60 Minutes Of Animals Who Love Their Moms ❤️ | Dodo Kids | Animal Videos For Kids

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[Music] when The Rescuers saw this dog without a home they realized there was something very unique about her this pity was pregnant there was no doubt about it she was gonna be a mom and judging by the size of her tummy these puppies could arrive at any moment and a sidewalk is not a safe place to have babies The Rescuers knew they had to get this dog off the street this stray mama was cautious at first but the rescuer's kindness and some food assured her that they were here to help and as soon as they held her she was certain okay okay her Rescuers gave her a name Poppy poppy was off the street but what now first a trip to the vet to make sure Mom and babies are doing okay they are poppy needed a safe place to have her babies but there wasn't time to find someone to adopt her so her Rescuers decided she could come home with them at least until the puppies were born poppy was so happy she hugged her new foster moms all the way home [Music] and then some more when they got there Poppy's foster moms were a little nervous they never fostered a pregnant dog before and they'd never delivered puppies luckily poppy knew exactly what to do get lots of rest and wait for her babies to arrive and she didn't have to wait long because a few days after coming home her puppies were born all one two three four five six seven eight nine of them poppy you are amazing being a mom to nine newborn puppies is a lot of work they needed to nurse every few hours but poppy was ready for the challenge because that's what moms do Poppy's foster moms were so relieved the new family was doing great having nine puppies in the house was also pretty awesome nine adorable fluffy silly pups and while poppy was busy taking care of her babies her Rescuers made sure to take care of poppy too poppy couldn't have asked for anything more but it turns out her Rescuers still had more to give they hadn't planned on adopting poppy but after all they'd been through together they couldn't imagine their family without her doctor okay is that okay you bet it is Poppy's foster home was going to be her forever home and after Poppy's puppies had time to grow her new moms found loving families to adopt each and every one of them seriously who wouldn't want to adopt these pups thanks to her Rescuers poppy went from living on the street to the safety of a loving forever home with all the family a dog could hope for [Music] a wild cat but she's just a baby something is definitely wrong a cup that small shouldn't be alone wait what's that there's another Cub it must have gotten separated from their mom I'm really worried about these Cubs they were alone all night long but some Rescuers found them they're gonna do everything they can to get these clubs back to their mom first they're giving the Cubs a checkup they're weighing her she's about 190 grams that's about the same as a hamster they're really young Now The Rescuers are making a nest for them they must know moms nearby and they're hoping she comes back for her Cubs okay it's dark again is Mom gonna show up oh here she comes she must have heard her babies crying she's being really careful she's looking for humans in any side of movement any sign of something big that could hurt the babies oh no it looks like something spooked her she's leaving without her babies they'll need to come back for the cups and figure out a new plan poor little cats they're definitely missing their mom after giving them a quick meal the rescue has decided to put them back in the nest again they're gonna give Mom another chance to come back for them I want to Boop the nose right now this time they're spreading some of the Cubs scent all around the nest we know that animals have a stronger nose than us then they'll get far from The Nest now we wait she's back she's sniffing around the nest I bet she smells that scent but just to be safe she's gonna wait till it gets dark to make her move the first Cubs not waiting she's coming out now she must know mom's nearby Mama you're back he's been gone for days we have been hungry these random strangers picked us up put us on this cold machine where have you been and mom's got her that's one Cub rescued and one to go mom's coming back for Cub number two she's double checking to make sure it's safe [Music] she's got the other one and just like that they're off into the night they must be so happy to be back together I bet mom's gonna keep a close eye on those two from now on remember if you see a wild animal in danger do not try to rescue them by yourself ask an adult family member for help [Music] hello I must tell you something important exactly one thing I love more than anything in the world can you even guess what it is of course it is my teddy bear we spend every waking second together and every sleeping second too there is so wonderful I just have to brag to everyone you out there have you seen my bear there's simply nothing I love more than bear which is why I am so very mad at Tucker hey is my little brother and he is too wild see how Wild he is so wild it's scary your barking is scaring her Tucker ripped bear now bear is falling apart at the seams and mom doesn't want me ripping him more so now bear has to stay up there up there stay strong bear excuse me other toys they don't hold a candle to my love bear but life has become Darkness wait a second grandma what are you doing here what are you doing with bear what is going on here you're gonna fix bear you're my dad's emergency room he's my hero I won't bother you but I will stand right here are you almost finished [Applause] please be so careful there to me here looks perfect yes please grandma he really really did it I can't believe it Okay small quick change to what I was saying before there's exactly two things I love more than anything in the world my teddy bear of course and my grandma she throws a ball better than anyone gives me pets better than anyone whenever she comes to visit I can barely handle it we must confident girl I see her she's right there Grandma where's Grandma there she is it's you you're here Grandma let's play Oh inside is fine too Grandma's here grandma so there it is my two favorite things in no particular order though grandma is honestly probably number one sorry bear Tucker you're not on the list I'm still mad at you a raccoon in a trash can [Music] she seems pretty mad she's like go away she probably climbed in there looking for food raccoons love people food free food yay but she can't stay in there she legitimately could get hurt because like people sweep up some glass maybe that broke outside and put in that trash can like the shards those hurt but the good news is a professional Wildlife rescuer is here to help be careful careful Don't Go Near there there's a raccoon in there I wonder how he's gonna get her out of there she's not just gonna let him pick her up I understand that you're not very happy with the situation I understand that you want to stay there forever because you get free food maybe he thinks he can't Hawker out of there come on it's a trash can come out it looks like she's listening and that's a no you know raccoon is probably really scared I wonder if there's more going on here than we're seeing [Music] looks like it's time to take it up a notch that must be a special Rescuers tool she does not like the look of that thing he doesn't know that The Rescuer is just trying to help okay I got her easy almost don't hurt her and he got her anger raccoon on the pole coming through he's trying to be super gentle so he doesn't hurt her and into a box first safe trip back to the wild another rescue well done wait what are they doing now there are babies in there the raccoon was a mama that's why she was being so aggressive she was just protecting her babies look at them they're cute this guy he's probably going to the litter he's pretty small his eyes are not open yet I didn't know raccoons made sounds like that I think the baby raccoons are thinking like hey we don't know where our mom is B it just got really bright really quickly so our eyes hurt and also this massive hand came down and grabbed us back after The Rescuers have packed up every single baby [Music] to go back to the wild this looks like a good spot no people anywhere close The Rescuers putting mom's crate right next to the box with her babies looks like there are one two three four five six babies and he's setting her free she sees her babies and after The Rescuers are gone mom's gonna pull them out of that box and find a new place for all of them to live that's far away from people and not a trash can though they're probably gonna miss all that free food remember if you see raccoons or any other animal in danger do not try to rescue them by yourself ask an adult family member for help do you think while she was in that box she just would have been like it would have gotten away with being a trash can if it wasn't for these metal and humans Roswell the cat has a favorite favorite [Music] not favorite you've always had a special connection with your dad Roswell but your mom just wants you to choose her sometimes too seriously what does he have that she doesn't wait a minute [Music] oh beard well we can fix that too raggedy too long perfect [Music] and now we wait I knew it you do love her [Music] best friends uh oh what's this still bud [Music] Oh no you're choosing him again [Music] beard haven't you seen the beard she did it for you Roswell well aren't you two just the happiest [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your problem huh why this isn't over she'll do whatever it takes to win you back still though how about this look familiar what you think [Music] there we go easy as soon as I take the beard off as soon as I take the hat off [Music] I'll put the beard back on will that make you like me oh you rather lay on his hat [Music] you know what might help if you did something together as a family we have a surprise for you we love you Roswell and you love you're dead still just you're dead that's okay I guess as long as you can spare some love for when he's not around I guess this is my life now [Music] Skyler the dog isn't feeling very well she was in an accident and now she can't move her legs or her tail her doctors aren't sure if she will ever walk again but Skyler and her mom Olivia aren't giving up hope they believe Skyler will walk again one day because before she got hurt Skyler was fast like really fast she loved running and playing outside anywhere and everywhere and her favorite place of all was the beach sand in her toes the wind in her hair nothing was better and on days when Skyler couldn't play outside she was not happy [Music] what did you do so after the accident Skyler had surgery to help her get back on her feet Olivia was determined to help Skyler walk again but first this exhausted pup needed to rest Skyler slept and slept and dreamed and slept and then a week after her surgery something happened as she was sleeping her tail began to wag ever so slightly and for the first time since the accident her legs began to move Skyler wanted to run so badly that she was running in her dreams soon it was time to get Skyler up and moving for real and Olivia was so excited to help her but they couldn't do it on their own they got a Little Help from Skyler's new harness just baby steps at first but already Skyler was starting to feel like her old playful self this guy [Music] Skyler was so happy to be moving again and Olivia could hardly keep up there was so much Skyler wanted to do she was finally ready for Wheels it took her a little while to get the hang of it but Skyler never gave up until finally she could really Zoom the wheels allowed Skyler to move around on her own while her legs continued to heal and once Skyler got a taste of the freedom she'd been missing she couldn't get enough because even after everything she'd been through running outside was still all she wanted to do after a couple more trips to the doctor Skyler was able to stand on her own four feet and then she took her first steps with no harness and no wheels Skyler was a bit unsteady at first but no matter how many times she fell down [Music] Skyler always got back up and Olivia was always there to cheer her on good job good job and little by little she got better and better until Skyler was back it was like the accident had never happened Skyler couldn't believe it now that Skyler could run freely Olivia knew the best place to take her Skyler's favorite place in the world the beach Olivia was amazed at how far Skyler had come in just a year Skyler had a few more scars since the last time she was here she's still here all because Olivia and Skyler never gave up [Music] hello hi hello wake up wake up wake up wake up hi I'm Milo and this is my human Heather I want to be near her all the time and she feels the exact same way oh my God we start every day the same First We Take a nice warm Shack wait hello you forgot me outside what are you doing this door was closed for some reason like I was saying good skin care is very important and you can't forget your teeth and my teeth all right I have more fur than you know me oh I don't know you all ready for the day time for the best part of the morning food [Music] and wait until I get back and then I'll give you the treat okay I promise nope couldn't wait I'll admit I get a little nuts about food once my belly's full it's time for two hours of uninterrupted pets ready excuse me I noticed that you weren't petting me what's up with that [Music] you're right in my way can we move this or maybe we should just stay on the couch wait where'd she go oh no I hate when she goes out are you coming back phew that's better I missed you so much never leave me again ah just a quick little face nap okay now's the time we get work done we have laundry to fold crocheting to crochet was there food in here whoa okay this got a little out of hand and before you know it it's time to get ready for bed we need to hey you forgot me again why can't I get in there there we go [Music] oh and this is maple okay enough about her back to me then we settle into bed and I said we settle into don't go to sleep let's stay up talking all night it's a sleepover every night or forever oh all right I guess I'll see you in the morning I love my human every hour of every day when a rescuer saw a dog on the street she thought she was hungry but the dog was actually trying to tell her something else so The Rescuer followed her and discovered that the dog was a mama to these puppies [Music] it turned out that she wanted The Rescuer to help them the whole family was hungry a rescuer could tell they needed more than just food they had fleas Hicks and some of the puppies weren't feeling well The Rescuer thought if she could bring them all to her Animal Shelter she could help them feel better with all the puppies in the car they were almost ready to go there was just one problem the mama dog was afraid of cars and wouldn't get in [Music] but these puppies needed help right away so The Rescuer decided to take them to her shelter first and then come back for their mom later at the shelter she gave the puppies medicine and food and after a little while foreign the little puppies started to feel better [Music] good girl now it was time to go back for their mom at first The Rescuer couldn't find her anywhere [Music] until oh good girls [Music] she could see that the mama dog was worried were her puppies okay she missed them so much already but was still too scared to come near the car ever be brave enough to get in but then she smelled something it was the scent of her puppies and the more she smelled her pup scent the braver she became hey you're so sweet honey then when the rescuer wasn't looking the mama dog jumped into the car even though she was still a little nervous she'd be brave for her pups [Music] when they got to the shelter the pup's mom heard her babies crying in the other room [Music] wait to go in [Music] her pups couldn't stop wagging their tails when they saw her they'd hoped she would find them again and she did [Music] just like a brave loving mama dog would all thanks to a rescuer who did everything she could to help this dog family live a happy and healthy life together [Music] up here hi ever seen a pigeon on a person's head ever seen a pigeon in a house well you have now cause I'm a pigeon and I live in a house this is tutu's house well it's not just my house of course I live with the most wonderful human with best buds that's cause she rescued me I used to live on the streets of New York City that's pretty normal for a pigeon but then my wing got hurt that's pretty dangerous for a pigeon my human found me and could tell I needed help so she took me home I wasn't supposed to live here forever but I was really feeling look how bad my feathers looked and my hurt Wing meant I couldn't fly and to be honest I was really loving having a new friend I kind of followed her everywhere Barney are you following me oh my goodness are you following me one day they took me into the vet and you know what they said they said that I should stay with my human and so that's what I did she's basically my mom now hi you might have noticed I love standing on your head the views are great up here she also gives me little baths in the Big Tub and then uses a hair dryer to get me nice and dry and she feeds me tasty bird food [Music] though one time she tried to give me I don't know what this is what is it what is it what are you red thing my water dish and I help her get her work done type type what am I typing I can't read we play uh mom I've tried to tell Mom Mom I'm talking about how great you are please no pets okay just a few pets we play games too like a game I invented called mine here's how you play this is mine give me don't even think about it it's mine oh this is mine whatever it is hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey okay thank you hmm need to dance round and figure out what this thing is oh you steal the slipper back you steal from tutu yay mine my human did such a good job taking care of me my poor Wing healed right up which meant I could fly again I even learned to walk up the stairs wait why didn't I just fly up here my human makes me really happy and I like to make her happy too because that's what real friends do for each other so yeah things are pretty great over at tutu's house or should I say our house unless I make it mine I'm not gonna make it mine but I might I won't or will I oh what did I get what did I get I can't wait till Christmas I can't it's my right oh this one this one's mine oh that one's gotta be mine we're spying on a stray cat thank you she's been hanging around Nancy's house for about a week she just sits on the lawn scoping the place out oh look she's moving closer now it's like she's checking to see if it's safe I think that stray cat might be in trouble she might want food water a friend just tell us what you want cat we're not mind readers you know stray cats don't usually go looking for people but this cat is definitely asking for some help what she's coming inside after the cat invited herself in Nancy noticed something very interesting cat's belly looked bigger than normal either this cat had a big breakfast or she's pregnant she's gonna have teeny tiny baby kittens I guess that's why she came inside he needs a safe place to have her babies and she thinks they're coming soon moms just know I guess Nancy was ready to give this stray Mama all the help she could there was just one problem she had invited herself in but kept going back outside and then coming back inside and then going back outside means you couldn't figure out what the cat wanted and neither could the cat if a random cat just kept going in and out my house I would be like okay you need to choose one I guess she wants to have her kittens out there so Nancy made a little done for her on the porch just in case problem solved nope because the very next day the mama cat changed her mind again she decided to stay at Nancy's house all day and didn't leave Nancy thought the mama cat was finally ready to have her kittens inside nope because that night she decided to go back outside again make up your mind Kitty are you in or are you out maybe she isn't ready to have her kittens after all maybe she just feels happy or outside maybe she doesn't know what she wants your guess is as good as mine the next morning Nancy went to check on her and oh she had her kittens two little babies I think we should name now Oreo and milk because one of them is fully white the other one is black and white like Mom so Mom should be named cookie cookie took care of her kittens and the crate Nancy had made for her where they had a safe place to grow until one day their little eyes opened cookie loved her kittens and was so grateful to her rescuer all those weeks ago she had a feeling that whoever lived in this house was kind and loving and what keep her and her kittens safe she was right even if she was the most indecisive cat ever remember if you see an animal in trouble or a pregnant cat shows up at your house don't try to rescue them by yourself ask an adult family member for help when a wild baby leopard fell into a well she couldn't climb back up she was trapped and she was scared The Rescuers were pretty surprised rescuing a lost dog is one thing but a wild baby leopard lucky for the leopard these Rescuers had a plan they used ropes to lower a cage down and swung it close to the little cub they hoped she'd climb in so they could lift her to safety she seemed interested in this strange new boxy thing but she didn't trust it or The Rescuers and she didn't want to move they tried using a pole to give her a nudge which she did not like very much still she didn't move then The Rescuers had an idea maybe if they just swung the cage to a wider part of the ledge and left the door open the baby would get curious and climb inside but she'd have to be more Curious than scared was she The Rescuers waited until finally the Little Leopard stepped into the cage what on Earth is this thing and got herself to safety even though she was out of the well her journey wasn't over because well what do you do with a baby leopard she had to go home to the wild which meant The Rescuers had to look for her mom a wild leopard not usually a good idea they searched and searched until they found leopard tracks maybe the mom made them [Music] The Rescuers weren't sure so they came up with another plan they'd bring the baby to the tracks put her in a safe cage and if mom came they'd open it and reunite the leopard family they waited far from the cage so the mom wouldn't get nervous but kept an eye on the baby with a hidden camera the baby leopard wanted to be let free but The Rescuers knew they had to be patient the little baby was worried The Rescuers were worried too and then those are eyes a leopard had arrived was it Mom the grown-up leopard seemed curious about what was in the cage and started growling some friendly growls [Music] and the baby growled back this leopard was definitely the baby's mom they pulled open the cage and the baby and mama darted off into the night as a family thanks to The Rescuers and a curious baby leopard [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes this way this way do you know what time it is I can hardly contain myself I'm gonna say it it's cozy time I'm talking warm blankets fluffy pillows funny pajamas do these PJs make my butt look big then more blankets [Music] sorry about that I was so excited I almost forgot to introduce myself I'm Bubby and I am the coziest pup around I mean look at me it doesn't get Cozier than this but I'm not the only pup in this house on the Cozy Train choo choo meet my pajama partner Simon we look good right we know Simon and I have the most important job in the house we are cozy Patrol every time Mom leaves the house she goes into the chili not so cozy outside world which is kind of the worst but that's where me and Simon come in not so fast mom you're looking chilly Simon blankie stat we always greet her with the coziest gifts like the stuffed animal that's cozy some pillows those are even Cozier or this thing this might be cozy right don't you worry cozy Patrol is here to help oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh she's here okay here she comes yay you're home surprise um uh here's your shoe yeah that's cozy yeah Simon pick up something cozy for the lovely lady yes that torn up thing she'll love that oh thank you oh my gosh she loves it we did it Simon after our cozy deliveries Simon's right back to lounging in his PJs and I'm dragging my blankies wherever I go let me introduce you to everybody this is blankie number one my go-to blankie here's blankie number two my fluffy blankie then there's my red blankie AKA blankie number three here's blankie number four and this is blankie number okay this is blankie number one again but you get the idea my blankies are my blankies and they'll always be my blankies me and my blankie [Music] but at the end of the day there's nothing like being snuffled up next to the ones you love because that's what cozy time is all about foreign mind if I bring this cozy season when Rescuers first spotted this dog they couldn't believe their eyes that's because she's not a wild dog she probably had a home with people once now this mountains her home and she had just become a new mama and was so worried about her babies she needed to get them someplace safe The Rescuers wanted to help but every time they got close she dashed further away [Music] she was wondering who are you people to save her babies The Rescuers would have to convince her they could be trusted they spent a whole day trying to follow her but couldn't keep up and soon they couldn't see her at all anymore they searched and searched but couldn't find any signs of the dogs they weren't sure what to do next until they heard the tiniest little cry [Music] The Rescuers followed the small sound it grew louder and louder and led them right to what they'd been searching for the little puppies were underground away from the sun with their mama by their side the mama wasn't sure what to do she needed to get her family down the side of the mountain but could she really trust these people [Music] The Rescuers picked up the puppies as gently as they could and once babies were comfy with The Rescuers mama was comfy with The Rescuers that was all it took once she saw how gentle they were with her babies it wasn't hard to convince Mama to come out too but the rescue wasn't over yet now they had to move everybody to safety they held the puppies tightly and Mama too and carefully made their way off the craggy Mountain straight to a new home safely in the car Mama couldn't stop smiling who was so happy to be off the dangerous rocks and with the nicest Heroes who'd take care of her family but I was surprised surprise five boys and three girls they are just adorable all of them like little fluffy teddy bears I can't stop cuddling them just incredible absolute survivors all of them the pup family will stay at a shelter until The Rescuers can find new homes for them were the puppies cuddle and play it was a long journey but the whole family is safe and happy it just took a bit of Courage and a whole lot of trust [Music] careful toast be gentle with that kitty this was the moment Lucy the kitten met toast the dog soon these two would become best animal friends utterly inseparable he's in a fuzzy pod someday toast would even save Lucy's life but right now they're more like best animal strangers toast didn't know it yet but Lucy was a stray cat she didn't have a home or a family which is probably why Lucy followed toast to her home walked through the door and right up to toast hi I live here now and if that wasn't confusing enough for toast Lucy started following her everywhere wait up please I am little oh where are we going is there food toast wasn't really sure what to think about her new shadow but Lucy wasn't really bothering her that is until toast saw this Lucy the cat in her food most dogs would have been pretty mad to see a cat in their food and sure Coast was a little annoying but Lucy seemed so hungry and in need of someone to take care of her especially someone who could clean that food off her whiskers Lucy was like okay okay I'm clean clearly this kitten needed more than just food she needed a friend she needed toast to give her a boost to high places [Music] or a warm place to sleep host and Lucy became really close so close that Lucy even tried to nurse from toast that's right Lucy tried to get milk from toast like she was her mom which is unusual but the vet said it happens sometimes when two animals love each other as much as toast and Lucy do toast had gone from being completely confused by this kitten to a loving caring protective parent and her protectiveness paid off big time the day she saved Lucy's life remember I mentioned that earlier this is that time one morning Lucy had gotten way too close to the pool kittens like Lucy can't swim being so close to the water isn't safe look out Lucy but toast spotted the kitty just in time she scooped Lucy up and carried her to safety she's like Lucy don't scare me like that um after that toast kept an even closer eye on her little kitten daughter toast train is leaving the station now it wasn't Lucy following toast toast was following Lucy it wasn't long ago that toast and Lucy met for the very first time and now they'll never be apart all because Lucy decided to walk through toast's door and into her heart a dog and a cat a mom and a daughter not just best animal friends a best animal family and they always will be [Music] these ducklings are stuck in a pool their mama wants to help them but she's not sure how one thing's for certain these little ducks need a rescue when 10 fluffy ducklings got stuck in a pool their mama rushed over to help them [Music] they're following her to the other side so mama can show them how to jump out [Music] they try and try [Music] but they're just too small mama duck doesn't know what to do the little ducklings are kinda scared but she has another idea she swims over to the steps maybe they can jump out there [Music] nope still too high for little ducklings what will they do now suddenly Mama spots someone with a big blue net getting closer to her babies he's trying to help but she thinks he's trying to catch her ducklings she plops back into the pool and leads them away from the net the man with the net tries to lick the ducklings out of the pool one by one but they fall right back into the pool he tries again and again but the ducklings want to be with their mama wherever Mama goes they go the man really wants to help but he doesn't know what else to do then he has an idea he makes another step out of some rocks he's hoping it's the right size for the ducklings but will it work one two [Music] three four come on five five and six seven eight there's nine but there's still one duckling left he doesn't know if he can do it oof almost little quacker you got this he wiggles his fluffy feathers and lifts his Webby feet [Music] but Falls [Music] he gets back on the rock and he does it [Music] now all ten ducklings are back together and off to find somewhere else to swim because no matter how small they are or how many rocks they have to climb a fluffy little duckling never gives up [Music] whoa that's a lot of puppies this is Kaya and she just became a mama to a bunch of puppies but before Kaya was on mommy duty she was a lonely dog in the shelter who needed a rescue no one wanted to Foster her until Jesse came along and changed this pity's life Freedom walk what do you think look at this beautiful place you got to be now when Jesse first brought Kaya home he noticed she was a little underweight he'd have to keep an eye on her to make sure she was eating properly but after only a few days Kaya started to gain some weight in her belly area progress but it was happening a little too fast Jesse thought maybe I'm over feeding this pup but when he brought Kaya in for a quick checkup it turned out Kaya was eating for more than just herself she was pregnant with a whole litter of puppies at first Jessie was in shock he'd only signed up to Foster one dog now he was gonna have an entire puppy litter too but Jesse was ready to help Kaya be the best mom she could be huffy's kicking you this morning Kaya was getting super tired from carrying all these puppies in her belly most days all she wanted to do was snooze or roll around in the grass but she still had the energy for a little fun now and then dog and labor wants to play with water soon Kaya started to do her nesting which meant it was almost time for her puppies to arrive then early one morning the pity puppy party began girl good Mama Kaya was doing so well with her newborn pups and Jesse thought she's already given birth to six so she should only have a few more left right but then more puppies were born and then even more she was up to 15 pups oh my goodness what a litter of puppies Jesse was shocked for sure this had to be it right but then almost three days after the first puppy was born number 16. it was a puppy Extravaganza mamakaya was finally done having puppies and you could just imagine how tired she was now it was time for Jesse to help this new mom out with her enormous new family and she was grateful because puppies can be quite a handful they're escaping but Kyle loved every single one of them so much she would lead them around the yard in her very own puppy parade and taught them all the things dogs need to know like how to dig and how to properly play hello Buddies outside pretty soon it was time for Kaya's puppies to find their forever homes it was so hard to say goodbye but Kaya and Jesse knew these pups would be just fine after all they did come from the best mama but not only did Kaya's pups find their forever home Kaya did too Jessie had only ever meant to Foster Kaia for a little while but after all they had been through together he knew he could never give her up [Music] you never know what might happen when you Foster a dog or 16. but one thing is always for sure lots of licks tons of tail wags and the chance to be a hero [Music] ever feel like someone's watching you staring at me this is Charlie and at her Animal Sanctuary she's being watched 24 7. by this nosy Goose named Bonnie she literally just hangs around and stares at me seriously Bonnie everywhere I'm going you're like just there Bonnie go away she's stalking me officially Charlie is Bonnie's mom but Bonnie thinks she's the head goose in charge [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Bonnie's bossy what are you making me nervous am I not doing a good enough job and if you mess with her hunk why are you shouting at me you'll get the Bonk [Music] pick Charlie has a lot of other animals to take care of but with Bonnie always nearby it's a giant bunny [Music] could swim I got you it's practically impossible to get anything done not cool man this Goose was always interfering with Charlie's day-to-day responsibilities this is what I have to deal with every time the staring seriously Bonnie that's not a nest bunny go and live your life I'm just down there all day but then one day it all clicked Charlie realized that Bonnie wasn't bossing everyone around for no reason shouting at me it was just her mother goose instincts kicking in she thought Charlie needed help running the sanctuary so long come in for the lead on me and as Mother Goose Bonnie has a lot of jobs she's a referee he's gonna tell you off YouTube you tell him Bonnie I warned them she gets very upset when Kelly pins gov be careful she keeps everyone in line what are you shouting about how's it ah she's telling me they're inside she's my little security guard isn't she and she's protective maybe even a bit too protective suddenly I trust to pay it up Bonnie stop there's no drama here Bonnie we're brushing I'm not hurting him Hey look it's not but that's what a true Mama does he thought to hurt you she just wants to make sure all her babies are okay Bonnie really wants to be involved guys honestly she's like is that a baby for me and to Bonnie everyone is her baby so the next time you feel like someone's watching you she literally just hangs around and stares at me don't be alarmed it could be your mama goose looking out for you [Laughter] buddy is so cute I love you bunny [Music] little kids help the kittens find the Subscribe button
Channel: Dodo Kids
Views: 1,492,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodo kids, the dodo kids, dodokids, the dodo, dodo, animals, cute animals, animal rescues, kids and animals, rescue animals, animal songs, animal videos, animal videos for kids, animals for kids, animals for children, funny animal videos, videos for kids, funny animals, for kids, animals for toddlers, for toddlers, dogs, dog, puppy, dogoftheday, doglovers, doglife, pets, love, puppylove, puppies, cute, doggo, ilovemydog, cutedogs, perro, gou, kutta, shvana, anjing, inu, cão, chienne, chien
Id: GvE9Kk6UFSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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