6 cars found dumped near Oak Grove boat ramp

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laminate River after half a dozen stolen or abandoned cars were found dumped near the Oak Grove boat ramp in Milwaukee core Harlan spoke to clash with County authorities and has more now I can't believe they found six cars down there boy it's pretty puzzling it seems like a fairly small River in some places at the request of an insurance company is where this all began here they asked lack of miss County dive teams to go into the water and look for just one car that the insurance company was looking for well as you mentioned they found five other cars in the process some of which had been in the river for quite a long time from the cellphone of a nearby neighbor a 1996 Chevy Lumina emerges from the Willamette River bottom where it had been sitting on its top dive teams floated it back on its wheels before towing it out of the shallow water at the end of the Oak Grove boat ramp we were able to identify you know make and models of cars and see things and it was quite a few fish down there amongst all the other debris that people dumped unfortunately down there in the murky water with visibility of just a few feet divers locate the Lumina and five other abandoned cars a second car a burned Saturn sits on the ramp waiting for a tow it's weighted down with half a cars worth of silt divers also discover a yellow 1980 t-top Corvette reported stolen December 29th of 2002 it definitely was an older car had a license plate on it wasn't stolen but we tried to pull it up and ended up ripping an entire wheel off of it that's the only connecting point we could find but our records check indicates the owner of this car is likely moved out of the country he left his Corvette where he didn't want anyone to find it or anyone to use it it's not our first rodeo that's for sure it's chaos all the time chaos people who live closest to the ramp say that car dumping is an ongoing problem here Jody Tilton and her sister Jen watched the dive team work the entire day and they say it's days like this that remind them that living close to the water does not always make life a picnic nerve-racking actually very nerve-wracking that her kids are playing down there and there's all those cars and trash everywhere all right so they went in the water they removed two of those vehicles from the Oak Grove boat ramp today there are still four others in there they made efforts to get them out but they simply could not today the cars by the way were hauled off by the towing company the owners were notified but in most cases these cars will all be turned to scrap live here in Milwaukee cor Harlem coin 6 News
Channel: KOIN 6
Views: 652,661
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Keywords: koin_top_stories
Id: vpzt5OR2Az4
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Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2013
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