#6 Oregon vs #8 Wisconsin Highlights | 2020 Rose Bowl Highlights | College Football

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/remembering_Goose 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] and it's for Dell breaking a tackle for contact is here he gets 9 on the opening play Oregon attacking Herbert to throw for the first time sideline rod and the catch is made there by JaJuan Johnson playing in his second Rose Bowl game he played and there is the electric freshman on cue makes the catch shows his strength first down inside the 35 from the pocket Herbert cross the middle and accurate throw right at the 20-yard line the catch is made by cowboy Herbert gets it out quickly damn boy rumblin buglet inside the five first and goal as the tight end Herbert's got it stiff arm Shores standing up and the Ducks bra first blood PD returner waiting at the go on and the Luas the freshman boots it to the five but stay looking for praise pictures play he's in the clear dancing down the sidelines can they catch him now the Badgers answer instantly turn for a touchdown the season he catches this on the right stays to the right look at the blocks up ahead and then it's just about his speed out ones DJ James the true freshman who has lightning speed and takes it into the end zone stays inbounds Travis dye is the back they faked the tomb and the ball again broken up into traffic as it picked off he threw it right into traffic and Jack Sanborn was in the area and he's got the football the sophomore linebacker look there he is right at the bottom of the screen he looks and knows it's the quick slant goes up to knock it down but because he went up with two hands ball hits him on that shoulder pad and yes he's athletic enough to react to get his hands on it come up with a huge turnover but it's going to be dropped now he gets it away just before this sack cave on Thibodeau the true freshman pass rusher made a big impact this from 44 yards weak will his long and he's able to just slide it through tailback and fake it to him Herbert fools and delivers a long throw and the catch is made by Johnny Johnson and I'll play action hardware pressure and he'll be set Eric Burwell got him on the safety blitz now trying to do something here on third and 19 Verdell when in motion Herbert steps up and delivers down field something of a prayer and it's over the head of Pitman worth down the downs could be one that they can try to hit get lost the ballgame in Oakland Jake Ferguson speaking of Barry Alvarez his grandson makes a play to the 40 behind Taylor side steps in traffic that's just all John at the tailor's spinning and twisting for a first down inside the 40 on Rose to the right and it catches man right at the marker quid says Cephas he'll spot him at the 29 it'll be it is a snake phone trying to get that leg drive this is very close to running in again right at that 29 yard line does and the self it's a bunt you shouldn't though and it is a first down pocket flips it short gross ex got it but he's going to be stopped at the original line of scrimmage and drives this pick up and true piston but Taylor chose his patients and shows his toughness as he runs through a tackle and chews up about ten JT's got it again and fights for lost the ball ducks stupider Leonor comes up with the fumble ducks get a spark on the takeaway Wisconsin's starting to get it going a little bit for watch 35 stead of tackling he goes for the football and gets it out of there and Oregon all over they see the football Verdell yes to work hard to get back to the line of scrimmage he did not get the marker Sanborn and Baun again it'll be fourth down Verdell right into the teeth of that front did second effort get in there or again was the man trying to prevent it he I didn't get it now he's short but only 4:45 passing yards on second and seven another short passes Taylor who makes the catch in he will have first down yardage let's bring the pressure it's picked up cone Tennessee fellows and it's intercepted Graham putting back and will be knocked down inside the 35 it's the second takeaway for the Oregon defense able to get a hand on that knowing now just goes over top of him ball stone behind Cephas and heads-up play by Thomas Graham mid top Furber looking to throw and fires hi JaJuan Johnson makes the catch bad last 15 combined rotala scoops to a crease in the middle and barrels down to the 5 it's bit deeper on first and goal Berger both score again standing on second touchdown run for the next quarter back and they reclaim the lead did the intangible to Jack cone he's got him and both quarterbacks showing that the run is part of the game plan he's got flashy but certainly more than a game manager from the pot gets boned delivers throw right near the marker to Ferguson took a peek down feel they will and coming back to make a catch at the one his Cephas the interfere with him it didn't matter pass interference defense number 17 place look at yeah yeah he's how to bounce his left foot and did not reestablish in the field of play the degree view in the play the receiver was out of bounds he did not reestablish before he touched the ball man cone sets up in the pocket delivers a strike across the middle catch made sheepish touchdown Wisconsin Badgers back on top going against the three-man rush has time they dumped it short catch made by Cephas who bangs forward for a first down showing his physical side it was Cephas delivers the blow on Troy dye dye doesn't wrap up he tries to just hit image to make it his forties first start and now the punch bobbled special team disaster for Wisconsin that aragon reclaims the lead puts 14 is also he's leading the charge but Brees what he's Deva ball ha he's looking for that football he didn't come up with the interception but instead he picks up the drop ball by the punter and take ducks rush for ball comes out hi Cephas restless for it and makes a tough catch for a first down and they fake it look at the throat boy and they lick him out and Taylor makes the captain Gavin much more than a first down all the way down near the 10-yard line and his side touchdown Mason stocky seven Badgers bring the pressure Herbert backpedaling flushed puck fake but a long way to go make the first down in second in Korea they do it again the daily Davison eprix trade that works once try it again they're inside the Ducks 40 can't filled a lot you pick it to Taylor cone rolls fine Cephas [Music] battle against breeze able to duck under the tackle do it all season cone on the sweat the catch is made by Davis jet sweep again done gets the edge and gets the first down because come look in that direction didn't have hope when man has to throw it away so that time the chess match won by Andy Avalos and the Ducks offense and they get the field goal attempt they were hoping for [Applause] it was closed with a bun just inside their purple roll and you take a stock Dante Burton the corner god and that is a disastrous plan for the Ducks offense to take on third and to Taylor from the go sidesteps one tackle steps through another and drags a few more ducks still running out across the 20 the two-time Doak Walker org winner makes me big flooded jet sweet Davis once the ball comes out the Ducks have it Brady breeze puts his shoulder right on the football to take it out at Danny Davis and there's Holland fighting for it you also have Bryson young there Cobras got it stiff arm again quarterback in the clear inside to Ted protection boot Justin Harbor flags after the touchdown but that will count Hollywood scripter he's trying to make it happen look at the defense just chasing her down he gives a stiff arm we've seen that stiff arm the third time but this time it's the Sandborn he just pushes him down gets a couple great blocks downfield and there's the penalty by Faye on hints can tip it off get to the quarterback come gets it off the gross Shack they dump it down big fella moves the sticks to the 37 throwing his third down but they only rushed for Cohen has time in the pocket was slipped and it's incomplete Pittman in motion Humbert drop the snap and falls on it at the 30 avoiding a disaster but setting up third and long only had three catches all season long a crucial drop a mom with a very low pump and it takes a bounce and has fielded by done dangerously who is plucked immediately sit off waves it off but the ball keeps bouncing then he takes that hit did wave himself off he's retreating and he's like he's thinking no way I can let this ball keep bouncing another five or ten yards been an option too [Applause] deliverers quickly catch man it is Ferguson too tight and a flag comes in in the secondary past interference right just outside of Ferguson going up against Lenoir I didn't really I guess he pushes at the top of his route from the pocket Cephas can't fight free incomplete was intercepted out of bounds was Nick Pickett but it's fourth down hoping pouring a catch obviously or maybe pass interference and Pickett tries to have possession Rogers don't get to Herbert and he delivers a strike a dart across the middle of Micah Pittman first down inside the 45 3 Wisconsin cannot stop the clock again Herbert looking to throw for it Katz made first down Jovan Johnson then the man who came just short for Penn State in a Rose Bowl here a few years ago comes to Oregon and it's going to help win a Rose Bowl tonight pac-12 championship and a Rose Bowl victory and the Oregon Ducks career for this hometown quarterback is going to end in victory and no doubt some tears [Applause] when the stadium if some cow sometimes compared to a movie set it really was a Hollywood script for Herbert and these ducks this afternoon
Channel: Victors Valiant
Views: 601,774
Rating: 4.8473043 out of 5
Keywords: victors valiant, victors valiant highlights, college football, college football 2019, college football highlights, 2019 college football, 2019 Rose Bowl Highlights, 2019 Rose Bowl, Rose Bowl Highlights, Oregon vs Wisconsin, Oregon vs Wisconsin 2019, Oregon vs Wisconsin Football, Oregon vs Wisconsin Rose Bowl, Oregon vs Wisconsin Highlights
Id: WlDYs6Xxupo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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