6 Bus Compressors that will make your song SOUND LIKE A RECORD #buscompressors #gluecompressors

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not many people know about these plugins but trust me the ones that know them they keep it a secret except for me hello everyone welcome back dom here and on this video i'm going to show you my six favorite bus compressors the compressors that when you add them to your master bus they make your song sound like a record right after this [Music] so like i said today i'm going to show you my favorite bus compressors and i have six but maybe i'll have a bonus one in the end now what is bus compression that's a big subject there's so much information out there but basically if you don't know bus compression is a compressor that you add at your stereo out on your master bus that will be applied on the entire mix and basically the purpose is to glue everything together and this is one of the things that you might want to do if you want to make your tracks sound coherent sound together and if you want all your elements to come together and be a unified coherent mix now one of the most popular bus compressors ever known to mankind is the ssl bus compressor but there's also the api 2500 there's the nev 33609 and there are more modern devices like the thermioni culture compressors these shadow heels compressors really really cool so today i'm going to show you my favorite ones and in the end i will have my favorite cubase one so stick around and if you haven't subscribed to the channel now is the time please subscribe it really helps me make more videos for you and hit that like button if you enjoyed this video okay let's start the first one you know that's not gonna be a surprise for you but it's the ssl bus compressor and this is the actual one from ssl so let's have a listen first without it and then i'm going to introduce it [Music] but i got it wrong fell in love [Music] and i [Music] so as you can hear it's the ultimate glue it glues everything together and even though the loudness has not increased if you check the meters i'm trying to kind of level match you get this feeling that the mix is sitting nicely all the instruments are part of a single package right nothing sticks out and this is not a mixed track by the way this is really really not mixed but you can hear what kind of quality you can expect from an ssl style compressor so listen to the low end [Music] a little bit disconnected [Music] and obviously there are many settings that you can use on the ssl compressor in my case my favorite settings are 30 milliseconds of attack relatively fast release it depends on the tempo of the track i want to see the needle dancing threshold until i compress around 2 dbs and ratio 4 to 1. and sometimes i go for the auto setting where it's compressing from most of the time and you get a different sound there this is great for rock music for this kind of music i like to keep the vibe so i like to see the needle move [Music] and sometimes i even like to add a high pass filter so that i let the low end come through [Music] but it enhances the drums i love this compressor let's move on to the next one which is by the way another ssl style compressor and this is from plug-in alliance it's the bx townhouse bus compressor and i like to have both of them because they give me a very different sound let's play it [Music] filter [Music] for this one for example i like having a shorter attack it gives me a nice snap check it out [Music] and i don't know if i have any see check the attacks so to me it gives me a different sound it's a little bit more punchy this one but sometimes it works better on different material sometimes the ssl works better i recommend them both let's go to the third one and the third one is a very different beast this is the shadow heels compressor and this is a beast like even just the power supply of the real unit is just massive i don't remember how many slots intakes on your rack but just it's a beast and i've used the actual thing for a long long time and this is a very different kind of compressor you have an optical compressor first and then you have a discrete circuit after this it allows you to kind of sweeten the sound first and then be a little bit more drastic let's listen [Music] optical [Music] and of course it has the nickel it has the iron it has the steel settings here so each one of these gives you a different flavor because it emulates the [Music] transformers [Music] actually i like using this a lot as a parallel compressor sometimes i go a little bit drastic with it with a threshold and then i mix it in check it out [Music] we gave ourselves but for most of the part i like to just touch the needle there [Music] to let somebody very very interesting sound completely different if you ask me to the ssl style compression and it's a great color to have this i like to use also for like ballads for acoustic stuff because it can be very gentle or it can completely slam your mix if you want to now let's move on to the next one then the next one compressor number four is the ar-1 from kush this is a vintage variable mew tube compressor completely different sound but it sounds lovely check it out [Music] fell in love [Music] listen to the kick drums [Music] and the one thing that i like about this compressor is that it has the tone control here which gives you a lot of tone shaping options let's listen [Music] high pass filter [Music] do you hear how much color it adds how many harmonics listen to the mid range the low mid range as well [Music] to let somebody [Music] to let somebody [Music] also listen to the snares the attack the body of the snare [Music] so again amazing really beautiful very different sound this is actually one of the compressors that i would use in conjunction with another compressor it's really really nice to have this color this is really really colorful i would say up to this point maybe it's the most colorful compressor but then you have to be careful when you want to use this color okay because it might not work for any material given now let's move on to the fifth compressor which is i mean you know this by now i love my needs and this is the portico 5043 compressor and this is great for vocals it's great for bass it's great for guitar it's great for pretty much everything it's pretty much what i'm recording on right now you're hearing this sound of this compressor on my voiceover on my portico 2 channel but i find that it works really well as a bus compressor it's really beautiful so let's listen to it [Music] fell in love to let somebody [Music] and again the mix acquires a brand new quality with it it's a very different sound again and for this one we also have feedback and feed forward okay so if i try the feet forward it's a little bit more aggressive [Music] more punchy check it out [Music] to let somebody [Music] and the one thing that really comes out with this compressor in my opinion is first of all i don't know if they've modeled any of the transformers that you get with these portico series but it sounds to me like the low mid and the low end becomes a little bit more assertive and i also find that the vocals come up front they become a little bit more prominent and a little bit more you know what you'd expect from a master track you know they sit very well even in the context of a mix that's pretty much not really a mix it's almost a mix right now but check it out check it out listen to the vocals [Music] see how they come forward let's go for the feedback again they also acquire this kind of sheen [Music] okay [Music] so this is really good 5043 it's my secret weapon for a lot of things not many people know about these plugins but trust me the ones that know them they keep it a secret except for me okay next one is again a neve emulation this is the t-rex precision compressor and limiter and this is obviously a neve 33609 clone it sounds very very close to the original because i've used the original a lot it gives you the same kind of vibe even when you turn it on without compressing anything so let me try this actually [Music] okay let's compress [Music] again so as you can hear a very very different character i mean the 33609 is my personal favorite bus compressor when it comes to pianos things that are really hard to compress acoustic pianos in my opinion is one of the hardest instruments to compress and the 33609 is my favorite compressor for pianos for orchestral music when it comes to like trailer music film music you know anything that needs something to make everything a little bit sweeter so that nothing sticks out in a bad way the 33609 has this creamy almost gooey kind of compression that you don't really hear it's not the most punchy compressor if you ask me but that's not what you use it for it excels in balance in acoustic material anything that you want to just touch the needle and make it sound really really beautiful so the t-rex is a very very good emulation for this and last but not least i have a bonus compressor which is a built-in compressor in cubase and this is the tube compressor and i love this on the master bus i wanted to show you at least one stock plug-in today and this is actually one of my favorite bus compressors when it comes to single band bus compressors of course so let's listen to the tube compressor [Music] and again you can hear the lovely character that comes out of the tube compressor the low mids become a little bit more full the entire track becomes a little bit inflated let's listen [Music] character [Music] and it has a very nice release response you know see the needle it really really works in a very musical way let's turn it off and see what sounds we can achieve [Music] don't know [Music] i particularly like the auto release on this compressor i think it first very very well compared to the third-party compressors that i showed you up to this point now i'm going to play with the drive a little bit because this is where the fun begins with this [Music] compressor [Music] again this track is not properly mixed so if i had mixed it i would probably be able to get away with more aggressive settings but let's listen [Music] high ratio the high ratio can really give you some interesting tones if you know how to use it carefully you can get some really really punchy mixes [Music] so these are my favorite bus compressors obviously i have a lot more and i think i'm forgetting some and maybe i'm gonna do a follow-up video if you guys are interested and if you like these sort of videos i know that many of you make good use of the stock cubase plugins but i know that sometimes you might need a different flavor the reason is color the reason is a little bit of a different behavior that every plugin and every processor can give me if you enjoyed this video hit the like button and let me know in the comments down below which compressor was your favorite because i'd really like to know i really love to geek out about these things let me know which one you prefer so until next time have fun and i'll see you next one guys bye bye
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 39,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dom sigalas, cubase, best bus compressors, best glue compressors, best mastering compressors, master bus compressor, mixing and mastering, master bus compression, compressors to make your song sound like a record, stereo out compressor, ssl compressor, neve compressor, neve 33609 compressor, kush AR-1, shadow hills mastering compressor, townhouse compressor, portico 5043 compressor, cubase tube compressor, cubase pro, cubase tutorial, mix and master like a pro
Id: 2mboPLKYMSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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