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so I got a comment the other day saying this Aimbot is really obvious 95% of the kills are on the same spot on their bodies to which I replied thanks for the compliment because well one in that same game play you could see me missing shots there's obviously no Aimbot but two it is a compliment I do have aim that I think is really really good and I'm going to help you guys get that type of accuracy as well and there's a few things that people don't show you that you have to do in this game in order to actually aim a lot better win more of your gunfights and just do really good a lot of you guys might be shooting at the legs without realizing a lot of you guys might might be missing a lot of shots when aiming at people without realizing it and there's a lot of things to factor in when actually going for those type of shots we're going to talk about that in this video but first I want to hop into a private match and show you guys two key things that you got to start doing when playing this game we're sliding down into meat because well it's a fun map and it's also fun to say that I like bouncing on meat so anyways this guy knows what I mean so a few things I want to show you guys basically when starting off here is when I'm running in a certain area let's say I'm coming here I'm not just running running outside like that and just doing whatever instead what I'm doing is I know that this part of the map there could be no one to my left and I know that there's going to be no one straight ahead cuz I'm already looking there so what I do is I use my Crosshair as my eyes and you guys got to do that as well so I'll have my crosshairs pointed at this wall before I even make it out so by the time I do come out of the door I'm pointed right here so if there is an enemy there I'm easily dropping him like that and then I'll turn it as I come out so I'll come out like this and I'll start turning my Crosshair and scanning the area with my Crosshair rather than my eyes what a lot of people do is they'll run out here and then they'll look as they continue running to see if there's an enemy on the right over here they'll be looking here while actually pointed this way and that is really bad cuz then if let's say there is an enemy in this area you got to focus you got to turn and then you got to aim at him and start shooting whereas if you come out like this and you're already scanning the area with your crosshairs all you got to do is ads and shoot that's one thing that I think a lot of people need to start doing and it's something that helps out a lot another thing is a lot of people stand out in the open they'll go like this and they'll start shooting at someone there let's say you see someone here and you're already standing out in the open what you should be doing and this is what I do a lot is I know where all the head glitches are okay so you got to know like there's one right here there's also one right here behind this thing so start shooting at him but start moving as you're shooting at him into this little head glitch so you could kind of have some sort of cover as well another thing that a lot of people don't know and I'm going to show you guys my controller here just to like kind of explain what I'm talking about this one is what you use to aim with all right this one is the one that you use to move around left and right and all that kind of stuff with right what you want to do when you're aiming at someone instead of going like this to to keep track of them what you want to be doing is let's say you have someone standing in the doorway right here instead of let's say you're aiming here instead of using your aim to get there what you want to do is kind of use your aim but move at the same time and the accuracy the aim assist actually helps out a lot more it's it's a lot more stickier and it does a great job so whenever I'm in a gunfight you'll see me going left right left right and the reason I'm doing that is because the a assist sticks on to the enemy a lot easier when you're going in these left and right positions so that's just something I wanted to talk about while we're on meet over here now another thing is in the settings okay so on once you go to the settings go to controller settings do whatever you got to do as you guys can see my button layout right here all I have is L1 and R1 switched all right so I switch these I don't shoot with the bottom triggers I shoot with the top triggers and the reason I do that is because they actually are just milliseconds faster you'll ads I didn't mean to do that you'll ads just milliseconds faster because the second you touch it the second you hear that click you're already adsing now I I have my TX St set so like when I double tap it actually goes into TX St and I I like that but sometimes it's annoying and then the second you press it that shot comes out and stuff if you're pressing the bottom once as you guys can see right there I had to like really press onto it in order to pull out that grenade so it's just it's a lot faster if you go like that now another thing in the settings that I also want to talk about is pretty much just yeah like I said I flip these right here and then I turn off my controller vibration now you guys might be wondering why do you turn off controller vibration it's actually nice to have it gives you feedback when you're shooting and getting shot it does give you feedback when you're shooting and getting shots but when your thumb is here and you're aiming at people and it vibrates and stuff like that your thumb is kind of moving with it you got to keep your thumb intact with it and stuff so even with those micro vibrations and stuff your thumb is a little bit off it's a little shaky so you're going to miss a few extra shots doing that kind of stuff as well so I don't recommend actually having controller vibration on I used to play with it on all the time and then Black Ops 2 or modern or I think ghost I think in ghost I turned it off for the first time and I haven't turned it on ever since so that's actually really good as well now that's pretty much it for the controller settings here now once you go here to the sensitivity as you guys can see I play fairly High I wouldn't say the highest there is but I do play fairly High and the reason I play at 12 and 13 is so I could snap on to people and the reason I like 13 for vertical is because I like to look up a lot faster than down and or or a lot faster than left to right I should say left and right I like to keep it a little slower cuz you are a little bit more accurate but going up and down like that it's good so you guys you see someone up there you can just go ahead and just pretty much aim at them right away and stuff like that another thing that I do a lot and you'll see me using SES all right the reason I use sights is because with that little dot there in your screen this site is very skinny it's a very slim site it's easy to just lock on enemies with this and stuff and that laser does help out a bit when you're aiming down sights it kind of shows you exactly where you're shooting at and that little red circle that goes around the blue dot if you guys could see it I'll come closer here so you guys can see it easier that red circle that comes around the blue dot really does help out a lot it just helps you kind of keep track of where you're shooting and that's one of the main reasons I use a laser but I also use it cuz it makes the ads and the Sprint of fire a lot quicker as well so I do like that now one last thing I want to talk about in the controller settings here is that once you actually go to the sensit I think it's a sensitivity multiplayer here yeah we're going to show more h no it's not it's not the sensitivity multiplier which one is it I think it it should be by zoom level yeah perum all right so right here this one is something that a lot of people don't actually adjust and it's something that I really do recommend adjusting so my ads sensitivity multiplayer for low Zoom is at 90 and for two to three time Scopes it's at 85 and the higher we go the lower I actually put that because the higher your zoom level is the the more how do you explain this the higher your zoom level is the more your your aim moves quicker by just doing micro touches I don't know if that makes sense I don't know if I explain that properly but anyways right here so this is like a this is pretty much the the lowest one this is at 90 right so if I'm looking around to right here this is hip fire and then I start aiming it does get a little bit slower it does get slightly slower and the reason I like that a lot is because once you're adsing that's when you need to focus on on gluing on to the enemy and stuff like that so the lower you have that sensitivity the better it is if I if I set it higher if I set it to like two or something you'll just be missing a bunch of shots now you don't need the hipfire one to be that bad so that's why I leave it at 12 and 13 cuz I like to turn on people really really quick if there's someone here let's say coming right there and I'm running in this direction I could just turn and start shooting at him another thing you want to do a lot when playing this game is holding head glitches now a lot of people are going to say that's camping they're going to get upset at you they're going to say all these sorts of things blah blah blah it's it's part of the game and it's going to help you guys out a lot better if you hold a head glitch you are making the enemy a very easy target to hit while also staying a very hard target to hit so I really recommend holding as many head glitches as you possibly can and it's really good because well one you're not running around you don't have to worry about Sprint to fire you don't have to worry about ads and all that kind of stuff you're you're already aimed in you're looking around now I'm not going to say hold the same head glitch and stand in the same area at all times because well for one the enemies are going to know you're there they're going to jump around the corner already shooting at you and two you're just going to be a Sitting Duck you you don't want to be a Sitting Duck either you want to be able to move around the map you got to hold certain areas of the map but also know where the enemies come from if you know there's a tight Corridor where a lot of enemies come from before you even get there you should already be adsing in that area so if an enemy does come up there you just could start shooting at them now how could you get your aim to be better and stop shooting at the legs stop shooting at the arms and all that kind of stuff well one thing that I like to tell people is to aim for the upper chest and you got to be focusing on this your first few times playing until it just becomes natural you got to be every gunfight you get into you got to be thinking in your head where am I going to aim I got to aim at that upper chest no matter what you got to constantly be thinking of it until it just becomes secondhand until you just aim at someone and you're already aiming at the upper chest now why do I say aim at the upper chest and don't aim at the head well I'm going to give you guys example let's get back onto meet here and I'm going to show you guys something we're going to use you know what let's let's use this pig here all right cuz that that's a big head to aim at and we'll pretend that the rest of the sign down here is his upper chest okay so that blue part's the upper chest that's the head right there so we're going to go a little further back so he looks a little smaller and let's say you're shooting at someone directly on their head their head will never be this big at that range but this is good just to kind of show you guys an example so let's say you're shooting at him pow pow pow you're hitting all your shots then he starts shooting back all right and that's going to cause you to Flinch up not as drastically as that but it will cause you to Flinch up and you'll go like that and then you'll have to focus on aiming back down well that means you're going to be missing a few shots they're going to be above the head you're going to miss a few shots whereas if you're aiming at the Torso the upper torso which is also the biggest part of the body to hit because it's it's the big chest it's open there you can start shooting there and if he does cause you to Flinch if he does shoot at you and it causes you to Flinch well guess what you're going directly to the head and it's going to be easy head shot for you all day and that's how I get a lot of head shot I don't even aim at the head I just know that by aiming at their upper torso the minute they shoot back at me it's going to the head and it's going to deal a lot of damage and I don't have to worry about missing shots so that's why I always aim at the upper torso now if you're up close in a gunfight and the dude's head is literally this big in front of your face definitely aim at the head but if if his if it's he has a small little head peeking out or whatever then yeah you want to go ahead and aim at that upper torso whenever you can it's the easiest part to hit it does the second most damage besides the head and most of the time I'd say more than half my gunfights I end up getting a head shot just because of it and the other thing that helps your accuracy be really really good is to be a very hard target to hit so instead of just jumping out here and then aiming like that what you could be doing and what I like to see a lot of people do is jump hit the slide button right as you land not as I did it there but yeah jump hit the slide button and start shooting like that and that way one the enem is going to see you jump in the air he's going to try and track you but then you're going to slide really fast when you land he's not going to track you that well now you don't have to slide every single shot you could just go like this as well and just start aiming where you think there's going to be an enemy and you could just start shooting right away so say there's someone on the head glitch there and you kind of have an idea there is cuz you see his Red Dot or you see a lot of people dying in this area you're going to jump out here and just start going like that and the second you land you can start shooting him in that head glitch you won't see it coming he'll already be aiming lower there's no chance no way in hell that he's going to think someone's going to be jumping up this high so he's going to be aiming here he's going to be waiting for people and then once you jump up there you're already aiming directly at him he has to readjust his aim the more you can make the enemy readjust their aim the better it is for you to win gunfights and that's why a lot of people drop shot and stuff but I'm not really much of a drop shotter I like to jump shot better and there's two reasons behind my logic there one if I'm shooting at someone and he drop shots and I'm hitting his lower torso or his upper torso as he goes in that animation to drop shot I'll hit his head so that's really easy but if I'm shooting at someone and he jump shots and I'm hitting his upper torso the minute he jumps I'm going to hit his legs doing a lot less damage not only that if you use the assault gloves and you use jump shotting as well it makes your shots more accurate and it just helps your ads be a little bit quicker as well the assault gloves are really slept on and it's something you guys definitely want to start using as well so yeah that's going to be it for the video If you guys enjoyed it make sure to drop a like sub to the channel hopefully your accuracy could be a lot better I hope I could help you guys out with that anyways guys let me know down in the comments below what your highest kill game is I want to see if you guys made it this far into the video comment I made it just let me know that you made it this far mess with people as well they're going to have no idea what you're talking about and it's just fun thank you guys for watching my name is Nick and I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: ItsNick
Views: 71,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mw3, Gameplay, mw3 Multiplayer, Multiplayer, COD mw3, COD, modern warfare 3, mw3 tips, tips, Call of Duty modern warfare 3, modern warfare 3 tips, cod mw3 tips, tips to do better, get more kills, mw3 get more kills, how to raise kd fast, raise kd, best class, best, class, mw3 tips to get more kills, overpowered, op class, op, best gun, how to stop dying, mw3 pro tips, pro tips, pro, secret, secret tips, modern, warfare, cod mw3 best tips, mw3 aim better
Id: Vjz2fATv-eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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