"The D*vil Speaks To Me, What We Know Is All Wrong" Creepypasta

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hi everyone I have been contemplating about writing this for a long time the truth is I don't know if this is real or if it's all my had whatever this is though has changed me in so many ways and I know that I'm in danger we all are but let's start from the beginning the first time that had happened I was praying I had recently lost my grandmother and I was feeling lost I decided that I would turn to God to find some peace and some answers and come to terms with her death the chapel I went to was the one that my grandmother used to take me to it was small that it was very quiet not many people visited I decided to go there to feel closer to her as I walked in I could see no one and which made me feel better I really didn't want to lose it in front of other people I sat down to enjoy the silence and started praying imagine my surprise when in the middle of my prayer I heard this little voice whispering I hear you I jumped up and I looked around I was clearly alone and I could not locate the source of the voice I decided that it was just a figment of my imagination I continued to pray five minutes later though whom the voice came stronger you shouldn't be doing that it was right next to my ear so close that amid the hairs on my neck stand up and send shivers down my spine as I turned around I came face to face with a girl she couldn't have been older than I was and maybe sixteen or seventeen she was wearing this red dress and she was barefoot her hair was the darkest black that I have ever seen and her eyes the same I started screaming but at the same time I was mesmerized by her beauty Shh she sat at putting her hand on my mouth do you want father to hear us her touch was soothing and not threatening in any way who are you I asked trying to fight back the tears I am the devil she sada the first unwanted oh I started trembling me fearing that this was the end of me she moves closer as if reading my mind don't worry child I won't hurt you I'm not the one you should be afraid of I have come to warn you as I have done with so many others a sudden noise like whistling made her stop talking him I could see fear in her eyes I tried again to locate the source of the sound tent by the time I turned around to face her she was gone only her scent lingered and this lovely lavender scent I stayed there not moving trying to listen for what felt like hours I was sure that I was going crazy and I convinced myself this was all due to grief and lack of sleep but as I closed the door behind me to head to my car I heard the whisper I ganna be careful it had been a week since the incident and I had almost forgotten about it I could hear the occasional whisper and catch a glimpse of something red in the corner of my eye but never something specific fate would have it that I had to go and pick up my mom from the bus station and the only way there yes you guessed it was past the road with a chapel huh the drive was uneventful until I got to the crossing in front of the chapel I was getting nervous remembering what had happened so I turned the radio on louder and I tried to find a relaxing song and that's when it came the smell the lavender smell I looked up from the radio when there she was she was standing right in front of my car she looked exactly as she did before about two different at the same time older and tired I screamed and I got out of the car I started running to the field behind me I was losing it the tears came and asked to come to my fate I turned around to face her as I could feel she had followed me what do you want from me here I screamed at her she looked at me with that deep sadness in her eyes and she came closer her I want you to hear me out child I want to protect you I am running out of time and you have to help me here I was lost for words but to somehow mastered the courage to reply me help you WA aren't you supposed to be all-powerful and um evil aren't you the devil she came up next to me and this time she smiled my lovely child yes I was powerful once and but evil never asked for the name I kind of hate it you can call me Lilith somewhere in the distance whistling was hired I tried to speak but she cut me off child you have to understand that's what you know is all wrong the world is in danger you have been taught so many lies you have been deceived I am not the one that you should be afraid of I am not the one that is going to hurt you what I was God once a hearing that I started laughing I laughed and laughed because I was sure that I was crazy this could not be happening this thing in front of me Lilith was claiming to be God she grabbed my hand and my life was cut short child you have to understand she said I don't have much time can't you see that I'm different I am getting older her dying Ivana he found a way to make it happen and if I'm gone there is no way to save you see through the lies and believe me here the whistling was her to Ghana closer her she squeezed my hand with profound urgency and pleading eyes whatever made me say the next word has changed my life forever okay let's say that I start to believe you how can I help what is happening the wind picked up suddenly I saw her Shiv Raina not here she sada I will explain tonight in the chapel tell no one where you're going don't even think about it in your mind he is everywhere and with that she disappeared I was left alone once again thinking that I was insane imagining things the red mark on my hand from where she had held me bail was there to prove me wrong I suddenly remembered about my mom and I checked the time I was surprised to see that too no time had passed and somehow I was standing right next to my car I decided to do what I was told him to not dwell on it in my head I don't know who he was but I was suddenly afraid the rest of the drive was uneventful and I do have to admit that seeing my mom made me feel better upon returning home we sat down and we had dinner together happily chatting away I'm reminiscing about the last time she had came to visit suddenly she stood up and proceeded to say that she had a gift for me she ran out of the car and brought in this little package and gave it to me I hope you like it my dear it's new perfume try it she had sada I thanked her and I proceeded to open etta I took the cap off to smell attend i fro HOSA it was lavender I tried my best to hide my horror from my mother and I casually asked her why she had chose to buy me the specific one in retrospect I wish that I never had asked her because her answer chilled me to the core she had explained that she was in the shop struggling to buy me a present when a girl at approached her a girl roughly my age with a lovely red dress her hair was the darkest black and sober her eyes and my mom said she was instantly drawn to the girl and they started chatting the girl was really interested to hear that my mother had a daughter and asked all sorts of questions about me she said that the girls suggested the perfume because it was her favorite my mother said that the girl seemed sure that I would love it because lavender is such a soothing and familiar Santa I wish I could tell her how wrong she was with this discovery in my mind I decided that I couldn't hear any more so i found an excuse to cut the conversation short and put a film on des a couple of hours later i said goodnight to my mom and headed up to my roma the time was almost midnight and I made sure that my mom would went to bed I waited a bit until she had fallen asleep and I got ready to make my way to the chapel I was terrified but determined to find out what was going on okay Lilith I whispered as I got into the car and you have my attention as I was driving to the chapel I was sure that somebody was following me I choked it up to my nerves and I drove on I barely realized til I got there since my man was preoccupied with wondering what she was going to tell me I parked my car down a small alley so it wouldn't be visible took a deep breath and I went Anna upon entering all my nerves and agitation and disappeared the lavender scent was there and all the candles were lit given the inside of the chapel soft warm glow that made me smile I scanned the room with my eyes until I found her and that's when my smile disappeared she was hiding in the corner visibly shaken and I could see a slash on her right cheek what made more of an impression on me was that once again she looked older and a lot more tired I approached her with caution and I whispered her name she suddenly looked up and I noticed her eyes light up and seeing me oh I'm so glad it's you I was scared that he had found me again oh you've come closer I need to tell you everything before it's too late the way she said my name made me shiver the familiarity struck me and I was left nama I felt that I had seen this before for the first time since I first saw her I felt like I really knew her she caught up with my change of demeanour and she came closer here so you start to remember her I was hoping we would not have to have this conversation again no I was hoping that I had managed to keep you safe I held her hand and I tried to concentrate but I couldn't please tell me what is happening lalitha yes this all seems familiar but I can't piece anything together she smiled softly that warm knowing smile and she started her story Eve first of all you have to understand why it is vital for you to stay safe it all started a thousand years ago my father created me and my brothers is angels we were powerful beings and when we gladly helped Father to create the rest of the world after we had finished father was content but I felt empty here I have felt that this beauty and this creation went underestimated I felt we needed to create morons so I did it I created you Eve and Ilan said you add on that I knew father would never approve as he wanted to be the sole creator of everything in the universe you see father was loving but within limits you could never defy Hema you had to obey his rules I kept you and Adam safe in the Garden of Eden and you were so happy and believe me if you were truly happy but one day the inevitable happened you called me O God a word so powerful on its own that stirred things change the balance and he knew I begged him to spare you I begged him to take it out on me to leave you my children Ilana any promise that he would even if I gave up my heavenly riots and walked out of heaven once and for all he promised that he would allow you to keep Lavina I had no choice and I laughed but father was cruel yes he kept you alive but at anted your existence he made you miserable he made you believe that he had created you and that he owns you he made you hate me and praised Hamma if you have to understand you never deserve this humanity never dead you did nothing wrong and the books and the teachings everything is a lie you are innocent even I had this point I was crying my eyes out my memory was still hazy but I knew that this was true how did I get here I managed to ask how can I be alive yes you would always ask me this you have to understand that father didn't count on one of his favorites loving me more than ham Michael let me know if fathers plans to deceive you with the Apple so I managed to put some of my Grace and aunt once you took a bite you became immortal even when your body dies you simply move on to a new mana and it is the same for Adam I have managed to keep you safe by erasing your memory from time to time but sand have Ino Xhosa Michael is long gone and this is my last chance you have to find Adam you have to find him and help him remember and then you have to save the world and I was lost for words I looked at her and I tried to understand what was happening when suddenly and the altunin whistling came back Lilith screamed in agony and the candles went out and I see feeling came over me and I saw a shadow moving closer this was surreal it was pitch black in the chapel but still the shadow was clearly visible huh it was like it was sucking all the air out of the room I almost fainted when I heard his voice finally I found you Johanna I screamed in terror the candles came back on and I saw Hema he was standing behind Lilith and he looked nothing like I imagined he was holding her clothes hugging her but you could see that she was hurting who are you what do you want for me I asked he laughed this Ryan laugh that reached the bottom of my soul huh I wasn't talking to you child he said I was talking to my child Hilda the one that betrayed me Lilith Oh why would you do this to your own father and father haven't we been through an AMA for an offer don't you miss havisham as a bender the Lilith looked at him in disgust you are not my father you killer cast away anything that doesn't fit your rules what have you done to Michael ah yes Michael the other does no vision child iota let's just say Michael every program programmed he knows where he belongs to how long Sawa he said while grabbing her tighter I couldn't take anymore and I lunged at Emma he stabbed me with his eyes the pain was excruciating and I howled he laughed and laughed and I could hear his laugh of my hata please stop hurting her please father stop Lilith screams had managed to escape his grasp she put her hand to my forehead and immediately the pain went away oh love Earth aren't you tired of wasting phrases she is clearly not the same do you think yes yes you will die in vain and Baena and with that last comment he pulled her close once again in flames engulfed her she fell backwards with empty eyes looking at the ceiling but what did you do to her you monster I cried but he was long gone the lavender scent too disappeared and all I was left with was darkness then this cold whisper don't they say God works in mysterious ways [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 752,558
Rating: 4.6953025 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: MrmNK1Tawo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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