Sasquatch of the Driftless Forests

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hi I'm Bob Gimlin I spoke with a witness and subsequent researcher who saw sasquatch one afternoon in May of 2015 he was hunting for morel mushrooms in southwest Wisconsin it occurred in an ecosystem often referred to as the Driftless the term Driftless area is used to refer to an area in Wisconsin Minnesota Illinois and Iowa that was spared from the last glacial event that flattened the land to either side of it it is hallmarked by dissecting river valleys plateaus bedrock ridge lines Springs and cave systems making the area unique and distinct from even nearby habitats the witness and subsequent researcher has a channel on YouTube called Driftless area Sasquatch he told me he refuses to go to another job interview wherein he was interrogated about his Bigfoot affiliations so for the purpose of this investigation I'll call him Driftless though Driftless is first definitive sighting occurred in 2015 knowing what he knows now he believes his first experience occurred in 2005 though he didn't know it at the time he was living with his then wife and he loved hiking through the Driftless he lived in northern Wisconsin for all his younger life and the Driftless areas terrain stood in stark contrast to the pine savannas wetland and glacial lakes that hallmark the north of the state on that evening in 2005 Driftless was looking for morels having no luck or meager footpaths exist he went a little further in it wasn't long before he heard what at the time he thought it was a coyote he said it was very repetitive it would be quiet for a while and then begin again it would make three or four evenly timed whistling howls he didn't think much of what he calls the whistling Howl's coyotes can make all sorts of sounds but this sounded extremely shrill and methodical almost bird-like but by the virtue of the volume and voice he decided it was not a bird and must have been a larger mammal and that's why he settled on coyote indeed he couldn't help but notice that as he moved four hours the shrieks seemed equidistance from him as he traversed the slopes the crier seemed to keep pace which he found unnerving but of course he is still thinking unnerving because he's being stalked by a coyote that obviously is not right in the head this is still a place where brazen animal behavior is not tolerated after another hour of this game as Driftless was beginning to think of it as it sounded at least as if it were getting closer it seemed to close the gap I can attest that it is simply impossible to move quietly on the slopes of the Driftless also for me it became quite apparent at how easily something could be within earshot but out of sight again as he was moving he would hear rustling so he would stop and then a moment later the rustling would stop too and the sound always came from just where he was mountain lion did cross his mind at this point something was stalking him that was certain in his mind probably a coyote maybe a mountain lion he wasn't armed were he back in his home turf up north he certainly would have been armed but at the time he felt the need to be armed in southwest Wisconsin was a joke I asked him how he could keep on traipsing around for mushrooms thinking he is possibly being stalked by a mountain lion he shrugged he said you'll walk away from most mountain lion attacks as long as you put up a hell of a fight I won't even get into whether or not mountain lions inhabit the area because the answer depends on who you ask all things considered he had a good haul of mushrooms and the sound tapered off as he began to approach the footpaths he told his then-wife about the quote whistling coyote she said she thought that was odd coyotes don't whistle she said the incident didn't weigh heavy on his mind at all his brain categorized the event as a slight anomaly but nothing more but he would think more of it a decade later when he claims to have saw just exactly what it was that he heard again Driftless was looking for morels ten years later in May of 2015 it was in the afternoon and he was on a North facing ledge which is important because that late in the morale season the most hopeful locations are the colder slopes facing north he saw some broken elm trees bent at maybe seven or eight feet off the ground he was interested in them only because morels thrive in the fallen debris of dead elm as he descended the slope to the broken trees he heard a shrill whistle he went still he hadn't heard that noise in a decade the noise seemed to come directly from his right perhaps behind a large honeysuckle thicket between him and the honeysuckle placed 75 yards of slopes peppered with elm trees he deftly remembered his then-wife say coyotes don't whistle he continued down the ridge to the broken Elms the slope leveled out for a bit and Driftless decided to have a seat and drink some water before scouring the earth and leaf litter for mushrooms he was taking in the view of it all when he suddenly heard what he described as a quote very loud knocking her popping sound it seemed to have come from the bush that he had just heard the shrill whistle that was reminiscent of the sounds of ten years ago whatever it was it was still off to his right but now he had given at the high ground as he had descended down the slope past it again he went still scanning the bush carefully and again he heard the knock he said they were sharp and staccato and the forest was so quiet unnaturally quiet that he felt like he could almost feel the percussive pops hit his inner ear he would hear two rapid pops of different strengths and then a second later the same two rapid pops in the same order for seven to ten seconds and then silence for a minute and then it would begin again it took ten minutes for him to identify the noisemaker what he saw was only partially visible obscured by the foliage and it was far away but not too far to see it clearly he said it was jet black and swayed slightly he observed a four leg thigh and but not so much the torso but what seemed to be a left arm it was far away but the longer he watched it make the sounds he decided it was making them by swinging its left arm to strike something that it was holding in its right arm like dry wood on stone he believes that whatever the thing was striking with its left arm was being held stationary in its right arm he said there's no way the honeysuckle bush would have produced that noise as its trunk wasn't sturdy enough or maybe it was just somehow hitting its mouth to make the popping sounds and it swung its arm in tandem it was hard for him to tell he said the pops were very strange it would sway slightly now and then sometimes more out of sight behind the bush and sometimes less as he sat there he said it was quite a quote matter-of-fact moment huh he said this is clearly what people are talking about when they say they had a Bigfoot sighting he professes to never have saw its face or really make out an ear but he would see the head for a moment as it moved he said the left arm and shoulder was clearly man-like and large he couldn't see all of it but he could see enough to know what it wasn't in fact he said one of its most notable details were the long strands of matted hair that spiked down off the arm he said the hair would flutter as the arm would swing and a bear simply doesn't have that range of motion he said that he couldn't be certain on height because the slopes are so misleading though interestingly enough it was not his perception that the creature was particularly large after watching this for almost ten minutes he heard from the ridge to his back a laughter or cackling sound as he said from what sounded like young adult human females he said at the time he thought it was a group of girls hiking on some trail a ways away but now he isn't so certain Driftless asserts that the acoustics are very tricky on the innumerable ridge lines of the Driftless area either way after the cackle the creature stopped drumming and began to move off he found it curious how it could leave silently yet was fairly obvious what was following him he kept his eyes on the bush long after there was no movement about half an hour he said then all of a sudden he realized that not having eyes on it proved far more unsettling than having eyes on it Driftless was done hunting mushrooms for the day normally his path would bob and weave among the slopes but at a moderate risk to his safety by virtue of the terrain he cut his director route as he could to his car he wasn't armed but from this event onward he would be his eyes were peeled but no longer for mushrooms after hours and hours of conversation with Driftless I decided that on that spring day in 2015 he either saw a chimpanzee or something else something often described but still uncatted he would continue his hiking in and along the Driftless area but from then on he was prepared accompanied by a side arm mounted GoPro and audio recorder and that is how his channel came to be soon after this second encounter he seriously injured his knee on the hills and now can only continue on with the assistance of two poles then of course as soon as he began to investigate nothing happened for over a year not until June of 2016 he had already been hiking for a few hours he didn't know it at the time but his GoPro was out of battery it was only about a quarter of a mile from where he had his first sighting though I assure you a quarter of a mile is a lot more than it sounds through this terrain he was walking parallel to a game trail not on the trail but he was mirroring the path as he believes the creatures do when he saw one on the ridge above him he said it never looked at him its eyes were fixed on the ground as he saw it appear through the trees for about four steps those four steps were relatively unobstructed so he saw it rather clearly until it again entered thick cover he said it had a sloping forehead and long hair on its arm much like his encountered the year prior the creature walked into a row of trees and was out of sight Driftless completely expected it to come out on the other side but it didn't he sat for five minutes he wasn't sure if it had hunkered down or somehow slipped away after five minutes of seeing and hearing nothing he climbed the slope to investigate he moved slowly to make sure his noise wasn't masking the creatures noise when he got to the top he determined that the four steps he saw the creature take was about six normal steps to him he guessed the creature was around seven feet tall once he got to where he last saw the creature entered the thicket he saw that it could have continued forward and it would have been seen again or it headed straight down the steep ledge opposite from him which it must have done as he didn't see it leave the clearing he said the ground was too hard and leaf litter too thick to leave any prints though he certainly looked the strange part of this sighting is that he said it looked green I asked what he meant by that Driftless said it was covered in a uniform dark green I mentioned sloths and if maybe it could have been an algae that grows on the fur but Driftless said it was too even for that it was a uniform green coating as if it had lathered I rubbed itself with something green maybe a natural dye of some kind could such a creature understand the application of camouflage maybe I could not get a definitive opinion from Driftless it was covered in something Green is all he'd say again his GoPro ran out of battery about an hour before he saw this he begrudgingly accepts that it was his own fault but I could tell that at least part of him was skeptical and believes that some other factor may very well have been at work he did appear quite meticulous about such things the first time he saw one through the honeysuckle and the time he saw the Walker were something definitively and decidedly something he has strong suspicions now about the whistle howls but sheepishly admits that it was quote either something or nothing like most researchers have actually spoken with Driftless was very careful with his wording he has many encounters that he describes as quote either something or nothing one such example of this occurred in 2018 he found a tree brake not wedged but rather resting on the base of the brake was a trumpet mushroom he said it was the largest trumpet mushroom he had ever witnessed he said that it was clearly broken at the base not pulled and there was no penetration of any mouth or beak or claws and it would have been obvious it sure seemed like he could only be the result of something with hands to actually break the stem without leaving tooth or claw marks and then place it in the tree requires hands and he was the first to say it could have been a person he was on public land and those signs of people are scant to non-existent he said someone could have picked it up and then set it down and lost it or forgot they put it there or something like that it certainly would have been a non-event were it not for his previous encounters another occurrence that was either something or nothing was an encounter Driftless had with a deer hunter the son had just begun to set on an October evening and Driftless startled a deer hunter and a blind Driftless told me that it's surprising how few hunters he has actually encountered the hunter told dripless that he saw something flushed some deer over a ridge and the hunter asked Driftless if he saw anything Driftless said that he heard some deer but didn't see anything come down the hill the hunter paused finally he said I saw something come down the hill and it wasn't a deer all Driftless said was huh he made no mention of why he was out there or what he'd been up to like he says it was either something or nothing but of course his first sighting was certainly something something decidedly ape-like and the thing he saw made the same noise he heard following him a decade prior when the whistling howls followed his route through the woods and when he saw a somehow green seven-foot tall figure take four steps on a hill above him that was certainly something I decided regarding his first visual sighting that either saw a chimpanzee or something else and that something else is seen more frequently than most people like to admit I also think he saw it again in 2016 and I think he has racked his brain so hard on the matter that he is trying to perceive meaning from it all which is inherently tedious but entirely essential depending on the level of your dedication to the pursuit of the answers you're looking for Driftless knows they're out there because he has seen them and he likes his odds of getting some evidence obviously I'm no human lie detector but hours in the woods and hours along the campfire led me to a healthy level of trust and I don't think he was being deceptive Driftless didn't want his face out there or his name he isn't looking for this alleged fame and glory that so many seemed to believe Bigfoot hunters are seeking here's another reason I don't think he is being deceptive he now lives some 200 miles away from these forests in an area on paper at least seemingly more agreeable for a cryptic creature if he wanted to play monster hunter why is he doing it 200 miles away from his better-suited backyard if someone was just playing they probably wouldn't pick a location several hours away especially if their backyard was a more than sufficient and perhaps even a more expected environment there isn't much that could convince me to make that trip regularly but seeing this would certainly do the trick or this I asked if he's ever had a Bigfoot encounter up north where he has spent more time than he has in the Driftless area he said no not a thing he said you'll hear strange howls but those are just wolves finding a mushroom on a tree is not terribly exciting nor is finding tree breaks at ostensibly locations on paper it doesn't mean a thing unless you consider that a competent observer saw something that suggests a creature that would exhibit this behavior he thinks they become more brazen in the morel season I asked if maybe morel mushrooms were a preferred food resource so they want to drive mushroom hunters away and does have more for themselves he said no he didn't think so he thinks they're more brazen in morel season because quote everyone's eyes are on the ground Driftless is determined I fundamentally believe he saw something on categorized and now he wants to prove it which makes sense to me every once in a while a story hits the news about a Bigfoot hunter and the reporters have a good laugh at the researchers expense and they poke fun at how crazy some people are but that just hasn't been my experience with any of the people I've spoken with they're not laughing about it these are people who experienced or saw something that defies conventional explanations they are seeing something that's been reported for centuries and Driftless is just one of many who is trying to get to the bottom of what he witnessed with his own eyes so feel free to check out his channel Driftless area Sasquatch and for more on the Driftless area feel free to check out my patreon I'll put a link in the description and I have a lot more to upload to YouTube with an exciting October planned so make sure you are subscribed and make sure that you've hit this bell recently so you receive notifications of new uploads that helps me a lot anyway and most importantly thanks an awful lot for listening
Channel: Bob Gymlan
Views: 58,934
Rating: 4.9418387 out of 5
Keywords: bigfoot, sasquatch, paranormal, sasquatch research, bigfoot research, Bigfoot reports, sasquatch reports, is bigfoot real, real bigfoot, real sasquatch, bigfoot evidence, real bigfoot encounters, true bigfoot stories, is sasquatch real, cryptozoology, scary stories, true scary story, campfire stories, creepy pasta, scary true, paranormal doc, paranormal documentary, top5s
Id: X-NEkjkRfas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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