or how wrong they stayed together now i was raised you know in out in the country or in different trailer parks and different things my mom and dad was not always involved in church and everything but there was one thing that i seen consistent all the time you know what it was that a mom and a dad that they stay together that a mom and dad that they're husband and wife when i was seven years old it was like my life was ripped out from up under me because i could tolerate all the stuff that happened and you can read between the lines i'm not trying to you know bring any negative stuff up but you know when my mom and dad wasn't saved and they was just living the way they want to live i just thought that was life it was normal to me but the moment they separated it was like everything that had any kind of stability in life neon i was questioning so here i am i'm 40 years old today and i am still dealing i see a counselor every week i went today and not because i'm you know crazy i might be crazy but i don't feel like i'm crazy but but but here i got issues and forgive me i got baggage since i was a kid i have a chip on my shoulder since i was a gift i i have i have issues with rejection and and different things there's been issues in our marriage that would be insecurities not because tiffany is wrong not because she's hateful but because listen when i was seven years old i thought a mom and dad was okay and all of a sudden i may be insensitive with something my wife says i'm thinking oh no my wife's gonna leave me now it's not that bad but you understand it's a root that settles in that seed and it brings confrontation sometimes and it's all because of the way that a child is raised we need to protect our home and protect our marriages we need to understand that generation is coming and we need to preach about it and teach about it and we need to put a boundary and put a hedge of protection around us say this is what god wants even though it's hard no this is what god wants and i believe if we would do that then listen god would honor god can turn a generation around listen i i i said i wasn't going to meddle tonight but if you believe that generational curses can be broke friend say amen amen they can't but we got to start where we are you say brother jason it's 20 21. i mean this is and i'm not saying this month is known as a as a homosexual pride month you know and we never thought and i'm not talking bad about homosexuals or anything else we're talking more about this stuff you know they got all kinds of different months and things are so much out in the open and different kids that are hearing things so be it but at the end of the day they're getting fed with a lot of stuff that's not true what they need to know is what is true and that's what we can do we can teach them what a mom and dad is supposed to be like we could teach them what a husband and wife is supposed to be i don't care how old you are listen me and nola will battle sometimes you know who's going to open up the door first for mama right because i'm trying to teach him how to be a gentleman and how to be able to do those things so sometimes we think well i can't make a difference we can make a difference we can make a difference and you say well jason i'm not even married tonight you might be here not you might be single let me just say this then prepare yourself to be the one that whoever god gives you you'll be the right one we all marry amen learn these principles learn what the bible says and let god use it for his honor and glory so what do we do brother jason very simple you ready first timothy 5 22 keep thy self pure now that right there is everything that is the failure by the way that's an individual responsibility now you need to keep myself pure so your job and my job is is to do everything that we need to do to be able to remain pure to be able to live right before god and remember god don't just look on the outward appearance but god looks on the heart so listen when you when you when you come to church friend i'm talking about keeping myself pure before god that your heart is right that your thoughts are right that your attitude is right everything is right keep thyself pure i forget who says it and i'm probably misquoting it but many times they say when it comes to sin keep a short record with god in other words i don't don't learn to live in a sin and be calloused by it over and over and over and over keep a short record with god and confess on a daily and a regular basis but the moment you begin to be calloused and cold by your sin is the moment that god will end up allowing something you say no he's a loving god yeah but he's a just god he's a just god and i've seen many of things happen and sometimes you might not be the one that will suffer but let me say this and i say this as a pastor now and i was a youth pastor for a number of years i have seen children suffer because of a mom and dad's selfishness because they could not keep themselves pure you remember what i said proverbs it's like a horse leash lust will literally suck everything it's never enough you always want more you always want more you always want more you always want more so much that you can't turn back you can't let go you can't deny it you can't stop enough you always want more you've got to eliminate the lust that is in your life so that brings us to a third thing tonight not only do you see the common explanation than the correct exposition but also you see the compelling execution notice what the bible says in chapter chapter 5 verse number 28 he said but i say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman and lust after her hath committed adultery listen with her already in his heart so here he is he's talking about now that you've already committed it and then he comes to verse 29 and notice how he gives these two challenges in 29-30 he says and if thou write i offend thee verse number 30. notice this he says and if thy right hand offend thee so the first thing i would say to you is this is when you're talking about the right execution you need to think about you need to reevaluate your life he says if it happens in other words you need to stop saying is this happening to me if this was to happen is it happening to me i mean if it does in other words he's saying you got to check yourself it's going to happen you need to ask yourself is this happening to me because if you don't realize it's happening friend it's already begun to get a root in your life so it takes an examination to be able to look at yourself and say do i lust do i have this problem and by the way what is it that is causing this problem in my life what is it that's causing this lust what is it that's causing these thoughts in my life uh it used to be magazines you know you'd walk in there old days and i remember i say old days but i mean literally i'm not old but i remember you'd walk into a convenience store and they'd have a little black thing over a certain magazine friend kid's got cell phones now i mean it's completely different now but what is it that causes you to lust because as we re-examine and we re-evaluate our life what is it is it is it magazines uh is it a cell phone uh is it uh is it tv now listen to me i'm not meddling okay um is it a favorite tv show that all of a sudden you see and it makes your mind wonder i mean i mean i want you to think about that what is it uh is it movies you know some people say what's the big deal with movies friend listen if your movies trigger you and it don't trigger somebody else you need to examine your life why because people don't see that that on the outside but god sees it on the inside so what i'm saying to you today is a child of god examine yourself examine yourself is it people that are in your life is it friends that are in your life is it is it a significant other that's in your life is it a male or female that's in you what is it that's causing you to lust so he says you need to have a reevaluation but not only that what's second notice you need to have a removal you need to have a removal notice what he says in the same two verses here it is again if thy right i offend thee notice verse number 30. he says if thy right hand defend thee what do you do with it notice this pluck it out verse number 30. he says cut it off there's no games there's no justification there's no there there's no we're going to agree on this no friend god said pluck it out or cut it off if if your phone is the problem then get rid of the phone and go back to the 1980s and just say baby i'm gonna be at the grocery store it's gonna take me 15 minutes i'll be back home in 30 minutes and if you need anything morris code would smoke set the house on fire hey man i mean whatever it's going to take it's fine but i'm telling you this is needed he makes it so plain because this is what the lord said you must remove this from your life you have to remove this from your life and and as you examine it what is it that's hindering you i mean there's there's different things or there's nothing it can it can affect your members it can affect your methods it can affect your it could it can affect your mindset all these things listen is it lust or is it love is it lust or is it love is it lust or is it love and i know i'm speaking to singles but i'm also speaking to married couples tonight young and old listen i understand all that but you and i need to know this listen love and lust are completely two different things love is out in the open that's god's way can i get a married couple to say amen right there it's out in the uh it's okay to hug your wife or to hold her hand it's okay to be like that but i was right now but what's lust let me tell you what love is not love is not doing wrong love is not being in secret love is not nasty love is not sneaky love is not in a dark room love is not in a parked car love is not when parents go to sleep or when somebody else goes to sleep and you have to hide it in your facebook messenger love is not when you're sneaking around that's not love love is not whenever you're just sitting around and and and just dating and and doing whatever and it's just like a turnkey every time you turn that's not love that is lust it's lust and literally we must bring this into subjection so he says you have to plug it out now let me give you some bible because it matters he says psalm 66 18 if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear me friend you could pray for a dying baby and according what god's saying is if you've got iniquity in your heart he don't have to hear you on that you say can you explain i can't explain it all to you i'm just telling you he says it very well that's not god then god's a liar because that's what the bible says he says if you regard iniquity in your heart you and i could be responsible for the greatest tragedy that happens to us or somebody in our life that we love god won't ever hear prayer listen to this genesis chapter 39 verse number seven you know the story is about joseph and it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast her eyes upon joseph there it is you ready and she says lie with me you know what she should have done look at me she should have plucked her eye out the bible says that she looked at joseph i mean that's exactly what the scripture says she cast her eyes on him and what did she instead of plucking her eyes out what she began to think and then she began to think then it got in her heart and then all of a sudden she's saying lie with me live with me listen to what i'm saying to you this can happen to any of us tonight this could happen to any of us tonight and we need to be able to talk about this by the way let me stop here for a minute i do believe there's a fine line i do believe there's a fine line in jealousy some people have jealousy issues okay but when you and i take a vow to be able to marry for better or worse that means you're going to marry that person for better words even if they got jealousy issues so if you're married to somebody and they're always jealous listen i don't care who it is they're mad at that's the person you married to they have they have the priority in your life so you love them make them feel secure and help them with their jealousy don't ever justify it by saying well you're just a jealous person no friend if your spouse says that they don't like susie or johnny or leroy or billy bob or whatever it is friend you need to separate yourself amen i i never forget one time and i just i shouldn't even say this but i'm going to at one time a lady had said she liked my tie i'm standing right over here i was standing right there she said she like she did she said i like your tie i said oh no my wife's over there look at me honey look up here see she knows she knows and she said i don't care if she likes your tie i mean you know and here i am i'm the pastor i'm trying to be friendly you know and uh we're public and every and and the lady there was never anything to come out but here's the deal listen to me it it bothered my wife that made it a priority now it might have been innocent you understand i mean i like my i just like your child where'd you get that i'm gonna get my husband and that that might have been it but it makes no difference because here's the deal let's say for instance i was defensive and i said well you're just jealous why are you looking at me across from the church there's a lot of things that you can be said but listen to me the moment that the devil sees an inch like that you know what happens he drives the nail hole he literally drop he says oh i got a wedge in them now so it might not be that woman or it might not be that man but then there's going to be this other innocent man that comes along and by the way hello listen to me joseph the lord was with him the lord was with him he was living right before god listen to me sometimes the devil will try to interfere it don't matter how good you're living for god he don't respect you as a person he's going to come after you no matter how close you are to lord jesus don't think you're exempt from it everybody understand what i mean by that so in other words we got to keep this we got to keep this guard up so so we're lusting about these things we're seeing all these things now i want to share this with you because it this this talks about joseph and and i'm about done i'm going to stop here this week judges 16 1. listen what the bible says we're talking about samson samson was mighty oh man let me tell you something if there was anything about it he was strong okay let me put samson in 2021 are you ready he's the strong marriage he's the strong husband he's the strong wife he's the teacher he's the preacher he he he's that person that seems to like they got it all yeah listen to me he's the older gentleman in the church that everybody respects oh it can't happen to me i'm too old or i love god or they know i love jesus i'm a prayer warrior now listen to this the bible says in judges 16 1 there went sampson to gaza and saw there a harlot and went in unto her all it took was for him to set his eyes and somehow some way the devil got in there so in other words don't ever think you are strong enough to handle temptation amen don't ever think you're strong enough to handle temptation let me give you a few more things tonight we're going to be done the bible says this in second samuel 11 2 now listen to me and it came to pass in evening time the david arose from his bed doing his normal daily routine okay he walked upon the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself and the woman was beautiful to look upon it all started with just a little look it all started with just a little look you know what jesus said ye have heard ye have heard but i say unto you you know in a while look at me for a minute and i'll be done i'll be done i'll be done because the lord loves us he cares about our homes and i hate to remind you this but i'm reminded on this a regular he cares about my wife more than i do amen he does he cares about my marriage more than i do he cares about this ministry more than i do so if god does something and he says something then i would dare say even if i feel like i can handle it i need to do what god says why because whatever he says is what's going to be best for me now listen i'm just gonna i'm gonna stop there tonight okay i'm gonna stop there tonight but i just just for a moment and somebody come to the piano or come up here i want you there's two types of people in here they're either single or you're married okay would you just examine your examine yourself for a minute and i'm not talking about maybe it's your issues maybe it's your lust maybe you are married to a very jealous person look up here for a minute you don't know why they're jealous maybe they've seen a mom cheat on a dad maybe they seen a dad cheating on them are you listening to me maybe their scars and their wounds are not because of them maybe it's real because of something else or somebody else you married them for better or worse your prayer tonight might not be lord god god my god my heart god my eyes am i it might be lord help me to be more understanding and patient with my spouse [Music] please let me say this please remind me god forbid it ever happens but remind me if it does i got a 14 year old boy get ready turn 15. i mean you know and i love his mama she's sitting here okay but there's some things as a female and i say this respectfully to you ladies okay i can't tell you how a young lady thinks because i've never been a young lady but you also can't tell us how a young man thinks because you've never been a young man right that's why together we do a pretty good job of parenting together and there's some things that i look at if i say no that's not okay why well because this is where it starts and before you got a b and z i mean listen you know there's no such thing as like matter of fact there ain't even a door on my son's little for his you you there ain't even a door don't don't they're you don't have privacy in my house amen i'm not being mean y'all i'm not a i'm not hateful you know but we we have to protect them we have to love them i have all the stuff on his phone and listen i pick up his phone and i i can go through it i can pick up my phone and see what's on his phone i've got all of it why because it matters to me because the moment that you begin to look and you see something you know what happens that lust begins that lust begins [Music] me and nolan sat down and had a conversation about two or three months ago tiffany was out of town she was singing at a church and he asked me a couple questions and i'll be honest with you i just laid it all out there tiffany called me and she said so how's it going i said pretty good we just had a conversation what was it about and literally the phone just goes silent and i was like you know what as a father i had to have the sermon of what i said but i would rather my son this is the basics of our basis of our conversation ask me the questions whatever you do don't google it amen right i mean i'm serious no i'll be your google okay you talk to me i said a b and c will happen this is gonna come to me here's why because the same way that i love my son and i'm trying to throw these red flags up it's the same way that we got a heavenly father and he's trying to throw up these red flags and he's saying i'm not saying it because we're dealing with an issue in the church right he said i'm saying this because i love you and not church i'm telling you god loves us so tonight just examine yourself and i don't know maybe just be thankful for your spouse you say you don't know what i've been through yeah but listen listen to me i don't but god does and you hear me well a heart of gratitude rarely ever has bitterness in it and if you could go back to being grateful for your spouse no matter what you've been through i believe god will give you the love and the patience to love them through whatever they put you through i stand for the marriage without any hesitation i stand for it but i believe we have to do it god's way our father i love you thank you for the word of god lord as i pray it is a joy and a privilege to be able to know that you've tuned in and i pray that today that the word of god that was shared will be a blessing to you if somehow some way that the lord has spoken to your heart and maybe you're sitting where you are and you don't know for sure that you're saved by the grace of god and you've ever trusted jesus christ as a personal savior and i want you to know that the word of god says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of god the bible makes it very plain for the ways of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord you say how do i get saved you have to trust in christ and christ alone repent of your sin and then know as the bible says where jesus says i am the way and i pray that today that that will be your desire to be able to seek out for the lord jesus christ to be able to trust him as a lord and savior if you do that today and you repent of your sins and you take him as your savior would you do us a favor and contact our church office at 336-788-0551 we would love to be able to speak with you we would love to be able to encourage you maybe be able to help you find a local church no matter where you are today and maybe even possibly disciple you so we want to say thank you so much and we are definitely going to be praying for you in this ministry that our church has if you know you're saved and maybe the lord spoke to you in a different way and there's something heavy on your heart again that same number if you can contact us we'll be so thankful to be able to reach out be able to speak with you but again on behalf of the church and myself thank you so much and may god bless you you
Channel: Hanes Baptist Church
Views: 8
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: Truth, Trust, worship, Life, Salvation, God, Jesus, Spirit, Gospel, Bible, Real, Happy, Heaven, Hell, Joy, Revelation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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