3/1/2019 - Pastor Kenny Baldwin - Part 2 - Make Thy Way Straight - Psalm 5:8

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you [Music] so many still reach out of here with broken hearts and minds and every one of them will say without exception that they mine that Jesus never fade [Music] to show his love and died for me and here and then he wrote I can see Ruth at every story had been true that Jesus ever faced Jesus never yes ma'am [Music] might as well get thee behind me Satan you cannot prevail because Jesus never fair [Music] at times the slightly gray struggles I find so hard today could not make it without Jesus to being there it's so encouraging to know how in never be what can I do to routine tell me how can you deny don't roll facts the mysteries it's also cut and dry of your life I'll be the first to testify that my Jesus never oh Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] prevail because Jesus never Hey you will not prevail because [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Applause] [Music] I'm glad I'm so glad I'm glad he never failed he's never failed me and I'm thankful for it they found here with me and anything you grew up in cross those Baptist Church warned his family born and raised in our church sings in our choir love's the Lord sits on the front row faithful faithful and soul-winning faithful and giving faithful in our choir and we thank the Lord for I'm glad he's with me we've had a wonderful time that's a beautiful voice that God he's using for the Lord was our listen to the words of this song the song says every day I'm amazed that God would spend the day with me I think we think God owes us something I hope will never quit living in fascination that a holy God wants to fool an unholy us so would you listen to the words as he sings [Music] in my heart there's a place that only God can feel I find up sink race when I'm found within his will and his reason where we can spend the day and she's way [Music] inviting me to stay and everyday [Music] today [Music] he would feel such love for me I'm worth saving my heart is craving [Music] his righteousness understand [Applause] [Music] every day in every way I'm [Music] in God's heart there's a place that only I can feel [Music] look weights where we can spend the hard day [Music] day [Music] is that God would say [Music] that he would afford me to him I'm worth saving and my heart [Music] that way every day [Music] [Music] with such love for [Music] god I'm worse and my heart it's currently [Music] understand his ways now every day every way I'm a man [Music] now every day in every way hi mum [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Lord [Applause] leaves my [Music] good [Music] [Music] my great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my hands he brings [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] think about just what he's done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me breath pennies across you should be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he stood beside the gate of heaven waiting to go with any wondered how this holy place [Music] with shouts of great rejoicing and with music then they came angel standing by him yes what could be their name [Music] [Music] [Music] no he fell upon his knees crime and not one of you [Music] another shiny ones true now [Applause] [Music] we [Music] a stick and who are these tell me we've taken [Applause] to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we fell apart [Music] in crime I am NOT one of them [Music] life [Applause] nice all day day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning I starred in my day God's mercy was with me all of the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi I'm Kenny less user good friend [Music] [Applause] the church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when Satan comes to [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] one day my brand-new [Music] [Music] leave me O Lord in thy righteousness because of mine enemies make thy way straight before my face let the church say Amen i father i prayed on tonight that you'd help me as your vessel cleanse me of sin empty me of self and fill me with your spirit between last night and tonight there have been more spiritual battles raging but how I'm glad I'm on the winning side now I pray God tonight that you would help me to lean completely on you and not on my own understanding in all my ways might I acknowledge you knowing that you will direct my path I pray that you'll bind the forces of Satan put ahead to protect it about this place that in no way hinder the work of the Holy Ghost of God I'll pray for function to function tonight and I pray that you use me and then with all is said and done we leave here not seeing a man but seeing the master and I pray that you'll help us watch over my precious wife and my children while I'm gone in Jesus name Amen you may be seated thank you for standing we established the scene last night of King David telling it for God trying to serve God trying to honor God trying to walk with God trying to worship God and by the way you ought to be trying to do the same thing but he learned that living for God not only a symbol around him people that looked up to him but it also amassed around him people that looked down at him he found himself the center of people's conflict he found himself the target of people's attack it seemed the longer he lived the more enemies he had anybody witnessed that tonight it seemed the more he tried to do right the more others tried to do him wrong he found himself surrounded by enemies often in war perpetually perpetually at conflict and because of the enemies that surrounded him he found himself in psalm five crying out almighty god for absolute on paralleled leadership for some rate leave me O Lord in thy righteousness can I say to you tonight that our world is not lacking leadership it's lacking good leadership we're not missing people that are leading people we're just missing people that are leading people the right way and David begin to realize that the arm of flesh will fail men are just human beings and the best of us are susceptible to falling but there's a God who never changes there's a God who has no impurity there's a God who is without sin there is a god who's altogether lovely there's a god who's the apex of holiness and he will never fail so David said I've got these enemies around me I've got these haters surrounding me I've got these that mock God they laugh at God they hate God they don't believe God and because of that God I don't want to fail I don't want to Psalter I don't want to mess up I don't want to have a misstep I don't want to make a mistake so god I'm looking to you and I'm saying in your profound mind in your omniscient understanding in your omnipotent character in your omnipresent cell Oh God bring your wheel bring your mind bring your guidance bring your leader ship bring your direction down in my plan in my face so that when I go I go where you're leading I believe it's where we are today I believe we're we're living in perilous times I said last night I've never enjoyed serving God any more than I do right now and yet I've never felt under more pressure than I am right now to Pastor in the 21st century is an enormous amount of pressure maybe some pastors don't acknowledge the pressure because they don't know what they're doing and I'm not saying I mean there's not skilled because none of us really know what we're doing we're it not for the grace of God but I listen to me I still tremble every Saturday night at the prospect of meeting the people of God in the place where their spiritual nourishment is contingent upon my willingness to receive what God has for me too many men are mounting a pulpit with some south wales sounding sermon instead of a message from Almighty God the aisles and the pews are not packed tonight because people have nothing else to do they're sitting in the building tonight because out there there's a devil there's a job with wickedness there are schools with impurity there's a government that seems to have lost their mind and they're standing here tonight not to hear a sermon out of a briefcase but a wire from our bodyguard and so I stand here tonight and I say God don't let me wile the crowd or entertain the audience or just make people laugh I need Almighty God to make his way straight before my face every husband should be looking for leadership every wife should be looking for leadership listen to me ma'am if you think you're gonna find out how to be a good wife by turning the television on good luck sir if you think you're going to be a good husband by working out every morning in the gym alone good luck kids if you think you're gonna be good kids by mocking them kids on Nickelodeon good luck if you think you're gonna manage to keep your period by popping that rap music in your mind good luck if you think just because you go to independent fundamental Baptist Church that you'll never go Australia good luck there's nothing the world can give you that will secure your future for eternity but there is a God who put the Stars in place there is a God who cannot sail there's a God who always was there for God who always will be and he can anywhere and he must leave me I'm not sure some people wanted some of us will never arrive at Psalm 5 because we're so afraid that the leadership of God will invade our agenda that's why some people can't can't read the Bible TV on they they can't pray without playing on their phone they can't sit in church without being intentionally distracted they're way too nervous as to what God might say not David David said I'm I'm so scared of trying to walk without God saying something and so he began with a desperate plea god I'm crying to you God I'm dialing your number would you pick up did you doubt God this morning did you die Oh God this morning do you even know God's number does God know your number oh I'm telling you what David said I'm dialing but I need an answer yeah yeah yeah I got you on speed dial but god I need you to pick up call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not aren't you glad that God is still in the answering business Jesus is on the mainline call him up and tell him what you are I'm afraid the teenagers they know the songs they know the games they know the styles they know the fast but they don't know how to get through to God his desperate plea if you would was absurd it by His divine persuasion there was some things about God he believed and knew had not changed the holy displeasure of God he knew that God still had no pleasure in wickedness amen and I said last night stuff God hated he still hates and listen you'll never get leadership from God when you're trying to condone sin that God does not condone you'll never get leadership from God when you let the world do your thinking for you listen to me you'll never get leadership from God when political correctness Trump's biblical correctness you'll never get leadership from God when shifting paradigms will shift your convictions you'll never get leadership from God when Hollywood will tell you how to think when a mannequin will tell you how to dress when a rapper will tell you how to talk to your mama come on now when a politician will tell you how to think you'll never get leadership from God until you stand on your persuasion that God hates saying it's heavenly disgust heavenly disgust foolish and outstanding on-site hey this the workers of iniquity they're happening destruction he will destroy them number three we saw last night they've had a distinct plan now listen I'm afraid sometimes that we are so busy trying to get God to do what he can do that we don't spend any time doing what we can do I'm always amazed that when Jesus arrived at the scene where Lazarus had died and there those mourners were grieving the loss of this friend of Jesus his family members could not believe he had died they were really they're having a funeral for four days he'd been dead wrapped up in his grave clothes any stank look listen they they were looking for the resurrection in an event and the truth of the matter is the resurrection showed up in a person you're looking for something to happen Jesus said you don't need to look for something until you see somebody I am the resurrection and the life he believed me so he would die that shall he live I'm telling you what he was warming up for a miracle but before he did what only he could do he said to them muda stone now y'all can't get that man to get out that grave but I'll tell you what you can do you can move that stone and I'm telling you you can't do the impossible but you better learn how to do the possible amen and David said I'll tell you I can't choose what everybody else does but I can choose what I do I will approach his presence I will come into the house and the multitude of the I will come into the house and the multitude of our mercy aren't you glad in 2019 we can still approach the presence of God and by the way there are a lot of churches that have services every week and never welcome the presence of God to many churches mirror Funeral Homes don't help us and by the way the presence of God is not merely mirrored by noise and emotion otherwise every football stadium in America has the presence of God some people shout their lungs out and God never shows up I'll tell you how you know God's there not by the volume in the crowd but by the holiness in the atmosphere when God shows up people can't do what they want to do I'll approach his presence through his abundant provision his mercy is my grounds for approaching him with an all strict awestruck perspective I will worship in fear thank God for the fear of God where have we lost our respect for God what manner of man is this they said for he commandeth even the wind and the water and they obey Him does God amaze you does God astonish you does God while you does God cause you to go have never seen it like that before does God cause you to go nobody else has ever done that before we ought to be living in anticipation of God wondering what he's going to do next David Scher when I got into the presence of God there was fear that came over me I don't care how big your church is how famous your pastor is or how good your choir is when the presence of God shows up you ought to be in reverence and in fear of Almighty God the question bothers and his absolute praise I will worship what has happened to worship now we got people they call it praise and worship in any worship and I'm not saying that it's not for everybody I'm just simply saying just because you say you worshiping doesn't mean you're worshiping just like just because you park in a spot that says doctor don't make you one [Music] you got that you got to put in the time somebody help me preach I tell you what we need some worshipers notice number four if you were definite persecutors David begins to highlight some things about them tell us about your amis David they lack character no faithfulness in their mouth where has America descended when the stuff that comes out of people's mouths people don't even blink at anymore that was a day with a child of God her Nakash word they gasped don't get quiet on me you make me think you cuss [Music] there was a day when our little girls still knew what innocence was somebody help me preach amen there was a day when people did stop but they didn't do it in the house of God that was a day you couldn't give a dirty joke out of a preacher I said out of a preacher there was a day when the children of God didn't sound like the world there was a day when secular vernacular was not apparent in the life of Christians but now people have faith less mouths they have faulty motives notice what he's saying not only is their mouth faithless but their inward part is wickedness their throat is an open Sepulchre he said I'm living around people who not only do the wrong thing but they do the wrong thing on purpose they have a few me make up about them they they stink they smell like corpse and they have a flattering manner about them they know how to kiss up but they're not real they've said this where we are by the way this stuff's crept right into the church amen young people it says I wonder why some of these kids don't want to serve God because they have seen so much hypocrisy I said so much hypocrisy amen amen I mean there was a day and age you couldn't you wouldn't catch people standing on church property smoking it was a day people pull up to the church they wouldn't blast that that that world in music come on there was a day when I when a child to God left church they left church but they didn't leave their Christianity at church amen there was a day and age where you can hear somebody talk one way on Sunday and they talked the same way on Monday but he said there's a flattering manner about these folks they talk like they love God but they don't really love God and nowadays they will leave the choir law shouting for Jesus sit down in the pew and post nonsense on Facebook in the same church no shame no shame they're just they're just flatterers they like character so Davis have a longing cry about them God I'm asking you to do something destroy though them God I'm asking you to have a sovereign dealing with them God destroy them you know what he's saying God I'm not asking you to kill people I'm asking you to kill wickedness where is the hunger and cry of the child of God in 2019 said God get our country back to you get sin out of our schools get sin out of my generation keep that hip hop music from destroying their minds keep that in morality from stealing their future keep that lying devil from annihilating their testimony Oh God wipe out evil sovereign dealings in he says destruction God not only wipe them out of their wickedness for God let them fall by their own councils let everybody that knocks Christianity let them trip up themselves they said God I want to supreme discharge from you cast them out and the multitude of their transgression I'm telling you what I'm begging God to evict sin you know I'm begging him cuz I can't do it listen I've tried it listen listen you know I've learned preacher just because I preached louder doesn't mean they're gonna do it you say you sound pretty loud yeah I've done it so long I only know I've stopped but louder preaching doesn't make you a better Christian and softer preaching doesn't make you a weak one come on come on now just cuz you got a ramped up church service doesn't mean you don't leave their holy somebody help me preach you're gonna be holy because you decide to be holy we're trying to get everybody to live for God they haven't died with God yet come on now Paul said I'm crucified nevertheless I live you can't live till you die amen and you can't die until you decide you're not on the throne nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me here's what David said I want you to run I'm out of here God if there are people in the church that don't want to do ride get that mess out of the church get that mess out of our home get that mess out of our schools get that last out of our families gone we're trying to do right their shameful disobedience here's why they act like this God they have rebelled against T sometimes as a pastor you find yourself trying to wrap your head around how people can do what they do what they do what they do because they've turned against God listen to me teenagers you're living in a world that's living in a way that's entirely contrary to the Word of God I'm asking how that settles with you the New Testament tells us that lot stayed in it but his soul was vexed you know what that means that means he had to hit the mute button on his soul every day in order to keep doing what they were doing and the New Testament tells us you hit mute long enough eventually to your conscience gets ear it doesn't say mute but you know what I'm saying and I'm afraid that Christian kids have hit mute so long on the voice of God that stuff doesn't bother them anymore god help us you cannot train yourself to hate sin you fall in love with Jesus and it'll come with the package the closer you get to God the further you get from the world the more you walk with Jesus the more you won't stand the devil the more you get into this Bible the more you'll spot stuff that's contrary to it you don't need to spend the next four years studying Calvinism you need to spend the next four years studying the book of Romans and when Calvinism comes around you know it's no good [Applause] fall in love with the Lord I'm closing number five he ends with a detailed petition god I got a sincere request I got a sincere request about consecrated people does it really pay to serve God we know the answer biblically but practically some people are going not really some kids are going I've seen my parents suffer it's not worth it I've lost my good friends it's not worth it I'm missing play time or my ball team it's not worth it I'm in a school with much fewer Scouts it's not worth it I got all these rules in my life it's not worth I can't date anybody I want to date it's not where I'm telling you that's the biggest lie ever hatched out of hell the devil want you to think that New Testament Christianity will chip you it will take advantage of you it will manipulate you it will give you the short end of the stick have you read your Bible you know who's going to manipulate you the thief he comes to kill to steal and to destroy but my Savior came that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly Jesus doesn't want to steal your life he wants to give you life so here's some see request is and involving consecrated people look at it would you let's wrap up these last two verses they put their trust in thee does it pay to trust him does it pay to trust him see we're raising kids that that they know about length of skirts and height of blouses but they've never learned how to trust Gunn by the way in case you in case you're confused I'm for both of those but that won't that won't keep you holy learn how to trust him amen I mean I mean David couldn't get up in front of Goliath and say listen I'm gonna play the harp and you're gonna fall down no no no and just because you're singing the youth choir doesn't mean the devil is gonna run from you you better have more than a little song you don't worked up you better have a testimony about that line that tried to mess with you and you trusted God about that bear that tried to mess with you and you trusted God and you better tell the life you will rip him the same way you whipped everything else through the power of God that all the earthly know that there's a God in heaven he said let those that trust you they are dependent Christians and because they are dependent Christians they are defended Christians he said found defendants them I'm glad that when you live for God he fights your battles I'm glad that when you live for God he stands in front of you I'm glad when you live for God the devil can't destroy you I'm glad when you live for God the world can't devour you I'm glad when you live for God the trench can smother you i'm glad when you live for god your friends can't change you i'm glad when you live for God God will defend you I've learned anything in the ministry over the years he's a good defender they are dependent people they are defended people they are devoted people are you listening to me they're dependent convictions they're defended character brings with it a dove compulsion notice she says they love thy name we got to get back to really thinking about what we sing when we say oh how I love Jesus oh how I love Jesus why do you love him because when I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful Shore very deeply stained was seeing seeking to rise no more that the master of the sea heard my despairing cry and from the waters lifted me now chase him I do you know why I love him because when there was no Rose red enough that washed no lamb wide enough that was no man good enough that God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons you know I love him because he looked beyond my fault and he saw my need you know I love him that God who was rich for my sake became poor that we through his grace might become rich you know I love him because he's speaking of the father I've made him speaking of the sin to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him I love him cuz he loved me but but what does it doesn't really pay to be consecrated people well notice what David said they're consecrated people who enjoy a consequential pleasure verse 11 they trust they are defended they love now look at the result verse 11 they rejoice they shout for joy they're joyful in thee now let's listen I'm not having a hard time finding people to go to church but I'm having a hard time finding people God you I mean I'm fine teenagers in churches everywhere I'm not listening I'm not contending that our churches have no teenagers in them anymore I'm just telling you that most of them in the church don't want to be there they don't have no joy and listen listen and here's what they tell you well it's not that we don't have joy it's just that we're not expressive and you take them out of an auditorium and you put a remote control and an Xbox in front of them and all of a sudden mister non-expressive goes from being a Simba to Mufasa you understand what I'm saying [Music] here's the problem joy can never be humanly manufactured now you leave out here tonight you got the road Walmart and I'm gonna tell you if you want food they got it if you want clothes they got if you want electronics they got it if you need toiletries they got it if you need some drink they got it they got McDonald's in there I mean I don't like my wife born in the Walmart cuz they got too much stuff in there and she's always gonna be in there longer than she intended because on the way to the grocer she gonna pass the clothes and on the way to the clothes she gonna pass the toiletries and on the way to the toiletry she gonna pass the jewelry and all the way to the juries she gonna pass the electronics and on the way out the door I'm gonna feel my pockets going sour you don't say what I'm saying I'm simply saying everybody likes Walmart cuz it's your one-stop shop but I'm here to tell you you can walk up the aisles of every Walmart in America and abroad and you'll never find joy on the aisles you'll never find joy on the aisles they sell everything but they can't sell that because they can't manufacture that because it's not made in China or made in America it's made in heaven now here's what David said when you trust God when you love God when you defended by God you don't need a song you don't need a drama you don't need a music director you don't need a choir you need a church service there's just something about living for God that puts joy in your soul and all the demons in Hell and the runs run around steal your joy oh yeah it pays it pays to be devoted it pays to be dependent it pays to be defended it'll give you a joyful shout you show me a teenager walking we got in this listen here we do China we try to train them how shall some pastors are going to going to orchestrate shouting training in the church I've been at church some churches where the pastor said if you ain't standing up right now and making some noise get right with God and half I'm standing up Devils somebody said you got a problem with raise the hands in church and not at all as long as they hold a hand and then hold it keep them down it's not American Idol just the Church of the Living God we need to know hey and hold you trying to serve God I've known me and trying to get these teenagers there raise your hand I'm gonna raise him and they just some of them got the hand them little why they put it up yeah they take that same hand and then leave Church and they click on that wicked site same hand same hair hallelujah hallelujah click hallelujah hallelujah channel hallelujah hallelujah post hallelujah hallelujah tweet come on now we can't teach me behind shall we teach him how to walk with God and they will shout they may not scream they may not clap their hand they may not waive a hankie they may not run around the charge but you'll be able to tell they're glad to serve God they're glad to live for God nobody makes them do it that glad they do it yeah no question joyful shouting a joyous sentiment now I'm last point and I'm finished I'm never finished but I'm a quitter he had a sincere request but he closed if you would this detailed petition with a stabilizing reassurance look at what he said for thou Lord wilt bless who I run into people all the time now I'm probably gonna offend somebody but the good news is that I'm going home tonight so you can talk about me for the next five hours I'll be in the car thinking about what you're saying there are some people in America whose Christianity has turned sour because they are so disillusioned by what is happening in politics listen listen they can't even praise Jesus in church because they're so worried about what they saw on Fox or see any I'm not trying to get in your business I'm trying to get all up in your business and I'm trying to tell you I don't get my joy from Fox I don't get my joy from CNN I don't get my joy from MSNBC CBS NBC come on now I don't get my joy from none of them I don't get my joy from who's in the White House I don't get my joy from who's in Congress I don't get my joy from who's in the House of Representatives I get my joy from who's sitting on the throne who leaves and who reigns and some of you oughta quit watching news if it depress you and start reading your Bible and I watch the news every day where they gonna run me cuz I don't read this every day and when the news change the Bible said forever my word is settled in heaven so some people just struggling if this person wins what are we going to do how are we going to survive what's going to happen to preaching and and what are we gonna do what about the gospel and what about serving God if something doesn't happen on this day at the polls Christianity is Oh God you sound like the disciples in the room singing the blues can I tell you I don't care what the government does for me I'm gonna be okay cuz like the psalmist said I've been young and I'm whole but I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor see the begging bread if the government shuts down God feel good if the economy plummets God's still good if the stock market crashes God's still good cuz I stand resolute on this sure assurance that my god well glass same at the extended blessings of God look at the verse where there's also some eligible havior eligible behavior for blessings I hear people say all the time you said how you doing last how you doing blast and some of the main blast not like they think they are because the verse said thou wilt bless but don't forget the next two words the righteous you can't live like the devil plans drowning in carnality plans [Music] just because you say the catchphrase don't mean you caught it I've learned over the years god bless righteous people I said god bless righteous people he looks out for righteous people he favours righteous people he takes care of righteous people the rich man died with the hell Lazarus died with the heaven god bless his righteous people hey my extended blessings elico eligible behavior and then I close with this encircling boundary with favor wilt thou compass him as with the shield now remember he's under attack and god I need leadership I need leadership god they're shooting arrows they're aiming weapons they're launching attack you're serving God and you don't feel like you're under attack you ain't serving hard enough like Gomer Pyle said shahram give God your best you'll feel the attack God I I I need to be shielded but here's the stabilizing assurance said God God has compass to me about with his shield and the amazing thing of this passage is you know what David uses to describe God's shield favor now I know what you're thinking God I'm under attack by these wicked people God bring out a sword God bring out the stealth bomb from heaven get Gabriel and Michael and line them up with semi-automatics and just let them aim don't you feel like that sometime don't you wish God would send them strong angels like he did for Hezekiah now down to your school down to your job some of you pass the same down to my church get him and David said I'm finding out that God often shields me not with the weapons of attack blessings some of you kids are under the most grave spiritual attack that you've ever faced you're living in a generation that most of us never thought you would live in and you're absolutely clueless as to how you're gonna manage to make it through that war zone without getting hit you're looking for a bomb an arrow a gun a weapon a sword or at least a bodyguard and I want to draw you Psalm five and tell you stop looking for weapons God has surrounded you with something way better than weapons it is his favor and the next time you feel like the devil's going to destroy you and the world is going to annihilate you and evil is going to drown you look in front of you God's blessed you with a godless Hamlet with a good church with a loving home with a free country with the Holy Ghost of God with an alive Bible with peace with joy unspeakable and full of glory you know I'm finding out the devil can't hit me I am surrounded by Fame and sometimes we're so busy looking out the window for God to authorize the Smackdown that right in the bedroom with us he's giving us favor you don't have to fail you don't need no big big way out dose of abracadabra from God to live for God you're in a good church you've got you've got a King James Bible you got a mom and that you got a preacher that'll preach what God tells you you got a country that will take the Bible out of your school but leave you in it with a Bible go figure we're blessed God I'm surrounded and I feel the heat I don't want to fail the people that are looking up to me because they are following me as I follow you but God there's a whole nother dynamic of pressure I don't want to fail while the people are looking down at me because they've already doubted you God and my failure will only give them more ammunition for their fallacy the next Christian kid that gets pregnant the next godly couple that gets divorced the next man of God that falls into moral failure the enemies of God go that's exactly what we thought we knew he wasn't real we knew the Bible wasn't capable we knew the spirit couldn't keep you right we knew the pressure was too big for you David said I know they're watching me and because of that God here's what I'm asking make thy way straight before my face as the pastor I want to thank you for viewing our video today however if God's dealt with your heart we do not want to end this video without giving you a chance to be able to accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior if your today or the day and God's actually dealing with your heart I want to remind you at the Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God that means every single one of us has had problems issues seeing failures faults in our past the great thing is this is the Jesus says I'm the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me there is a way to be able to have hope to have eternal security within the Lord Jesus Christ to be able to know that you're saved by the grace of God now the great thing about the Bible is it tells us about the love of God he says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth him shall not perish but have everlasting life and that's amazing to a lot of people making quoting but the beauty of it is this is the very next verse tells us the purpose of Christ because the Bible says for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world that the world through him might be saved that means that God sent his son to die for those of us who are sinners so that we can have fellowship with God himself now if you're there today in God's Word the middle of your heart I want to ask you this question do you really believe that God's been dealing with you about salvation if that's the case today then I want to tell you what you need to do is repent of your sins you need to die himself a bit you're lost you're on your way to hell and then look at what the Bible tells us that he tells us that we can't be saved through Christ who do you call it's about salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved it's only through Christ in Christ alone so I tell you today would you trust in Christ when I ask you would you would you trust in him as a personal Savior you said brother Jason I don't really know if I can do that well let me tell you the Bible also tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved it don't matter who you are where you come from God sent his son to die for everyone if you've made this decision that's today to be able to trust in Christ to be able to die to yourself to to be able to start living for Christ and accept him it's a personal Savior after repenting would you do us a favor and be able to contact us at three three six seven eight eight zero five five one and let us know about this decision that you made so we can start praying for you thank you
Channel: Hanes Baptist Church
Views: 1,651
Rating: 4.5789475 out of 5
Keywords: Truth, Trust, worship, Life, Salvation, God, Jesus, Spirit, Gospel, Bible, Real, Happy, Heaven, Hell, Joy, Revelation
Id: 3bDRGYWnk0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 37sec (4237 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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