6-Speed Swapped WRX Crazy Transformation! *Emotional*

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[Music] oh boy Diego here finally got his car so how do you miss patty Pullman do it it feels good in room like we talked about just days ago and now it's right it's like awesome I got some XX are 527s they came in like gold but Danny and I wouldn't got in from powder coated I got mine how to code the next day to a darker gun where'd you get this dis look I was looking for it [Music] I did end up getting my taillights from Sacramento kind of like a junkyard was it kind of like a junkyard Subaru wrecking yard they were really cool I called them I said hey guys you guys have any go for taillights like yeah we have some dude was doing this head right here it's gonna be these little nuts right here we're gonna take those out this four so one right here - one more back there and then one down here the next thing you just kind of tug them a little slide right out greetings off we got all the brackets off next thing's pretty simple it just do everything that we did just backwards so we're gonna hook the lights up we already got this bracket on here we're checking if the lights work this one right blinkers working just [Music] [Music] [Music] sure yeah damn there he goes these are they [Music] they had problems fit me I mean it's a little little bit off like a little higher yeah this sides a little better but dude it yeah got the wheels ready to go you actually bought it jack oh yeah I think I'm gonna like these a little more cuz this sizing these are 9.5 huh yeah it was a nine-point that about it's pretty nice like you look way different and I like deciding to just doesn't look guys I love the aggressiveness but it just looks way more how the bug I should look like you know so that's gonna be that guys right now we are in my garage we're gonna be installing this alright now we got this part we have another property diffuser and then now we also have the side skirt extensions or no not side skier distinction the side bumper extensions so these go sided bumper you don't have to quickly talk about was these extensions right here they were super easy to put on we just end up getting some screws and my dad ended up helping me put put them on so super easy it looks crazy I'm happy what do you think dude what do you think looks way better look it just looks because the wheels still stick out just a little bit but that extension just makes them look really yeah look at that guys [Music] so what we ended up doing just to make sure that water doesn't get in we put some silicone so look at that I'm in here take off this one pull it and then you want to take off this one right here slowly grab everything all tangled up [Music] perfect if it's pretty flush which that fitment so there side same thing the fit me is like on point huh [Music] that means like um point no gaps or anything we're good blinkers yep [Music] so that's the full look guys I do got a couple things coming for the car there's gonna be an old five sei good Scoob oh I'm planning on getting some VC coilovers pro-drive grill I'm gonna get that custom lip put on you know what I'm gonna probably get this card sent to paint and then stage two is I'm icing with the Indian War so stay tuned for that so here's the cold air intake we showed you this two videos ago so now it's time here and then there's one on the opposite side right over here so right now Danny's taking off the bolt in there so we've just got the intake in the same thing as taking it off put it through four clamps - over here - over here make sure to put the mess airflow sensor back on [Applause] that's the front one this is a before I paddle once and RZ the front ones right from ones race of he more than mine so I think he has like a little shop now right yeah I don't know yeah Grammys on people doing it molding them so here that fires so this is Duff in the conference right front side fitment on here so this is what the pro drive bumper on as you can see and it's it's like the same has that same split right here so it was like pretty spot-on you might have a small gap right here [Music] there's a sea west side skirts they were one of the four options I came across when looking for skirts since we're throwing on the side skirts right now we thought it'd be a good idea to also put the fender on as well so that means we're gonna have to take off the fender the side skirts and the mud flaps to get that all installed right now one side think about these layers though is that one do they do get put on I think some of it is going to have to get cut because I'll make it like goes over the side skirt part right we have picked up Diego's bug-eyes MLA with a fresh new paint job it is not what we expected not what we anticipated but it is what it is and we're gonna make the best of it so here it is I was actually gonna go for a bronze color which is this one right here I don't know what really happened but like the whole mix-up but I end up with the black as you guys can see I am pretty bummed out but at the moment I'm gonna work with what I have and I'm gonna try to bring the best out of this build at the moment that bronze color it was supposed to all like blend in like that but now that it's all black it just kind of you know that doesn't send out as much as we'd like it to I mean it does stand out a little bit you know yeah looking at it from when other someone else is driving out I mean it does look pretty aggressive but the lighting would get pin in themselves I don't know if you guys can see from the camera they they're still like in that light black material okay I think they call it so they're not they weren't painted along with the car there's no rivets in the holes so the flares aren't even in salt and then there's one thing that we notice this site has three holes one two three not sure how well you can see stones on this site does not have rivets but you only have one to note there hole there is still blue on the inside in here so there's still blue and then the inside handle still have blue and it just looks like black was like over sprayed on them you know a lot of you guys were excited to see like this brand new color well again black is nice I can work with what I have at the moment you know it's gonna be a good build just sorry for other people I kind of let down today we have something kind of special to show you guys it's been a long time since we've seen Diego's car in these videos it's a long time since we've seen Diego so a special color unique color of bronze and ended up being black I wasn't happy with the outcome and I had two options of either getting it repainted or saving up furnaces extra [Music] [Music] but when me once the flares are back on yeah it'll close all those gaps right there because like some people they like the car looks funny well I do have flares yeah this is it boys are you excited Diego I know you peaked already but this is crazy dude crazy holy dude dude that color dude that color is perfect holy they're so light dude dude they're so light look how wide they're they're like yours right there fact a teen by 11 yeah oh yeah so the my stays inside there do the thing I like about these it's like I'm glad you want like not Matt on the lips I know so glass looks good and then the Matt on the faces that's what you mentioned that's like a good good choice is brand new tires and Diego what full scent on these Coahoma they're 285 30 by 18 and we're gonna go the Carson and get it mounted they're gonna look sick do I'm all done one and done what do you think gongo it looks sick dude all of you guys know Diego already has the six-speed in his garage waiting to be swapped into the bug eye but there are two things that we were still waiting on and one of them actually got here today I'm gonna show him Diego look at this check it out guys I went with some adjustable camber camber plates on all four of them just when I want to adjust it and see how the works are gonna look like because I'm gonna be running a pretty big tire set up to 80 2530 by 18 so if I want to just that these are gonna help me out a lot past year and a half Diego has been saving up money trying to gather all of the pieces that he needs to swap his bug-eye from a five feet to a six speed and today is finally the day we got everything that he needs everything is loaded up in the car let's do it dude check it out guys we have everything laid out in the shop I'm so excited everything is here what's your time frame you think cubby [Music] guys five-speed is officially out holy crap that's crazy the difference in sizes is crazy it's singing a tiny you this is you versus the guy she tells me Marco [Music] we got the axles in we got the outer tie rods both down the bar joins it down lower control arms are bolted down don't really have to worry about the front anymore at this point we do have to come back to is the preload and right height but that will probably come tomorrow wait wait for that for the end shall we two legs no put the original legs in first just take that out dude that looks so crazy Bobby what do you think about the color color combo [Music] dude it's in the same parboil [Music] yo dude take me there go for it how's it feel [Music] [Music] shock right now but also I want to give a like a special shout-out to Danny to javi to Edwin and Olga for coming through but like I want to give a shout-out to you guys that I have like been pushing me to finish all this hell yeah it's like one thing I want to say is if you guys like have anything that you want to achieve do it be patient I've been waiting a year and a half and like I have like the chills like I'm just I'm so happy [Music] [Music]
Channel: Thirdshift
Views: 215,850
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: wrx, sti, subie, swapped, 6speed, transmission, stiswap, bugeye, transformation, before, after, boost, rumble, turbo, vlogs, thirdshift, subietroops
Id: CWdx7OfvsPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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