6 Mistakes to AVOID when Buying Raw Land {for a HOMESTEAD}

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so one of the biggest questions that I get asked on all of our shed to house videos and in our shed to house Facebook group is I like your house but how do you actually buy the land to put your house on it well buying the land that's an easy thing but whenever you're spending this much money to purchase real estate you need to make sure that you do not make certain mistakes and that's what we're talking about today we're going over the top six mistakes to avoid when purchasing raw land for your homestead let's do it hey my name is Bo Brotherton with better together life and yes the shed to house Facebook group my family in 2015 we bought land we bought seven and a half acres in Central Texas and we moved our four kids and our family out of the suburbia of Houston Texas on to our seven half acres we went from an eighth of an acre lot onto seven and a half acres and we converted a shed into our full-time home but the main reason why we did the shed to house was so that we could be out here on property in God's creation to homestead to grow our own food to have sustainability to have self-sufficiency to provide for our family in times honestly like right now and when buying property you want to make sure that you are not making these top six mistakes so that's what we're going to be going over today I'm gonna be going over a little lesser-known things to where I would say these are mistakes that you want to make sure it's now of course we're not gonna be talking about like water and access or buying property that's gonna have a flood or a fire risk you need to make sure that you have those things those are the easy ones but these are the lesser-known mistakes to avoid here is number one all right so the first mistake that you want to avoid when buying raw land for your homestead is buying land that is too close or too far away from your amenities so you don't want to buy property that is too close to everything we a lot of this is going on right now and our world in our especially our country is in deep deep trouble right now whenever you're trying to build freedom and liberty you don't want to be too close to a city but also you don't want to be too far away from amenities so you don't want to be too far away from things like a grocery store or a restaurant or some people might need an airport or you know if you're like us with kids you want to be able to have activities for your kids so you want to make sure that you're not too far but you're also not too close so if something really were to hit the fan you're not right there in the mix this is where you're gonna try to get out of suburbia and what we like to teach is that you really that that perfect spot is that fringe that fringe area where you're not in the boonies you're not all the way out there in the sticks and you're not too close so it's really that fringe area to where you know you probably have anywhere between 20 to 45 minutes away it's where you can get to like a Home Depot where you can get to something a little bit more accessible you know to where you have maybe like a Walmart or some kind of grocery store 15 minutes away all right number two the second mistake to avoid is I messed this up like I died we did this we did this same thing we made this mistake don't buy one of the first properties that you look at it's real estate wide it's something that you don't make the first purchase you don't go into your first house and be like yep this is it I'm emotionally connected to this I'm emotionally invested I want to buy this that's never a good thing when we were looking at properties in this area I searched a lot online but we went and we found a good realtor and he showed us one property which really right away it was not it it was we were not really like we didn't feel it it was way too overgrown and also didn't have the mindset to understand the possibilities that I understand now but our realtor said hey I know that this one didn't work out let me show you one more that might be a good fit we didn't have access there wasn't a road or anything to it so it was you know we would have to you'd have to have a four-wheel you know truck to go to get up on to the property but he got us up there with his truck and he drove us and you know in this area right now where we our home site we weren't all that impressed it was kind of okay it was not too bad it's like hey let's let's hop in the truck and let's let's go look at the back and man was whenever he showed us the back of our property that's whenever we fell in love that's whenever we saw that pasture whenever we saw all these little thickets all of this this great great openness but then also hidden and we saw all the beautiful hay field that is surrounding us it really got us excited it got us really pumped that this could be a good property it was right there in the middle of that five to ten acre range which those properties do not last long and I got emotionally invested into the property I did not want to lose it and I pulled the trigger and we bought it really fast I would say don't do that luckily we got we got lucky I mean it's just straight up like that we made a good purchase and our property has increased in value since like the very first year that we owned it so that was a good thing so we lucked out it was a really good property and anytime that I speak to someone who's talking about finding property I'd say do not make the mistake of buying the first property that you see or even the second property you need a look I would say look at ten plus pieces of property before you put your name down on a dotted line before you put that earnest money down you don't know what you don't know until you really get your feet on the dirt and look around alright alright okay number three this is so cool the third mistake that I want you to avoid when buying Rawling for your homestead oh I love it I didn't know that this is what I wanted until I actually saw this property and I was able to really start working on it this mistake that you have to avoid is I'm property without trees I have actually become I have I become like this I hate to say that I'm a hippie tree hugger I don't think that I just know the benefit of trees I know the value of trees I know what my family gets out of trees I get shade I live in Texas y'all it's 90 degrees and I'm here underneath this tree I'm gonna film all of this video in the shade of my property because I have trees if you don't have trees it's gonna take you decades to grow what I have and so much money it's just not gonna happen it's gonna take you so much work and especially in the south you need that you need the shade in order to grow your productive trees you can selectively take out trees you can always take trees out whether I'm going very very slow about how I'm taking my trees out because we cleared with the dozer and that was just a little bit too fast for me so I'm really taking my time of really observing my property and saying like yep this tree is something that I can use this as a post for a fence or something like that all of the Oaks that I have I'm not cutting down any of these Oaks they drop nutrition onto the ground that I really can't eat the acorns and I turn those acorns into bacon y'all there's so much value in trees and so if you just bought property and it's an open field yes you're gonna have a little bit more pasture than I do but you don't have as much options that I do with having my trees right now I just note that you want some higher percentage of tree cover especially in the south input in the north you're gonna want wind cover you need trees I'm blabbering here but trees are so important get you some trees I'm passionate about trees okay maybe I am a hippie tree hugger I just I like trees it's so it's like 10 degrees cooler Katrice I just found out that I got to get this garden fence up because my chickens are escaping out of the electric poultry netting they're coming over here and they're eating my baby tomatoes hey I get this fence built number four here we go all right number four this is a mistake that I'm grateful to say that we did not make is buying property that is a bad investment okay so yes I hinted on this for mistake number two of don't buying the first property that you've seen we were able to not make this mistake we lucked out so that was a good thing now I whenever I say I lucked out I'd say that I knew that it was a good investment because I did the research on the property I really dove deep on just this property I did a lot of research online that I was looking for what something that I was wanted and I just saw potential and we realized it after the first year that we owned the property the value of it started going up our taxes started going up too but whenever we were researching this and talking to our agent what we realized was hey this property was undervalued we had other people down the road our County Road that they started building conventional homes that's that's what you want whether you want to be out in the sticks or not the good investment is that they were building conventional homes and that rose the property values which meant that we had an exit strategy that's the mistake to avoid is not having an exit strategy I can't go into all of the real estate things in this video you need to find a good real estate agent in your area that you trust and find a piece of property that does that that is a good investment alright number five avoid buying property that has a North facing slope you really want to be able to figure out the slope in the Sun orientation and make sure that you do not have a mistake buying property that is not oriented well so if you have a slope that is facing north while the Sun and the winter is going to be over here so that means that you are not going to get any Sun over here another mistake that you would want to avoid is in the you know in Texas is that where you're only facing west that would be like if you just have a big big slope and you're just getting beaten down by all of that hot hot Sun in the summer that's not good so really if you're gonna have a slope the best kind of slope to be able to have is facing south or east those slopes are gonna be best for you because then you'll get the nice gentle Sun in the morning and then also you'll get that good Sun in the winter to where it helps you stay warm alright y'all sorry about the big best I'm gonna be cleaning this up with Kelly and the kids being gone and I got lumber here for my John Cisco vich chicken tractor that I'm building this weekend lots to do cleaning this up cannot wait for our United portable building office coming where we can declutter a lot of stuff where we can declutter all this up and put it in there but I'm currently talking about the shed the house because the last one number six on this list of mistakes that you have to avoid when buying raleigh and for your homestead is the government alright so I hope I don't get myself in trouble here that means that you need to buy property that doesn't have any kind of government regulations and that's something that we were able to do with this property is that we are unrestricted and we are unincorporated so that means that we are inside the county but the city is over here so we're not actually innocent we're outside of the city limits which means that it lessens the amount of regulations that we have to deal with on this property if you buy a piece of property that has government regulations this is PA Yeomans scale of permanence is like very very unlikely that you are going to get the government to lessen restrictions so the federal laws are like this much and then you have your state laws which are this much and then you have your County laws which are this much and then you have your city laws which are this much and then if you want to have an HOA you're out here which is insane I don't understand who in the world what kind of insane person would once you know this information that you actually choose to live in an HOA I've done it and I didn't know how bad it was until I got out here onto my property now I will never live in an HOA again so we have had people in our shed to house Facebook group that they didn't do the research and know all of the laws and they tried to convert a shed into a house and they weren't allowed to they were told that they would have to get rid of it that all of these just horror stories you have to do your research you have to know all of the government regulations it's part of getting a good real estate agent this is the big I'd say this is it I'll save the most my most annoying one the biggest mistake to avoid for last if it is important to you to have freedom to have Liberty you need to make sure that you have zero restrictions on that property please please please make sure that you do not make that last mistake get unrestricted land all right y'all hope that you learned a couple of mistakes to avoid that maybe you hadn't thought of let me know down in the comments below of what did I miss not access not water not in any of those obvious ones I'm talking about a mistake that everybody hasn't thought of and maybe I'll do another video hey please smash the like button YouTube algorithm I forgot to do it in this video I promise I'll remember the next one gotta go feed these chickens and the pigs and everybody else see you on the next one bye
Channel: Better Together Life
Views: 493,002
Rating: 4.9019532 out of 5
Keywords: better together life, texas homestead build, survival, home depot, converting a shed to tiny house, shed life, shed house, garden shed, garden sheds, storage sheds, shed homes, cheap sheds, sheds, sheds for sale, living in a shed, converting a shed into a bedroom, shed living ideas, converting a shed into a studio, sheds to live in, kids play house, cabin, bug out location cabin, homestead buildings, buying raw land, how to by land for a homestead, homestead land in texas
Id: B_soKGfa_mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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