6 Musicians Try To Make You Laugh

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Kind of a cool idea but whoever suggested to edit this video with talking heads constantly trying to explain the humour to the audience should be shot with a gun that just extends a sign that says "BANG"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/madeamashup 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
funny music comedy music usually makes us laugh by using the lyrics it will be the lyrics where all of the jokes are but is it possible for music to make us laugh without any lyrics is it possible for instrumental music to be funny well that's what we're gonna find out with the help of alan stewart who is the man behind the music of the fantastic number file channel i've persuaded five other musicians to have a go at writing funny instrumental music now all of the music you hear in this video will be available to download on bandcamp or to stream on services like spotify and all of the proceeds will be going to the charity doctors without borders primarily towards their efforts to get covert vaccines to developing countries because after all laughter is the best medicine apart from vaccines right i'm really excited to see how other people have approached this challenge because this is you know i think everyone's going to have their own way of doing this um but the first one is amy nolte with boop b by the lovely and so smart and talented amy nolte who listens to you when you talk like really listens all right for my tune boop doop doop my first idea was to write the stupidest silliest melody that i could write and maybe if i was lucky someone would describe it as lilting that's like that's the stupidest thing in music i think but then i thought what's gonna play the melody and the more i thought about it i just thought that there's nothing funnier instrument wise than brass with a with a mute it kind of like the uh the teacher in the peanuts cartoon don't want right so and then i thought but i stink at playing brass and then well that's perfect for a song that's supposed to make you laugh so i haven't pulled out my trumpet in a really long time but i pulled it out chassis as expected [Music] it's so playful [Music] [Music] okay one more time this makes me wanna walk upstairs with pie on my face [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh nice excellent host ending you really strung me along amy you know what i love about this track it's got the muted trumpet that's just automatically straight away it's a it's a funny sound like no matter what melody that instrument was playing it just makes me smile i love how that played with your expectations obviously set up that idea that it's getting faster and the keys going up um which is like put the question in your head what's going to happen next and i just loved that uh ridiculous ending very nice so now i'm going to listen to concerto for a casual wind instrument by 8-bit music theory 8-bit music theory 8-bit music theory hey i'm uh i'm 8-bit music theory and i feel like such an idiot i didn't read the email properly i didn't realize these were supposed to be funny so i just wrote a piece i wrote a piece of music and just performed it to the best of my ability so i'm so stupid sorry you just sit through mine i guess and then we'll get back to the laughter when mine's over very grand it's triumphant [Music] i feel nervous it's like a fourth grader oh my god [Music] it's too real [Music] i wonder if he played this himself excellent performance now it's just so beautiful [Music] three sentimental arrangement with that beautiful performance on top of it [Music] it felt so real it felt like we were at some concert like a school concert what a good idea to take um to make everything else elegant except for the solo instrument so you feel like you're listening to this beautiful piece of music and then there's just somebody really struggling already i've spotted a pattern something that the first two have in common which i guess is going to come up a lot is for it to make you laugh it has to have this combination of competence and what sounds like incompetence where like it wouldn't be funny it wouldn't work if it was just a bunch of instruments that aren't being played properly but the fact that you've got this like um winding and very sort of badly played muted instrument on top of what's a really nice well-played backing track that's what that's where the contrast comes from that's what makes it really funny okay next we have the good song by trust fund ozil the good song by trust fund ozu my name is trust fund ozu i'm a producer drummer rapper artist who makes fun music and sometimes sad music but not today because today i'm doing my love letter to the slap bass i think slap bass is the best thing in the universe i love slap bass i started the track off by having this house groove that keeps getting interrupted by these loud death metal sections and then the house groove comes back and is like okay and tries to get back into its groove um i don't want to give too much away it goes full prague at one point i hope you like it thanks so much trust fund those who bye [Music] this sounds very trust fund ozone oh [Music] cool [Applause] [Music] [Music] you with unexpected things including brown noise grooving this part's grooving [Music] the casual use of fart come sounds [Music] like the cds [Music] [Music] [Music] that was sick that actually was such an amazing balance of really heavy groove but just also ridiculousness that was brilliant that was very different from the other two where whereas the others were sort of it was badly played and that's the joke this one is just pummeling you with unexpected things and it keeps on changing the speed and just when you think you've got a hold of the time signature it interrupts itself and then you know trips over itself um something that's just occurred to me that um a lot of these maybe they're at a disadvantage and that we're listening to these being told this is going to make you laugh this is supposed to be funny and our expectations are high and this would be so different if it was in the context for example someone said this is the song i really would like played at my funeral or i've just written a new national anthem and you know that would make it even funnier so these are under a lot of pressure and it's a lot harder for them to make us laugh in this context but so far they're doing it and these are great this next one is good grief by j forman good grief by j forman okay so here's my one um now usually when i write songs i'm a musical comedian and i normally try to write funny lyrics this is the first time i've tried to write a piece of music where the music itself is what's funny and this was a really interesting challenge for me and i was quite scientific about it and i thought so what are the tools available to me to create all of the things that you need to make people laugh like you can you have to have uh some sort of familiarity and some sort of unexpectedness and i tried to think well what can i with the very limited tools i have because i'm not very good at producing music i only really have an acoustic guitar and very minimal editing skills and i thought what what can i do to try and make the piece funny and this was the best i could do so uh enjoy good grief [Applause] [Music] these are like rhythmic grunts this makes me think of like a dad putting on pants [Music] [Music] stalling [Music] huh okay here we go i love the yuck [Music] it feels like half the band got the memo about the key change [Music] and now the rhythm's just everywhere [Music] [Applause] keep it together man oh my god that's a great ending very nice very nice i could feel the emotion there i like it i like it it felt like something like stalling trying to find trying to remember what the words were or something okay next is yuck anthem by justice cow justice cow yuck anthem no i'm just this cow and my song is called yuck anthem [Applause] pretty normal and nice so far [Music] like we we're really bored we're really bored with this music not anymore yes [Applause] [Music] ah the fart [Music] the classic cars [Music] gross yuck anthem perfect thank you justice cow are we is this the last one already okay okay the last one is called the hoot david bennett the hoot the hoot by david bennett i actually found this challenge to be surprisingly difficult i think the thing is that when you're usually composing a piece of music you obviously want it to sound good you want it to sound musical but you can use your own perception of music your your own ears to work that out but with this you want to write a piece of music that doesn't necessarily sound good but it sounds funny and working out what other people will find funny is i at least found was very difficult so i tried a few different avenues and eventually i thought well i think a sound effect like a funny sound effect that i can then build a mix around builds like a groove and i thought well what's a funny sound well maybe like an animal sound and what's the funniest animal well i think [Music] [Music] monkeys well this one's the scariest so far oh here we go [Music] yes [Music] oh my god [Music] oh it's a bass solo baselines for days it's kind of a banger david [Music] not yet [Music] that was really cool oh my god i love the endian i love the ending it's always funny when something goes on just a little bit too long or not quite long enough and because music is all about timing and you know where you expect things to land if you just adjust that slightly it can sort of you know catch you off guard and make you laugh and this one this does a lot of that this could be used as some kind of an animation to like a cartoon where you're in the forest and all of the animals come out kind of like snow white but then they just really really start to get down i think this was a pretty hard challenge to make just a composition without lyrics make somebody laugh out loud um i think what we ended up here [Music] with in general is some really cool strategies to make that happen these are all so good i love it what a great idea for an album so i hope you enjoyed that slightly different video remember that all of the tracks that we wrote are available on streaming services and to download on bandcamp and all of the proceeds go to doctors without borders so thank you again to everyone involved in making this video and as always a massive thanks goes to my patrons including the names on screen right now and andrei sanestiarja andy deacon andrew andrew brown andrew sussman austin barrett austin russell bob mckinstry britney parker cameron alvila colin aiken chris cabell christopher ryan david rivers donald howard dr darren wicks elena scorchenko and eugene leroy fd hodor greg kobotsky giulia datona hamish brookelbank heineck kutcher hugo miller james ko j.kingsparker john dye joss sanderlin justin digger lee lauritzen mark ziegenhagen max o'keefe melody composer squared melanie schonet michael vivian nancy gillard nathan lawrence daniel park paul muller pete dunphy richard pride roger clay sean kennedy steve daly stephen mazzaro tim beaker toma aharoni trisha adams tim payne victor nevi vidder flowers vladimir [Music]
Channel: David Bennett Piano
Views: 134,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jay foreman, aimee nolte, 8-bit music theory, trust fund ozu, justice cow, song challenge, composer, laugh, funny music, challenge, music theory, laughter is the best medicine, alan stewart
Id: 0_emVIZ0nvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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