60 Minutes Of The Most Heroic Animal Rescues | Dodo Kids | 1 Hour Of Animal Videos For Kids

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it was a very special night on the beach Anna had just spotted a mama sea turtle who'd come ashore to lay her eggs the mama made a hole for the eggs to stay in until the babies inside grew big enough to hatch Anna felt lucky just to see something so special but she wasn't alone there were other people on the shore who wanted to take the eggs away and sell them Anna knew the best place for the eggs was on the beach so someday the baby turtles could wiggle their bodies right toward the water and join their mama in the ocean if the people took the eggs the babies might never hatch as soon as the mama Turtle said goodbye to her eggs the people tried to dig them up but Anna got there first the mama Turtle had no idea her eggs were in any danger so it was up to Anna to protect them she decided to take them home away from anyone who might try to dig them up Anna didn't have a beach in her backyard but she did have a bucket she could fill with sand it wasn't as perfect a home for eggs as the Sand by the ocean but here anna could stand guard every day she watched the eggs and waited she wanted to be ready to take the Turtles back as soon as the eggs started to crack sometimes she wasn't sure if they ever would it takes around two months to untouched but these were taking a little bit longer so we're like I'm so we're not sure if they're gonna make it all she could do was hope but two months later Anna heard a scratching Sound Outside and when she went to check on the bucket [Music] one by one they crawled out of the sand [Music] so many tiny baby turtles all excited to head back to the ocean but uh where was the ocean Anna had to move fast baby sea turtles need to get to the ocean quickly after hatching she went back to the beach and let the babies out of the bucket Anna was a little nervous did she make it in time would the babies know what to do they were only just born she watched and waited [Music] until the turtles started to crawl [Music] Anna was so happy [Music] but she couldn't leave yet she wanted to stand guard until every Turtle made it to the Sea [Music] and right as the last Turtle left the beach she saw something a big sea turtle was swimming in the waves there was no way to know for sure but Anna likes to think that the mama Turtle came back just to watch her babies crawl home and to thank Anna for keeping her little ones safe [Music] which lovable friend are you about to meet let's spin the wheel to find out it's fun let's hear Spud story right now no one wanted to adopt Spud the tiniest puppy at the shelter he was worried he'd never find a home but one day a family came in looking for just the right pup and that pup was Spud now Spud is everyone's favorite potato in his new forever home and he couldn't be happier foreign bought her new house hi she didn't know it came with a bunch of kitty roommates these cats thought Addy's house was their house it's a new kitty cat but there weren't always a bunch of cats in Addy's yard it all started with one Polly taking a nap in my yard right now like I've never been this relaxed in my entire life when she first spotted Polly Addie didn't know what was going on no one told her this home came with a cat she was like um where's your family are you sure my house is your home and Polly was like yeah no I'm yours now you'll get used to it once Addie noticed Polly wasn't going anywhere she decided Well maybe it was okay for Polly to live here it was just one cat and her yard was a safe place for her to hang out and it was nice to have Polly around it was like she already made a new neighborhood friend but one new cat is one thing because one morning Addie woke up to discover Holly decided to have herself a party and Polly was like yeah let me introduce you to the Pretty Kitty committee obviously I'm Polly this is Clint here's Randy that's Sandy Mickey and of course that's goo Addie couldn't believe it she now had six cats in her yard where did they all come from but maybe this was just a little get-together these were all of Polly's friends they'd all leave soon and go on their merry way so there's nothing to worry about right right wrong because this wasn't just a quick little party Addie soon realized these cats weren't going anywhere and Addie's backyard had become their new home hi oh that's your brother huh no it's exactly like you just gonna sit here while they eat so that maybe they can get a little bit more used to me Addie didn't want to make them leave clearly they had nowhere else to go but she couldn't just invite them in either these were outdoor cats the backyard was their home so if these cats were gonna live outside Addie knew what she had to do she was gonna turn the backyard into a pretty kitty Paradise it was time to give her yard a little TLC Tender Love and Cat she gave the cats some fun fence steps and a bunch of toys to play with her yard had officially been catified oh I'm glad I put these chairs out you guys look like you're having a little garden party but Addie wasn't done just yet she knew the yard was great but what if it rained or the cats got chilly that's when she decided to turn her shed into the ultimate cat Shack what was meant to be Addie's home gym became the coolest Kitty Clubhouse we're eating in the shed today because of the rain last night oh they're so cute open the doors nice and wide and the Pretty Kitty committee fully approved [Music] foreign [Music] to a new home sometimes it comes with a swimming pool or a tree house or if you're Addy a ton of cats now Addie has a bunch of new feline friends and Polly and the Gang not only have a backyard Paradise they finally have a home to call their own hi Mickey what's the perfect name for this stray dog maybe midnight for his black fur or teeny because he's so small actually he's not that small he's just usually very far away well when Caitlyn first met him she thought of a very good name right away bash short for bashful which means shy because bash was very shy not even food would get him to come close and pets forget about it Caitlyn had started seeing bash around her Farm always very far away but even from a distance she could see he didn't have a collar which meant he probably didn't have a home Caitlyn knew it wasn't safe for bash to be out in the wild on his own but she also knew he wasn't just gonna Waltz into her house so she had to come up with a plan to make bash less bashful the first plan had been the food but we saw how well that went so she went to plan two Gracie Caitlyn's very own pup who coincidentally looks a lot like bash wasn't bashful with Gracie he actually loved having a friend maybe his name should have been tug Gracie helped bash trust Caitlyn so much so that she could finally do this a real pet which bash was a little confused by but he really liked it too Caitlyn was ready for the next step of the plan a collar but bash was not it took a few weeks of practice until finally clipped this was a big step bash wasn't officially a house dog yet but he wasn't astray anymore either after a nice sudsy bath Caitlyn brought bash into her house bash had lived outside his whole life how would he feel about being inside for the first time turns out he was a bit of a troublemaker bash she should have named you bad as in it's bad to break things in the house and you're stealing shoes now this is unbash leaveable but bash was just adjusting he didn't know he wasn't supposed to do those things after a few days of some naughtiness he sort of just melted into a real mushy Puff who loved his new family and they loved him right back bash could have had a million names but there was only one thing he ever really wanted a home and that's what Caitlyn gave him and Gracie too of course [Music] which is why Rescuers weren't surprised when they saw her doing this they knew it meant she was looking for milk from her mother just a few days earlier The Rescuers had found Illy Pika stuck on top of an oyster Trestle bed she was too little to be alone in the wild they could tell she needed help so they rushed her to the seal rescue center Billy Pico was small and needed a lot of milk so that she could grow big enough to return to the wild but there was a problem her mother wasn't there to feed her that's when The Rescuers came up with an idea they made a pretend seal mother out of a wetsuit that way Illy Pika could feel safe while she drank her milk and it worked so well that Illy Pika cuddled up for a little nap Billy Pico was growing but she still had a long way to go before returning back home it was time for ili Pica to start what Rescuers call Fish School step one pour in the fish step two plop into the tub three catch a fish with your mouth gobbling up all of that fish was making illipica stronger and as she grew she started to get braver brave enough to defend her tub from the daily cleaning brushes was like go away tall spiky monster you think I don't see you I see you out foul brush out I say are you trying to scoop me out I will live in here forever you hear me forever The Rescuers knew all that bathtub bravery meant it was time for the next step of her journey seal school where she could meet other seals and practice catching fish in Open Water like she would in the wild The Rescuers wondered would Illy Pika be ready she hopped over to the pool but she seemed nervous to get in this pool was so much bigger than her bathtub and there was someone else in it Illy Pika hadn't met another seal before but she kind of liked it she was like I think I could get used to this now Ellie Pika spends her days learning how to be a seal from her new friends as soon as she gets a little bigger her Rescuers know she'll be ready to go back to the wild but while Ellie Pika keeps working her friends are about to do something amazing many of them are at the end of their Journeys at the rescue center and their lives in the wild are just beginning as the other seals head back into the sea Billy Pika couldn't be happier because she knows soon they'll be able to play together again back home in the wild [Music] we have another baby when Rachel heard meows coming from underneath a dumpster started to hear a kitten cry it was underneath this bin she couldn't believe it what was this kitten doing out here in the junkyard but the meowing didn't stop [Music] there wasn't just one kitten who needed a rescue another one there were four another one the kittens were super small they were only three to four weeks old and they were lost in a junkyard without their mama thankfully Rachel heard them crying out to be rescued oh my gosh that was a stressful hour of my life but she knew her job wasn't done just yet because now it was time for her to be the best new Foster Mama to these cute kittens Rachel brought all four kittens back home where it was safe and warm these kittens were so young they still needed help eating and now that Rachel was their new mama at least until she could find them homes it was her job to get these fuzzy babies the food they needed oh look at those happy ear Wiggles but they didn't just need food they needed names Rachel had already fallen in love with them at the junkyard and if they were gonna be a part of the family for now they should feel like family first up was Briar and nettle and then it was Fern and Twiggy the cutest the kittens were growing and feeling more active Rachel couldn't keep them cooped up so she let them play in the living room and that's when they discovered they weren't the only animals in the house the kittens had a big doggy sibling Ginger you might think a big dog wouldn't want anything to do with a bunch of tiny kittens but Ginger fell in love with them right away she was always as close to them as possible good girl good girl Ginge the kittens were a bit confused at first they were like what is this mountainous creature but Ginger was so gentle with them even let them crawl all over her look at that on your back and eventually the kittens loved Ginger right back the kittens were spending so much time with ginger which made them wonder is this our new Mama because once Ginger entered the picture Rachel was no longer the only Mama to these kittens that was Ginger's job now is that your mom and ginger wasn't the only one obsessed with the kittens because there was another doggy Giant in the house and he wanted some Kitty love too if Ginger was their new mama then Haas was their new Papa and these gentle giants made sure to give each Kitty all the love in the world as all four kittens got bigger and bigger Rachel knew it was time to find them forever homes Breyer and nettle were quite popular in the neighborhood and were able to find homes nearby but as for Fern and Twiggy Rachel knew that they had to stay with her after all they were basically Ginger and haas's new kitty children now these kittens can relax in their new loving homes and thanks to Rachel they'll always have someone looking after them several some ones [Music] when Amber found this baby deer crying for help she couldn't believe her eyes she knew right away something was wrong sometimes Mama deer will leave their babies for a little while but this baby deer seemed lost and hungry I don't have anything Amber didn't know what to do should she take him with her what if the mama deer was looking for him suddenly the baby deer ran off Amber thought maybe he'd found his mom I go back home and go to bed and I can't stop thinking about him that night she went back to check on the baby and saw he still needed help we couldn't handle it we came back and found him foreign knew she had to be this baby deer's rescuer [Music] okay now I need some help on what to do she knew the deer had to eat but she didn't have any bottles so she filled a glove with milk hoping he would like it and he did oh my God Amber decided to name him Scout it was a good sign that Scout wanted to eat he was such a Brave Little Deer and wasn't going to give up good morning I need it Scout couldn't wait to start the day Amber had watched him all night and by morning she already loved him but she knew she couldn't take care of scout Forever Wild baby deer need professional help luckily there was an animal shelter nearby when they got to the shelter The Rescuers couldn't believe how little Scout was [Music] it turns out he was only two days old if he hadn't asked Amber for help he'd have been in serious trouble but now Scout was trouble free with lots of care and love from his Rescuers grew up and made friends [Music] then one day when he's old enough he'll go back to the forest again [Music] strong Brave and happy deer all it took was a little help [Music] foreign [Music] something was wrong with munchkin the cat he was feeling sick and having trouble breathing he didn't have the energy to play with toys [Music] or wrestle with his brother his mom chriselle was worried munchkin needed to go to the vet but the vet was an hour away because of the pandemic the country was on strict lockdown and driving that far was against the rules but crisell knew that this time she had to break the rules she put munchkin in the car and headed straight to the vet when they were stopped at a checkpoint chrisel was worried what if they were told to go home munchkin needed help now but the people at the checkpoint saw that Munchkin needed help and they were let through as soon as they arrived the vet put a mask on munchkin that gave him oxygen and helped him breathe [Music] after examining him and cleaning him up the vet realized he had pneumonia so he gave munchkin more oxygen he needed to keep using it until his lungs healed the vet gave chriselle a machine to bring home so she could keep giving oxygen to munchkin he liked it best when she filled up a box with the steam chrisel always kept munchkin next to her because she was so worried about him every day she'd give him oxygen and then start work and then one day she saw this he wanted to play a little too hard pretty soon munchkin didn't need help breathing at all [Music] then something pretty amazing happened chicken figured out a new way to talk to Grisel he had different meows to let her know what he was thinking there was I need to use the bathroom or I'm hungry or even open the door please munchkin's new meows met he and chriselle could really understand each other [Music] [Applause] in his own way munchkin makes sure to say thank you to crisel for taking a big risk to save his life but christelle knows that love is always worth taking a risk [Music] when he got sick Crystal was scared for munchkin but now he's back at home feel unhealthy and feel in the love [Music] every time someone tried to rescue miles I'll get it he wouldn't let them get near him miles lives alone on the streets and he's been living without any shelter or anyone to take care of him he's wild but when Megan saw a post about miles she knew she had to spring into action oh there he is there he is Miles was roaming around neighborhoods in California where the temperature would sometimes reach over 100 degrees hi baby I'm here for you and Megan knew this poor pup needed a home to keep cooling you ready to get out of here she wasn't sure if he would let her get close but with a sweet treat in her hand miles approached Megan maybe this rescue would be easier than she thought but as soon as Megan went to get more treats miles had backed away to a new Shady spot we're gonna get you out of here we're gonna get you home it's okay miles wasn't sure how he felt about this stranger come here it's okay baby Cookie cookie there you go clearly he wasn't too afraid so it was time to try this rescue for real Megan took out her leash to give it a try and then I'm just gonna put this on you okay see it's nothing but nothing was something to Miles he was like whoa whoa whoa let's back this puppy up and he did not want any part of Megan's leash Megan kept trying to use her cookies to get miles to safety you want more cookies but at that point miles was too scared well I lost the dog he was too scared and ran away from me this rescue had turned into a challenging game of hide and seek and Megan was determined to keep finding miles I found you put me on a little hunt the miles wouldn't stay put every time Megan found him he'd leave and show up someplace else Megan had been trying to rescue him for seven hours which is when she noticed [Music] she was almost out of special treats and as the sun was starting to set Megan knew she wouldn't be rescuing miles today this rescue was just too hard for one person a few days later Megan found miles in a parking lot not a safe place for a dog but she was in luck because right nearby was a dog park this time Megan came with more help hi there hi there big boy and together they made a plan to save miles with the help of some treats they slowly LED miles into the dog park success but then came the tricky part getting miles on the leash her friend Courtney was determined to rescue miles slowly he approached miles leash in hand and with a little encouragement from Megan do it do it do it oh my God they did it miles was finally on a leash I could cry I literally I'm crying you said he would do it he said he could do it miles still wasn't sure about his Rescuers but Megan made sure he knew he was in the best hands good boy just fine and while he was in the car on the way to his new wife miles looked back to say goodbye to his days of wildly roaming the streets now it was time for miles to finally be a real dog and once miles got the rest he needed his foster family came along to teach him how to be a house dog now miles is walking on leash playing with his fellow pups and always finding time for a snuggle sometimes it's hard to let others help us when we think we don't need it but when we open our paws up to some love care and yummy cookies life can get a whole lot sweeter [Music] what are these pups doing out here in the desert what's up guys not much lives in the desert usually it's very empty with little to eat or drink so when Esteban the dog rescuer found out about a pack of stray dogs who were all alone in the California desert he knew he had to get in his truck and check it out morning guys come up the dogs were so nervous they probably hadn't been around people in a long time they didn't want to get anywhere close to him Esteban counted 12 desert dogs what were they doing out here Esteban knew these pups didn't belong in the blistering heat it was so hot out there and there was nothing for them to eat but in order to rescue them Esteban had to First find a way to get these dogs to trust him and what's the easiest way to get a dog to trust you food you guys almost every one of them got closer to him but it wasn't gonna be that easy cause as soon as they finished eating they ran away back into the desert Esteban was determined to rescue these dogs but it was gonna take some time so he started coming back day after day after day what's up mommies where's your buddy as Esteban went back and forth to visit these stray desert dogs he noticed one pup was more Curious than the others Persephone and each day she would get closer and closer to Esteban so they just came all the way out way farther than they have ever come before what's up guys we figured out that Persephone was the leader of the pack and she always made sure to let the others know to follow Esteban she was like we have a delivery they're following me after months of patience and hard work Esteban was able to get Persephone to eat out of his hand but every time he tried to pet her she would step away it was like Persephone knew she wanted someone to pet her every dog does but she still wasn't sure if she could trust him it doesn't quite let me pet her yet but that's okay Esteban kept visiting the desert and each time his relationship with Persephone got stronger and stronger that's a good girls you almost want to let me pet you huh and then it finally happened I'm petting her oh my God oh my this is amazing I don't want to cry suddenly Persephone couldn't get enough pets she was loving it after seven months of desert visits Esteban had officially gained Persephone's Trust you guys have no idea I seriously have tears in my eyes right now because her letting me pet her was amazing and once he gained the leader of the Pax Trust the others came running next it was time to get them out of the desert and into a proper home but this rescue was still going to be difficult just because the dogs liked Esteban didn't mean they were just gonna up and leave so easily and these pups were a pack they were gonna make sure no one got left behind so Esteban had to think of a plan to safely rescue the desert dogs he decided to construct a large box out of leftover fencing and place a big bowl of food inside then when the dogs came for the food he could shut the door I'm hopeful if that I put the food in there and walked away fingers crossed oh Esteban watched from afar as the desert dogs slowly entered the crate and to his surprise it worked Esteban loaded up his truck with Persephone and the rest of the desert dogs and took the biggest sigh of relief they were finally safe now it was time to find these pups a home away from the sweltering desert heat preferably somewhere much much cooler but Esteban knew exactly where Persephone was going back to his comfy cozy home after all those visits these two had a bond that couldn't be broken now she's a regular little lap dog who loves keeping cool indoors as for Esteban he's ready for his next rescue and he won't stop until every stray dog has a cozy Loving Home of Their Own [Music] which lovable friend are you about to meet let's spin the wheel to find out it's Connie let's hear Connie's story right now honey wanted to climb like the bigger koalas but she was still too little she fell from a tree and hurt her arm but her rescuer is helping Connie get a little better every day so she can go back to the wild Connie loves her Rescuers so much for believing in her it's not going to be easy to leave the rescue center but she can't wait to climb again oh this little one is a wild koala but he's not where a wild koala should be koalas live in eucalyptus trees in the forests of Australia but wildfires took away this koala's home and now he has nowhere to go and he isn't feeling well at all so when he saw two campers coming closer he walked right up to them it must have been scary to come close to people he didn't know but this was a very brave koala right away the two could see he needed help why else would he have come so close they decided to be to become his Rescuers [Music] the new Rescuers wanted to find him some food to eat and eventually bring him to an animal hospital that meant they need to put the koala into their car [Music] picked him up as gently as they could he didn't seem to love it but he was too tired to complain the koala in the back seat they drove out of the burned Forest stopping at the first green tree for a koala snack he must have been so hungry because he spent the rest of the ride eating The Rescuers knew they had to get the koala to a vet who could help him but when they arrived at the hospital it was closed they weren't sure what to do so they decided to bring him to their campsite and come back the next day but would the koalas stay with them the whole night he was a wild koala after all they brought the koala to a little tree right next to their campsite foreign they gave him some leaves to eat and made a promise to see him in the morning [Music] when they came back to the tree the next day the koala had climbed down he still seemed like he wasn't feeling well but he was maybe a little hopeful too because his Rescuers were back and this time they were going to find a vet no matter what they placed him back in their car and drove him right to the Animal Hospital he seemed like he knew he was finally going to be safe [Music] when they got to the Animal Hospital it was open everybody was so happy they said goodbye to their new friend and gave him to the veterinarians these two campers probably didn't start their day thinking they'd become animal rescuers but sometimes an animal will walk right up to you and ask you to be their hero [Music] when Rescuers first spotted this dog they couldn't believe their eyes that's because she's not a wild dog she probably had a home with people once now this mountains her home and she had just become a new mama and was so worried about her babies she needed to get them someplace safe The Rescuers wanted to help but every time they got close she dashed further away she was wondering who are you people save her babies The Rescuers would have to convince her they could be trusted they spent a whole day trying to follow her but couldn't keep up and soon they couldn't see her at all anymore they searched and searched but couldn't find any signs of the dogs they weren't sure what to do next until they heard the tiniest little cry [Music] The Rescuers followed the small sound it grew louder and louder and led them write to what they'd been searching for the little puppies were underground away from the sun with their mama by their side the mama wasn't sure what to do she needed to get her family down the side of the mountain but could she really trust these people [Music] The Rescuers picked up the puppies as gently as they could and once babies were comfy with The Rescuers mama was comfy with The Rescuers that was all it took once she saw how gentle they were with her babies it wasn't hard to convince Mama to come out too but the rescue wasn't over yet now they had to move everybody to safety they held the puppies tightly and Mama too and carefully made their way off the craggy Mountain straight to a new home safely in the car Mama couldn't stop smiling she was so happy to be off the dangerous rocks and with the nicest Heroes who'd take care of her family so surprise five boys and three girls they are just adorable all of them like little fluffy teddy bears I can't stop cuddling them just incredible absolute survivors all of them the pub family will stay at a shelter until The Rescuers can find new homes for them where the puppies cuddle and play it was a long journey but the whole family is safe and happy it just took a bit of Courage and a whole lot of trust [Music] this is coming through P might be the tiniest horse in the whole world I mean we haven't checked every single horse to make sure he's the absolute tiniest but come on look at him he's the size of his little Frenchy brother he can fit in a lap he loves being small how many horses can get picked up and snuggled by their dad and he loves his dad like so very much but P didn't always love being little because PE was actually born too small his legs hadn't grown straight and neither had his jaw which made it tough to eat he felt so uncomfortable P wasn't sure he'd ever be happy that is until his new mom Faith adopted him she scooped him up brought him home and promised P she would help him feel better no matter how long it took it was so small he could sleep in bed with her that first night all cozed up he slept and dreamed of floating on a cloud the next day p and Faith got to work helping P grow that meant food soft food since his Jaws still hurt whoa slow down P actually you know what go wild you deserve it with a full belly he finally had some energy he felt a little better but his legs were still wobbly he tried to practice walking with his new doggy siblings but this was gonna take some extra care so his mom got him shoes but not like horseshoes big shoes I mean they're technically horseshoes because p is a horse but anyway the shoes helped P walk better than he ever had before he could Trot all around the house no problem at all look at him go finally he felt good enough to grow look how big okay yes he's still very small pee will always be small but now he's small and happy his jaw doesn't hurt anymore and he can run anywhere he wants to go just quit popping all over the place he spends all day long playing with his doggy siblings dinner everybody he actually might believe he is a dog [Music] can't get enough of them but his absolute favorite part of each day when Dad gets home from work did I mention that P loves his dad he follows him everywhere look at them go they're two peas in a pod but his least favorite part of the day when dad leaves for work pee you can't go to work with him uh oh he's upset naughty he'll be home soon there you go yes you and your dad he didn't always like being little but now he loves it all thanks to his big family who showed him that love comes in all shapes and sizes isn't that right p [Music] it's definitely the worst hair day so far this year [Music] this baby eater just fell from a tree [Music] he's too little to be on his own if they leave the tree then they're just exposing themselves to all the danger on the ground that's why these animal rescuers are looking for his mom and they won't give up until they find her baby anteaters usually ride on their mom's back but aunt eater moms have to leave their babies behind when they go look for food The Rescuers think the baby fell from a tree while his mom was away that's the sound an anteater makes [Music] sounds like air being blown through a straw that makes sense because an eater's mouth looks like a straw The Rescuers want to find his mom right away but they have to make sure the baby ant eater isn't hurt who knows how far he fell from that tree I've never fallen out of a tree all I've fallen down was was falling off a seven foot high Monkey Bar it hurt a lot I had to use my dogs my dog's back massager The Rescuers decide to check his heart and his lungs and they make sure he didn't break any bones looks like the baby is gonna be okay but he's hungry and he still needs his mom luckily one of The Rescuers spots a big anteater outside in the same tree the baby fell from could she be his mom The Rescuers aren't sure they decide to check [Music] at first the big anteater is afraid and doesn't want to come any closer but when the baby starts crying she hears him he's her baby [Music] they have to be very very patient [Music] her baby calls out to her [Music] and then he starts climbing to her come on anteater I believe in you I know you have the strength to do this [Music] he made it the mom and baby anteater are back together all thanks to these Rescuers [Music] it takes hard work and patience to be an Animal Rescuer but it is worth it because you get to feel all the happiness and joy that your animal friend is feeling it's like a family reunion it just makes you feel good foreign remember if you see an animal in trouble don't try to rescue them by yourself ask an adult family member for help my mom helps me with the dogs eye rescue [Music] hi baby foxes when we first found you you were so nervous you were still very small and the world seemed so big you didn't have a mama Fox to take care of you so it was up to us to keep you safe the only problem you were really shy around us we were gonna have to work extra hard to get you to trust us until then we had plenty of things to do to help you get ready to be wild foxes again like cleaning up your dirty fur since you didn't have a mama Fox to keep you clean we had to give you a bath in the tub oh you're a little fox Rito after your bats we gave you time to settle in u3 did a whole lot of cuddling and didn't leave the safety of your crate [Music] even when we had food for you after a few days you were getting used to our house get him get him whoa are you dizzy now that was when your mischievous signs came out who tore my bags of Shaving so far [Music] pretty soon you weren't nervous around us at all you realized we were just here to help so instead of hiding from us you started following us everywhere especially when we had food for you suppertime you found our lap particularly cozy looks like you were having some sweet dreams time flew by and you were growing soon enough you were ready to move into your outdoor enclosure you were a bit nervous at first but soon you realize this would be a great new home and you were so excited the more time you spent outside the more your Fox instincts kicked in you started hiding from us again even food couldn't get you to come near us but this was a good kind of hiding it meant that you would be afraid of people when you went back out in the wild your hiding skills would keep you safe as adult boxes we would miss having you on our lap but we knew this was a really great sign it meant you were almost ready to be on your own it was time to open the doors to your enclosure but don't worry we weren't going to let you go without some help we did what's called a soft release that meant you got to go out into the Wilderness to practice being wild foxes but the enclosure doors would stay open so you could come home if you needed a break we left food and water out for you for a few weeks in case you needed help while you learned how to hunt for yourself but it didn't take long for you to realize you didn't need our help anymore you were big strong foxes and you knew how to take care of yourselves we can't believe how small and scared you were when we first found you with some love and care you three little foxes turned into three big ones in the blink of an eye we're so proud of you fox is living all on your own [Music] but you can always stop by our yard to say hello whenever you miss us in this house one cute little kitten named Pickle is boss [Music] but he wasn't always the boss [Music] before pickle Coda lived a nice quiet life at home she was a really happy dog [Applause] [Music] and then one day she was in an accident and everything changed her legs were hurt and she had to learn how to walk again her mom Brooke was worried Coda seemed so sad every day she practiced walking but she didn't want to eat or play [Music] it took a lot of work but soon Coda Could Walk and Run almost like she used to but she still didn't look happy nothing seemed to cheer her up would Coda be sad forever Brooke had an idea they went to coda's favorite places together maybe that would cheer her up but Coda still seemed sad then one day Brooke saw a picture of a sweet little cat who needed a home she wondered if he could help cheer Coda up what do you think but they were about to find out that pickle was a troublemaker the only way the house was safe from this Menace was when he was wrapped up like a kitten burrito but even that couldn't stop him for long [Music] Coda didn't know what to do with him and then one day Brooke found Coda outside by herself she didn't understand how did she get out Brooke kept finding her again and again what was going on but then she spotted this can't believe it looks like this little escape artist has a new sidekick [Music] from then on they were so attached it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began [Music] Coda I think you're laying on something [Music] now when pickle causes trouble Coda joins in and she brings pickle to all her favorite places [Music] coda's happy again and it's all because of a bow tie wearing suitcase hiding bed stealing best friend [Music] that's a lot of puppies that's Kaya just became a mama to a bunch of puppies but before Kaia was on mommy duty she was a lonely dog in the shelter who needed a rescue no one wanted to Foster her until Jesse came along and changed this pity's life Freedom walk what do you think look at this beautiful place you got to be now when Jesse first brought Kaya home he noticed she was a little underweight he'd have to keep an eye on her to make sure she was eating properly but after only a few days Kaya started to gain some weight in her belly area progress but it was happening a little too fast Jesse thought maybe I'm over feeding this pup but when he brought Kaya in for a quick checkup it turned out Kaya was eating for more than just herself she was pregnant with a whole litter of puppies at first Jessie was in shock he'd only signed up to Foster one dog now he was gonna have an entire puppy litter too but Jesse was ready to help Kaya be the best mom she could be huffy's kicking you this morning Kaya was getting super tired from carrying all these puppies in her belly most days all she wanted to do was snooze or roll around in the grass but she still had the energy for a little fun now and then dog and labor wants to play with water soon Kaya started to do her nesting which meant it was almost time for her puppies to arrive then early one morning the pity puppy party began [Music] girl good Mama Kaya was doing so well with her newborn pups and Jesse thought she's already given birth to six so she should only have a few more left right but then more puppies were born and then even more she was up to 15 pups oh my goodness what a litter of puppies Jesse was shocked for sure this had to be it right but then almost three days after the first puppy was born number 16. it was a puppy Extravaganza mamakaya was finally done having puppies and you could just imagine how tired she was now it was time for Jesse to help this new mom out with her enormous new family and she was grateful because puppies can be quite a handful they're escaping but Kyle loved every single one of them so much she would lead them around the yard in her very own puppy parade and taught them all the things dogs need to know like how to dig and how to properly play hello Buddies outside pretty soon it was time for Kaya's puppies to find their forever homes it was so hard to say goodbye but Kaya and Jesse knew these pups would be just fine after all they did come from the best mama but not only did Kaya's pups find their forever home Kaya did too Jessie had only ever meant to Foster Kaya for a little while but after all they had been through together he knew he could never give her up [Music] you never know what might happen when you Foster a dog or 16. but one thing is always for sure lots of licks tons of tail wags and the chance to be a hero [Music] [Music] kids foreign help the kittens find the Subscribe button
Channel: Dodo Kids
Views: 12,044,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodo kids, the dodo kids, dodokids, the dodo, dodo, animals, cute animals, animal rescues, kids and animals, rescue animals, animal songs, animal videos, animal videos for kids, animals for kids, animals for children, funny animal videos, videos for kids, funny animals, for kids, animals for toddlers, for toddlers
Id: Qs10voxqAF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 37sec (3757 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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