6 Books in 6 Days, Thrift Haul & Creating a Book Nook // cozy reading vlog☕

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[Music] [Music] so i put you inside my bookshelf yes hey guys welcome back to another reading vlog um i don't even know where to start first of all you're in my bookshelf because as you can see i moved things around basically all last week um because i just i moved things around in the whole apartment i just kind of decided to make some changes and i wanted to make like the coziest little book nook of my dreams it's by no means um completed yet i want to get a reading chair because i haven't i just i've never had a reading chair um and i think a really kind of old styley one maybe like velvet or with a cushion or something would fit so nicely like right here um i'll have to show you like the whole thing because i'm so excited that the bookshelves fit so nicely in this little corner where my couch is and it makes it so cozy to sit on the couch now and like stare wistfully at the books but yeah i also have so many reading updates because i finished a whole bunch of books i got a couple more started it is also now i think the third day officially of the da halloween-a-thon which is the read-a-thon hosted by the dark academics book club which i am a part so if you are taking part in that please let me know i thought we could do some spooky things this week and i'll tell you what i'm reading for the prompts um if you don't know all the details are in the description and there's lots more found on our instagram page and the bingo board that we're using is all there so i'll just leave that down below if you want to participate or come to our live show which will be on halloween on mary's channel at mary among stories which i'm really excited about because we're all dressing up um and we hope you do too so also on that note if you guys have any like ideas of maybe either bookish things or not bookish related things that i could dress up as or have the costume of for the live show i'm welcoming any ideas right now because i really have no clue what or who to be so please comment your ideas because i really don't know so in terms of reading updates oh my gosh i have so many i finished the doll factory which i think was about the last book i was talking about um i loved it i gave it four stars it was so creepy it like mastered that haunting creeping crawling sense of dread that just builds and builds throughout a book and you're so nervous to see what's gonna happen and you always feel this impending sense of doom throughout the whole time you're listening to it and it was so good i loved it i loved everything that was explored and i think there were so many connecting quadrants and little lines throughout the book through people and through art and strange victorian morbidity and it was just really really good and i gave it four stars so for phantom of the opera guys i'm actually almost done i'm on page 324 um it's just so good i've now entered kind of the last act the last big scene in the book it's just like so good i don't even know what else to say about it and i am just loving it i don't want it to end and um i have started collecting like editions of it now because i think i said in an instagram post or something that like seeing all of the different editions that you guys are reading for the book club it's just so crazy how many different covers and iterations and copies of it there are in the world and it introduced me to some like really beautiful um publications of my favorite story so i of course had to get a couple more i will show you them when they arrive and i'm just really really happy about that so that's phantom i'll probably be back a bit later to yell at you about some favorite quotes or scenes or something but um that is that i'm almost i'm almost almost done for the readathon i decided to start with a book for the prompt of reading something with supernatural themes so i've decided to go with sheets by brenna thumler um this is a graphic novel about a ghost and a girl who works at a laundromat she basically has to run it herself because her mother recently passed away and her dad is just very much grieving and not really able to function and to run the laundromat so marjorie takes it upon herself to kind of run her family business and no one warned me how sad this book is or at least right now i'm currently 102 pages in um no one i just didn't know how sad this book was or how sad it starts off i hope it picks up and gets a bit happier because um it's really bringing me down but i know hopefully it's just gonna turn into a very wholesome fun friendship book um but right now it's it's really not it's just sad times for everyone involved and me included so that is the book that i'm currently reading for the readathon as well as of course finishing up phantom so that's what we've got going i also started another book i don't know if i can count this for any of our prompts but i'm gonna find out because i'm loving it i started kiki's delivery service so good didn't really know it was a book found out it was a book got the book listening to the book loving the book it's so good it's so cute it's a shorter one and it's just so wholesome beautiful it's so great too because i'm like imagining it in the kind of colors and landscapes and um art style of the movie i guess even though i haven't seen the movie but it's just really good it's what i wanted it's so sweet and i'm loving it so that's the audiobook i'm currently listening to anyway i think that's everything i'm currently reading maybe i'll get back to you on that but i really want to show you like this little book corner all right so this is what it currently looks like i moved all my books it was a very um long process of taking them all down and then moving them all here and the bookshelves but thankfully i had a lot of help um and then the carpet is here and the couch is here it's really really cozy in that corner and just it's so nice just like sitting here and staring at the books i want to put a chair i think like right here um and then i can just kind of move it around in this little cozy corner i also kind of wanted to get some more lights or something um i don't know but it's really nice here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] these are the best pockets i've ever [Music] made hey guys welcome to tuesday it's almost noon but i'm gonna make some like breakfast lunch because i had one of the muffins the apple muffins that i made um since i'm still trying to figure out what to do with the apples and they turned out so good they are the best muffins that i've ever made um and they taste oh they're just so good anyway but i think i'm gonna make a smoothie bowl right now because i have a lot of fruit that i need to use up and yeah let's do it [Music] [Music] hello [Music] then [Music] we've got the coffee oh i've got the smoothie i'm ready to go i also found these um what do you call them i wear straps i've wanted a pair of these for like so long ever since i was little basically i remember my second grade teacher she was a very elderly woman she had um a pair of these that she would always take on and put off i thought it was the coolest thing ever so i finally attached them to these ones these are my reading ones so make my eyes look quite big but yes let's talk about it i just love this little corner so much i think this could be like a new very very cozy filming spot because now i can just sit on a couch and talk and be cozy but i have a few things to talk about book wise the first is this guy as you saw i was reading a little bit of it last night and i finished it oh god i finished it i'm not okay i don't know why i've cried every time every single time i finish this book even though i've arrived at the end of this book at least six times and then i just break down and cry as if i don't know what happens it's a bit ridiculous regardless i am done here's the final finished product um i'm so sad it's over like this was the time of my life it always is when i reread it i have so many things to say about it so i don't even know where to start um i love the final closing parts of this book especially the epilogue is so fascinating um if you're reading this and you get to the epilogue it's kind of just it's wonderful basically um and then like his invitation to the reader to go to paris and to explore the opera house it just always like makes me want to go there so badly i remember i went through this huge phase especially after i read phantom again when i think i was around 11 or 12 and i like draw up these elaborate plans to go to paris and all these kind of tour guides and itineraries and all this ridiculous stuff that has never happened but it was like a very big phase um i guess it wasn't really a phase because still is regardless a little bit before the epilogue i love the parts where nadir and raul are in the torture chamber and everything goes on at eric's lakeside retreat this is just so good let me find maybe like a few closing quotes that i can leave you with for now maybe like one of the last things i'll say right now is just like this quote again from christine who's talking just about the opera house in general and she just like it's so nice she calls it a modern tower of babel this land of intrigue where people sang in all languages and loved in all dialects i just love it so much as well as like the closing scenes after christine's um disappearance from the stage like her final disappearance from the stage when nazir and raul like descend so many different like bowels and layers and stares and weird places to go underneath the opera house i've never seen like a gothic book whose architecture and whose exploration of architecture like not necessarily like takes it this far but explores it in such a unique different very particular specific way it's very difficult for me to like conceptualize like space and buildings in my head definitely not very spatially inclined shall we say so much more than five stars like it's just it's my favorite book it's my favorite book of all time and um i'm so sad it's over because i wish it could basically never end but i also am very excited because i know there is kind of a graphic novel phantom of the opera being released i believe november 3rd so i finished our first read for the dark academics book club and i have we have always lived in the castle over there on the shelf um i'm gonna see if i can get the audiobook and if not like i did just read it in the summer so it's very fresh in my mind but i am reading a few more books i think i'm currently like reading former books right now or something but the one that i'm going to be reading i think this afternoon focus on mostly is sheets which i talked about a little bit yesterday if i didn't really explain this properly it is about the friendship between margery and wendell who is a ghost and he comes into her world and they meet at her laundry shop laundromat and yeah it's just about that basically but i am a little over 100 pages through it's a very quick easy read and they are just meeting now for the first time so i'm not really sure how this book is gonna end or where it's gonna go i hope it goes somewhere happy because it's really sad right now but that is sheets if i manage to finish sheets and then i kind of have some more time um to throw in another book for the readathon i was kind of debating between bluets by maggie nelson or this one this one's perfect for the readathon and for halloween but it's the castle of atranto by horse walpole and i've been meaning to read this book for ages another gothic spooky book so i might throw this one on if i have time we're just gonna have to see but i really hope it happens because i really really want to read this in terms of audiobooks i apparently got two on the go i was kind of hoping to fulfill the prompt to read by candlelight with like a spooky book and i was meaning to have that one be the doll factory but i finished that already so i decided to give a go to sharp objects this is quite i think a popular really really spooky thriller i don't typically like thrillers or really read them not because i don't want to be spooked but like they just a lot of them seem very similar to me and they end up getting quite boring and pointless but sharp objects sounded really scary actually and it kind of is it's not really spooking me yet i hope it does but we're following this reporter named camille and she's from chicago but she gets an assignment from her editor to head back to missouri to a little little town which was basically her hometown where she grew up and she hates it there but the kind of journalist assignment is to write upon these two um young girls who have been found murdered in the little town so she gets there and she's staying with her mother she's quite a creepy lady i think there's a lot going on with her mother and her step sister as well as her stepfather a lot of really really unsettling disgusting creepy little nooks and crannies in like this very small town i think that's all i want to say because i think it's good if you go into it not really knowing a lot i'm probably gonna be finishing um this one pretty soon because i tend to be able to listen to like thrillers and mysteries quite quickly um so that is that one and then i also started strange fiction by h.g wells which is a collection of his short stories all catered and centering around spooky creepy sci-fi things i'm actually not loving it what is this bird doing i'm not super into it like i don't know i don't always get along with hg wells novels but the one exception seems to be the island of dr moreau which is one of my favorite works of his it's not that i find them boring because they're not by any means boring but they're just not very interesting or compelling to me and these short stories i don't really like short story collections either but i wanted to have like another kind of classic in here so i thought strange fiction would kind of suit the halloween-a-thon but um i'm not hating it but i'm not loving it so that is that i just want to wear pajamas you've got um t-rex christmas they're not even normal t-rex they are t-rexes with santa claus hats um so t-rex santa fuzzy socks into some very very cozy um printed pants and a giant cardigan it's called fashion [Music] [Music] a little update on sheets there's only about 30 pages left and it's still so sad so sad um it's making me so sad i kind of thought this book was going to be more wholesome happy than like sad lo-fi i might finish it up tonight or tomorrow so that'll be another book down for the read-a-thon and then i think i um i either want to start the castle of atran so um what else did i say bluets or the bloody chamber um i don't know which one yet but yeah good morning it is wednesday today um i've been having the slowest morning of my life i did finish two books since i last talked to you we're doing really well with this read-a-thon apparently so i'm gonna go get them i think i'm gonna make a nice cup of tea and yeah i think i'm shy are so good i love having them with tea as well um ginger snaps are one if not like my favorite kind of cookie but it's been so hard to find ginger snaps that don't have animal products in them and this brand which i believe remains sweden um oh goodness someone please tell me how to say that correctly but this brand has been basically one of the only ones i've been able to find um that don't have animal products in them and they are so good they come in like vanilla and orange and lemon and they are perfect they are so good so very happy about this one okay i am alive right so yeah i did finish two books one this morning another one last night and i'm actually about to finish up sharp objects i think today before the end of today too so that's exciting this readathon is going really well albeit most of these are audio books but that's okay so i almost fell asleep listening to this one last night but i ended up finishing it before going to bed and that is strange fiction by h.g wells the collection of short stories i ended up giving this three stars there were actually a few short stories in here that i really really enjoyed namely the strange orchid which is about this guy who collects orchids the flowers and one day he goes to an auction to get some that are flowers like out of this dead orchid collector's collection and stuff goes really wrong from there so that one was really good and there were a couple others that i really enjoyed but on the whole like it wasn't anything that i was like wow this is amazing so i just ended up giving it three stars so that is another h g wells book that i can kind of tick off of my h.g wells list which i didn't have but you know this morning i also finished up sheets by brenna thumler the graphic novel um this was like so sad for about eighty percent eight maybe eighty-five percent of this book was just so sad um i have to say i wasn't a big fan of the ending for a number of reasons i thought it was really rushed and everything like suddenly solved itself out of nowhere all of marjorie's problems and wendell's problems just kind of vanished into thin air and went away without like a satisfactory or realistic explanation which was a bit frustrating so the ending definitely felt a bit rushed in that respect but honestly on the whole i still gave it four stars because it i loved the art style i loved the spookiness i loved the town that this was in because it was kind of like a very autumn halloween um by the lake i think it is town and it was just really nice to see and of course i enjoyed their friendship and everything like that a lot of sheets and i think i was using this as the prompt for a book with supernatural themes for the readathon and then i guess strange fiction is just kind of an extra book because it didn't really fulfill any of the props but yeah as for sharp objects i'm honestly not really enjoying it very much i'm gonna get to the end before i say any thoughts because um thrillers always change very quickly so maybe i'll end up enjoying it but as of right now it's not i'm not loving it but i decided to actually end up throwing the castlevatoranto on this readathon list of reads so i think i'm going to start this today i don't know if there's any hope of me finishing it um before the month ends but we will try and see um so yeah i'm really excited about this honestly it is more gothic in my life makes me very happy on the topic of the readathon how's it going for you guys let me know what you're reading um let me know what you've read and just how it's going for you what fun halloween things are you doing i know our prompts are to like make yourself something sweet and watch a spooky book to movie adaptation and stuff like that on the topic of the live show and costumes and stuff i was really thinking about it this morning and then i was kind of going through my closet and i was like wait what if i make like a whole video about bookish halloween character costumes so now i've kind of got this idea in my head and i really really want to do it so please if you have any suggestions um let me know for like bookish characters you would like to see as halloween costumes of course i'm kind of only working with what i have in my closet but i would still love to try it out i have a couple i know i can do for sure maybe like three so if you have any ideas please leave them down below oh very exciting um little update on the book nook transformation um i think i'm going to be going out tomorrow with my mom and i'm hoping to go to like a secondhand furniture store and hopefully hunt down the victorian reading chair of my dreams so i'm very excited to take you guys along with me to this furniture store i love going like antique store treasure hunting and furniture store and just any secondhand thrift treasure hunt uh times so pretty excited for tomorrow i hope i find a cute cool comfortable chair and then i would love to like stick it right here and kind of decorate the space more i also am looking to get some frames for some prints that i have oh on the topic of that i think i am going to slice um a picture and a design out of sheets because let me show you there's this one i really really love it's a wendell this one this one right here um it's like him walking and like he's very sad but it has some really nice changing trees and i really like this one it's a little bit smaller but it's this one i think it's so nice anyway so i might take those out of here and then maybe hang them all on this this wall right here so i have a few other little prints and stuff i would love to get frames for rather than just stick on the wall so those are my plans for tomorrow i'm very excited i feel like the only article of clothing that i get really excited about now since like quarantine and stuff is putting on different pairs of socks this morning it's these really weird oh oh that was my that was my toes from ballet days but i also can't remember the last time i've worn jeans uh i don't think i've worn jeans for like a year anyway um let's go get some furniture [Music] so the little thrifting escapade actually went quite well because i looked at a whole bunch of chairs there was this really cool green velvet one had like this leaf detailing in wood cut out but it was a little bit too small and there was kind of this like gold yellowy one but it was kind of in not the greatest condition the first place i also went to of course had to have a book section which meant that i had to go into the book section and look at the books and when the deal was like five books for a dollar how how how could i not you know um it was actually very nice my brother ended up getting them for me so i will have a little book haul to show you and then i literally walked right into the next thrift store saw this chair and lost my mind i bought the chair did you like the chair i did yes so yes as you can see i got the chair i found a chair i am literally so happy about it i love him he is beautiful very big and just i'm i'm so in love with this this is like the chair of my dreams i literally went in and it was just there and now he is in my little reading nook i don't know if i'm gonna keep the chair here because it's kind of right at this corner where this bookshelf starts and then it goes around in a little nook like that but um it is quite easy to move so that's good i can kind of put it wherever i want i don't know if i'm gonna keep the couch here you're like sitting on the couch um because it could also fit really nicely in that corner but i guess we shall see okay so this is what he looks like on camera it looks a bit like kind of more red and beigey than it actually is i was kind of convinced it was like a silvery gray um kind of velvet but i'm just so in love it has like little details a little uh what is this it's a flower and some like little cutout moons on the side and i'm just honestly obsessed with it like i can't believe um i found him there are a few little things i definitely need to clean i would like in general to just clean it up a little bit as it is but there's a couple stains like on the back side somewhere i think this one was just when it hit the door coming in so i'm gonna have to just probably take those off i'm not really sure what to use but i think i'm gonna start off with like my mom recommended dish soap and some warm water so that's what we're gonna try but i'm so obsessed with this oh my gosh so he's currently sitting right there i think i would like to move this bookshelf it kind of just has like tea and then random um schoolwork in it and i don't like really need it there although it is a nice little place to put like a drink but i think i am going to move the bookshelf just because it's kind of a little bit too crowded and then clean this table up and then i think we have a certified nook of books i'm just so happy it fits me perfectly love how i can sit cross-legged because that's like my favorite way to sit they had like the matching couch to match the chair and i was so in love with the couch as well but i was like emma you really do not have a big apartment it ain't gonna fit so i left it there i'm really glad that i finally got myself a nice reading chair it's very old um it is still quite comfortable and i really do like it it suits me quite well i think i would love to know when exactly this was made my mom thought like the 1980s my dad thought the 1950s and my grandma thought the 40s and i just don't know so um if i have any chair connoisseurs in the comments please leave your wisdom there as well as like the best way to like clean it or care for it if anyone knows i also have some book mail to show you which is just and like i don't think i will ever stop just feeling so like it just i can't comprehend it and it's just so kind every single time and i just anyway so i have that to show you and then i did pick up a few books at the thrift store i think yeah i picked up five so i will show you those as well all right i think i'm gonna try to clean a little bit of the chair now and just see how it goes i'm gonna do like a small section [Music] all right so it is a little bit later but i almost forgot to show you guys all the books i got so let me do that really quickly and then just end this huge week of reading i have read six almost seven books this week i finished almost seven books this week this read-a-thon is really going well so anyway let me show you what i got at the thrift store first yeah okay honestly they didn't have that great of a selection that also meant there weren't a lot of classics which was quite surprising to me however one of the classics that i did end up finding is king henry viii by shakespeare this is in the very big arden shakespeare edition i have not yet read king henry viii nor have i read like very many of shakespeare's histories in general so this one comes with quite a sizable introduction it's split with so many notes on the actual text of the play as well which is nice so that is the first one i got i'm gonna have to now expand my little shakespeare corner and make some room for this but that is king henry viii i also found this young adult fantasy that i had never heard of but it sounds quite interesting and it had sprayed edges which really um drew me in anyway that book is the kingdom of little wounds by suzanne cockle i'd never heard of this before but the premise sounded quite intriguing because a lot of young adult fantasy tends to focus on either like the monarchs or protagonists who are in quite high positions of power whereas in the kingdom of little wounds it sounds like we're following um a seamstress and a nursemaid it's the eve of princess sofia's wedding and a darkness creeps through the palace halls a mysterious illness plagues the royal family threatening the lives of thrones heirs and a courtier's wolfish hunger for the king's favor sets a devious plot in motion so it basically follows a nursemaid and a seamstress who i don't know if they both work for the princess but i believe it basically follows them throughout these plots and everything that goes wrong with in the kingdom and stuff like that so looks like it's going to be interesting i hope it's a good one this next book i had heard of and i'm quite happy to have it and that is the painted girls by kathy marie buchanan this is once again a historical fiction and it reminded me so much of the doll factory in kind of little bits and pieces that the synopsis suggested so it's 1878 and following their father's sudden death two sisters find their lives upended with few options for work marie is dispatched to the paris opera she will be trained to enter the famous ballet a big part of this though and one that i was really really interested in is that it features dega the very famous painter because i think marie yeah marie starts to kind of model for him uh in his studio where he paints a lot of ballet girls so very interested in this also by a canadian author we love to see it so that is the painted girls next i found a historical fiction that i had heard of and that is pharaoh by wilbur smith i know nothing about this plot except that it is an ancient egyptian story so i've never read wilbur smith i know he's really really famous but i thought i would give this one a go and finally i thought this last book would be a really good choice because i know i have it coming in on audiobook in a long time we have a long time to wait but now i also have the physical copy alongside it and that is red rising by pierce brown i haven't heard too much about it but what i have heard is definitely a lot of mixed reviews i know people i believe are divided into casts according to color and we're following a man called darrow who is a red so that's all i know not sure if i'm gonna love it but we're gonna find out i don't know why i vaguely thought this had something to do with dragons because i don't think it does and that is very disappointing but that is the last one that i got at the thrift store so all right and finally i have a very kind package to open so i'm gonna see if there's a note i think there is because i like peeked inside a little bit and i know what one of them was i'm sorry i got too excited but i didn't read the note okay oh okay i was surprised to find this on your list this was part of our curriculum in the philippines and when i moved back to the us for good i carried this with me you are amazing and your channel makes me happy thank you so much from crystal thank you you're amazing oh my gosh i don't know okay let's see what this one is first i didn't look at this one i don't think no yes i've been meaning to read this for so long this is touch me not by jose rizzal and i'm just so excited i've heard so much about this but like i just did so many good things but i don't know what the synopsis is about so on the back it says it's the novel that sparked the philippine revolution it has become widely known as the great novel of the philippines a passionate love story set against the ugly political backdrop of repression torture and murder the noli as it is called in the philippines was the first major artistic manifestation of asian resistance to european colonialism and this author became a guiding conscience and murder for the revolution that would subsequently rise up in the spanish province i am so excited to get into this thank you so much for sending this my way i am beyond excited to have this in my hands um this is the really nice penguin edition and it smells amazing it's also very floppy we love a floppy book wow okay so there is also something else in here let me put this down oh my gosh i love that i can rest books on this chair as well okay let's see if there's another now i know what this one is i think i'm like 100 sure yeah yeah oh my gosh all that is gold does not glitter not all those who wander are lost i hope you enjoy it i hope you'll enjoy this thank you oh my gosh yeah oh my gosh my heart okay it is the fellowship of the ring yes so this one i have read but i didn't actually own it and i really wanted to own it because i really wanted to read it again very very soon um lucy if you are watching this from crescent pages i know you are probably i now have to send you a picture of this um basically every time i talk to lucy and just interact with her or think of her in my mind i just immediately want to pick up the lore of the rings so thank you so much crystal for sending this my way um unbelievably happy i love this edition as well it is stunning so it smells amazing this is also a very perfect autumn read and i'm so so excited i've actually only read the hobbit and the fellowship so i have not completed um the series by any means i just i really it is it's like such a source of comfort and joy and inspiration um and i just i'm so excited to get into this so thank you thank you so much from the bottom of my heart this was incredibly kind of you all right so that also brings us to the end of this week which means i will now give you my final reading update so i finished kiki's delivery service i didn't really talk much about it this week but i loved it i loved it so much i gave it four stars i would also love to own that book because it was so wholesome if you're looking for something to cheer you up highly recommend i finished that one i finished sharp objects i gave that three stars i honestly might bump up that rating because i've been thinking about it a little bit but i'm definitely going to have so much more to say about it in my wrap-up and i also finished another book called why buddhism is true by robert wright i've been working on that one for a bit but i finally got that one done this week that was a non-fiction that i also loved four stars i'm also right now currently a little bit through chapter two of the castle of atranto i'm loving it it's amazing i knew i would love it but it's just another great gothic novel and a storm is actually like rolling in right now as i'm talking so this is amazing perfect timing but i'm absolutely adoring this so um i think i'm going to get this finished for the readathon as well i'm also in the middle of this is how you lose the time war which is a oh gosh i don't even know what's happening in it to be very honest with you but i'm loving it like the writing is exquisite beautiful writing i'm in love with it so really loving that one of course earlier this week i finished the phantom of the opera and did i finish something else i think there was something else i don't know i'll put it here if there was but i think right now i'm gonna go have to close at least some of the windows because we're supposed to get like a huge storm with lots of rain so so i'm gonna go this has been a long vlog i might split next weeks into two parts because i have a lot to say about what i'm reading particularly the castle so yeah thank you so much for watching thank you so much for being here if you are participating in the readathon like i said let me know how it's going for you i hope it's going well i had a great week honestly um it was so fun i'm so glad i found my chair so i'll see you very soon i hope you are keeping well ciao
Channel: * e m m i e *
Views: 63,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calming vlog, booktube, weekly vlog, week in my life vlog, aesthetic vlog, a week of reading, book vlog, bookish vlog, cosy vlog, literature vlog, autumn vlog, fall reading vlog, october vlog, thedabookclub, cosy reading vlog, phantom of the opera, october reading vlog, reading 6 books in 6 days, goodreads reading challenge, book haul, thrift book haul, come thrifting with me, readathon vlog, a week reading spooky books, productive week vlog, decorating my apartment
Id: uopylE5pops
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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