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it's gonna be one Frank Michael and you want to see us get this car out of the river today you picked a good day to watch one of our videos stay tuned it's gonna be a good one sometimes we just show you everything glamorous about what as we do but in reality gear breaks down we got Walt down below he's trying to figure out what's going on we're stuck in gear or something right now how Walt put the throttle straight up or a little lever straight up okay and pull it out to your right you know guys I'm a problem solver what if we just go and reverse all day long today I can sit down here I can push the button now I have done it good news is boat is running good news is we made our location good news is we're gonna go find two two tires well we're gonna find at least one today you've got two bad news is you got my fins what that means I'm gonna go ahead and jump off here I'm [Music] good [Laughter] [Music] other divers are down here local PD normally doesn't want us to call them unless there's a body in the vehicle the first thing to see if there's a body and we whole body and the driver seat that's good oh yeah did you find it the Exide founded the expedition [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right that was not always on now we have to completely pay back just return to the rear of the vehicle going up right now my depth is 20 feet at 450 psi [Music] we got a lot of air coming up here don't think we need one more one more back so we've definitely lost 8/3 do you find that chain I dropped no okay so we definitely lost a chain say again we definitely lost a chain okay we're not going back in for it I'll never find it down there we're not getting this over flipped over are we this one's not gonna get flipped over where's that one connected I have no idea cuz the other bags down there Sam how many cars if you uh pulled out over your little career of yours - just a few everything's been votes that's it yeah man so you're up to two parts two cards thank ya congratulations on that one high-five be sure to check out Sam adventure man he's actually down here for a couple days diving with me from Seattle and with your new little a YouTube channel he's gonna start getting started he's going to start getting more serious about it he's only got 26 subscribers right now so give them all boost and you're gonna see me in Seattle soon also get in a boat or two and I heard we might even set them on fire right yeah so stay tuned for that we never retire seeing these guys from elite towing if this is your first time here these guys come out on their own dime volunteer their time their energy in their efforts to help us clean up the environment so good sir Doug thanks for being here you got for grabbing this mother no but we got all we need yeah keep your mask on Sam yeah what we're going to do is we're going to send you to the front with those hooks yes and then that way we can pivot this around and start getting it ready to click on it okay go to the chain breathe inner spirit oh here it is keep going a little bit more [Music] Piplup yeah that's not normal no no no down so the the vehicles sideways now or no in top they flipped over oh it's flipped oh yeah its flipped over oh so he should be over it so I'm wheels down yeah so just I keep pulling see what happened let's get our damn out of the kill zone first no it's tight look she can kind of see the Ford Expedition down there it's given us a little bit of a problem we have a lip at the base of this boat ramp and with that lip the front tire on the passenger side is turn sideways just enough to catch it about four inches she needs to back off the pressure alright hey Doug we need a slack yeah exactly that's it just like that that passes your wheels just hung up on that lip so that other loop the toe clip should be good hey guys that's good no we checked it for bodies no bodies today yeah this is a vehicle number 17 or 18 we pulled out now nice yeah yeah so who finds them I do so how do you you go out you find them you recover them and build the county or the state no this is all volunteer oh we are going [Music] we are saws a Ford Expedition so the keys in the ignition but there's no house keys so when there's when that happens it leads me to believe it's an insurance job because they've already taken the house keys off that's my theory behind this Doug I would have kept those tires back here let's ask the PD so what are you guys fine normally when there's only the key only no house keys insurance fraud I like your theory I'm gonna go it through the earring water's coming out well most of the back seat is now cleaned up so that was nice job Nate Lima of one event if we can get the Victor Lima I can you run it then for me it's probably going to be in a very bad car get stolen it is one prank Mike Frank Union IRA 8 Lincoln there's one Victor Lincoln Adam two one seven one six there should be a Ford Expedition yeah get a suspect there we go found the suspect when they say the suspect is the one that finds all right doing our part for the environment oh yeah toss them back in come on guys if there's a body this is your well you know this is on the Portland jurisdiction now oh here we go maybe [Music] which got their cheer I got another trata this is a third one look at all those eggs on them there we go she later cutted bye buddy okay Doug explained to the audience why we're taking the time to actually break into the car here that's already has broken windows for legal purposes if something is severely wrong with this vehicle if it was involved in a homicide things of that nature these gentlemen right here will call and take possession of it immediately yeah it's nothing but nothing in there all right empty glovebox die guys nothing sorry Sam I don't see anything on there it's not happening all right let's just say let's just say nobody wants to do paperwork on this one so we'll just call it good [Music] if you know it done so make sure to subscribe and turn on the little bill notification that way you can instant notice any time we do something like this everybody thanks for coming out little later bye-bye [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 878,510
Rating: 4.881793 out of 5
Keywords: found truck, found truck in river, found suv, found suv in river, suv, ford suv, ford expedition, 4x4, 4x4 in river, stolen, stolen suv, stolen truck, insurance fraud, police called, police involved, police, scuba diving, river treasure, river treasure hunting, tow, tow life, tow truck, recovery agent, tow lives matter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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