6 Reasons Why NextJS Is Better Than React

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6 reasons where next.js is superior to a react number one for each individual page we can decide if we want to load a data client-side like normal react does it or server side where the data is already embedded in the HTML we get back from the server which is important for search engine optimization number two next JS automatically optimizes images and resizes them to the perfect size to display them in our web page number three we can easily add metadata to each individual page like a title or a description using next.js's head tag number four we can use the inbuilt API routes to avoid having to set up a full-blown server number five because nexjs has an inbuilt routing system we don't need a separate package like react router to navigate between different pages and number six there the creators of next.js are also a hosting provider they make it very easy to deploy an xjs website and automatically push any changes that we commit to the main branch of the GitHub repository of this project
Channel: Coding in Flow
Views: 49,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react js, next js, server side rendering, next js vs react, react tutorial, next js tutorial, learn reactjs, react next, next js features, getting started next js, nextjs vs react, react vs next, reactjs vs nextjs, react.js vs next.js, Why NextJS Is Better Than React, react nextjs comparison, web development, next js website, getserversideprops, vercel, getStaticProps, ssr vs csr, nextjs image optimization, next head, nextjs pages, nextjs routing, nextjs api routes
Id: 5WFb1Vso9W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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