Packet Tracer - Investigating a VLAN Implementation

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity investigating a villain implementation here we can see our acrossing table also we will go through the objectives of this packet tracer activity in part 1 observe broadcast traffic in a VLAN implementation in party to observe a broadcast traffic without of Elance then in part 3 complete reflection questions or so here Ravi will go through the background in this activity we will observe how broadcast traffic is forwarded by the switches when VLANs are configured and when millions are not configured now we will come to power to one observer broadcast traffic in a VLAN implementation coming to step 1 ping from pc1 to pc2 I can see in our topology pc1 & pc2 are we can see both are in different VLANs a PC one is in VLAN 10 and the PC 6 in VLAN 30 right so wait for all the link lights to tend to green yes everything is in green to answer all this processor click fast-forward time located in the bottom yellow toolbar here we can see that fast forward time anyway now it's everything in green click the simulation tab and use the add a symbol PDO tool click on PC 1 and then click on pcs 6 then we have to click the capture or forward button to step through the process observe the ARP requests as they traverse the network when the buffer full window appears click the view previous events button coming to our topology first of all we will change our mod from this or real time to simulation right under here we are going to select this add a simple PDO we are going to send from pc1 to pc2 we can see that now here we are going to give a capture or forward so we can see it goes to s 2 then it goes to s 1 the nest ROI pc-7 and then to this PC for here we can see it shows a failed here we can see they sent the ARP in the same VLAN that's why it goes to PC 7 and pc 4 or from s1 it's broadcaster to PC 7 because it's the same VLAN VLAN 10 and also we can see in the astray it goes to PC for coming to D where the ping successful why yes here we have seen are these pings failed in the beginning itself I told that is pc1 & pc2 are indifferent to VLAN a PC 1 is in VLAN 10 and the PC 6 in VLAN 30 here we can see they are seperated logically so he wants to communicate these are different VLANs so we have to use either a router or a layer 3 switch no we will go to e look at the simulation panel where did s3 send the packet after receiving it yes we have seen that from s3 it goes to PC 4 because this pc 4 also in a VLAN 10 where this error arp originated here we can see that yes 3 yes here we can see that yes 3 pc 4 yes 3 send it to pc 4 because it was on the same VLAN as pc 1 that is real and 10 here we can see in normal operation when su 2 receives a broadcast frame on one of its ports it forwards the frame out all other ports notice that is to only since the arp request out faster than 0 / 1 - yes one also notice that his three only since the arp request of the f0 / 11 - PC for PC 1 & 2 PC for both belong to VLAN 10 PC 6 belongs to VLAN 30 because the broadcaster traffic is contained within the VLAN pc6 never receives the ARP requester from pc1 because pc4 is not the destination it to discuss the ARP request the ping from pc1 fails because pc1 never receives an ARP replay no we will come to step two ping from pc1 to pc2 a click the new button under the scenario 0 drop-down tab now click on the add a simple video icon on the right side of the packet tracer and ping from pc1 to pc2 are going to click a new right-hand toe here we are going to select add a simple PDO then from pc1 to pc2 click the capture or forward button to step through the process observe the ARP requests as their traverse the network when the buffer of full window appears click the view previous events button yes here we can see two packets of a nice ICMP and the authorities ARP now we are going to capture or forward so that this PC should get the app MAC address of PC for capture our forward you can see it goes to s to capture or forward it goes to s1 capture or forward capture or forward here we can see it goes to PC for and get the MAC address of PC for capture or forward goes to s1 right s2 and it goes back to PC one yes so now this PC one or receive the MAC address of this PC PC for and here we can see this PC one and PC for are the same Bill and Bill and 10 right capture or forward no here we can see ICMP is for reading going to s 1 goes to s 3 PC for notch back through history s 1 is 2 and 2 PC 1 and here we can see it successful so your capture or forward next eserver the pings are successful y-yes the ping server a successful yes as I told this PC one and PC for are in the same VLAN that is a VLAN 10 so this PC one is are getting the Microsoft PC for and it's able to communicate coming to D examined the simulation panel when the packet or reach to s1 why does it also forward the packet to p pc 7 yes we have seen that now in our even least observer s1 o we will see that this one right here we can see that yes one sense to PC seven yes so here we can see this a PC seven also belongs to VLAN 10 that's why that broadcaster truss sent to PC seven but actually the destination was PC 4 so this pc 4 sent back the MAC address to this PC 1 now we will come to a party to observe a broadcaster traffic without the VLANs coming through step one clear the configurations on all three switches and to delete the VLAN database her return to real-time mode right so we will switch from our simulation mode to real-time then a delete to the startup configuration on all three switches what command is used to delete the stack of configuration of the switches yes obviously we can use arrays startup config in our privilege x ik mode we will erase the startup config coming - yes - CLI enable we have raised startup config and - no we will come - yes one neighbor rice startup-config coming to your three a neighbor raised startup-config continued yes next Easter coming to Seaver is the villain file as touring the switches obviously it's in the flasher with the name wheel and out a dad coming to D delete the villain file on all three switches what command it deletes the villain file as touring the switches yes we will see that first of all we will do it in is to here we have a delete wheel and out that yes confirm yes also we will go to s1 here we can see that file with the help of show flash here we can see that file a villain dot that we are we are deleting this file right so delete wheel and out that and to coming to just throw e here also we can see that file wheel and out that so we are going to delete that file wheel and out that confirm now we will come to step to reload the switches use the reload command privilege to X Sigma to reset all so that switches wait for the enter a link to ten green to accelerate this process so click fast for a time located in the bottom yellow toolbar no V Villarreal or the suggester faster for coming - yes - we are going to give a reload confirm coming to yes one enable reload confirm then we will go to yes three enable reload now we will come to step three click capture or forward to sent the ARP request and the pings after the sutures are reload and to the link lights or turn to green yes everything is green oh then it work is ready to forward you are ARP and tapping traffic select a scenario zero from the drop-down tab to return to scenario zero yes now we are in a scenario zero then from simulation mode uh click the capture or for wait button to step through the process notice that the switches now forward the ARP rico's out all thoughts except the port on which the ARP request was received the default action of switches is y VLANs can improve network performance broadcast traffic is contained within each VLAN when the buffer full window appears click the view previous events button right so humming tour a simulation mode here we are going to give a capture or forward capture or forward now we can see this broadcast sense to all the PCs how the notes capture or forward right right so here we will give you previous events right now we will come to part 3 complete refraction questions coming to the first question if a PC in VLAN 10 sends a broadcast message which devices or receive it obviously here all devices that are on VLAN 10 so we have seen that already when we sent two from this PC one the pcs of which are in the same VLAN that is VLAN 10 or they will receive this a broadcast that is PC 7 and here we can see pc 4 then if a PC in VLAN 20 cents a broadcast message which devices receive it obviously all devices that are on VLAN 20 if a PC in VLAN 30 cents a broadcast message which devices receives it same all devices so that our own bill and 13 coming to the fourth question what happens to a frame sent from my PC in VLAN 10 to a PC in VLAN 30 obviously it will be dropped because yourself they say the villany so one is 10 and another one is VLAN 30 coming to the fifth question in terms of ports what are the collision domains on the switch obviously here each chip or the in each switches your that is s 1 s 2 and s 3 will be a separate the collision domain coming to the last question in terms of ports what are the broadcast domains on the switch yes talking about this a broadcast domains on the switch its depends on the VLANs on that particular switch all these same questions these are reflection questions we have seen in the previous packet tracer also anyway that's all in this packet tracer activity investigating a VLAN implementation your front city how in the doubt in this packet tracer activity please comment below also if you like my videos give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your mail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 19,989
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Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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