60+ Digital Product Ideas To Sell On Etsy To Make Passive Income in 2021

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digital products are an amazing way to make passive income online they are cheap to make they have high margins when you sell them you can make them one time and sell them many many times over there's no overhead or supplies to keep in your home or your office to send out there's unlimited growth potential because you're not having to fulfill orders this is a great way to make passive income and that creates freedom in your life so let's talk about the types of digital products you could make and earn an income from we will be looking at C since it's a great source to find digital product ideas to sell the first one is wall art prints this is a great option if you are a graphic designer or if you feel like you are very clever with creating pictures for a wall art print you create the design and then it is a digital download that users can download and print at home or their local print shop you can create several different sizes and you can create variations and then sell it for a few dollars next up is birthday cards birthday cards are another great idea for a digital product you can sell there are a lot of people that sell them and sell them very consistently if you look on etsy you'll find shops that are full of these items with especially funny birthday cards or cards that you can't get in stores those do really well so if you have a knack for being witty or clever and you want to create funny birthday cards or keep birthday cards great plan next birthday invitations this is one that is super super popular especially for little kid birthday parties I know all of my friends use Etsy to find themed birthday invitations and this is a digital product you can make and sell and people buy and then either you customize or do a template for them so that they can customize it at home that way you have less work and it's a great source of passive income because you make it once and then tons of people who have birthday parties will buy it and download it and pay you for creating the product next idea for digital product is building playing these build plans are very popular because a lot of people want to do DIY projects at home but they don't necessarily know how to create the project so if you have the skills to create a pergola or build furniture you can sell your plans on a site like Etsy and have people buy them and then be able to create their own project but pay you for designing and creating the plans next digital product idea is bullet journal pages these bullet journals are super popular among a certain crowd and you can create bullet journals with designs and tip lifts for them to follow along with or to just print out and put in their bullet journal these are a really interesting idea if you are great at making templates and trackers and calendars all sorts of different things can be put in a bullet journal so it's really a great way to extensively use your creativity to create these mock-up layouts you can also create business cards that people can buy and print at home you can create a business card design or a printable design or even a template where people can download and either you can customize for them at the time or they can customize at home and just use the design there are a lot of programs that allow people to customize very easily at home you can also do the same thing with business logos you can create a logo design and then have people customize it with their particular name or their particular business details lots of businesses on a budget will want a logo but don't have a lot to spend so they may buy a logo printable for $25 which is less than a designed logo but a great digital product you can also create business planners which are used to help businesses get organized or to set up their business plan there are all sorts of ideas for creating an online or a actual physical store business plan and you can create these planners and sell them for a higher price for a typical digital product because they usually come with so much value for someone that's building a business planners are very popular on sites like Etsy so if you can put together all of your business knowledge and create a template that people can follow to set up their business they have a really good way to get started on the cheap but that money will translate to you for creating the business plan that you only created once and then people can fill in as they go to create a business plan you can design cash envelopes as a digital product a lot of people sell cash envelopes pre-made but you can also make cash envelope printables especially if you are using cute designs or a different style of cash envelope a lot of people want to create cash envelopes at home but they don't want to go through the whole process of figuring out how to do it so a printable allows them to speed up the process and get something they want to use automatically you can do something with a cute design like these and it's very simple to make and then you can sell over and over again with your shop checklist and trackers are a great digital product that you can sell online especially if you are making a checklist for a specific type of either need or a type of service for example there are a lot of cleaning checklists online because people don't necessarily know what you start or enjoy cleaning so having a checklist where they can knock stuff off it's helpful if you are for say a wedding planner you could make a full wedding planning checklist that would help people as well next up is clip art this is a great thing to design because you can sell it to fellow designers and fellow digital product creators who will then use it in their products for selling something else so you can create all sorts of designs for clip art and different styles and for different uses so you can create all sorts of different clip art that can be used both commercially and for personal use you can also create coloring pages as a digital product if you are interested in creating things for children this can be a really great idea it can also be something you create for adults there are a ton of adult coloring books and people love these I personally love these and by these and my husband has also gotten into coloring so we also use it for our daughter so any type of coloring page would be a great digital product another is crafts patterns crafts patterns are something that help crafters speed up the process and these are amazing digital products because people love to craft but they don't necessarily always feel creative enough to make their own projects so you can create the project make a PDF and sell it similar our crochet patterns I like to crochet but I do not know how to create patterns for things that I'd like to make so I always have to buy patterns when I crochet something so if you know how to crochet you can make a pattern into a PDF or a video tutorial and then sell that as a digital product next up is digital papers these are a design type that you can create for scrapbooking digitally or other Creators use them in creating their own SVG files or any other kind of clipart generally you can make these in a cute style or pattern and sell them for personal or commercial use and they sell pretty well next is ebooks if you have any knowledge on any topic you can probably write an e-book and sell it on any platform you can sell it on Etsy or your own website or Kindle you can also sell ebooks of template or checklists things that help someone accomplish a goal and walk them through the process you can also sell an e-book template that helps other ebook creators sell their ebooks so you can either sell an e-book or help sell other ebooks for people there's a huge market for either way and it's a great digital product next are embroidery patterns embroidery is not something you commonly think of as a trendy thing but there are plenty of people that love doing embroidery and those people are always looking for new patterns you can also create patterns for beginners who want to learn how to do embroidery with any type of pattern that you're creating a craft with it usually works to do a PDF and a video tutorial I personally liked this one I thought about behind it even though I don't do embroidery so there's a lot of ways you can be creative next is Etsy banners people on Etsy are creative but they don't always do graphic design so a lot of them are looking for ways to create a beautiful shop even if they're not selling something that's graphic you can create custom designed banners and then sell them to individuals who just plop in their name and have a beautiful shop banner you can also sell on Etsy excel templates this is something that is huge because a lot of people are not good at Excel but they want to use it so having a template makes it a lot easier I personally use these when I need to do something with Excel and don't know how to do it and there are lots of different templates you can do you can do a budgeting related one you can do one for a business planner you can do one for expenses you can do them for all sorts of different things I think bookkeeping and budget templates for Excel do the best on Etsy so those are great digital product ideas next you can sell Facebook templates that includes things like the cover banner or the avatar things to make a business look like they have a coordinated and beautiful Facebook page there's a big market with business owners who want this but don't want to invest the time or a huge amount to do it so it's a great idea next our flash cards and this can be a broad category most often this would be something for kids so some sort of flash card that helps them learn so you can design a cute educational printable set of flashcards that a mom would just print out and cut out at home I personally love these and plan to buy them so it's actually a really great option for parents and as a digital product idea they don't have to be super fancy as you can see this shop has a lot of sales but it's not super fancy for their instant download flash card next idea you can sell fonts fonts are a great thing to sell online if you are our that can create them I don't necessarily know that Etsy is the best place to sell them there are tons of places to sell your fonts where designers get fonts to use in their work so it might not be an Etsy specific idea but selling fonts as a digital download digital product is great next funny cards I love a good funny card and so do a lot of other people you can create funny cards that people can print out at home and send off to their friends or just hand to their partners it's great to create funny printable cards there is a huge market here where you can be folder or irreverent because there's not a lot of that in traditional stores but it can be very funny next digital product idea is gift tags these are really simple to design and they can be so useful as an idea in your shop if especially if you're already doing party related items these are a great addition to coordinate with a birthday party invitation or decor items so this is a really great add-on digital product especially if you already have a shop next graduation invitations graduation invitations can be a huge thing a certain time of year in the spring so if you have the ability to design printable graduation invitations you could make a good amount of money in a certain couple months out of the year off this product similar to some of the other digital product cards that I mentioned you can sell greeting cards and these printables you can make either a printable that's already done or a template where they can update the inside and make it their very own there are a lot of ways to create just these general cards that people might want to buy next holiday cards these are for sure a purchase around certain holidays like Christmas I have a ton of friends that send holiday cards every year around Christmas time so some are ones they design themselves but some are ones I've seen on Etsy so there are a lot of buyers for this particular type of card if you are willing to make it and sell it as a digital download next Instagram story highlights these little highlight icons are very popular among all Instagram users and not everyone knows how to make them so you can make these and coordinate them in a cute design and then sell them as a package this one item you can create as a package and then sell over and over again to Instagram people next Instagram templates again a lot of people want to be on Instagram but they don't necessarily know how to create the style and coordinated brand that looks best on Instagram so having a template really helps a lot of people especially business owners so you can create a package of templates for quotes and stories and all sorts of things on Instagram that helps someone create a coordinated cohesive look on Instagram and this is highly attractive to business owners next you can create invitation templates so like the graduation invitations there are invitations to all sorts of parties the key one on Etsy specifically is wedding related events and there are a ton of invitation ideas that you can create for people so that they can just buy your product digitally change it up with the names and then download and print at home if you or your grandma knows how to knit you can create and sell knitting patterns as a digital download you can create these patterns for really cool knitting projects and then sell them for a few dollars and have people download them over and over again you can again create either a PDF or a PDF and a video tutorial that is very popular and sells well next up you can sell leather patterns my husband is very into leather making and he buys and creates his own pattern so you can create these patterns and have other leather makers buy them to create projects it's a very wonderful way to share the knowledge you have but also to make money from people who want your patterns and next up is Lightroom presets again the appeals to the social media crowd and it is something that people will pay for because I personally will pay and have bought these digital downloads in the form of Lightroom presets are a great thing to sell if you can create them for people that aren't super great at editing photos people will buy them and use them in lightroom specifically it is a great digital download idea and if you have a certain style and have that visual eye where you can create and edit on a photo this is a fantastic thing to sell as a digital download next up is meal plans meal plans are something that a lot of people will purchase because it can be such a challenge to create a meal plan that is both effective and fit a lifestyle so if you are really good at making meal plans especially on a certain topic like keto or paleo or low-carb you can create and design meal plans for a certain amount of days or weeks and sell them as a digital download you can also create just blank meal planners or meal planners with a blank spot and ideas for meals there are so many options that you can create an idea around planning your meals and make that into a digital download for people to buy next party banners party banners are super fun to buy online I have bought them for parties in the past and you can make a printable party banner that someone buys from you and then prints at home or at their local printer for their party they are very popular for themed parties for birthdays especially for kids that is why I have bought them in the past you can also create and sell as a digital download other party decor this works really well if you are theming a party and you can create banners but then also create printables for cupcake toppers or for signs for the party you can create a whole package for the party where everything matches in a certain theme or style this is a great option because people that are not great at crafting but want to do a cute fun themed birthday party for their kids will buy a whole package with everything they need to print off for a party similarly you can do party invitations as a printable download these are a way you can do them either as a template that people can edit on their own or again as a printable that you then edit and personalize for them or get the service that you're using to provide either Etsy or another to personalize for you this is something that works so well when you're doing themed parties I cannot emphasize enough how great these digital downloads do people have built whole shops around them and do really well if you have a design so party signs are another one of these party type digital downloads you can do party signs in a printable digital download style so that you make them once and then you can sell them again and again I would recommend that you do this in a way that is checking copyright first a lot of people will do things like Disney characters and that is not okay that actually will eventually get taken down but you can do a cute general themed party sign next you can cell phone wallpapers I know this one sounds probably like why would anyone sell that but they do actually sell and you don't always know why people are buying something but if you're doing something abstract or different or with a quote and you are creating something new and exciting people will buy it so it is an option if you are looking for a digital product idea next idea is to sell Pinterest templates if you are a killer Pinterest person and you are always making cute Pinterest pins that do well this can be a huge market for you because a lot of us are not great at Pinterest but it's a huge driver of traffic so a lot of bloggers and content creators will buy premade templates that they can use over and over again to have a custom look that will bring people in from Pinterest so if you can create a few different templates and package them as a Pinterest template bundle this can be a great digital product offering for you next up are planar inserts planner inserts are a huge market for digital downloads and you might think that the market is totally saturated and it is but they do sell really well because people want their specific style and not everyone does them the same way so if you can create a planner insert on a certain topic with your specific style these can do really well I recommend that you create something new because just copying others doesn't sell as well so printable backdrops are another great party related digital download idea these are basically the backdrops that you use behind a photobooth and you can create these in a theme like before we saw the ice cream themed party invitation so this could be another offer in your shop for an ice cream printable backdrop next digital download idea our printable envelopes so this is another one where what you might think who I wouldn't even buy this but people do buy envelope templates and print their own envelopes at home this might be because they want to use a certain color paper and they can't just necessarily buy it so there are reasons why someone might want a specific envelope style or template next our printable games these are so popular for parties like bridal showers or bachelorette parties they are a really popular thing to buy and you can design this as a printable game or a set of games that people can buy and use at a party they are something that you can design once and sell over and over again which of course is the greatest part of creating digital download products this is something that is super easy to make as well because it's usually just a checklist next up printable photo props these go so well with the printable backdrops if you are selling both in your shop you can make them coordinate as a theme but these as their own digital download product are really really fun both to make and to sell you can make them around a certain theme for a party and that gives the buyer what they need to just print out and cut at home next printable stationery this is something that's pretty easy to make it is just literally lined paper with a design so this is something that people can print at home if they want to send very cute letters to their friends or to family members it is something that's generally for a more feminine crowd so this is something that I would definitely add to my shop if I was doing a targeted audience for a feminine crowd that does journaling and things like that next printable stickers the planner community loves stickers and they buy stickers every month but there are also many that have their own cutting machines at home so you can design printable stickers that they can print and cut at home these are a great addition to your shop especially if you already sell stickers it's a great way to get that on that passive income going so you're not always fulfilling orders physically next quilting patterns I have quilted before and let me tell you I had to have someone tell me how to do it and have a guide it is a wonderful hobby but quilting needs a guide so if you know how to quilt you can create a pattern and especially if you add a video it's a great digital download next quote prints again I would caution you on this because you can't use copyrighted quote but you can make up your own quotes or find quotes that are usable or simply use just a couple words that aren't necessarily able to be copyrighted like sweet dreams and you can create a cute digital download that people can print at home and then frame and use on their walls for motivation next resume templates resume templates are a great thing to be making right now and they are a great digital download idea you can create a CV or resume and have it available for someone to edit and put in their own information so that they are having a beautiful resume that they can send in and get a job for next product idea our selfie frames these are so much fun they are really pretty easy to make as well these are super popular at parties and weddings so any type of event you can design these so that they can be customized for a event like that and then you can do a printable version where people print and have them done at a local printer you can also sell sewing patterns these are another crafting type pattern that are really useful and are a great digital download especially if you're making them for beginners because they might not know how to make their own patterns yet so they will purchase patterns in order to learn how to make the things that they want next up are shower invitations there are a ton of different showers bridal showers baby showers also two showers especially if you're southern like I am there are all sorts of parties related to these big life events so you can make shower invitations for the special events and then people can download and edit them themselves you can use any of the programs that allow you to do that this is another addition that I would put in a wedding related shop and next up AB digital product idea are snapchat filters this is something that's super popular again for parties so if you know how to create snapchat filters I would highly recommend you create a few and add them to your shop because not everyone knows how to make them but they love using them especially for weddings and special events it's a great thing to do if you know how to make them next up social media templates this is very similar to some of the other ideas but you can make social media templates for people to create their own cohesive look across different social media platforms so you can create a template for multiple different types of social media like blogging or Facebook or social or Instagram there are all sorts of options next up stock photography if you are a photographer you likely know that stock photos are a way to make passive income online but you can also sell them in bundles on sites like Etsy so that is another way to sell a stock photo that you might not get seen on a bigger site you can create a bundle and tailor it toward a specific like a content creator next up our SVG files these are so popular and possibly my favorite digital download idea because there are a ton of people that have cutting machines but don't know how to design the files to cut but they love to be creative and make things so if you can create the design and an SVG of that design you can sell these like hotcakes they are amazing next up our sympathy cards this is something that might not be fun to create but it's a great digital download idea because I personally have looked for sympathy cards that are necessarily the type you can buy in stores so you can make something a little bit different in a similar vein you can create thank-you cards and have them for a printable digital download this is something that would go well with a invitation so that they're coordinated and you could sell both side by side in your shop that would give you two different things that one person could potentially buy and increase your overall value per customer so I would highly recommend combining like digital product ideas if you have a shop so that you have more options that coordinate for a buyer next up our website themes I actually just paid $120 for a website theme so these if you can make them and make them work and make them beautiful or a great digital product idea the person that made the theme I'm using made it once and they are good to go for a long time people sending them 120 dollars every time next you can also do webstore themes similarly if you have a Shopify store you probably need to have a custom theme on it so if you know how to make custom Shopify themes you can sell these as a digital download idea you can make them so that they are specific to a style like a feminine Shopify theme like this one having a target style or type of store will really help make these sell next up are wedding invitations everyone knows that wedding invitations can be expensive so a lot of people will buy a template or a enable wedding version so that they can take their invitation and print it a local shop to get a cheaper overall price therefore these are a great idea for a digital download because you can create something that is the entire wedding suite and then sell it over and over because there are new Brides every year next wedding signs this is an awesome digital download idea because it is something that Brides want to look cute but don't necessarily want to put a lot of time into and they often think about at the last minute so they don't have time to order a physical sign so having a printable digital download that they can print and then just throw in a frame is a great option so next idea is workbooks if you know how to guide someone through a process of how to achieve a certain result you can do a workbook on that you can also do educational workbooks and things that will help children either learn a skill or learn a certain grade or preschool activity workbooks like this one there are all sorts of workbook ideas that are basically just activity sheets all put together so that's a huge list but hopefully gives you something to sell I would recommend checking copyright and know that it's okay to experiment with different styles and types of products till you find what works for your shop I would always promote your items to make sure that you have the best chance to make sales possible and remember that this is all about creating passive income and freedom
Channel: Create With Pennies Not Perfection
Views: 285,894
Rating: 4.9595671 out of 5
Keywords: digital product ideas, what to sell on etsy, digital product ideas to sell on etsy, sell your designs on etsy, what are you selling on etsy, how to sell digital products on etsy, how to make passive income on etsy, #digitalproducts, digital products, digital products to sell online, digital products on etsy, digital products to sell, digital products platform
Id: tP0aigcEQhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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