How Bad is Music Gear From

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man what's the opposite of the holy grail the cursed toilet because this might be it this might be the worst musical instrument ever made today i'm going on a musical instrument spending spree but i'm doing it on and if you don't know is kind of like the dollar store version of amazon you're not going to find a whole lot of quality there but you're also not going to spend a whole lot of money so i'm just going to buy a whole bunch of super cheap gear and see what kind of music i can make with it maybe i'll find some great deals or maybe i'll just end up with a heaping pile of musical trash either way let's go shopping now being the samurai guitarist i feel like the first thing i need to buy is a guitar this one looks as good as any it's 191 dollars for an unfinished diy put it together yourself kits this is what i'm talking about let's do it and you gotta love this when i put it in my cart it showed me a bunch of other things on the website that it thought i might be interested in and uh one of these things is not like the other now i'm thinking i like to make a song using only the stuff i buy so i got to make sure i'm fulfilling all those musical roles of course we're going to need drums and with a name like fashion professional roll up drum pad kit silicon foldable with stick portable drum electronic drum usb drum new you can't go wrong can you 39 dollars i'm sold i'm going to need to run my guitar into something the amoon poc rock multi effects pedal seems like it'll do the trick though it's an interesting choice putting an acoustic guitar on an ad for an electric guitar pedal but hey 37 is a tenth of the price of many pedals that i've bought so uh let's buy it glow-in-the-dark bass strings smooth anti-rust and it says right here they won't cut your hands they provide you with the perfect musical experience i've always wanted to experience the perfect musical experience so 10 yep that's going to do oh man i need this uh you ever want to look like a guitar player many of us have you ever want to look like a guitar not as many of us have but i feel like that's a pretty cool fashion choice ten dollars can't go wrong definitely buy this one i don't think i've ever owned a kazoo i don't even know if i ever played a kazoo so for 10.46 i'm going to change that okay expected to find some cheap stuff here i did not expect to find a contact mic for six dollars it's got to be just terrible but that's kind of what we're doing here so uh let's definitely buy it all right here is an electronic keyboard piano that says it comes with a microphone it's got a bunch of buttons so i guess it does a bunch of things it's 25 and has a whopping 1.5 star average review so even for that cheap price people still think it sucks all signs point to this not being a great place to spend my money buy it now hey melodica these are kind of like bagpipes meets piano it's 27 dollars these are kind of cool so it's going in the cart and last i'm going to splurge a little bit here the steel tongue drum is 49 making the second most expensive thing next to the guitar i've heard these things played before they're super cool let's add it to the card and check out and looks like my grand total is about 400 i feel like if i went to the music store this would easily cost two thousand dollars plus it says it's gonna arrive in a couple weeks so now we just play the waiting game now before my stuff shows up i'll quickly let you know that the back to school sale is now on over my course platform samurai over there i've got five courses that offer a deep dive into the system i use for making music if you want to understand the building blocks of music theory and how it works for guitar my courses the rudiments and beyond the basics are made with you in mind i've also got two courses that dive specifically into soloing the craft of soloing looks at phrasing and musical storytelling well my newest course the style of soloing is a look at the fancy stuff you can add to your solos to bring them to life everything over there is professionally animated to make the tough stuff easy to understand and they're interactive elements to help you learn for a limited time you can get any individual course half off with promo code back to school 22 or use that same promo code on any of the bundles get two courses for the normal price of one find more information at i'll also put up links in the description anyways let's get back to it all right some time has passed as you can see my goods have all shown up let's go through this haul first off we've got the diy guitar and when it showed up in my house it was in pieces and if you've ever wondered what all the individual parts of a 191 dollar chinese guitar kit look like here you go i got samurai dad to put it together because that's more his thing than mine everything seems in order i think let's just put it through the app see what it sounds like [Music] it's fine it works everything about it feels cheap doesn't sound great and the small spacing of it messes with my muscle memory [Music] if it was 100 i'd say that this is a good deal 200 bucks not so much i've now plugged into the 37 dollar poc rock multi-effects pedal it's all pretty self-explanatory powered up so we're off to a decent start here here's the clean sound and then we can add some stuff like reverb and how about some chorus [Applause] trim yeah that's not bad let's check out some of these distortion sounds this one i believe is labeled overdrive let's try the fuzz [Music] here's metal with some phaser on it [Music] this was only 37 and i feel like it definitely punches above its weight class i would go as far as saying that i would have spent 42.75 cents on this and still felt like i got my money's worth next up we got the 10 guitar shirt well i ordered a men's large and granted i may have gained a little bit of weight recently i don't think i've bulked up this much it's already started to rip the sizing is completely that is ten dollars down the drain i guess that's just the way she goes sometimes all right i've just about got my base strung up with these multicolored strings and the big question is going to be do they glow in the dark i'm going to go ahead and say that they 100 do not it seems like everything is glowing except the strings moving on we've got this drum pad thing it's got pedals here that you put on the floor high hat kick then you use your trusty old drumsticks hit the pads giving you the sounds of a drum kit like this [Music] so the problem i'm finding this is it doesn't sit flush on the surface so when you hit one of the pads with a stick it causes it to trigger a bunch of times however if i check my sticks into the audience and just use my hands it actually works pretty well [Music] 1.5 star 25 keyboard let's play a c on it and see what it sounds like well you can't play chords on it and it's also way louder than i expected and uh it doesn't seem to have any knobs on it to control the volume all it has is this one switch which does not turn it on or off it does not appear to do anything [Applause] whoa how did that happen when the picture had a bunch of knobs and stuff on it everything on this is just painted on and it just says here for some reason thanks baby you're welcome i'm also wondering if this is even in tune nope way flat so that's completely useless in any musical setting for my song i'm just gonna have to use this as like a sound effect or something and it feels just so incredibly cheap man what's the opposite of the holy grail the cursed toilet because this might be it this might be the worst musical instrument ever made and wasn't that supposed to come with a microphone too alright let's move on to the six dollar contact mic here i'm gonna read the package for you it says it is suitable for all the musical instruments for traditional instrumenter it can be used as good quality sound output it is better than normal reordering studio and it is the best choice for diy cd of players i got a feeling that english might not be the native tongue here feels quite cheap though the sticky thing does feel quite adhesive-y so because of that i'm going to put on the pickguard of my cheapest acoustic guitar [Music] that is actually substantially better than i expected unfortunately if you bump it it picks up the sound and it's in a very bumpable place i don't think i'd want to put it anywhere else on the guitar as it would probably peel off the finish but uh all things considered not bad for six bucks ten dollar wood kazoo [Music] tastes a bit funny smells a bit funny but it does what i expected to do so that's acceptable what else we got here oh the melodica [Music] you know it actually feels relatively well built and it sounds decent however does this chord sound in tune to you and last we have the steel tongue drum let's give it a whirl and hey that's great i love this it sounds amazing and it's laid out in a way so that you start gravitating towards some fun stuff yeah big fan of this one well done for better or worse there you have that is my 400 musical hall now what i'm going to do is take this stuff and use only the stuff to create a song whatever you hear next is whatever i come up with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] here my thoughts on this experiment you get what you pay for the tongue drum is the only thing that i could ever see myself using again i guess it was kind of fun to try to use this stuff in a musical setting but it also was quite challenging there were times where i wanted to use a certain sound but instead i was stuck with the world's worst piano you get what you pay for ladies and gentlemen there you have it making music with some super cheap musical gear remember that the back to school sale is now on over my course platform samurai theory dot com you use promo code back to school 22 to get any individual course half off or use it on one of the bundles get two courses the normal price of one links is always in the description thank you all for watching an extra big thank you to everyone who supports my channel through patreon if you want to check out another video like this one hit that link up there if you're new here hit that subscribe button ring that bell and stay tuned for a wide range of musical content until next time look after yourselves look after each other look after the planet i'm samurai guitarist and i'll see you again soon
Channel: samuraiguitarist
Views: 400,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HbL4-jEEX88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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