Top 12 States for Homesteading

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[Music] [Music] what's going on y'all out there your dude what's going on so y'all today's video we're gonna be talking about the 12 best places to homestead in the US so to me homesteading is defined by life of self-sufficiency why everyone's kind of drawn to it so many people want to be self-sufficient in the world so much technology craziness the whole rat race people are looking to get out so with that being said I have a list of very important factors I think make each state why or why each state is better or not as good when it comes to homesteading which one I guess you could say is the top dog the number one so that list includes it's not in any particular order but first of all how much is the cost of land what are the laws of that state what's the water situation like what's the safety of the land like did they get drought so they get natural disasters what's the growing situation like how's the homeschooling what's the climate and weather is it a good place for you and your family's health and last but not least what's it look like what's the features as the beautiful landscapes what's the place all about so that's my list of different factors for each state so with that let's start with number 12 on the list Alaska our number 12 on the best places to homestead now I chose this as number 12 not because there's anything wrong with Alaska but of all the states I believe it's definitely the harshest as the winners can be extremely long and extremely cold there's definitely a lot of open spaces so if you're someone who wants a lot of solitude and peace and open land there definitely is that I mean there's some places where you can only get in by a small bush plane one plus with Alaska it does offer a lot of Springs and there is a lot of available water I believe in most of the state you can definitely do well but again there's so many even towns that rely off of a one major spring for the whole community so this is definitely a plus being able to grow can definitely be a very large Challenge again these winters can be so long in so harsh there is a lot of great opportunities for hunting as there's a plenty of moose elk a lot of different bears a lot of big game up there and there's a lot of different parts to Alaska as well but overall I put this at the bottom of number 12 just because the conditions they're so harsh there's not a lot of people there just making it a very solitude a harsh environment to try to homestead in now on to number 11 Wyoming this is definitely a really good state guys it's not really populated at all I think it's actually one of the least populated states in America might actually be that number one so there is a lot of open space if you want some solitude and you know a nice big spread homestead it definitely has that the prices aren't too bad and one of the negatives with Wyoming it can just have such harsh winters so the growing season can is definitely really cut short probably gonna need a greenhouse the laws are pretty decent it's definitely a second Amendment state homesteading our home schooling definitely isn't bad there again I just I feel it's not one of those states that homesteading has really caught on to there's a lot of ranches there you know horse farms and such but it definitely is one of those states I could see growing definitely being a good place for homesteading so that's our number 11 number 10 is Arizona now this actually they say is one of the cheapest places to buy land and all the 50 states I've checked it out and there definitely has some cheap pieces of land but again now you're gonna have the different challenges of the heat you know it gets very hot their water is gonna be very scarce there but one huge plus would be if you're doing an off-grid homestead I mean the solar is just it's going to be incredible it's probably sunny there almost every single day the state laws are very good it's a very gun friendly state I think they're definitely pretty friendly when it comes to self sustainable homes and homesteading it's just the biggest thing is going to be trying to get that water definitely there you'd have to have some kind of rain catchment system when they do get the rain or northern Arizona I know I think maybe he would have a little bit more water up by the mountains where it gets snow you do have some good hunting there's antelope there you have elk up in the mountains maybe some different types of sheep you definitely would be having some good routes Nick down there but it's just a gorgeous place it was a place that we actually thought about always homesteading and I know there's a lot of people that do home sitting there number nine Montana Montana is a gorgeous place I mean it has some that you know the lot of famous parks in it it is just sprawling mountains creeks and streams and lakes it is just gorgeous there it can be a little bit pricier than most places and sometimes they can get some harsh winters but again with the water situation here I don't think you're gonna have a problem you can definitely drill a well there should be some Springs the laws are pretty good there homesteading laws are good as well you have great opportunities for hunting and farming but you're probably going to want to definitely have a greenhouse here again I would say the biggest problem with this state why it's my number nine is that it is just very expensive for being a homesteading state number eight is Connecticut now Connecticut has that great small farm town feel there's so many homesteaders out there the water there's plenty of it it's really clean and the climate is really mild you know you don't have crazy winters it doesn't get too hot but the thing is Connecticut can be very expensive and the start-up costs for a homestead can be really really high the soil there is pretty good I have heard there it can be rocky terrain but overall I believe the soil will be very good there so that's going to be mine number eight now my number seven where I grew up in good old Pennsylvania and this is my number seven this place has some great great country obviously the Amish communities out there there's some I mean from the east or the west side of it there are great areas to home set weather if you're in the thick woods or the nice rolling plains it's got really good stuff going on the laws are a little bit different there I think homeschooling is a little bit more challenging and their laws are not as conservative and friendly towards homesteading it can be a little bit pricier but again you do have some good growing seasons winter isn't too bad and there's great hunting opportunities it's one of the best States for deer hunting so that's a huge plus good water up there they get a lot of rain like I said growing up there there was so much farmland so many great areas for homesteading and you guess it I got it as Michigan now I chose this as number six because one of the biggest pluses here is Lake Michigan it's just incredible for fishing for trout and salmon you got some great backwoods hunting there for deer overall the weather is not too bad there the winters can feel long but they're not too bad the soils really good making a great place to grow not too many bad natural disasters there now it is some places that are good for homesteading in Michigan are going to be a little bit more costly than some of the other places on this list but again I think overall it's a great middle spot I chose it it's a really good number six I think because overall you have so many good outside resources like you know the fishing the hunting but also really good land and good a really good ability to grow plants good soil there so really good for a homestead number five misery now this is definitely in my opinion one of the best homesteading friendly States there's so many people at homestead a lot of youtubers I know are from Missouri that just even the state the laws alone really help homesteaders they get a lot of rain there and I know you can do rain catchment there you got good Wells there you got creeks great hunting there the soil is really good the only thing is the summers I know can get extremely hot and humid I'm not a person who likes a humidity I grew up with it in Pennsylvania and man it was tough the winters can get a little harsh there as well not all the time but they definitely can but overall guys I mean Missouri is kind of a given that's a great place to homestead it not too expensive great laws they're really good for home schooling and a great place to grow number four I had down as Oregon now Oregon definitely some of their laws have changed over the years and it can be pricey but the place is just gorgeous it has so many great hunting opportunities and great foraging opportunities as well for berries and mushrooms it gets a lot of rain there you've got some gorgeous creeks some lakes no problem with the well there you could definitely grow a great garden there I don't believe they get as terrible winters especially they get more of that coastal weather but one of the biggest draws there is that they have some of the largest farmers markets there which is great you know to be able to meet other homesteaders and farmers grow your community and if you know your homesteading you're going to be trying to sell your own produce your eggs it's again some of the best farmers markets across the u.s. is in Oregon guys my number three is gonna be West Virginia again guys this is kind of a climate like Missouri the winners aren't too bad you got good spring and summer they get about 50 inches of rain a year there so you're not gonna have any problem with water I mean the soil is great you do have some good hunting it's a great community of homesteaders and the price is not bad taxes are low there especially property taxes the price of land is really good but I do know that the laws have been changing over the years so it's one of those places you want to get in now you want to start homesteading and making your way the creeks the woods it's just it's such a gorgeous place man it reminds me somewhat of Pennsylvania just more rolling hills it's just so gorgeous well my number two is gonna be guys I chose Tennessee as my number two now Tennessee to me just that just is screaming homesteading that it is so gorgeous there it's a cost of land or even a homestead with the house is so inexpensive you got some great farmers markets they're in a Nashville there's so many other homesteaders there the cost of your property taxes are good the homeschooling is really good it's definitely second amendment stayed you know very good laws there they do get a decent amount of rain and the weather is pretty good you know you can have some floods there is some tornadoes that'll come through but overall I mean Tennessee was really hard that was almost gonna be my number one but I had to make it number two but guys check out Tennessee that place is just so gorgeous and primed for homesteading so it's time for numero uno can y'all guess what it is well can't believe I'm saying it because I don't want the secret to get out I don't want a lot of yuppies and jerks coming here but I'm gonna go out on a limb I truly believe this my number one is Idaho here's my reasons yes Idaho can have really really harsh winters some of the worst there can be in the country you know you can get dunked some years with four to six feet of snow but the landscape is absolutely gorgeous so much great opportunities for hunting and fishing I think Idaho actually has the most miles of a river in like the whole country throughout the whole state it's got the Salmon River the Snake River the middle of Idaho is a great place if you're looking for solitude there's really nothing out there you know it's just when it comes to the laws it's one of the best States I think it is actually a sanctuary state for second amendment for you know good old gun owners like myself it's just a great place for that the soil is excellent you can grow really amazing crops in the spring and summer and in certain areas you can even have you know really good fruit trees heck up where we are we have some grapes growing that's our little secret there but the homeschooling laws actually think it's rated at one point is rated the best state for homeschooling they're very relaxed and let you you know raise your child the way you want to do it overall guys I just I can't say enough about this state it is an incredible place to live you know again I don't really I don't like to tout it too much because honestly truthfully I don't want a bunch of yuppies and liberal jerks and just people coming up here thinking they're gonna change it and make it some crappy place because you know what dammit this is a great place to live it's a conservative state and it needs to stay that way you know yuppie Californians who don't like guns who are vegan and just want to change everything I see them try to come up here and so you know a few of them once in a while try to change things and it's just not gonna happen again don't be coming up here trying to change this beautiful place anyway I know I'm ranting a little bit about that but anyway to backtrack so I just overall this place Idaho is amazing for homesteading the loss for even building your own home are very relaxed you know you have to follow plumbing and electrical code but you can build a house kind of any way you want it wells are great up here you definitely have some great Springs there's great opportunities for all kind of recreational activities I just I am so proud and honored to call this place my home and wonderful place to live to be a homesteader and raise your family
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Views: 243,978
Rating: 4.5737491 out of 5
Keywords: Top states for homesteading, Homesteader beginners, homesteading states, homesteading laws, how to homestead, homestead in 2020, millennials homestead, homestead, off grid homestead, homestead off grid, top 12 states to homestead, homestead idaho, homestead alaska, self sufficient, off grid, modern homesteading
Id: 0c1hdSi-P5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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