6 State Mistakes Every Junior React Developer Makes

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I can see the pretty rough graphic design mistake that is your thumbnail šŸ™ƒ

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 27 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/besthelloworld šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 25 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

2 and 3 can be summarized as "use typescript"

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/zephyrtr šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 26 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

1 common mistake every beginner makes :

  • create a video tutorial for a programming topic
šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/naaaaaaelvandarnus šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 26 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies

I just want to say thank you for posting this. I've been stuck on an issue for a couple of days and didn't even know what to google to solve the issue, and this helped me figure out what the issue is.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/omnomnommies šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 27 2022 šŸ—«︎ replies
Hello, friends letā€™s talk about states andĀ  the most common problems you may encounter.Ā Ā  Itā€™s one of the most important partsĀ  of React. And after React hooks,Ā Ā  it became really easy to handle states we areĀ  just creating a state variable, its set function,Ā Ā  and the initial state inside useState hook.Ā  And whenever we want to update the state,Ā Ā  we just use this set function and chance theĀ  current state. It looks pretty easy but thereĀ Ā  are some important points that we need to know. SoĀ  letā€™s say we have an h1 tag that shows the number.Ā Ā  And here, letā€™s create a button and wheneverĀ  we click on this button itā€™s gonna fire thisĀ Ā  function and the number will be increased. Letā€™sĀ  check the app on the right side. Iā€™m clicking andĀ Ā  as you can see it works as we expected. But whatĀ  if I add here another button. Again itā€™s gonnaĀ Ā  increase the number but this time asynchronously.Ā  Iā€™ll say increaseAsync. Of course, Iā€™m not gonnaĀ Ā  create a real async function but we can use aĀ  setTimeout function and will increase this numberĀ Ā  after 2 seconds. So when I click, itā€™s gonnaĀ  wait 2 seconds then update the state. Letā€™s try.Ā Ā  Now here, and after a while, itā€™s two. It looksĀ  okay. But what if I click on this async buttonĀ Ā  and right after that click on the first buttonĀ  a couple of times without waiting 2 seconds.Ā Ā  Letā€™s see what's gonna happen. Iā€™m clicking,Ā  Right after that here. As you can see it turnedĀ Ā  back to 3. So whatā€™s happening here? WhenĀ  we click on this button our number was 2.Ā Ā  Let me take back again. Okey. So when I click,Ā  this number is always remembered. That is becauseĀ Ā  here, when we update the state in this way, weĀ  still refer to the old value. So basically, thisĀ Ā  number is our reference. To solve this problem,Ā  the only thing we should do is use a functionalĀ Ā  update approach. So Iā€™ll say setNumber again butĀ  this time, instead of a value, I'm gonna passĀ Ā  a function. And the argument of this functionĀ  will be the latest number we have. Letā€™sĀ Ā  say the previous number or the current number.Ā  Whatever you say but these two are the most commonĀ Ā  namings. So you can choose one of them. ā€œpreviousā€Ā  or ā€œcurrentā€. And I'm gonna take this numberĀ Ā  and increase here like that. Basically, we are notĀ  re-creating our number. We are just updating theĀ Ā  current value in the memory. Letā€™s see right now.Ā  Increase, async, increase again a couple of times.Ā Ā  And as you can see, it works as we expected.Ā  So when you update your state itā€™s betterĀ Ā  to use the function version insteadĀ  of updating it directly like that.Ā Ā  Okey. The second common useStateĀ  problem is the initialization.Ā Ā  When you initialize your state, what youĀ  are writing in useState is really important.Ā Ā  Let me show you what I mean.Ā  Iā€™m creating a user state.Ā Ā  And at the beginning, we donā€™t have any user.Ā  Itā€™s gonna be empty. But letā€™s say we are gonnaĀ Ā  fetch a user data later and update this user. AndĀ  after updating Iā€™m expecting a user like username,Ā Ā  email, and images array which includesĀ  the profile picture and the cover picture.Ā Ā  Something like that. But remember we donā€™tĀ  have them yet. So if I come here and say,Ā Ā  username is user.name. Letā€™s save. AsĀ  you can see there is a white screen here.Ā Ā  And itā€™s a really common problem, I saw this manyĀ  times in lama dev social media groups. People areĀ Ā  having trouble with this blank page issue allĀ  the time. By the way, the group links will beĀ Ā  in the description below if you want to join andĀ  ask your questions. Anyway, the problem is ourĀ Ā  user variable is undefined. We didnā€™t provide anyĀ  type here. But in the html section, we are tryingĀ Ā  to get an object property which we donā€™t haveĀ  yet. To solve this problem we have many options.Ā Ā  The first one, you can write here a conditionĀ  and say if there is a user show me this span.Ā Ā  In this case, only after updating the user, weā€™llĀ  be able to see its name. And the second solutionĀ Ā  is writing here a question mark. Basically itā€™s aĀ  shortcut to verifying an object or array. I meanĀ Ā  itā€™s the same thing with writing here if thereĀ  is a user show me user.name. Letā€™s take it back.Ā Ā  And the last solution is to initialize your statesĀ  with the expected type. So if itā€™s gonna be aĀ Ā  string just write here an empty string, if itā€™s anĀ  array write an empty array. And in our case, itā€™sĀ Ā  gonna be an object. Right now there is no blankĀ  page anymore. But sometimes itā€™s not enough toĀ Ā  write only an empty object here. For example, ifĀ  I write one more span, and say profile picture isĀ Ā  user.pictures and Iā€™ll take the first picture inĀ  this array. So if you look at the app again youĀ Ā  see that we have exactly the same problem. That isĀ  because this time we donā€™t have such an array. ToĀ Ā  prevent this, you can write here what propertiesĀ  you exactly need. Like username, string, email,Ā Ā  string, and images, array. In this case, we wonā€™tĀ  have any problem. I highly recommend you to writeĀ Ā  them like that because most probably you are gonnaĀ  forget writing a condition somewhere in the html.Ā Ā  So donā€™t forget writing your types. Okey. RightĀ  now, Iā€™m gonna change the initial state and Iā€™llĀ Ā  give a name, email, and images. So what I wantĀ  to do is to update the only name of this user.Ā Ā  To do that Iā€™m gonna create anĀ  input which takes a username.Ā Ā  And a button to update our user. And Iā€™llĀ  create another state that holds an empty string.Ā Ā  So whenever I write here anything itā€™s gonnaĀ  update this input state. To do that Iā€™ll createĀ Ā  an onChange event, and update the input like that.Ā  Basically, the target of the event is this input,Ā Ā  and value is the string that we write here.Ā  Okey, we have a name right now but how Iā€™m gonnaĀ Ā  update this user? Remember Iā€™ll change only thisĀ  username, all other properties will be the same.Ā Ā  Letā€™s write here a clickĀ  event and call a function.Ā Ā  changeUser. Letā€™s create this function. WeĀ  already know that we shouldnā€™t do this by writingĀ Ā  user.name=input or setUser(user.name=input).Ā  Itā€™s not gonna work because we are not returningĀ Ā  a user here. Inside of the set method shouldĀ  be a user object. Itā€™s gonna assign this valueĀ Ā  to user state directly. What I mean by that?Ā  Iā€™ll say console.log and user. I'll change hereĀ Ā  and click. And as you can seeĀ  it returns directly this stringĀ Ā  and the user is not an object anymore.Ā  It removed name, email, and image.Ā Ā  You might think to write here an updatingĀ  function and write it like that. But again,Ā Ā  we are not returning any object. Itā€™s gonnaĀ  return only this value. Letā€™s see. As you can seeĀ Ā  still the same. So what we should do is toĀ  update this name property while returningĀ Ā  the user object. You are gonna understand what IĀ  mean better right now. Iā€™ll say return an object.Ā Ā  And this object will include everything in theĀ  current state, name: john, email:john@gmail.com,Ā Ā  and images everything will be the same. But Iā€™llĀ  update only name here. it will be the input.Ā Ā  And right now, when I click itā€™ll update onlyĀ  username. If you donā€™t know using this spreadĀ Ā  operator let me explain quickly. Let's say weĀ  have an object which includes name, surname,Ā Ā  and age. If I define another object. And itā€™llĀ  take every properties of this object. And as youĀ Ā  can see it's exactly the same. Iā€™ll say takeĀ  everything but additionally add here a city.Ā Ā  And right now it has name surname age andĀ  city. And also I can change any property here,Ā Ā  as we did in the example. let's sayĀ  take everything but change the surname.Ā Ā  Okey, I think you understood how it works.Ā Ā  And this usage is really useful especially whenĀ  you have a form and you have many inputs inside.Ā Ā  Let me create one. Actually, Iā€™ll just copyĀ  and paste. As you can see, I have 8 inputs.Ā Ā  And the biggest mistake you can do is to createĀ  here useState hooks for each input. For name,Ā Ā  for surname, for every single one. It consumes aĀ  lot of time and it reduces the code readability.Ā Ā  So what you should do is to create aĀ  single useState which includes everyĀ Ā  properties. And change their values usingĀ  only one function. So Iā€™ll grab my inputsĀ Ā  and create a change event. OnChange handle change.Ā  Letā€™s create this function. Iā€™ll do exactly theĀ Ā  same thing. Iā€™ll use the functional update,Ā  take every properties from the previous state,Ā Ā  and change a specific property according to eventĀ  target. For example, if I change here itā€™s gonnaĀ Ā  update only name. But how Itā€™s gonna know whichĀ  input I'm in? For user it should write here:Ā Ā  name: e.target.value, for surname: surname,Ā  e.target.value. Basically we are gonna needĀ Ā  their names. Itā€™s really easy to handle that. Iā€™llĀ  choose again all of these inputs. And give themĀ Ā  some specific names. Itā€™s gonna be name, surname,Ā  and others. But make sure that these names areĀ Ā  exactly the same names in the state object. RightĀ  now I can use those names like that. Donā€™t forgetĀ Ā  this parenthesis itā€™s a property name. Iā€™llĀ  write a console log and check my state. And now,Ā Ā  doesnā€™t matter which inputs Iā€™m writing in, itĀ  directly updates my state. Itā€™s really useful whenĀ Ā  you want to update multiple states. But should weĀ  use useState hook everywhere that we need a stateĀ Ā  or states. The answer is no. Sometimes usingĀ  a useReducer hook is much better than usingĀ Ā  a useState. Of course, there is no rule that youĀ  should use usereducer instead of usestate or itā€™sĀ Ā  not a mistake if you use it. But in some specificĀ  situations, useReducer is more advantageous.Ā Ā  For example, if you have a more complex objectĀ  that has different properties like arrays,Ā Ā  nested objects, and other things here itā€™s betterĀ  to use a reducer because when you update differentĀ Ā  properties, itā€™s gonna be really messy here.Ā  Because all elements here are not strings orĀ Ā  numbers like in the previous example. SoĀ  we cannot update them in one function.Ā Ā  We have tags, we should separate each tag and pushĀ  inside this array, or choose different categories,Ā Ā  increase or decrease this number, and there isĀ  a nested image here. Actually, this example isā€¦Ā Ā  okey, but can you imagine you have maybe 10, maybeĀ  more properties here and youā€™ll have to use spreadĀ Ā  operator all the time and, probably youā€™ll makeĀ  a lot of mistakes. So creating a useReducer andĀ Ā  using different actions for each changes might beĀ  more useful here. Of course, Iā€™m not gonna deepĀ Ā  dive into useReducer in this tutorial but if wantĀ  to see in the future let me know in the comments.Ā Ā  And the last common mistake is to derive statesĀ  incorrectly. Let me explain. As you can see weĀ Ā  have products state which includes id title andĀ  quantity. And we are listing all these productsĀ Ā  using a map here. Itā€™s title and there is aĀ  quantity and it includes its number and twoĀ Ā  buttons here that we can increase or decrease thisĀ  number. As you can see we are passing the productĀ Ā  id, and in the function, we map throughĀ  all products and find the related productĀ Ā  and increase its number. You already know howĀ  we do this. Letā€™s see, it works perfectly.Ā Ā  And here we have a select button. When we clickĀ  on this button, it fires this select functionĀ Ā  and basically, it takes the product id andĀ  finds the product that we want, accordingĀ Ā  to this id. And after finding, it sets a newĀ  selected product. And we show this product here.Ā Ā  Everything looks nice, we can select any productĀ  here. But the problem is happening when we tryĀ Ā  to update product quantity. As you can see weĀ  increase this number but the selected product isĀ Ā  still the same. That because the product insideĀ  the selected state and the product inside thisĀ Ā  array are not the same. We just created hereĀ  a new product. We are not exactly choosing itĀ Ā  from the array. So how we can solve this problem.Ā  Basically, instead of storing here a new product,Ā Ā  I can store only its id. So when I selectĀ  any product Iā€™m just gonna update selectedId.Ā Ā  Now I can write here selectedProduct. AndĀ  again weā€™ll find the product using its id.Ā Ā  Letā€™s try. Iā€™ll select this product. And when IĀ  increase this number it increases here also. AndĀ Ā  itā€™s really important guys. Especially if youĀ  are not working with a state management tool,Ā Ā  youā€™ll encounter this issue all the time. SoĀ  donā€™t forget, if one state affects anotherĀ Ā  state just store its id, instead of creating a newĀ  object inside. Okay, I can give more examples butĀ Ā  those are the most common problems that you willĀ  most probably have in the future. But right nowĀ Ā  you know how to handle them. I hope you likedĀ  it. If want to learn any other react hooksĀ Ā  like useEffect, useMemo, useCallback or anyĀ  others just let me know in the comments. IfĀ Ā  you learn sth new today please like the video.Ā  I hope Iā€™ll see you in the next video. Goodbye.
Channel: Lama Dev
Views: 225,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, react tutorial, react course, useState hook, react hooks, react usestate, react usestate issue, react update states, react usestate best practice, react usestate white screen problem, react usestate doesnā€™t update, react cannot read properties of undefined, learn react usestate, react usestate tutorial, react state, useState functional updating, usestate vs usereducer, react derived states
Id: Fhu5cu864ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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