Learn useMemo and React Memo for Faster Apps

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Hello friends, let's try to understand useMemo and see how we can improve the performance of React applications. It's really important to know memoization because as you know React renders a lot. Whenever a state changes the whole component re-renders. And not only the main component, if you have any child components, they re-render also. So I'm gonna show you how to cache expensive functions and child components to make your applications faster. Okay, let's say we have a text state, and we can change that text using this input. It means, whenever I update the text, my component re-renders. Like that. But I want to write here the number which is the sum of all numbers from 0 to 100 million. And it's quite an expensive calculation. As you can see there is a function. The number starts from 0. And we add here each number from 1 to a hundred million. And it returns the total number. Let's create here a variable and call this function, and want to show this on the screen. Okay, it's here. But if I try to write here something as you can see there is a delay. It's not showing what I write immediately. The reason is when I change the text input, it re-renders the component, and when the component re-renders, it calls this function again and again. But it doesn't make sense to call this expensive function again, because this number never changes. This is where we should use the useMemo hook. I'll say useMemo. It comes from React and works like a useEffect hook. It takes a call-back function and a dependency array. In this case, we won't have any dependency, because this number never changes, always the same number. And here I'll write the function that will be remembered. As you can see, even if we re-render the component, this function is not being called again and this number is in the memory right now. Let's see how we can use a dependency. Right now, instead of this number, I'll take a number from a user. So we can give any number here. To do that I'll create a number state. And to update this state, I'll create another input. Like that. So I can pass this number here. And as you can see there is a warning, because we should write this number as a dependency. It means this function will run at the beginning. And after it'll run again, only when this number changes. Let's see. As you can see the function is running but if I change this text it'll not run again because the number is still the same. Let me show another use-case of useMemo. Actually, I've already explained this in the useEffect video but I'll just quickly recap. Let's say we have name, age, and country states. I'll create here a userType that indicates whether the user is underage or not and a US citizen or not. You might think that "Okay, it's not an expensive calculation, and also I have 3 inputs here, and userType uses 2 of them so it'll be updated very often. In this case I don't need to use useMemo". Yes, you're right. But you should be aware that this is an object. It means, when you re-render the component, this object will not be the same again. What I mean by that? Let's create a useEffect, and whenever userType changes, I'll write "user type has changed". Right now when we update the age or country the userType changes but when I update this name, it's changing again. Because 2 different objects with the same content are not equal in Javascript. So even if the age and the country don't change, on every render a new object is being created. Nothing is changing inside, but the object references are different. If you don't know why this is happening, I recommend you to watch the useEffect video. I explained it there in more detail. And in that video, there was a similar example, and one solution was to wrap this variable with the useMemo hook. Right now it depends on only age and country so it'll not change on every render. So remember if you have an object or array variable that you need to use as a useEffect dependency, you can wrap it with a useMemo hook. Okay, right now we know how to memoize values but what about components? Again we have a text here to re-render the component and this time we have a child component. And this component is really expensive to re-render. It can have many functions inside, or it can fetch thousands of rows of data or maybe it has a large table here, whatever it might be. Basically, we shouldn't call this component unnecessarily. But here when we render the parent it re-renders also. To prevent this we can memoize this component using React memo. In this case, it'll not re-render again and again. Okay. We know how to use useMemo for values, and React memo for components. And they drastically increase the performance of our apps. So if they make our apps faster, we should wrap every variable with useMemo, and every component with React memo, right? Well, the answer is "no". It's one of the most common mistakes every beginner makes. They tend to use them everywhere because they believe that everything is better than re-rendering. But what they don't understand is memoization is not for free. Everything you use them is going to temporary memory. So if you use more memoization than actually needed, it might cause some problems. That's why I especially use this word everywhere. If the calculation is not that expensive, most probably you don't need them. And believe me, in most cases there are smarter solutions that you can use. For example here, instead of using React memo, use can basically separate components. So I'll create here a form component, and update the state here. Let's import this here. And that's all. What about if we have to use this state for the parent div. It's inside the form right now and we can't use this state here as an id for example. Let's take everything back, and use the state here. Actually, let's change this state to the background color. It makes more sense I think. And I'll change the background color of this parent div using the state. Like that. So how we can prevent re-rendering this expensive component? Basically, I'll create a background provider or whatever you name, and this component will be independent of the expensive component. So it can include any component as a child. Let's delete this, and write here the provider. And pass the expensive component as a child. And as you can see it works as we expected. So what happens here is when the background color changes, this provider re-renders. But since the children prop is still the same it gets from the main component here, React doesn't visit that component again. And here as I mentioned, it's not an expensive calculation and it'll change very often. So instead of useMemo, we can change the useEffect dependency, and write every single object property instead of the object itself. As you can see there are some alternatives to memoization. It's important to know them because React warns us that it's not guaranteed that your memorization will work in any case. So it's better to try other alternatives first, if it's not enough to solve problems, then use memo. And the same thing for the useCallback hook. But I'll explain that hook in another video. By the way, let me know which React memo or feature you want to see in the future. Maybe in the next video, we can create a decent project with what we've learned in the past 4 videos, and it'll be a good opportunity for you to see how they are used in a real-world project. Okay. That's all. If you learned something new today please like the video. You can support lama dev by using the link in the description below or joining the channel. Don't forget to follow lama dev's social media accounts. I hope I'll see you in the next tutorial. Goodbye.
Channel: Lama Dev
Views: 55,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: useMemo, learn useMemo, useMemo hook, useMemo tutorial, useMemo examples, react useMemo, react memo, how to memoize react, react memoization, react component memoization, useMemo best practices, react, react tutorial, react hooks, lama dev
Id: 6-BfMpTT2PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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