6 Tips I wish I had known before Racing a Marathon

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this is I guess lien this is the other direction leaning into the veterans out there lots of you have raced a lot of marathons so forth butter my bread how is everybody doing hope you had a great Tuesday yeah it's Tuesday when I'm filming this you're watching this on Wednesday we're diving right into the shootie Oh busy day so I didn't do any outside filming just I had to get a lot done today therefore we're focused in here six tips for marathon racing what I wish I had known basically six months ago before the Amsterdam marathon and the New York City Marathon as I prepare for yes the Hamburg marathon on April 19th 2020 so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna bookmark this blog and I'm gonna make mental notes and then also make notes in my google google calendar to go back and re-watch this vlog basically like once a week the last three weeks of this training block so that I can remind myself about these tips that I have learned from once again from Amsterdam and New York City I made a vlog like this maybe nine months ago now what I wish I would have known before racing my first 50k all right so I thought you know what a lot of people enjoyed that vlog and it seemed like they learned a lot from that so therefore we're gonna transition now to Road marathon racing today and it's interesting crazy timing today literally as I was kind of as I was formulating my thoughts an email arrived from New York City so a registration opens up I believe January 30th for those guaranteed entries let me know actually question of the day part one who is racing their first marathon ever in 2020 all right that's just option one we'll do another question the day here in a minute and let's dive in all right again I hope you had a great day I had a baby easy run today just so you know there it is on your screen it was solid all right let's dive in six tips for marathon racing what I wish I had known all right here we go so so critical tip number one before you hop on an airplane and fly around the world to a marathon before yes before you even hit registration button study the course study the course and this goes for yes other distances as well but I can't tell you can't tell you how important this is is to get to know the course that you're gonna be racing on on these days on Strava and a lot of other web well not a lot of other websites but other websites elevation profile maps are becoming more I would say accurate and more readily available where you can see for example going into the New York City Marathon so I raced Amsterdam first New York City second I felt way more prepared for New York as far as where the turns were in New York where the elevation gains were mostly because I wanted to make sure I was really dialed into the five bridges that I had to run over in New York City so I can't stress it enough before you hit register make sure you study the course so that there's no surprises on race day and if you have time and especially if you're a local but if you I don't know if I'm gonna I'm gonna have to see for the Hamburg Marathon but basically if you have time to drive some of the course just to familiarize yourself with the surroundings and again those elevation when you're gaining elevation at certain points in the course I like to know okay I need to just take it a little easy here because I know there's a 150 foot rise coming up in about two miles so anyway that's my tip number one know the course as best as you possibly can it helps so much it relieves a lot of I would say it relieves a lot of anxiety as well about okay what is ahead and okay real one last point is there's companies out there that make stick on tattoos so you can actually get an elevation profile chart I forget I'll try and find it the name of this company but basically so then when you're running and you kind of forget okay when is the next big time or downhill you can look at your arm you put the tattoo right on your arm and then it washes off like a couple days later and it has the elevation chart you could probably do it with a marker as well just a little bit but anyway I think that's pretty neat tip number two that I wish I would have known a little bit more before racing my first marathon is mentally prepare for the crowds at the beginning New York City was so energetic so incredible so was Amsterdam but New York was a whole nother level and I was buried a little bit back at the starting line and I definitely was not prepared to Bob my way you could see this footage on your screen right now it was like a judge it was crazy it was like I was playing football and like trying to dodge people tackling me through the first basically half mile and it threw me off just a little bit I would say it wasn't until about the mile mark before I feel like I calm down after that starting line area now listen so a lot of marathons aren't obviously as big as New York City but just prepare yourself a little bit mentally especially for these big city marathons for the crowds at the beginning it was something that I guess after Amsterdam that was pretty easy to get off the starting line I wasn't prepared as much for New York City so that's my second tip just prepare that you know what I'm probably gonna have to fight the crowds for the first mile or two three maybe and before it starts to open up a little bit and tip number three that I wish I would have known pacing groups is so is since you'll find your pacing group ahead of time all right get the discussion going and this is a tip of the day there most marathons I have seen recently at least the bigger ones have a Facebook group dedicated to that particular marathon for each year and if you can join that group let them know you know I'm running this year I've been accepted to run there to run the race and then you can get the discussion going on those Facebook groups and say hey is there anyone out there who's gonna be running 815 a mile or is there a you know whatever pace you're shooting for and then the trick is to meet up on maybe even the day before but definitely on race morning before the race and say okay who's running 815 okay we've got our 10 people here maybe even 20 people let's go let's work together I'm telling you so so that's that's honestly that's one of the reasons I've transitioned from ultra running to marathon racing on the roads there's a little more communal feel when it comes to race day because you're there's more people and there's specific paces that people are trying to run just really it's different I don't know I would just really encourage you to find your pacing groups and maybe on to more global running on Facebook maybe we should start some topics that are centered around at least the bigger marathons Boston New York Tokyo that's coming up March 1st for pacing groups that people that want to run together at whatever the pace may be I think that might be something I start so keep an eye out onto more global running for that and tip number four that I wish I would have known before race day is make sure you hydrate but don't over hydrate especially during the race hyponatremia I can never say that there it is on your screen hyponatremia is the I'll just say the medical condition where you actually drink too much water during the race and your sodium levels can drop and it actually can be a little bit it could actually be dangerous and so I think in New York City I maybe honestly I think I hit the aid stations too often now obviously if it's hot out if it's humid out you've got to be you know watch yourself so it's it's a balancing act and your body should through training your body you should learn your body's needs when it comes to hydration but I must say um I was not I probably wasn't taking in enough now unfortunately I believe all they had was Gatorade at the aid stations in addition to water I think it was Gatorade maybe it was Powerade I'm not sure so I didn't drink as much electrolyte based drink cuz I wasn't kick I didn't have a bottles at the tables so anyway just putting it out there you want to hydrate during the race but you don't want to over hydrate Plus you might have to take some bathroom stops along the way you don't want to do that if you're trying to run fast so hyponatremia just beware yeah and the best thing is to practice during training all right and speaking of practicing during training tip number five here we go practice with your gels practice I cannot stress this enough I I am this is almost priority number one during this training block leading into the Homburg marathon I wish I would have practiced way more now it's a financial investment all right sometimes gels especially the ones that I use like they can be a little expensive so if you're practicing and I'm just gonna say my goal and I'm gonna put it out there for you to three times all right practice on three different runs during your training block leading up to your marathon you know on your long runs with your gels a couple different reasons number one just getting that motion and that you know figuring out the rhythm of ripping open the gel and putting it back while you're running if you want to run faster you know you've got to keep your pace going even when you're taking your gels on so it's that it's that whole motion and even just getting your yes the swallowing motion so you don't choke and then your gi making sure your your stomach is handling the gel as well as your running so I did not do a good job for Amsterdam or before New York practicing with my gels my goal this time around is at least three times at faster well faster paces yeah not race pace but faster paces with my gels and tip number six what I wish I would have known before race day it's crazy the race truly does start at Mile 20 you hear that over and over again in interviews in you know in podcasts in articles where you hear it all the time about the wall right I'm telling you it's true I you know you kind of get a little bit of a big head as an ultra runner it's like oh I can race I can do 26 miles like come on I've raced 30 miles in 50 miles before like I can do 26 miles it's so crazy when you're running at higher speeds your body starts to struggle around mile 20 now I will say in New York City it didn't really hit me until about mile 23 so I think if your fitness is at a high level and you're really dialed in you can push off the wall until mile 23 I really do and in Amsterdam I just blew up way too early because I went out too fast but in New York I felt pretty solid until about mile 23 so I guess my invite so my take-home your take-home message is practicing that mental focus and resilience the last six miles of your long runs leading up to your marathon race those last six so if you're doing a 20-mile long run at Mile 14 when your watch hits mile 14 you are just boom a light bulb goes off in your head you know okay focus and resilience focus and resilience from here to the end of your long run practice that during your training at least two times preferably three or four times so that when you get to the wall in your race whatever marathon you're racing in 2020 you're prepared to push through and not to fall apart which happens to the best of us as I found out in Amsterdam and yes even to a certain extent in New York City there's my six tips what I wish I would have known before racing my first marathon I hope they help whoever out there especially for the rookie marathon racers who are who are watching and question of the day what is you and this is I guess lean this is the other direction leaning into the veterans out there lots of you have raced a lot of marathons so question of the day what is your one tip that you wish you would have known before racing your first marathon oh I cannot wait to read your comments for this but I cannot wait cuz again I'm gonna bookmark this blog and then go back and watch this in basically the first week of April second week and then the last April 19th is my next marathon all right everyone that is it for today thank you for watching uh so fun to do is coming along did you notice did anybody notice a little more extra lighting pizazz here in the studio we've got some spotlights on the shoes now just subtle subtle spotlights just to give a little extra pop Oh loving it alright everyone thanks for being thanks for watching we're gonna toss it back on the right to the Amsterdam marathon vlog that'll be on the right for you my first marathon ever and then on the left we'll toss it back to the five tips I wish I had known before racing my first ultra marathon or 50k alright everyone thanks for being here thanks watchin Seng duty work hard and love each other see you tomorrow
Channel: Seth James DeMoor
Views: 86,073
Rating: 4.9383531 out of 5
Keywords: seth james demoor, long distance running tips, how to start running, motivation for exercise, motivation to start running, running inspiration, how to run fast, how to run faster, how to choose a running shoe, marathon training, best road running shoes 2020, best trail running shoes 2020, seth demoor runner, demoor global running, hamburg marathon 2020, boston marathon 2020, marathon racing tips, marathon racing ideas, how to race a marathon
Id: ZwQozso7iW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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