6 Chess Tricks You Must Know To Win The Game

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how do you stop this Spawn from queening this Pawn can't be stopped so the only way to try and win for white is if there is a Checkmate pattern start moving this Knight and if the king captures The Rook is now free to go to G1 and grab this spawn and win easily but wait of course your friend will smell this truck for miles away he Queens instead now check this forking has only one square and now we all do the same thing we keep looking for more checks that lead to Checkmate instead use your full Army and bring the king threatening to Checkmate like this on the next move so black is forced to find some space to breathe and now are you looking for checks again don't just reduce the space around this King threatening the roof Checkmate but black can take so the Knight is not defended anymore defend it again and when the queen takes this spawn Rook check the king takes the Knight and now how do you Checkmate on the next move do you think this Knight is able to stop this Spawn from queening no point starting with the endless calculations please what do you think is the winning move here for white foreign to find the answer you'll have to use two chest tricks one the deflecting Knight sacrifice you sacrifice the Knight so this one is now too far away to stop the pawn when he takes principle number two is to always put your king one square diagonally from his Knight so the h-pawn is Unstoppable let me show you Knight C2 we push Knight E3 should you push again or play a king move instead King G5 is the winning move same principle again Knight T4 push and the GM resigned because he saw that after Knight E5 H7 Knight goes there but the king attacks it the Knight ends up in the corner and now how do you win the night and the game no I don't want you to calculate it I have a simple rule for you call the square just count how many squares are left or a queen promotion and not the same number of squares to the right remember this if the king of your friend is not in this imaginary Square push your Pawn because he can't stop it simply because his king is not in the Square but wait there is an exception if his King is behind the pawn you obviously don't need this rule because the king is not fast enough to catch us if the king is in the Square like here you could still be winning sometimes all you have to do is block his King with yours so he can never get close to our opponent we win why to play can you draw with black do you know which Pawn is the hardest to promote the Rook spawn do you know why because with this bone there is always this stalemate nightmare possibilities like here and I want you to know that having more Rook bones won't help you if your king stands in front you can have as many as you want there is no way to promote the first one and you save white from losing let me show you what doesn't work the first thing that came to your mind is to push this bone he takes and you start racing but here the king is on the same file as this bone so black promotes to a queen with check and wins if we can't push the spawn what are we supposed to do here let me give you a trick to find the answer more easily next time one is black going to promote with check not allowing me to promote myself and question number two do I have a way to create an x-ray when he promotes to win the queen answering these two questions leads to the beautiful answer King C7 the king gets out of the way so when the pawn reaches the square there is no check black pushes we push he takes we push H3 we push H2 we push he gets a queen but we have a nice little x-ray for him check King moves thanks for the queen game over but wait if black played the correct move pushing this Pawn instead it would end in a draw after both players Queen can you believe a famous Grandmaster with a queen blundered in this position with white he mischarged upon endgame and decided to sacrifice the queen against The Rook black takes the queen happily and now the GM takes the bee pawn and after King here King here black managed to secure the jewel with a nice smoking here white decides to push the pawn because playing King here instead is tell me you gotta be super careful with black cause if you take the B Pawn white wins after King takes B5 black goes here I go here you go here I take again opposition you go here I go here and the red carpet for the pawn because the King Controls the squares of promotion so the pawn is Unstoppable but wait I said the GM blundered when he sacrificed his Queen because after white wishes their Pawn I'm not taking it I play the killer move in here and if Roy takes the pawn you see the difference I now take the B Pawn and black has the opposition and draws this game
Channel: Chessscape
Views: 303,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess puzzle
Id: zlaXFyxmMIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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