Ruined VICTORIAN School (Before and After) | Restoration Man | Full Documentary | Reel Truth History

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across Britain thousands of historic buildings have been neglected their own is struggling to restore them because of planning restrictions design problems or lack of money luckily some warm antics do take on the challenge of converting and the story these forgotten Jets but it isn't for the faint-hearted but here in its falling apart I think it can push you to the limit actually you can hear the sound of piggy banks smashing in the distance because we're raiding every penny we've got to finish this they're often churches mills and bars also factories warehouses and industrial buildings that are often abandoned because they're so difficult for residential conversion these buildings have as much rich history and tell us many fascinating stories about our past as any stately home or medieval castle these are palaces of Industry and so it's such a privilege to live in one as an architect I relished the challenge that these unusual burling's give us when we're trying to create a place called home this time a couple of professional builders tried to force themselves a new future in a ruined Victorian school anybody with any sense wouldn't buy it but when the money fails to materialize the true cost of what they've taken all we have to find a way of Garen is done but if we don't so we lose everything [Music] I'm incur Marvin show West Wales in the small village of Penn kada [Music] on a hill above the Main Street stands the old Phillips school which has been abandoned since 1989 and is now completely derelict until in 2010 Builders am and gentle Edwards paid 170 thousand pounds for this sprawling 1 acre site all of our friends our family without exception absolutely crazy mad crazy mad yeah their plan is to turn it into a new home and a new business as a center for teach and green and environmentally friendly building technologies as their existent building company and run into trouble when the recession hit a couple years ago now we we were doing quite well before that and overnight we lost about 95% of all contracts laid off seventeen boys we made a decision that the way forward with the green technologies and an eco-friendly way for now Ian and Jane are living in a caravan on site from where they've already started work on their restoration projects what I love about this building is the size of it the features the barge boards and all that the arches and just sort of seen you love the building itself you know why it was built bill hundred fifty years ago to sort of educate the locals and hopefully you know we can bring you back to life and do pretty much the same [Music] Ian and Jane were hoping to fund the restoration from a rural development grants but when that fell through he decided he would do worse to the world himself and has raised the money they made bit by bit proof of the building projects it's a risky move to go to a restoration without a budget in place this is a Coppola Hogan we need help every step of the way so it's an old school building what bits or which paths I'm trying to get my head around already because it seems to be a whole collection of stuff and we believe it was started in the corner yeah that's the old headmaster zone so that doesn't belong to us yeah and it was originally just this one piece and then as the population of paying car degree yeah they added another bit on so then this bit was added on yeah and then in the 1960s there was the prefab grunion right there's a technical block should go and have a look on the browser this complex of buildings that you've got here the rules school footprint is a total area of 5,500 square feet spread over five buildings it's arranged in a bell shape plan at one end as the Headmaster's house which doesn't belong to them but attached to us is the original Victorian assembly home with two classrooms and a small 1960s extension the old technical book completes the site as this puts time or is this coming down no I stay in this was the last part built on the school yeah I think it was originally built as an office then whereabouts is your house gonna be where you actually the live this area here who's gonna be the bedroom over the first floor yeah yep and this has all been rebuilt from scratch down to the ground so that's new bill that's no run now Franny oh that's amazing everything that came out was going back in the barge boards were the original barge boards tape and down and the back and restored so far they've spent about 40,000 pounds of their hard-earned money which they've spent sparingly as it's all they have with this building near to collapse they've had to remove large sections of this structure before rebuilding they've salvaged as many materials as they can restoration can sometimes be a painful process I mean you stand here looking at this man you think oh my god and we still got this to come down yet so that's how that lean through up to the mean - yeah that gotta come down so you taking this down was leaning and cracked and I like straight flat things very new street fat I mean I go Olivia for estimate life and I want it right but I want it to look like it was originally [Music] built in 1878 pankot a school would have made quite an impression on the Pearl agricultural community that it was meant to serve many of whom lived in LA hundred Wellings often with been fools at the time Gothic architecture was the approved style for school building which was considered grand enough to inspire a private learner architects developed distinctive features such as tall ceilings to encourage healthy circulation and large high windows to stop children from being distracted by what was going on [Music] when it opened pink Addis to have places for 220 children and all lessons would have been taught in English despite the fact that everyone spoke Welsh at home in the old assembly hall you can still see traces of the fine building it once was even amongst the scene of total devastation you mean oh my god the dry rot was amazing in this poor but you've had to take the roof off and everything you take the walls down here as well that was saying that one stays thank God well you can see why I'd come away from there the roof is where it had come right out I'm just worried about how much you've got to do with the amount of money you've got because it's big there's a lot to do yeah and it's really the kid that cost time you're gonna do a lot of work yourself I mean I'm going to more financial difficulty can sell it's been a challenge to keep all of my bought so you only get one bought I think you must have cherish it yes I've seen obviously bad buildings well good buildings in a bad state but this is pretty part where he bought this mind I said a lot of people it takes somebody like me will ask to buy something like this anybody with any sense wouldn't buy it so you've got to be hot otherwise you wouldn't bother but only the mad succeed every penny is going to count on this restoration and one of the ways that Ian and Jane have saved money is by doing the drawings themselves instead of hiring an architect so they sent it is there's kind of three sections to the building really teaching living an exhibition yes their main entrance leads into a small Lobby straight ahead is the classroom where students will learn about sustainable building practices and will see examples of the latest green technology that will also be a canteen and an office back through the lobby and you went to what was the old assembly hall which will be an exhibition space and a reception room the glass staircase leads up to their private living area consisting of an urban plan kitchen living room with a balcony and two bedrooms with a shared bathroom as well as displaying green technologies the entire building will be fitted out with many different energy saving solutions ranging from rainwater collection to air source heat systems so yours is a really efficient two-bedroom pad yes with the really nice living dining kitchen area and all the rest of this building is given over to the business more in the education I think the layout that you've got that's absolutely fine you want a very functional practical pragmatic piece of design and I think you've got it it seems to work really well at this stage where you're at I wouldn't change anything mmm it's good look what Ian and Jen are trying to do here is absolutely fantastic reusing an old school building to create a Center to learn about the retrofitting of all structures dragging them into the 21st century but when you look at the condition of the building just how bad it is you need a butcher these guys just haven't got one I've got no idea how they're gonna do winter has come to West Wales Builders feel General Edwin have embarked on a mammoth restoration project trying to turn a derelict Victorian school into their new home and a center for teaching green building technologies they have no budget to speak of but luckily perfectionist ian is a highly skilled builder and having to do most of the work himself helped by apprentices and trained builders who work for his building firm the weather has slowed things down a lot to their temporary caravan it's been two months since I was last here and I'm keen to find out what progress they have made morning all systems go cold wet miserable miserable and the bills could have slowed right down but it's almost stopped really we were doing work as well outside yeah so we had work to get on with the loads busy yeah but not really crusted a little and then it's been so frustrating because you know you come all and you look at this sort of Caravan window and it's nothing you know I'm a nice a go and I don't want to get going I want to do it cuz it's a fed up living in the caravan you know but then we made a decision ending we january/february pop it off the guys are off of the project and the tricky thing with that you want to crack on put the lads on it you don't wanna lose income and you put on them other projects that brings in the river D and you've gotta pay their wages at the same time difficult but I don't tell him [Laughter] the real challenge with this restoration is that only once they started work did they discover that all but one of the exterior walls was unstable and would need to be rebuilt from scratch we think we just bit lower I think we had another Silve on this is for two other shields a beautiful way to look at that yeah he said slay it that's a fantastic bit of sleep that is nothing else this is all really noise the bricks were what we took out we used them all yeah and so you stopped all this for the drainage yeah yeah that's to see where it's going on the end and then that what he's digging now yeah another rainwater harvesting pipe there so you're collecting all the water off all the roof profiles every drop every single drop 13,000 liter tank right there all you need now is a roof to actually collect the water on the aim is to turn the school into an energy-efficient carbon neutral building where water and heating bells are a thing of the past so they won't just be teaching grain they'll be living great too today the installation is arriving for the upstairs bedroom master step I want to see irritants more revs despite their near non-existent budget they've gone for the highest spec no garlic a matte finish it's great you're gonna pack this out on you I mean this is like this is like the nursery of insulation this stuff I got a funny this was invented by NASA this is ingenious it's called thin insulation that layer has a super in Savanna what's fantastic is that it reduces the construction thickness of the roof gives you a greater sense of space gives you more Headroom that roof construction is only gonna come out about that line which is yeah really this is gonna be my um it's a more like a French window yep where there Juliet balcony yeah yeah lovely summer's morning if it was testing you know sort of French doors or sort of net flapping in the wind I didn't realize he was such a romantic [Laughter] Ian and Jane are committed to the highest standards of restoration but the scale and condition of the old building is overwhelming if you look at this wall finish this is a really hard cement mix it's not a soft plaster and to show you how about the building is but that's how wet and damp and soaking this is yeah that's just full of or just crumbling away my cottage cheese Ian may be doing most of the physical work but Jane is in charge of the money and it's here almost impossible task to balance the books on their building business and keep the project moving forward on most jobs normal jobs you have a budget it's a yourself time scale you know you'd have that money in the bank whether it's mere good money or money that you've saved up and your plan according to that budget you haven't actually got the budget have you know well that the original we've bought the project we were coming for a grant which fell through we were going in for sent a large extension on a mortgage which fell through that we were having roughly about three hundred thousand with the loan and the grant which have gone from three hundred thousand so nothing so it's scary but this is my home just if I can't live in it yet it's irrelevant this is my home and we will get big as a ninja impressed themselves for the challenges that are really well Springville brain I've been finding out more about the history of this building before the school was built in 1878 opportunities for education and pan kana were restricted to Sunday school or small room attached to the local chapel with space for only 60 children this lack of provision was merit all over the country but in aving 70 a new law was passed the elementary education act entitled every child between the ages of five and ten to go to school and mark starts their education as we know it's the next 10 years so 4,000 schools being built all over Britain and Canada was worth I've come to dead streets : whole future which has been preserved to others indeed be victorious what a spacer and I'm joined by Jane Humphreys professor of history at Oxford University so Jen the act was quite a dramatic thing for Wales and the rest of England as well the act really creates a lot of school places by the end of the 19th century the school boards had added some three million extra places for children in in British schools that's quite incredible it is it's amazing it cost a penny a week to attend a school like Penn kada but for the poorest families it was free despite this many of the parents particularly those who worked on the land were reluctant to send their children to school I managed to dig out some of the kind of original log from the headmaster of pen cutter and I think it just proves how difficult it was for him just to get the numbers that he might have expected to have had Friday July the 19th this week more than usual many pupils were in the habit of leaving school during recreation time at 11 for the sake of attempting to home duties well this is the summer so I'm sure they are being used in agricultural labor at this point so potato picking peaking working in the fields girls were often kept at home to deal with needs of the family so every time mom had a new baby the oldest daughter would be kept off school to be mother's helper Ethan says we we might as well close school during the haul of July and August and that's what we've inherited that's why we have those long summer holidays for us course today we inherited that from a previous time when children did go off and help with the harvest for the children of pink hadn't going to school would be a very alien and not altogether welcomed experience well this is a gallery classroom this allows the teacher to be able to see what's going on there at the back of the form yeah there's no hiding in this person dead Street school keeps a large collection of Victorian memorabilia items that those first school children in pankaja would have been very familiar with sand boards were used to help letters and practice handwriting that's very good very good very good joined up writing while ball frames were like mini abacuses help children learn arithmetic particularly decimals so a Victorian Bhairava of the casio calculator my desk what's in your pocket learning was important but the schools also demanded discipline and get behavior well this shows you how the Victorians were very fond of giving out metals as well as this kind of nice incentive I'm afraid these schools also had sticks as well as carrots and here's the cane and I'll tell you why but that was a pretty painful well if a mouth hurts and believe me it was wielded quite often and quite energetically in pain kada there was another dimension to this because many of the children would be Welsh speakers at home who were taught in English and the Welsh was very much discouraged in fact discouraged backed up by a violent regime so the children had a little boy but that was called the Welsh not because it said Welsh not and it was hung round them necks of any child who was heard to be speaking Welsh and passed around the class according to who spoke Welsh during the course of the day and the last child to be wearing the Welsh not I'm afraid was caned before they went home so yes it was a public humiliation back in pan cada at last this sun is shining to take advantage of the good weather ian has mustered all his manpower on the sides where the finally getting round to demolish and leaning board at the old assembly hall meanwhile up on the new first floor ian has given one of his four apprentices a lesson in brief construction it's been three months since I was last at the school and for the first time I can see various signs of progress morning how are you alright yeah I've bit of a cold oh you've been under the weather today yes this is weather changes and the Sun comes out I'm gonna get ill yeah let's crack it on though look at that you've got the roof on this section all the fantastic slate all the brick detailing you know even the government you've got on there it's really neat very crisp you did a great job now notice them the for sale sign up on this house that's the main one on the front that you're connected to what save you a lot of hassle have ordinate well we offered him sent grand and you accept it and we were going through and then we had a mortgage the mortgage guy come up looked at it and he said I'm not even evaluate he said because it's structurally unsound it's unmould jabal see if you can get the finance on her but someone rat rod boat of a cash because she wanted it spear machine but me he'll make the music this is magic really good at the front things are coming along nicely this bombs gone off when we go through to the old assembly hall and reminded how much work they've got ahead and how ambitious this restoration really is how the hell are you doing the bells undo another belt on work off-site to keep the money coming in I'm getting your business rings you go how you doing it's not officially all right just go bad you get up and carry on I rent the doctor the other day Lisa don't calm down you know just do sort of six days instead of seven don't make yourself over I mean seriously you don't kill yourself we get a man George luckily for in not all of the buildings in such a desperate state follow the interactive classroom underneath the two bedrooms is looking more habitable and what's going on the floor in here what's gonna business finally finish this bleep odds in you all the different types of underfloor he didn't iisten Zinn the pods interactive whiteboard up here then along there then computer desk we feel like use somebody to learn in an old school perhaps not gotta say money or the lack of it has been a constant worry illness project when they started they couldn't get financial backing because of the recession so far they've been able to screw by doing the building but occurring technology sensor needs lots of green ecological kids and that's expensive the latest estimate is an eye-watering 130,000 pounds with no other options available to them they've had to apply for another grant from the Welsh Assembly which will require a matching law I mean I'll be honest with you I don't think what you do here is fantastic you know the standard the builders brilliant the idea for the business of the Train and the ecological side but the treeview really pushing it on you know we trying for this one grant now but who knows we've been let down so many times before do you have the thing that you wish had never taken us all in the first place oh god yes do you yes but if we walk away from this now you look a bum crap I know everybody money you know it's half built project your money that we've put in this and we need a half bag we actually do love the building we love the build we love the area we love everything about it is just a pressure during a restoration of this scale and quality with no budget to fall back on take superhuman levels of energy and commitments Ian and James refusal to compromise on the standard of their vision is great for the bills but are worried that the project may never finish they've put everything into this project I just hope to god that it pays off in West Wales Ian and James restoration of a ruined Victorian school is now into its second year so far they've spent 60,000 pounds every penny of which they've had to go out and earn throughout the building work they do have one resource available to them Ian's cherished boards which could be worth up to 60,000 pounds if they sell it they would allow them to buy much-needed building materials but right now they can't quite bring themselves to part with the boards they call the forefront claim is gone money's gone everything's gone it's just something rotten to me it's been two months since I was last in and kada morning rubbish again it's absolutely brilliant the brickwork looks amazing upon that gable at that elevation and you get the roof starting to come on how are you feeling about it all laughs I really am he's gone all right yeah yeah just money we did pick up some work since you really your last time on the bills it's great that they've got some money in the bank at last psychologically there must be a real boost to start rebuilding that last exterior but this piece mail earn as you go along approach won't cover the expense of a cool items they need like the heating systems and the wave board attack for those they've applied for a national economic grant from the Welsh Assembly enjoy about the grant I telephone them yesterday and they just given the same speech to everybody and over the end of September a long time you're kind of treading water at the minute hungry we sink right off the plan I don't doubt the ambition is whether we can eat or not this it's it's own to that fine weather we can eat to me all the birthday cakes us bus priority and the wages get paid but whether we can eat just that's a huge huge and don't eat and pay the bills and they might be cash poor but they're not lacking in passion for this huge restoration projects or the skills needed to get done he in a single handedly restoring all 19 of the large Victorian windows he's using the old technical block is a makeshift Volusia see you know some of it is totally rotten I mean that ain't gonna go back on so we have to renew love it each window needs to be taken apart and assessed for damage to have it the areas of rotten timber will be removed and carefully replaced with new some of them mainly some done that you know I'm lucky to get him one piece out of them yeah you know man say the entire window all the done even hundred years of the cumulative pains needs to be stripped back to a good division [Music] completers we'll be fitted with new panes of her expect us a new wine if you're gonna do this from you from scratch this would be 40 grand that your priest was just for to go didn't know and that was without the glass what's and I bought that timber over there for I think is about three and a half grand that's a bargain is a bargain the quality of work and attention to detail on this restoration is extraordinary but because of the financial pressure in a chair or feeling whoa I've got a plan that I hope would give them just the pickup they need the school may have been closed for the past two decades but there are still plenty of people in the village who can remember when I was at the heart of the community I've organized a reunion which will bring together teachers and pupils for the past seven years to share their memories of - and come back it's also a perfect opportunity for Ian and James to make them and explain their plans for this next chapter in the school's history busting the office bit and then the pain will for me most people have brought along cast photos or memorabilia from their school days this is 1936 so three generations how much of a tight-knit community of ours early evans teacher with a first job in teaching school building is a fantastic place you know that's all I got is good memories of it this all means everything is positive you know the kids would absolutely superb the best I get from today you know 40 years on it is unbelievable I even managed to meet some of the last people to pass through the school gates I think the new building was last legs and what do you think about the restoration everyone seems to have a great affection for the building and the overwhelming feeling is that that delight that it's being saved and more importantly that it's gonna have a new role in educating and providing work for local people for years to come does it kind of bring it home to you how important the building is for the community I've never seen it until today today you said you're doing something for other people you're not just building renovating the school you you sort of rebuilding something for the community for something that people have memories of and restore it because without as I say sort of fell down yeah gonna be able to come back again a little bit more [Laughter] [Music] back on the sides and Ian for burglary two apprentices have been working on the building uninterrupted for the past few weeks which has allowed them to finish off the brickwork to the front and continue on the roof right across Pollock's but the best news is that ian has go to the bottom of his health issues well I won't very well tinea Singh's couldn't know what he was so let the doctors complained about dizziness so he's done a lot of tests took an order blood and the turnovers high cholesterol so put me on statins and they cut down on the fat and then start to get all better it wasn't get dizzy I didn't know wasn't get any blood on my body to my huge brain as part of the educational purpose of the centre Ian Susan many techniques to demonstrate a variety of reconstruction levels in the mix of ours on the small extension instead of insulating from the inside the Philips been fixed externally today a specialist poster is a silicon Brenda [Music] three layers reinforced with mesh will form a tough waterproof exterior that doesn't be painting when it's finished if you're gonna insulate the inside of somebody's house it's very invasive we turn up at somebody's house to do this more disruption to their life and it's a nice finish when it's done there's a sin and isolate before you generate the cost of running this is gonna be zero we've got to do it to show people which is what we're trying to do you [Music] a month later I'm back on site and there's only one question of my minds have they heard anything from the Welsh economic growth front about the grant they so desperately need to save this project how's things what's happened with the grant application changes daily we were told we had a chance and then they wanted us to have less money let's grab money but employ a lot of extra people we put down that we would create five finding jobs yeah which is four fences that we train up and the full-time job yeah then that changed then that we are to create eight new jobs new jobs plus three thousand you have half the money so how much did you apply for how much was your age four sixty seven and a half but because you had to the match funding and the bank would only lend you the money if you got the grants if you get less grant you guess leant back less bank money don't you so none of it really stacks up why don't you sell the books we always just flowed to me out are you gonna sell the ball cuz you didn't wonder originally no it was my last Bastian so the house went the bike ever moved for over the year the cars market so I know the boats gonna go how much would he get for the boss doing and if we go for a quick sale maybe we should go over sixty sixty-five they come to terms that you know I knew Washington 365 days um it's been a couple of days on it and then he sat there doing nothing and let's get us dinner selling their balls for anything approaching 60,000 pounds would make a huge difference to the pair service bills but they still need that grant of 67,000 pounds to be able to afford all the green technologies to launch their new business while they're waiting to hear they're continuing to focus on keeping money coming in through their building permit to do what they can [Music] having salvaged the goat embers from the old Wendell frames it's now time for the precision world of crafting a new pieces that will be Facebook the frame is held together with mass and tenon joints an ancient system that works with many materials used by everyone from the Egyptians to the masons of Stonehenge that's what we can do with an old dead window on a tuning bits of timber beautifully restored window [Music] in general really doing their best and trying so hard to remain positive and when you look at the quality of the craftsmanship that they're actually doing here it's really impressive but if they don't get that grant they're gonna be spending a long long time in the caravan and their entire business model could collapse [Music] in West Wales it's an important day for me than Jane after nearly two years of living in a caravan we finally mending it goodbye and relocating you wouldn't survive this long without it but yeah huge momentous occasion this chapter is now closing another one is opening [Music] it's been a year since I first came to Penn cadiz school and for Ian and Jane it's been a financial and emotional rollercoaster trying to convert the school into both the home and an ecological building center when I was here last the whole future of this restoration was hanging in the balance while the weight of the hand they ordered the government drinks [Music] and say there are a lot of people working on site today which could be a good sign so any news about the grant we have the grant you've got it we do that's brilliant news yes I was really worried before the last time I was here you were pulling your hair out a bit I mean this means you can finish it just you can get on and get it done it means you can bio technologies which is what it's all about the end of the day is about opening the eCos entrance about having the technologies and and being carbon neutral to turn the corner it's great and we just got out so I've got a plan of action together now which is what we're doing and the other thing that gives me great hope the caravans gone yeah where you sleeping now you know attached you've bought that household the furnace you're killing me no their escape from the caravan has come thanks to their daughter and son-in-law who have lent them the money to buy the Headmaster's house which thankfully means they now not only only site but they can live more comfortably while completing the bills they tried to buy the house a few months ago for 70,000 pounds but thought they'd been beaten to it by a cash buyer I thought that opportunity was long gone first they're only pulled out because just wasn't progressing so they dragged us up and said would you buy it manna for 15 year you are joking you bought that Bernie has a 50 grand yeah that's a steal yes sugar and all of a sudden emotional after months of disappointments in real hardship Ian and Janna at last getting the life that they deserve and even though they're still unaware the goal he feels that the future of the school is finally secure [Music] when they first started this restoration the building was in such a terrible stairs most people wouldn't [Music] but slowly brick-by-brick a man channel an almost miraculous transformation some areas were completely demolished have had to be completely rebuilt but through sheer force and determination and cattle school is rising from the rubble I'm in the work that's going to a lot brick detailing and all the stone and the brick arches it's magic and you've got that wall up look at that it's always flat yeah that's good I know you've kind of you wanted to be further on but it takes as long as it takes you know with all the pressure you've been under the money I'm amazed that you've even reached this stage to be honest with you or if you think about it ironically everything we're looking at today we did know a spare time that's cheap yeah yeah cuz we worked like that and then when we've had five minutes then pain this has been done okay so on it's gonna be amazing when he's done in the pants that are finished the original character of the old school is once again visible and all its gothic victory inside the rooms that will be used for the training center are still taking shape but with the grant matching bank loan and the money they'll hopefully get from selling their balls they'll now have enough to finish them to the same place standards as the rest of the gold upstairs and their private living space and what will be their kitchen living room is in a similar unfinished state but their bathroom is plumb and in their bedroom this building's complete [Music] refurbishment knows that is actually amazing if you brought someone in who haven't actually seen the work that you'd put in and restoring the old ones I think they would think they were new windows I mean honestly this is like a lesson and recycle and in restoring an old building yeah I'm telling you the standard of the craftsmanship every way it's top spec stuff but it's all restored as well yes if you carry on the line you are or the quality of craftsmanship and the passion really and dedication behind if you carry on to that level of being amazing project when it's finished eighth year Ian and Jane have been the force behind this restoration and they've been helped along the way by a team of apprentices who have all benefited from Ian's knowledge and next please and now that the grounders come through their future employment isn't looking secure - he's pretty passionate about teaching people he's you know he wants to teach him the right way and he's got a knock tour as well he's he's a good teacher y'all come out that was well done even just together than this stage is incredible yes what you've been through to get to this point there's mind-boggling cheers well done guys to pink out of school but I've got a little present for you you're playing at a school book up in the cattle school loving restored by Jamie and it's no kicking in was pretty tough wasn't it that was horrible tiny hours trying to do anything me where's everybody reunion day when I'm quite good with my brilliant so almost Hank are two people together you know if your best apprentice you've ever had after all that no you are the - restoration superious two S's against the worldi hands-only sorts for you you're very actually graduations [Applause] [Music] this has been one of the most stressful restoration projects ever through a staggering amount of financial pressure Ian and Jane have never given up and in some ways I can't even believe they've managed to get to this stage but now that the grants in place it gives them a chance of realizing their dream home and their eco business while at the same time training the next generation of building apprentices that will be the lasting legacy of this restoration [Music] [Music]
Channel: Banijay History
Views: 301,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, facts, interesting, documentary, history documentary, documentary history, history channel, ancient, world history, full documentary, top documentaries, documentaire, documental, documentary film, free documentary, full length documentaries, documentaries, factual, documentary full, school, school house, victoria, victorian, victorian school, victorian school house, restoration, eco-friendly, history channel shows, history shows
Id: Mn0qQfPnQNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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