$60K Takes Tiny Bungalow to Perfect Family Home | Ugly House To Lovely House

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i feel a little bit embarrassed it's pretty ugly isn't it it generally looks a bit dreary it's definitely not a looker across the country there are people stuck with an embarrassing problem you certainly want to ride path and go i want to live in that house it's a very tired house it feels like it's gone [Music] and these aren't just the unlucky few thousands of us feel burdened with houses that are dated and dreary but a fresh eye can transform even the ugliest house into a dream hall i need to make this space exciting to create fantastic drama i'm given the owners of some of britain's ugliest houses the services of some of our most talented architects what i strive for find the heart of the home and it's just getting that back getting the kind of the life and soul back [Music] with money tight i'm not hopeful about what we can get for that fifty thousand and ambitions high delivering a vision that everyone will be happy with won't be easy i do have reservations about this for clients chips away too much of the design thoughts look very ordinary again but if they get it right it'll prove that great architecture doesn't have to cost the earth i actually can't believe that we live in a house like this and has the power to transform not just buildings it's fulfilled our dreams really but lives it's gone from dark to something wonderful it's so different it's as if someone's lifted our house out and put a new one in its face [Music] lying on the edge of an area of outstanding natural beauty is this sussex village and like most places in britain the local housing stock is peppered with its fair share of bungalows bungalows are often derided as bland boring little boxers but personally i've always loved them at their very best they can be light and spacious and because all of your living spaces are on one level the rooms can be beautifully connected to the god but sadly that's not always the case this one is dark dingy this house is really ugly i hate the flat roof extensions i feel a little bit embarrassed it's definitely not a looker oh bit too close to the baby stew and tammy bought the bungalow shortly after the birth of their son teddy at 285 000 pounds it was the only house they could afford in the village we bought it because it's in such a beautiful area i mean when you look at the other houses on the street that haven't had the ugly extensions put on the back they're really lovely little bungalows [Music] whatever charm stuart and tammy's 1950s bungalow might once have had has been wiped out by a series of ill-conceived extensions and cosmetic updates what's been done to this house has made it ugly so by putting two flat roof extensions on the back has sucked the light out of the original house we come in and turn the lights on in the middle of the day in bright sunlight and the garden's completely obscured and you can only get to it through one door in the kitchen [Music] i feel a bit deflated really that you're not necessarily getting the best out of the house that we've got [Music] morning tommy so nice to meet you hello mate how are you good thank you so you've got yourself a humble little bungalow we have did you ever think that you'd buy a bungalow well we wanted more space we wanted a garden and we wanted village life really i'm not sure about the fake leaded windows yeah no it's not our choice either and it seems to kind of suck the light out of especially with the wind the plastic mahogany effect and there's more of that to come inside can we go inside have a look come on lead the way god i've seen a bit we've only just met i can't just barge in right now so your entrance hallway yeah which the first thing you notice is no windows yeah apart from the nice leaded window at the front and not much natural light when you walk into a house even if you're in a narrow hallway you want to feel like there's a sense of space beyond yes or some light coming in from somewhere yeah but i bet that lights on a lot of the time yeah well but that and the lamp all the time all the time oh we have our bedroom door open do you mind if i have it oh go for it but you'll see we don't get a lot of light through that either oh look at that you've got a design classic artex that's so bad i actually quite like it but this being a big addition under the back of the house really plugs the end of the building in doesn't it you come into the front door bang by building the bedroom's extension and a cheap conservatory at the back of the house the living room and kitchen are starved of light and cut so this is the original back of the house yes and then you've got your extension beyond which looks like it's just a stall room well it's just so leaky oh yeah look little ponds of water yeah but sadly this is the lightest room in the house yeah i mean this is someone who's just put on the simplest cheapest extension it's just a completely unusable room but if you think about it we've got this lovely south facing garden all of that light that we just don't get in the lounge it's a classic case of where you've got a decent sized bungalow and people have just added on cut it off yeah added on and there's never been a master plan for the house yeah and it's a proper clear place yeah definitely well the garden's a great size isn't it yeah you've got so much space out here but you know when you think that you're south facing that place should be flooded with natural light and feel spacious and bright and have a real connection with the garden there's just so much space here yes and we don't get to see any of it thanks to the extensions tell me what do you want from this i suppose on a big scale it's about flow and light but on a smaller scale it's making sure we've still got three bedrooms potentially an ensuite for us love that loads of space loads of light three bedrooms what is the budget um so it's 50 isn't it yeah to be honest i'm not hopeful about what we can get for that 50 000. i think for me if we can end up with a nice watertight lit electrified space you're so much more cautious than me well a pessimist is never disappointed that's that's a fair point that pessimist has never disappointed tamiya stewart's bungalow has lost its sense of purpose the ugly extensions at the back means they don't have the space that they really need but much worse than that they block out the light and any connection between the inside space and their huge back garden now they could knock down the extensions and build something very simple and ordinary but with the right architect they've got a chance to create something that will truly change their lives sterling prize winner will also is one of the most controversial architects in the country famous for his unconventional often audacious approach still at my great age i'm called unfoltered i do quite like being naughty world's known for creating buildings that stand out and command attention startlingly bold shapes and strong colours the response to many of the buildings they built usually falls into complete and utter hatred or complete not a love there's not much in between i'm happy with that at least it gets a response a lot of people think buildings shouldn't be colourful but you can use it quite successfully i use it because i also paint and always have them [Music] what i like about the paintings it's imprecise the vision lies within that imprecision i think play and having fun and enjoying the process is part of it to prove that even the ugliest of houses can be transformed into a space that has a joy to live in will is volunteering to take on tamil and stewart's home it is a truly ugly house dull brick dark miserable spaces couldn't be worse actually could you dance in it no you should all be able to dance at home so what can we do i'd like to give them as much space to enjoy their back garden as possible and i think it's always important on on any house have a contrast of spaces and if we could achieve that it would transform their lives but how radical will can be with his ideas in a village like tammy and stewart's remains to be seen because it's a small environment everyone knows a little bit more about what's going on they're a bit more interested they're very yeah they're very concerned about any changes it'd be nice to think that we could do something modern here and that people wouldn't feel offended by what we were trying to do you know it's going to be really interesting to see what will is going to deliver today he's such a bold and unorthodox architect and he's used to working on a huge canvas i'm wondering how he's going to scale down his vision for a 50 000 pound budget on a 1950s bungalow in the middle of sleepy sussex not to big willow too much but you do realize he's probably in the top five or six artists hector in britain it's quite a big deal and he's going to redesign your bungalow for you that's that's crazy yeah i just better like it hi stuart hi will come on in whether or not tammy and stuart are ready for will he's certainly ready for them my concern is to make your very limited budget go as far as it can as it can and give you sort of instant joy really so i thought the front door should be one huge front door oh fabulous you mean you want to get rid of that fake mahogany front door i thought we could sell it on ebay i think all of that extension is badly built just get rid of it all okay the important thing is to actually put most of your living on the south side to open up in some way onto the garden you need your gin and tonic table will has suggested they face the renovation and spend their 50 000 pound budget on his design for phase one his idea is to tear down the badly built extension that houses the bedrooms and replace it with one large kitchen living room that connects to the garden make this space a joyful one will's big idea is to bring height and drama into it by keeping it open to a huge barrel vaulted roof with exposed curved beams on the outside will plans to cover the enormous curved roof in shiny aluminium to bring in even more light and give the exterior a sense of fun his next idea is to add four large porthole style windows moving the living area into the new extension will free up the existing kitchen and living room to be made into good sized bedrooms at a later stage will's idea for the front of the bungalow is inexpensive to update the fake mahogany leaded windows with simpler ones and adding a wide front door in terms of the layout of the plan and the reconfiguration of those spaces what do you think i think it's amazing i think it's really exciting just something slightly different to what to what you normally would expect in a in a house like this i love the idea of kind of creating that height it's completely blown away my expectations how affordable do you think it is i've done a quick check as you see you're getting quite a lot of extra area it's tight but achievable i think will has produced a really bold design he's not only reconnected stuart and tammy's house to the garden but by using materials you'd normally associate with an industrial even an agricultural building he's created a unique and dramatic space i just hope that the village is as ready as they are to embrace this radical piece of architecture in a sleepy village in west sussex tammy and stuart are desperate to update their dingy bungalow i think what has been done to the house has made it very ugly it's in need of work to put it nicely [Music] to solve the problem architect will also has designed a radical new extension it'd be like parking a big caravan behind the house there we go but several months later there's no sign of wells caravan we both feel really frustrated we just seem so far away from actually getting people on site and starting to build something yeah the extension will have a striking vaulted aluminium roof very different from the local architecture source had to go through the lengthy process of planning it's also proved difficult to get the details of the design absolutely right and their budget has had to increase significantly when you look at the design i guess it's not a surprise you know is a bespoke roof the sort of thing that you would put on a budget extension i'm not necessarily sure those two things go together when we finish if we ever get what what will's design then you know 100 that's going to be worth worth it yeah difficult difficult trying when you load the skip put the doors up on the edge to get maximum into the skipwater a month later with money and planning in place they're finally ready to start i'm ready for the hammer the first task is to tear down the existing extension which houses two double bedrooms [Music] it's fantastic seeing it coming down it just comes down so quickly they've been stripping off the layers sort of made us realize how horrible it is really so it's really nice that this is no longer going to be our bedroom have you eaten all the cheese stewart tammy and their son teddy will be living on site for the entire three months of the bills having lost two of our biggest rooms are usually full of all our stuff we've moved everything into what's left of the house so the living room is now our bedroom stroke living room it's very convenient for watching telly but um yeah we've jammed a lot of stuff in we're going to get to know this room very well over the next three months it's not just living in a building site that's going to turn their lives upside down embrace and wholeheartedly will's ball design as a brave step to have taken to give tammy some idea of what she's led herself in for i'm taking her to one of will's most famous buildings but tell me this is it heckham library a very iconic will also building it's absolutely amazing it's really different to its surroundings though peckham library will will the sterling prize architecture's equivalent to the oscars in 2000 inside it gives a perfect demonstration of his unconventional architectural style look at this what do you think oh my god you've got the architectural box if you like yeah inside of these really dynamic ufo style pods this one's a kind of meeting room and then you've got another reading though i just love the curves that's good because you can have a few curves i'm noticing a real connection here between our roof in that a really unusual material to clad you know what that pod with it's just that outer skin of a sheet of plywood stapled i mean it's literally gosh stable it looks like leather or yeah it looks really luxurious at the inside of this library will seems to have torn up the architectural rule book any other ordinary architect would have just been in very straight straightforward vertical columns but not well they're all from lots of different angles it's just all about making you look at things differently isn't it like the purpose of the library is about learning and development and even though your building's gonna be considerably smaller than this yeah i think it just gives you a hint of of will's personality yeah and how much he wants things to be fun and enjoyable yeah it probably makes me a bit more nervous for the finished product actually i think this is phenomenal but it is about how that sits in the landscape and whether it it blends in over time or whether it you know always looks well the thing is you're going to have to be as brave as will is it's your home it's your house [Music] whatever tami's fears may be back in sussex the brickwork for the walls of the big board extension are shooting up [Music] it's very weird because kind of suddenly the walls have gone up really quickly so let's make it seem slightly more real and it does seem a lot bigger than i thought it was going to be hello world all right now we've got the walls you can kind of imagine what's going to be where so kind of over here is going to be the kitchen um so we have a run of kits along there and then like a breakfast bar here and then over here we're going to have some sort of so free chair configuration and then we're gonna have two big bifold doors going out into the mud pit that is the garden we're probably gonna have a couple of meters of decking and then a step down enough space to that will the architect can come around once we've lifted our dining table out onto the deck and he can have a gin and tonic for our gin and tonic terrace [Music] stuart tammy and their son teddy have spent a month camping in the old living room [Music] but now their one safe haven is being invaded too living here is an ideal because now we're breaking in to their living area just get this swept out mate we'll get the fire fix up and then it's lunch time will's design requires the part of your doors and the living room to be bricked up [Music] we're going to be fully locked in to the old part of the house while we finish building so it'll be interesting in a kind of claustrophobic way so far this build looks pretty conventional but that's all about the change now the extension is ready for its new roof [Music] the obvious thing to do is just put a pitch roof on that would be the least expensive and not necessarily the best should the roof be special should it have a form should it be distinctive i suppose the answer to all those questions is yes and i think it's important to create the contrast to the feeling of the existing bungalow to this new bit so you're not trying to blend it in you're trying to make it completely different will's barrel vaulted roof will be covered in aluminium the striking contrast to the concrete tiles of the bungalow the roof will soar to a height of 4 metres supported by 3 large curved beams made from engineered timber using large spans of wood or steel allows architects to create high volume of spaces that feel uplifting and bring a sense of drama and excitement let's have a little lift on three one two three after two weeks being manufactured the timber frame for tamiya stuart's roof has arrived on site fingers you're in first guys bill bradley is a specialist contractor who's been entrusted with the job of putting together the pieces of this giant jigsaw so far so good today we should see if we can get the big curved trusses up all of that's very optimistic the forecast is for lightning this afternoon [Music] nice and easy kind of organized chaos it always is when you're unloading a lorry but as you can see they're rather large let's go a little bit further forward after you go go get going go go go go i'll drop it down and shut her into position yeah really exciting actually just the sheer size of that piece of wood there you go jobs are good even though you can look at the scale plants we have no real sense of what it's going to look like so now you can start to think about how high that's actually going to be it's quite scary a little bit more this way once the two supporting beams are in place beautiful it's time to winch up the first of will's hefty wooden arches it's old roman principles fulcrums and levers so straight up all of a sudden it's a big wooden rainbow the roof is a complex network of 47 different wooden pieces so there's no room for error the complication has already been looked at it's already been put together in a 3d model and cut to suit so we're just following instructions although we haven't looked at the manual yet the engineered wood that bill is using is called clueland it's constructed in factories from strips of wood glued together by engineering timber in this way it's possible to create vast beams that can be accurately shaved into precise curves capable of supporting huge weights [Music] so this is the last main big timber to go up is that right that's it we've put this one up swinging around into place here we go there it is beautiful hey now you can get an idea of the space yeah so i can ask you do you like it i love it it's just in our heads i think we thought it might be sort of that much bigger than kind of a normal room height but this is huge when the when the finishes go on the wall yeah and the floors and the doors are there it will feel bigger do you think oh no absolutely it's always that way around i think it's great i'm very pleased with it i mean this is a radical change on the back of these bungalows for an area of outstanding natural beauty this is radical that's incredible already yeah but the street is not an area of outstanding beauty purely opinion of course i think will's roof is looking magical internally the building will give tammy and stuart the space they crave the whole idea was to give them as much space as possible because space is luxury really but i think it was important as they will spend more time in this space than anywhere else in the existing bungalow i think it's a place where if you're the last one up you can sit and you can just dream about better things perhaps or transport yourself to somewhere else and or to reconsider what you're going to do tomorrow a nice spiritual space of reflection i think it's important for this room and i know i'm a man that like likes a lot of color but i think i see this room as being very white or just off-white though do you think that's very different for you maybe i'm just a bit older you know i mean i just think that the light should be very beautiful in here and therefore you don't want to sort it with color yeah my biggest worry is that time is going to put some color on it you know what clients like it takes bill and his team just one more day to fit the remaining crossbars you know there's something really magical about seeing these beautifully crafted wooden beams all fit together to create this lovely soaring curved roof but you won't get a real sense of the character of will's design until it's clad and a shiny new metal armor i wonder what tammy and stuart will feel about it there [Music] in sussex tammy and stewart are halfway through building a radical new extension on the back of their tire portable tammy and stuart's extension now has a small timber frame roof the next stage is to clad it with aluminium sheeting [Music] shawn and scott are the [Music] definitely haven't done anything like this before usually we're just doing industrial units yellow storage places like that architects will also just opted to cut the extension in a material called calzone unusual in domestic buildings over 50 sheets of aluminium each needed to be individually welded will bring the entire roof cost up to 38 000 pounds how intricate it is it's going to take longer than about three times the size increasingly architects are using industrial products as roof coverings flexible materials such as copper give them the opportunity not only to create more dynamic shapes but also more interesting internal spaces but will's shiny aluminium roof is slapping the middle of a sussex village it does look out of place in it a bit yeah it does look a bit out of place at the moment it looks like a frame with an old boat or something i mean it looked like some sort of spaceship's landed once we finished i think yeah even though he's got an american dyno on the back of his bungalow there's a lot of fork going into it i don't know all right this house we've got to crack on sweat up and over oh stay there just tip it straight over the calzer roof is comprised of two metal layers with 20 centimeters of glass one insulation in between all right now lift it up onto the top beam sean and scott start by fitting the base panels to save the building down again they also have to incorporate one of will old sub's trademark features [Music] that's nice i'll go with that worst part none and the rest should be easy enough it's not popeye's house is it rather than regular skylights will has opted for four round portal windows that complement the curved shape of the roof each one will channel light through to the internal space there's obviously a nautical reference but i also like the fact that when the sun comes round you get these circular points of light on the on the floor on the back wall depending on the elevation of the sun and that also adds interest to the overall space portal windows have become a recurring feature of will's buildings he's been using them since 1991 when he designed tottenham hill station another aluminium-clad construction more recently his love of circles has become a little warped the public arts building in west bromwich divided opinion amongst the locals something tammy and stuart may have to contend with with their bungalow extension oh wow we have portholes they are quite dramatic don't they i think it completely transforms the this side of the house you're not going to be able to talk about this as a tired old 50s bungalow anymore are you some people might not like it i for one think it's potentially terrific i think it's a little bit odd this is a tiny village a quiet sort of country-fied road it's filled with old traditional buildings yeah it seems very strange and it's not only the neighbors who are worried about the impact of wells design we've not been in the village very long so there is a worry about are we going to upset people by by doing this and the logic says potentially yes [Music] teddy leave that let's put all of that back who's this it's not just concerns about upsetting the neighbors that tammy's having to contend um in the house all the time is just so difficult she put the fruit back in the tin far more stressful than i thought it would be the actual space that we've got is so limited it could be one of the stupidest things we've ever done thank you ted with the roof beginning to take shape i'm really keen to see what the interior of the extension feels like so how's it looking stewart uh it's looking good yeah it's looking good made a lot of progress since you last here my word very smart it's good timbers look fantastic yeah you've got this kind of waffle effect at the moment at the moment what will that be finished then oh we're gonna leave it and that color and that color i think that looks okay you seem like you've got a reservation there see when an artist says i think that looks okay means he's not convinced no it's sort of a shock because in my head i had the timbers showing yep and that's just smooth plaster because you get more reflected light but i think this will look good it sort of saves money as well isn't it did you think you could paint the walls the same color i don't think we've got down to that design detail i've got to be honest um but it's look we're looking at it just as you're told how's it lining white it is then i'm just checking these tiny little power points for lights yeah what we were thinking is having one or two single spots up at the root can i say something don't do that okay yeah it's sort of like what footballers wives do don't do that what you want in here is to find a beautiful standard lamp the quality of the light will feel much better but we need something to cook by now you buy them and they're bits of furniture and you plug them in so i love a standard lamp i love a side lamp i'm all over the lamps good boy um but i don't want to chop a carrot by a by a standard lamp in the kitchen you don't have staff one of the trickiest parts of the build has been fitting builds four portal windows at the cost of 1200 pounds each they've added to the ever increasing budget so will all architects have kind of design principles in what they do one of yours seems to be big circular windows i've done a few in my life and uh i like them it's a good enough reason i think in architecture there are certain bad habits you pick up and they keep returning to haunt you and certainly in this case you know the great thing about architecture is trying to escape those things but also to know when it's appropriate to use it and i think it is appropriate to use it here and apart from anything they're just fun aren't they well of course they are what i like about them is that they actually focus the light it's pretty that they don't smoke actually because it's get these sharks like be like living in the bible no i'm very happy with these they worked out well on the outside shawn and his team have started to fit the second shiny aluminium layer of the calzip roof have you been up here before no this is uh first time so how do you feel about what it's gonna look like good i really like it i think um i think granted it's more of an industrial material it's kind of thing you normally see on the top of stadiums what i find quite funny look at the extensions that is the sort of extension that goes on the majority of properties all over britain there's another one over there and then yours is landed from outer space how do you feel about what the neighbors feel about it i don't mind that they think it's weird or space shippy you know i think generally there's been curiosity rather than anyone angry about it so yeah everything's okay what i'm telling myself everything's okay but as more and more of the aluminium has fitted the impact of this audacious structure gets bigger it's a modern avant-garde if if the architect really wants to stir things up and get people talking i think he will have done it i've never felt that it has to tie into the existing building the original building was built whenever it was built and then we're doing this now so the ship it should be different and what about a fitting into the other bungalows well if there's any couple of words that really get on my nerves it's fitting in why would you fit in to actually what is not any great architecture it's all quite comfortable somewhere not particularly well built so why would you do that why i did use fitting in on purpose just to get you this to annoy me just to annoy you and it works [Music] keep going come on keep going over the next two weeks the buy full doors are installed worth begins on the garden and attention turns to the interior [Music] it's starting to come together a lot more it's like the last couple of weeks have been really really fast you know stuff's coming in the kitchen arrived and has taken two days to get to this stage but yeah it's really good just seeing everything coming in the decking starting and yeah exciting [Music] probably not for you that's a standing line stuart is just as positive about the build as when he first saw the drawings but as with many will also buildings opinions are divided in this case even between the owners i'm not sold on it i've got some reservations about whether we've done the right thing if i'm honest whether we should have just had a conventional roof i don't like the color i thought it was going to be more of a lead color and actually it's very very shiny i'm a bit worried about how the windows are gonna look when they're finished if they stay as they are they'll look like four massive polo mints on top of a building which i would never have agreed to throughout the discussions wills had a really clear vision of having this roof and i think we've been really excited about it and i guess seeing a line drawing to seeing it in practices actually and seeing it on your house is is quite a big jump i suppose so honestly i'm worried when i first came to west sussex to see tammy and stuart's 1950s bungalow it was a sad and tired house that had really lost sight of what it was meant to be the front of the house was dark dingy and utterly uninviting the back was even worse strangled by terrible 1980s extensions that blonde access to the big garden architect will also came on board with a bold and unorthodox vision to transform stuart and tammy's house into something unique and exciting now i've always been a fan of will's work and i can't wait to see what he's created will has created something very distinctive that transforms the 1950s bungalow into an extraordinary piece of architecture hello there so good to see you how are you what a fantastic front doorway it doesn't get much smaller than that the big giant front door yeah it's pretty pretty huge oh i quite like it because it makes me look skinnier when i walk up to it do you know what it is yeah it's amazing isn't it well it just makes an ordinary bungalow feel that little bit yeah it sort of gives a bit of a hint that something different might be inside tammy and stewart's bungalow used to be a mess badly designed extensions had blocked off light and the garden from the living space this is very very exciting do you know what even just walking into this hallway is an enormous difference isn't it definitely it's just so much lighter opening up the hallway to the new extension has allowed light to penetrate to the heart of the house it feels like it's a lovely room it kind of almost sort of funnels you through and expands out into into that it does because the door being a bit wider then you come into this space it goes a bit wider again and then the ultimate really is to walk through the new extension [Music] you know what that is just incredible absolutely incredible this light-filled generous room houses a cozy sitting area a dining space and the kitchen you would never expect to see something like this on the back of your bunker box do you know what i mean it's beautiful stunningly beautiful i really like the curve of the the glulam beams you can almost see the story of how it's put together and it kind of gives you almost like the skeleton as well as the roof it's quite honest isn't it because even leaving the underside of the ceiling exposed and not plastering over it and that felt quite important to us didn't it because it was such a different set of materials to use that actually we wanted to be quite bold about it and you know sort of make that the feature internally the roof has delivered a space that is uplifting to be in but it's the outside that has always raised doubts look at that for a house extension but it's it's fabulous isn't it what do you think of it it's amazing yeah no i love it i really wasn't sure about it but you have to own the decision to be bold you know and you can't be apologetic about a design like this you're either in or you're out yeah and so we're in oh what a great space for you to grow as a family will always wanted this building to look different from the existing bungalow and though it may prove controversial that we'll provide this family with an exciting space in which to live and thrive hello come here i'm good how are you hi stuart hi welcome wow this is quite a transformation isn't it yeah that's unbelievable he's looking really good what i find really fascinating about this project in this build is i don't think you guys imagined your bungalow as a piece of architecture you just imagined it as a it's a house yeah originally we thought well we've got we've got plenty of room we just kind of need to rearrange a bit make some bits nicer and it'll be all right which i guess explains why neither tammy or i are architects this has been a bit like when you go to the hairdressers and you say do whatever you like in that we've given permission to the architect to kind of look at what's there and see through completely different lens and that's what's unlocked the potential of the house i've never known will also be referred to as an architectural hairdresser [Laughter] well you're used to working on projects that are a multi-multi-million pound project and then you've been working on this little 50s bungalow i like that a lot it is about the people yeah and as irritating as tammy is i really like him [Laughter] making me cry the aspiration was on what was after a really tight budget is to give them as much space as we could and then work out a master plan for what was left at the bungalow which you could pick off in smaller bits as they get substantially richer as they get older you guys had a budget of 50 000 pounds i cannot imagine that you've built this on 50 000 pounds no it's ended up costing almost 90. my word when you look around and what you've got it's worth every penny and more because your life will genuinely be transformed by this building and your sons yeah and to know what just at this point the sun's just coming out of the clouds and little spots and pools just starting to appear on the wall right that's the magic and the beauty of something that you would never have imagined or expected it's just a lovely place to be what would you say to other people out there who are living in ordinary ugly houses i would hope that this would encourage people to think they can be a bit braver and if they're a bit braver they get more out of it for not a lot of money you can have a huge effect this building is a striking addition to the street and now that it's finished the neighbors can see just what they'll be living with i like the the contrast i like the idea that somebody's done something imaginative that's lovely i think if you're going to do something you've either got to do it to fit with the property as it is or you do something astounding and they've done something astounding tammy and stewart wanted to transform their old ugly house into something beautiful and unique but it took a huge leap of faith and trust to go ahead with will's design which i have to say is an absolute master straw now a radical solution like this isn't necessarily to everyone's taste but good architecture will always push us beyond our comfort zone i'm convinced that people will grow to love this building just as tammy and stuart will love living in it [Music] you
Channel: Abode
Views: 122,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $60k renovation, Abode, DIY tips, Sussex bungalow, creative living spaces, dream home renovation, family living space, family-friendly home, garden makeover ideas, garden transformation, home improvement, innovative home design, innovative interior design, interior decor tips, metallic dome roof, modern home, perfect family home, property makeover, suburban home improvement, sustainable home renovation, tiny house renovation
Id: kLUtUaetXmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.