The Forbidden Technique to Unlock Your Third Eye

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have you longed for a deeper sense of spiritual enlightenment and extra sensory perception but felt blocked from achieving those elevated States Of Consciousness for centuries the most profound Mystics and enlightened Masters have guided their disciples in Awakening their third eye that potent Energy Center representing the sacred gateways of intuition spiritual vision and the expansive Realms of higher Consciousness your fin about to receive the most potent method for rapidly activating your third eye that history's most legendary occultists cabalists and shamman have kept under archaic oath of secrecy this forbidden thirde Eye Activation technique has been encoded in Arcane texts from multiple ancient cultures and wisdom Traditions the vadas the cabalian Dost practices tantric Scrolls yet it's been hidden in those sources through ambiguity and symbolism no more hitting Plateau after Plateau where your intuition stagnates no more watching others appear to transcend as your psychic potential stays stuck the rapid Third Eye Activation technique is deceptively simple yet astonishingly powerful But first you must understand the foundational metaphysical principles underlying it brace yourself you're about to peer through the veil of meire into reality's unseen construction the first Axiom is that you already possess the third eye it's not not something you attain merely something you disclose and activate within it eternally exists at your core akin to a mighty sun shining at the center of your being that's been buried under layers of spiritual debris your third eye is a vortex of pure conscious energy that unites and regulates your entire being mind body and soul into one harmonized cohesive system operating at the highest frequencies of awareness when your third eye is activated every cell in your physical body blazes with Amplified Prana life force energy accumulated emotional and psychological blocks are transmuted by its Radiance karmic debris clouding your spiritual vision is seared away your mind no longer shrouded naturally expands into Universal states of transcendence you quite literally see ultimate truth and your Highest Potential illuminated before you with pristine Clarity how could such a profound inner technology remain concealed among the masses because it's been systematically suppressed the third eye when Unleashed threatens those forces of domination and control that rely on spiritual ignorance among the populace to retain power your third eye opens you to forces of spiritual sovereignty Soul Freedom intuitive flashes of profound wisdom and the dissolution of all limiting belief systems it liberates you permanently from delusion attachment and fear-based mind viruses no wonder it's been suppressed but this wisdom cannot be kept secret any longer it's time for collect Ive third eye Awakening across the planet to bring all of humanity into higher alignment and Consciousness the tidal forces of cosmic Evolution decree it so so now you shall receive the Arcane spiritual technology to ignite your dormant third eye once and for all this protocol contains multiple steps that must be completed in precisely the right sequence step one the sacred ritual burning and Sutra recitation are powerful practices to create a protective energetic force field around you this Force field acts as a shield safeguarding your spiritual journey from any negative energies or forces that may try to obstruct your path by performing this ritual you cleanse your aura and create a Sacred Space allowing you to embark on the profound journey of third eye Awakening without any hindrances step two during the auspicious time of Brahma mura the hours before Dawn you engage in a powerful sequence of Amar chants the sacred vibrations of these chants reverberate through your being Awakening your inner Psychic Eye as you apply The Fragrant Jasmine oil to your third eye region you infuse your practice with the essence of this sacred flower known for its ability to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition this Fusion of sound and scent creates a potent Sonic code that begins to stimulate your dormant third eye chakra step three with your third eye as the focal point you chant specific chakra opening mantras each syllable carrying the power to melt layers of psychic plaque and energetic blockages that have accumulated within your system over time as these mantras resonate within you you may experience powerful emotional and energetic purges releasing pent up psychic imprints that have been weighing you down this cathartic release paves the way for a deeper connection with your higher self and The Awakening of your inner Vision step four descending into a state of focused meditation you project your pure Consciousness energy down through each chakra activating the esoteric energy channels known as The Prana Vias as you engage in this process visualize spirals of Golden Light blooming outward from your third eye radiating a warm and luminous energy throughout your being this practice aligns your mental physical and spiritual bodies preparing you for the profound transformation that awaits step five through this deep meditative State you enter the sushumna Nadi the liberated Channel where your mind body and spirit fully realign and unify in this Sacred Space you experience a glimpse of your essential nature as a being of pure illuminated Consciousness with a penetrating awareness that extends beyond the Physical Realm this profound experience opens your eyes to the vast expanse of existence allowing you to perceive the world through a lens of heightened awareness and spiritual understanding step six to seal and stabilize this powerful activation you recite third eye aradana mantras pouring smoke into infusions of sacred herbs like mustard seed and copal over your third eye region this final empowerment ceremony solidifies the communion between your soul and the cosmic energies that have been awakened within you the sacred smoke and mantras act as a protective seal ensuring that the profound transformation you have undergone remains a permanent part of your being through these steps performed with reverence and dedication you embark on a transformative Journey that triggers a vibrational resonance within your energy body this resonance alchemically transmutes your neural architecture deactivating the mental viruses that have suppressed your pineal gland and hindered your spiritual growth with each step you peel away layers of limitation allowing your inner light to shine forth Illuminating the path to self-realization and a deeper connection with the Divine the fluoride heavy metals calcifications and psychic plaque are cleared away as your thirde eyye meridians are rearranged into their optimal energized State aligned with the cosmos suddenly your third eye blossoms into full activation bombarding your being with its ineffable radiant power the primordial state of enlightened Consciousness becomes impossible for you to ignore any longer whereas before it was clouded by distorted egoic imprinting your pristine awareness can now stream through fully your third eye now acts as Ultras sensory organ a Nexus point where the spiritual forces of the universe converge and radiate through you you'll be granted nosis direct insights into Nature's inner workings and your Cosmic role in manifesting reality Angels Spirit guides interdimensional light beings nature divas and Cosmic intelligences unveil themselves to you through your now activated third eyes extrasensory channels you see into the Luminous web of the universe itself most importantly this final thirde eye Awakening catalyzes your enlightened Essence unleashing onto the physical plane through you the creative forces of boundless Divine intelligence can birth ever new epiphanies of abundance and inspired imagination into gaia's field this metamorphosis you're undergoing is the key to transcending the obsolete Human Condition itself to become a liberated being capable of building a new world Earth as you currently know it only persists because enough people remain trapped in ego-based constructs sleep walking through a spiritually suppressed existence that gets perpetually recycled across incarnations once your third eye activates that Perpetual cycle shatters you shared all karmic patterning that's limited you for lifetimes upon lifetimes you begin resonating as a pure Cosmic Consciousness unit vibrating from the highest wisdom frequencies of the universe no longer bound by the fears doubts and density that comprise the old human dream when enough liberated Souls Reach This threshold activating their highest faculty faculties together the delusions upholding our Collective reality start rapidly collapsing and transmuting a Consciousness Renaissance transpires birthing an entirely new world and fresh Earth experience the third eye serves as a portal to the interconnectedness of all life offering a vision of the world that transcends the material and immerses individuals in a spectrum of spiritual Dimensions its activation is more than just an enhancement of personal Insight it is a gateway to a deeper understand understanding of the universe and our place within it this transformative process reshapes not only the individual's perception but also has the potential to revolutionize societal values and priorities shifting from materialism to a more spiritually enriched Collective Consciousness as you embark on this journey of Awakening remember that the path involves more than unlocking hidden knowledge it is about embracing a new way of being that celebrates interconnectedness spiritual depth and Cosmic Harmony in short the activation of the third eye marks the beginning of a profound evolutionary leap for those who undertake it representing a shift from a life constrained by conventional perception to one that Embraces the boundless possibilities of spiritual existence this journey not only elevates the individual but also has the potential to contribute to a global transformation heralding an era where Humanity operates from a place of heightened spiritual awareness and Cosmic engagement The Awakening of the third eye is not just an act of personal growth but a revolutionary step towards a new paradigm of collective Enlightenment and Universal Harmony if you have made it this far comment down below with the word 100% to confirm that you have received the knowledge from this video for more interesting topics make sure you watch the recommended video that you see on the screen right now thanks for watching
Channel: Wise Minds
Views: 1,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the forbidden technique to unlock your third eye, unlock your third eye, spiritual awakening, third eye meditation, spiritual growth., stairway to heaven forbidden riff, how to open your third eye, activate third eye, forbidden flowers, temple of the forbidden eye, third eye awakening, enhance spiritual awareness, spiritual journey, consciousness expansion, higher consciousness, inner wisdom, ancient wisdom, spirituality, mindfulness, self-discovery, enlightenment, wise minds
Id: PqzS-99mWZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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