Don't Buy This Laptop Scam On Amazon ( I did )

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all right what is going on guys so I'm just going to jump right into it and I think the product I have in front of me is a scam or fraud going on on now the laptop I have in front of me is by a company I've never heard of and I'm probably going to butcher it but it's by it's Eskin and it has 12 gigabytes of RAM 512 gigabytes of storage running Windows 11 on an Intel Celeron in 2023 but that's not even the biggest thing that gave me a red flag it's the fact that it's 73 off for 359 which I still don't even think this product is worth 359 but let's go ahead and get this unboxed but let's talk about today's sponsor nobody all right so I'm in the process of editing the video right now but I just wanted to mention that there is another company that is on the top of the rankings as well and it's called jumper so avoid them as well just putting that out there all right so bringing out the knife as usual and let me go ahead and get this cut open here it's been a while since I've done an unboxing on this channel alright so here we have a laptop box that literally just has a laptop written on it it literally just says laptop all right let's give credit where credit is due um this might be the most interesting laptop case I've ever seen it says it's manufactured in Shenzhen which made in China it is in fact 12 gigabytes of RAM 512 gigabytes of memory but it just says ROM okay and the model is X15 here we have it laptop that's it okay uh back to the knife let's go ahead and get this unboxed here not gonna lie I'm a little bit skeptical if I should even connect this to my network let's go ahead and lift this up anyway user manual we have it here and it is written in probably like 15 different languages which is nice we have a power adapter which is a very small AC adapter this is also made in China this is probably the most generic charging cable that I've ever seen and now it's the laptop itself God this thing kind of stinks to be honest so this is the laptop here and so there's no logo at all on the top of the laptop which I think is a little bit weird and then at the bottom here we have a couple of screws I'm interested to see what this one is but let's just go ahead and see what ports it has so on one side we have the USB 3.0 adapter as well as a charging port once again super small midi HDMI which is once again not that common in the US and then a USBC port and it just says UC on there right there then on the other side we have a another USB 3 Port headphone jack and SD card slot so all in all pretty simple let's go ahead and take a look on the inside no logo anywhere this is a hundred percent a scam this thing has been used before or it's plastic there's like grease from another person's hand do you guys see that that's kind of disgusting go ahead and uh heal this off e what's on me I love how there's a warning symbol here that says the USBC interface is only used for data transmission I'm guessing they say that is is because if you do decide to try and plug this in with a USBC adapter to charge it it's probably going to explode now the reason why I think this is fraud or a scam going on on Amazon is because for one I've never heard of this company and that's not me just being arrogant saying that you know Eskin is a company that I've never heard of it might actually exist but it's the fact that they're claiming this laptop is supposed to be like 14 1500 dollars turn on narrator by pressing Windows plus Control Plus enter for more accessibility what was I saying there's no way this laptop is worth fifteen hundred dollars when there's an Intel Celeron on the inside in 2023 all right so I'm setting up Windows here without any connection to the internet because not that I'm sketched out or anything but I just don't want a completely unidentified laptop to connect to my home network so look now that you entered in that command you can just hit I don't have internet and boom windows with no internet so another thing I did when I found out that this was the number one selling laptop on Amazon was what is this company and do they have any other laptops so I Googled the name and sure enough there were some articles from reputable sources like Yahoo if you even consider them reputable anymore and other news outlets saying that this laptop and this company are giving out deals and it's so hard to pass up and I read through the article and I'm just thinking to myself like did these guys sell out because there's no way a 350 laptop with a Celeron is a good deal when it's claiming to be 75 percent off anyway we're in Windows here and let's just go ahead and do a couple things let's see how the camera's looking like okay so the camera is actually pretty decent so if me doing another take of the camera and microphone on this laptop because when I restarted it everything kind of got wiped so I'm not really sure what happened there but like I was saying in the video the camera looks pretty good but in terms of the microphone you guys tell me how it's gonna sound I don't think you guys realize how bad this trackpad is listen to it when I click down anyway let's go ahead and look at task manager here and see what we're working with you can see that we are in fact running on the Intel Celeron here and then if we move down to memory 12 gigabytes of RAM but notice that it's only one stick not two or multiple so that kind of sucks and then in terms of the SSD I believe this is I've never seen this before in my life I don't know if this is it says SSD so it is an SSD and then we also have the um UHD by Intel so they kept their word in terms of what they the specs are giving us so what I'm going to do now is actually connect to my mobile hotspot on my phone and they can connect to the cell towers and we can get internet through there all right so we have internet and let's just go ahead and see what kind of Wi-Fi card we have let's see if it's connected to Wi-Fi six and we are in fact connected via Wi-Fi who there's no way this is Wi-Fi too okay Wi-Fi five I'm not sure why I said Wi-Fi two there kind of got me scared for a second and let's just go ahead start without any data and let's just do something simple like go to I mean as a laptop it works like there's nothing that it's not doing that a laptop is supposed to do other than it not going to YouTube I can't reach YouTube huh that's odd I'm starting to believe that this is actually Wi-Fi too I typed in Google like 15 seconds ago and it's still loading the site let's try another site that everyone loves right now I'm going to type in Twitter and I want you guys to see how long it takes to load the site enter uh I'm gonna have some type of timer on the screen or something like that but and trust me I have five G UC so I have a pretty good connection Celeron this is uh fantastic just so there's no like variables that are making this bad I'm gonna go ahead and just put this as close as I can to the window full bar is by the way so I want you guys to see that 5G UC full bars let's see how the speaker sound so in this video I want to talk about my ten thousand dollar Tesla Model S Repair and since more people are getting into electric cars and when Tesla being the leaders worldwide I thought there's no way this is max volume it's max volume there's a one speaker right here that's it there's nothing coming out of this side and this is not even like an actual speaker Grille that you see on the top it's just perforated dots that's it um so the speakers suck no surprise if I go to display settings this is in fact 1080p so that gets another Plus but there's something else I want to do this loads so slow let me just do a quick speed test sure you can know my location like look at this it's not my internet you can clearly see that the internet is not the bottleneck it's the CPU this thing is chugging to do pretty much anything so let's just go ahead and do the typing test here see how it feels it's not bad okay so I am impressed to say the least that they actually gave you a laptop that says the specs that it did but I want to open it up and see what's on the inside this trackpad is going to piss me off so there's a power button here I'm just going to hold it down because I just want this thing to be completely off and it's off there's a QC sticker on here so this thing passed quality control honestly that's something that companies should do here in the US because Dell I'm gonna put you on blast right now your laptops need to have some type of QA system all right so I'm gonna take out these two screws because I'm curious about what this panel does right here okay it's nice so this is a place where you can put in your SSD and this is just a simple m.2 slot is this laptop still on what the heck it's off why is the light on all right so this is made in China it looks like just some just looks like a m.2 nvme SSD past the quality control so that's good um nice so in terms of accessibility I like that more companies should do that more companies should do that all right so let's get these other screws out and see what's on the inside of this laptop here all right there we go come on there we go this might be the saddest inside of a laptop that I've ever seen in my life so let's take a look in here shall we so here are the speakers except only this one works I think regardless one of them Works um we have the shortest PCB of a laptop motherboard but hey it works this is where the CPU is kind of hot this is the fan but it doesn't even look like the fan is doing that much work and um the ram looks to be soldered into the motherboard so we can't even upgrade the RAM and there's just a whole bunch of excess space here where the battery can be utilized this is a 37 watt battery that was made two months ago this is brand new this is the saddest inside of a laptop that I've ever seen the fact that they're just spreading these wires out in order to get the connection for the other side of the ports who is buying this sorry that I'm just staring at the inside of this laptop but I'm just so taken aback by what I'm looking at right now get this out of my sight I can't look at this anymore huh let me look at this Yahoo article again this was posted May 1st this was two days ago let's talk about the operating system it comes with Windows 11 built in which is 100 plus value on its own what it also comes with the 5 000 milliamp hour battery laptop batteries aren't even in the unit of milliamp hour why are they using that eight hours that's a joke this thing is probably like an hour at most it's a dual core processor mine's a quad core but it's a Celeron uh speeds of a 2.8 blah blah blah blah blah the laptop doesn't have fans for heat dissipation instead has a large ventilation hole in the bottom and dust filter any intensive application will require an external Source such as a laptop fan Mount what am I reading why would anyone purchase this why would you build a laptop with no fan and then say buy a laptop cooler how is this what let's continue listen to this quote I bought this laptop to replace my old HP I was looking for something more affordable and also more efficient fair I was fortunate to get this product when it was on sale the laptop is perfect for me the speed is up to parity battery life is perfect so far I have absolutely no issues with the product my teenagers have even abandoned their computers and are using mine for gaming because the graphics are better on this one said one parent what parent whoa who what who is buying this laptop and who is gaming on this laptop matter of fact let me load up Minecraft on here because I have Minecraft another user said I bought this laptop to replace my HP that finally gave up the ghost so far I've been very satisfied when looking at the specs of the computer it is definitely an upgrade with twice the GB of the previous unit it also has 52 that's such a vague sentence it has twice the GB of the previous unit it also has 512 gigabytes of storage which is more than enough for main uses blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah that's crazy what kind of world are we living in if this can run Minecraft I will take back everything I said about this laptop and matter of fact if they're on the stock market whether it's in the US or China I will buy a billion shares swear to God this is the laptop they're talking about wait there are people actually buying this Vivid picture this is a joke this is actually a joke there's no way people are actually buying this so Minecraft is currently installing and at this point I have really no words for this laptop if you are looking in that 350 400 price range you are better off getting an Acer Aspire 15. trust me I reviewed that laptop it has pretty high regards for what I think comes out of a value-centric laptop you get an actual not an actual CPU but you get an I3 processor at the minimum it can go all the way up to and I believe an i5 or you can get an AMD variant with Zen 3 but an Intel Celeron from 2011 you should definitely avoid at all cost even opening up this laptop from what we saw earlier this is like a Bare Bones OEM computer there's like nothing on this computer at all it's just a blank slate they must have bought their way to the top I actually do an investigation on Amazon okay so let's go ahead and load up Minecraft I wouldn't be surprised if this computer caught on fire trying to run Minecraft just so I can give it a little bit more juice I'll plug it in just because I have that much faith that it's not going to run well and that teenagers are sprinting to play games on this machine teenagers what are you guys playing catch the mouse on the screen if you are a viewer of this channel trust me I'm saying this now do not buy this laptop under any circumstances if you buy this laptop and you don't return it and you subscribe unsubscribe this is not acceptable under any circumstances this laptop is literal garbage figuratively speaking obviously in some use cases someone might find this valuable in a laptop but if you have 350 there are much better Alternatives trust me I'm gonna get my food Minecraft's loading up I think I'm not gonna cut or anything this is going to be real time so you guys can see how long this actually takes how funny would it be if Minecraft actually crashed trying to open up the game and I didn't even know oh no it's actually loading it's not responding though it's a pretty quick loading bar come on baby welcome to Minecraft you guys see that you guys see that are your teenagers running to play this game are your teenagers running to play this game how do I enable the uh FPS it's F3 right literally one FPS zero are your teenagers running to play this game I think I know why that parent said that I have no fan and I think it's because the fan legitimately doesn't work I don't hear a thing so we've actually improved we're at like 20 FPS what the heck this laptop is like eight hundred dollars but it's just to show you the sheer difference between value and value you get where I'm coming at look at this man okay I'm at 30. it's acceptable let's look at this look at this fn3 90 53. this is playable okay hold up let me full screen this so it's somewhat fair but it's completely playable let me take this off look how smooth this is look how smooth this is meanwhile on here for one my trackpad is like broken cool so I can no longer look around but hey I mean I'm moving for like a couple seconds and then I just drop down and for people saying this is an unfair comparison I'm literally just holding down W and jumping that's it I'll even look up at the sky so it's fair it's it's the same thing anyway I think the CPU has quite literally given up so let me walk forward real quick again start jumping well guys that pretty much wraps up this video for the day and I can assure you that if you look up this laptop on Amazon and come across this video the only thing you need to know is do not buy this laptop there are better Alternatives that you can buy that have much better CPUs and better upgraded upgradability pack such as the Acer Aspire 5 the Lenovo IdeaPad that I have reviewed on this channel but this laptop once again I've never heard of them there's no branding at all the inside of the laptop is pretty Bare Bones and the only thing good about this laptop and I really do mean the only good thing about this laptop is the fact that you can directly access the SSD which most companies should take from but other than that if you guys want me to continue this series where I just expose news articles talking about how amazing deals are when in fact they are literal trash or how Amazon is allowing listings like this to rank number one on their website when it is once again trash I'll be dying I'll be down to do that but other than that avoid this laptop of all costs I'm probably gonna go toss this out the wind oh the way that sounded when you closed it oh this laptop reminds me of like my parents laptop they would give me back in like 04. trash anyway guys hopefully you found this video informative I appreciate every single sub like and comment and as always guys much love I got nothing else for you have a good one trash literal trash oh
Channel: Dayo Aworunse
Views: 153,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SGIN, budget laptop, amazon top laptop, scam laptop, sgin review, jumper laptop review, sgin laptop review
Id: ZIuQpYJw-n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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