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here are the six tools I use in my business to help keep me and my team organized without having to feel stressed 24/7 what's up everyone it's Millie welcome back to my channel where I post videos every Wednesday teaching you the latest strategies and Trends on social media to help you grow your brand so give a little love tap on that subscribe button to stay up to date on all the latest tips and tricks I have for you first I want to give a huge thank you to this video shout outs I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you if you want to shout out in one of my future videos be sure to screenshot yourself watching this and tag me over on Instagram stories or leave a comment below and subscribe to my channel as always time Stamps will be in the comments down below because I value your time and you already know why you're here so let's get into it first and foremost I want to say a disclaimer about productivity even though the world literally defines productivity as getting a lot done within a short amount of time or the effectiveness of a productive effort productivity to me simply means being intentional with your time and doing what you say you're going to do it doesn't have to measure how hard you're working you can plan your day and literally be like I'm going to be a potato from 9:00 a.m. to noon because I need to cry and Bam that's productivity productivity doesn't have to look like getting a lot done I like this definition better the state or quality of producing something because like when I'm sleeping I'm literally producing energy for me to work the next day so yeah I just wanted to say that in case there's any of you out there like me who struggle with like work addiction and find it hard to do nothing remember that doing nothing can actually be productive and that's okay make sure you're taking care of you your mind your heart your body your mental health comes first before the list of things that you have to get done that day everything that I'm talking about today all the apps all the tools they both have their app version for phone users and desktop versions so just want to clarify that even though I'm showing screen recordings on just my laptop you can use them both on your phone or laptop now that I said my piece let's talk trell overs clickup if you've been subscribed to my channel for a while you know that that I've always used Trello for my business for Life literally I have videos on my channel teaching how I use Trello to plan on Instagram content YouTube videos and even show some personal boards that I use it for like Christmas lists and my go-to meals literally everything and then in a recent video I said that I recently switched from Trello to clickup and y'all were like um what what I thought you said you love Trello and I do but there were just some complications that started to show up in Trello as my business started to grow so let me talk about each of these platforms individually and then I'll talk about which one I would recommend for which person or type of business Trello first Trello is a web- based con Bon style list making application used to keep track and organize everything from finances to blogs YouTube social media launch strategies podcasts all the things let me break that down because there was probably a few words in there that you didn't quite catch conon conon is a process that's commonly used in project management it's a visual-based system for managing work as it moves through a process in Japanese the word con means Visual and Bon means card so con Bon refers to visual cards the most traditional con Bon formats look like this to do doing and done and then you track your progress or tasks as they move through each card on a board Trello is free it is a phone app or desktop and I use the free version of Trello the entire time I use Trello for my business so like 5 years and I never ran into any problems so if you want a Trello 101 rundown you can watch this video here for a step-by-step tutorial clickup is a cloud-based all-in-one work platform to manage people projects and everything in between it combines important business applications and centralizes company information into a single online solution so you can assign tasks to team members manage projects for clients integrate other systems like Gmail air table Google Calendar and all the things so this is what my clickup looks like right now I have spot spaces for organizing my team contact information their business directory I organize my content so like YouTube Instagram posts we also have a section to help with the course launch that's coming up so we organize the funnels there all the things if you want to look at an actual space let's take a look at this space so this is what I use to plan out my YouTube videos I have all of the videos that I've ever posted in a backlog including all of the scripts that I've ever written for every video and the thumbnails for every video in case we want to recycle or repurpose content same thing for my Instagram page we have an Instagram content calendar clickup also has a free version which does limit you on space so if you do eventually decide to upgrade the way the payment works is pay per team member so I believe the basic subscription is $8 per team member per month yeah so they do have this free option which I started using as my team grew and as we needed more boards and more spaces I switched to the monthly plan paying per team member per month on maybe the unlimited plan this is what the one I might be on currently now Trello verse clickup which one would I recommend if you're an individual business owner who is struggling to keep track of all the things you're juggling in your business or if you're a visual learner someone who works best when the visual presentation is clean and organized then I would definitely 100% recommend Trello this Simplicity of the platform just makes it easy so that anyone can use no matter what your background is on business organization or project management it's literally so easy a caveman could do it now on the flip side if you're somebody who has multiple moving Parts in your business maybe you juggle multiple platforms projects different streams of income and you also have a small But Mighty team so maybe a team of three people or more then I would recommend clickup the reason clickup is better in this aspect is because the way you can communicate with your team is way more seamless here assigning tasks making sure stuff is getting done it's really easy you also have a home view so if you have anything on your to-do list for that day you can see it right there you don't have to board hop to see what needs to get done it's all right here so that was one of the things that I struggled with on Trello was in order to see what I had to get done I had to go to a bunch of different boards to see okay what do I have to do today for YouTube what do I have to do today for Instagram what do I have to do for collaborations so I was boor hopping a lot and I just wanted one place that showed me what I needed to get done that day um or even notifications from my team and then finally the Integrations are more advanced like my social media assistant makes my Instagram content calendar in air table and then my brand collaborations manager organizes my collabs in mea note because that's what they're comfortable with using and I love that for them so I'm able to integrate both the air table and milanote workk spaces onto one space and clickup and see everything that they're working on since everyone's not going to be a fan of clickup I I do have some alternatives for you you can use Asuna monday.com or notion okay with all of that said which of these two platforms would you be leaning towards more Trello clickup let me know in the comments below and why you think it would be the best fit for you next on my list of faves is Sama which is also the sponsor of today's video and whether or not Sama sponsored this video they would still be on my list I started using Sama in November right around my course launch when I was super stressed about everything that I needed to do I felt like I wanted my own personal to-do list and that's when I fell in love no but really I talk about them on my Instagram stories all the time so if you follow me over on Instagram this Probably sounds familiar to you since Sama organizes all of your tasks to-dos and meetings day by day in one place which is exactly my preference for planners and calendars like I have this weekly planner that I found at the 99 cent store in 2020 and I am on the last page I was nervous about losing it because it's not at the dollar store anymore or the 99 cent store so I I was super relieved when I found Sama and started to use them on a daily basis now I'm showing you the desktop version of sama but they do have the app for anybody who upgrades um to their purchased plan now I know I already said that clickup puts everything in one place but let me show you what I mean when I say everything in one place with this one when you first create a sama account they ask you a bunch of onboarding questions like what does your day-to-day look like how much time do you spend on these tasks what's getting you in the way of you getting stuff done like what interrupts your productivity so it's a fun onboarding process they ask you a few questions to get to know your work habits and then you start creating tasks for yourself right now I'm in my workspace I'm showing you November was a busy time for me during my during my course launch so I'm showing you what that looks like this is The Works Space on the left and then I also can do personal space so this is final Thanksgiving shopping so like what I needed to make sure I was getting done for my personal life um or you can see everything in one place and this is all in one place so kind of like how with Trello you can't combine boards but on Sama you can and on top of that even if you already are using Trello or you already are using clickup in your business over here on the right you see Google Calendar and clickup and over here at the bottom I can add more Integrations they have GitHub they have jira which is another project management tool Trello so you can link everything into one place and then all of your tasks on whatever platform you're on are here including meetings and everything so I have my calendar linked here and I have my clickup linked here because those are the two other apps that I use for my business with like scheduling calls and then I accept them something through my inbox and it gets added to my Google Calendar but maybe it didn't get added to clickup or something it's just all here so if I wanted to look at my clickup stuff these are all the unscheduled tasks that I would have to do so I would drag these over to a day pick a day to get them done and and I could schedule out my clickup tasks in one place same thing with business meetings you get to see your business meetings here so it has that good personal work balance now they also have this calendar view which I really like and I like to do the calendar view by week so it shows everything visually and everything's color coordinated so these are my calls that were booked and integrated through Google Calendar um I have clickup tasks that I can drag over if you wanted to add something new you could literally just click and drag and then there your new task added you're able to time block and batch so I love the time blocking aspect of it and the visual side that you get to see you can add more channels if you want so if you are working on multiple projects usually your channels are separated into time blocks so however you spend your time whether it's YouTube you spend a chunk of time on YouTube content planning if you spend time on content planning my personal life I have a board for that so that's how you can separate your channels and then you just go through your day and check things off and it's already there and then at the end of the day you schedule your stuff for the next few days uh it's it's I don't know I don't want to say it's like really fun because maybe not to everybody it's fun but the organization side of it is fun for me plus being able to check things off of my list that I get done it's like script YouTube videos woo I already scripted my YouTube videos and then every day at the beginning of each day you can start your plan so you can do your today's plan write down new tasks if you want or at the beginning of the week you could do your week plan and it just makes it really easy to integrate with a bunch of other systems so that's why I really like Sama and I have a membership the Sama plan for one person to use is $20 a month which might sound a little heavy at first but literally skip four trips to Starbucks every month and it'll literally save you your peace of mind so if you're simply curious about it want to try it out I'll put a link down below where you can start a 14-day free trial and just see if it's a good fit for you the next tool that I use is slack and I use slack for communications with my team I love slack I used it when I worked in corporate and it is fan frantastic this is slack and you're able to communicate with your team directly here I'm somebody who hates using WhatsApp and a Voxer or texting different team members I try to separate my phone from my work life as much as possible so when I can find apps or tools that are both apps and desktop it's like perfect because my team can use it as an app if they need to and then I'm able to just solely use it on my computer and this is how I communicate with my team I can direct message them here we have channels that separate the topics that we're talking about so there's only certain people in particular channels so that anybody who they don't need to be a part of the conversation or they don't need all the information to overwhelm them they're only in channels that are dedicated to them and their activities or their work tasks so if you're paying monthly and you're on their starter plan it's $8 per user per month or you could do yearly and if you divide that up it's about $6.60 per user per month I'm on the Pro Plan with my team and I have about five members on there it helps tremendously with the communication with my team and I love it I love it the next two tools I briefly mentioned already the first is air table and air table is a modern spreadsheet tool with database functionalities I heard a lot of people talking about air table a while back so I tried to use it out by myself I got overwhelmed ran away head under a rock then my brand collaborations manager started to create a better system for tracking payments and that was organized on air table and I was like oh Sho this isn't bad uh now I use it for multiple spreadsheets like payment tracking Instagram content calendar brand directory spreadsheets I have the onboarding form that new team members fill out when they join my team I have my team directory which is if anybody on my team is confused about who to ask for what things they can check out the brand directory this is also synced up with clickup so they can access all of this stuff on clickup directly I have content research for just getting brainstorming done and ideas for future YouTube videos or Instagram posts the brand directory my VA or my social media assistant she does the content calendar um for my Instagram we have payment tracking and brand Outreach spreadsheets now the one that I skipped for a second is the brand directory and if you're like hold up what's a brand directory spreadsheet it's amazing basically I have a master list of this brand directory inside of my Instagram course the modern influencer with over 200 ready to pitch to public brand contacts so if you're an influencer or you're an aspiring influencer I'll leave a link below where you can check out my Instagram course to see if it's a good fit for you there's a bunch of goodies inside the Instagram course like this one like pitch templates Media Kit templates there's even Trello templates for planning your content calendar there's three different types of content calendar templates it it's a bunch of goodness so if you're an aspiring influencer who wants to grow on Instagram land paid brand collaborations I'll be sure to link the modern influencer down below so you can check it out with air table I really love the relationship that air table and clickup seem to have their chemistry is just unmatched they do have a free version which is what I use so you can get an account today and get started right away or if you want to upgrade your space you can upgrade to $12 a month next we have milanote and I do not love milanote more than I love Trello or Sama but I will say it's been really helpful with me and my collab manager making sure we're getting everything done and multiple of of my other students prefer to use it my husband prefers to use it over all the other tools that I've shared with him so you can consider this an honorable mention milanote is an easy to usee tool to organize your ideas and projects into visual boards I love how you can start with a clean slate and then you have the creative freedom to do whatever the heck you want um I can't really show you this board with my collabs manager because there's partnership information in there that I cannot share due to privacy Clauses and contracts and all that fun stuff but I will show you this board that I created earlier in 2021 um um when I did my first course launch and I was having a hard time organizing everything that I had to do I just needed to visually explode it onto a page and I had this really big monitor that was new so I made it huge and I was able to organize everything so it was really fun so this was the mote board that I made it seems pretty clustered right now but on the screen behind me it was perfect it was huge it was just what I needed to just check everything off and it helped me so so so much leading up to my course launch mil not's great because you can click drag create cards like this create to-do lists you can add an image straight into milanote you can upload files directly into mote my husband uses it for organizing um vision boards anytime he's working on a video project for a new client so he does the shot list visually and sends that to his clients and he loves it that way the pro with this tool is if you don't like any of the other softwares that I showed you today or the other tools that I showed you it's a really great DIY space that you can really really turn into your own workstyle and workflow I use the free version of milanote and haven't yet upgraded I haven't needed to but if you do need to upgrade it would be $12.50 a month if you've made it this far and you're not already subscribed to my channel hug that subscribe button turn on the Bell notification so you don't miss when I post my next video and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching follow your joy [Music] bye
Channel: Modern Millie
Views: 26,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apps to stay organized in your business, tools to stay organized in your business, tools to stay productive in your business, trello vs clickup, business organization apps, business organization tools, business organization, how to organize your business, organized businessowner, business productivity, project management, clickup, trello, productivity, time management, productivity tips, how to increase productivity, increase productivity
Id: 5PyKEdptYhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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