Classic Macaroni Salad Recipe

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[Music] hey it's Sean from my washi dry comm and today we're gonna be making one of my favorite side dishes that goes perfect with any potluck or barbecue it's my classic macaroni salad so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to take about a pound of dry elbow macaroni noodles we're gonna get them into some boiling water let's get going now while our pasta is boiling let's go ahead and chop up some fresh veggies to add to our macaroni salad I'm adding in some diced celery as well as some red bell pepper red onion cheese and also some frozen peas [Music] okay here's another fun tip if you want to cut a bell pepper without getting the seeds everywhere tip it upside down and cut alongside the membrane of the bell pepper we're gonna need just about a half a cup of red bell pepper so really about about half and then set that aside what's great about macaroni salad is that you can really add in just about any sort of add-in that you like so you can do diced ham hard-boiled eggs or any other veggies that you might just need to use up in your fridge [Music] okay so I love using sharp cheddar cheese you can also use a mild cheddar if you'd like or a Colby jack cheese like a blended marbled cheddar is a great addition to and I just give these a nice cube but you can also shred it if you'd like just cut them into like little blocks we just need about a cup of cheese and if you're dairy-free and you want to leave this out totally fine okay now that our add-ins are ready let's check that pasta should be nice and tender you just want it cooked to a nice tender al dente now you're gonna rinse off your pasta under cold water sometimes I even throw in some ice cubes just to help cool it down alright once you've drained your pasta add it to a large bowl and we're going to just add in all of those yummy add-ins that we chopped up before so got cheese for my recipe you'll just need 1 cup of cubed cheddar cheese half a cup of diced red bell pepper 1/4 cup diced celery and a quarter cup of diced red onion as well as a half a cup of frozen peas then you can just stir all this together [Music] all right and of course what macaroni salad isn't complete without a fantastic dressing so in order to make the dressing you're just going to need one cup of mayo one tablespoon of Dijon mustard two tablespoons of sweet pickle relish three tablespoons of sugar as well as one teaspoon of salt and just a half a teaspoon of black pepper and I'm just using some plain white vinegar here if you wanted to add a little bit more sweetness and you could use some apple cider vinegar in its place so that's it and we're just going to whisk this together also if you wanted to make this a little bit more light and calories you could substitute half mayo and half plain Greek yogurt or half Mayo and sour cream okay let's go ahead and add that dressing the best part about this classic macaroni salad is that you can make it a day ahead of time and store it in the fridge it tastes just as good if not maybe even better the next day just make sure you give it a good stir before serving all right this is so creamy and delicious it is perfect for all those barbecues you got coming up I know it's warming up here and we are getting ready to cook some ribs and this will be perfect as a side let's give this a shot shall we okay guys I cannot wait to dig into this and I can't wait for you to try it either so make sure you head to I wash you dry com2 grab the recipe and find more delicious side dishes just like this macaroni salad to serve with all of your barbecues and potlucks this summer so let's give it this a try [Music] mmm this is so good guys the creamy dressing a little crunchy from the peppers and the onions and the celery and the creamy goodness of the cheese you're gonna love this salad give it a shot and I'll see you guys next time have a good one
Channel: I Wash You Dry
Views: 91,228
Rating: 4.8282695 out of 5
Id: YZZXne-Rljw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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