How to Create A Freebie that GROWS YOUR EMAIL LIST📈 (step-by-step tutorial)

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let's create your first freebie together and get all the tech set up so that you can start passively growing your email list within the next 24 hours in today's video first we'll go over questions like what is a freebie what is an email list and do you even need one right now with where you're at in your journey then we're going to jump over to the computer so that you can learn one how to pick a freebie and Market it in a way that will grow with your social media and two how to create said freebie then we'll set up the Tech automations in a super easy low Tech way so that your freebie is ready for your audience to download anytime of the day remember time stamps are always listed down below to help you find what you're looking for so let's Jump Right In what is a freebie and why do I recommend every content creator has one so a freebie or lead Magnet or optin there are so many terms out there I personally use freebie but a freebie is an offer that you can give to your target audience for free in exchange for their email address now when you have a well-crafted freebie it will grow your email list now your email list is a list of email contacts that you own because if all of social media disappears tomorrow or if your channel gets hacked like mine did you still have your people why have an email list as a content creator a bajillion reasons truly you own your own audience you have 100% control without having to worry about an algorithm filtering your emails or silencing you email list contacts typically convert in more sales than social media followers so if you end up selling something someday or launching merch your email list will probably buy more of that stuff from you than your actual followers it's another way for Brands to partner with you so Brands can pay you to like sponsor an email and then you just disclose like hey this email was sponsored by this brand and they pay you to have access to your email list it's a partnership that I've done before and Brands get pretty excited about email lists now do you even need an email list if you want to grow a platform online yes you do I know you don't want to or if you're watching this you probably do the people that don't might not be watching this but I was somebody I would always hear all the time at the beginning of my journey on podcasts people would be like oh make sure you start your email list and I'm like I don't need that I'm going to be an influencer I'm going to be a content creator and I don't need an email list boy was I wrong boy was I wrong I typically recommend anyone who wants to start being a content creator or an influencer to start their Journey with making their freebie so that their email list can passively grow in tandem with their social media profiles it's easy to do it takes less than 24 hours so there's like no excuse to not do it no excuse no excuse to not do it do it I've had many of my students in my Instagram course in the bsp model say either oh my gosh I'm so glad I started with my email list thank you so much Millie for forcing me to do this or oh my gosh I regret not starting my email list sooner like you had said Millie I wish I started my email list when you told me to I've never ever heard anybody say I've never needed an email list usually it's people that grow and then they're like o I wish I started sooner so don't be one of those just do it it's really easy to do so let's do it together there are so many different types of freebies that you can create in today's video we're going to focus on the ebook or guide or template any sort of like simple downloadable that you can create in canva the other freebie options out there are things like running a challenge having a quiz so that somebody could figure out what style they are or hosting a mini training creating Bon content or Secret videos to send to your newsletter with industry Insider update you have e-commerce like physical products you could offer a discount and that's a great way to get somebody's email in exchange for giving them the discount code and of course you could just do the simple sign up for my newsletter type of call to action to get people onto your email list there are so many different free resources and ways you could entice people to join your email list this one that we're doing today is is just my personal favorite because I love the Simplicity of creating an egide with templates that are already on canva and then sharing my knowledge sharing something of value so that the audience member whoever downloads my freebie feels like they get instant value right away they get exactly what they're looking for so that's my preferred way the first thing that you're going to need to do is picking your freebie picking your topic what I usually tell people to do is pick your freebie based off of your Niche or content pillars so if my Niche or the industry that I'm focusing in is food I'm asking myself okay well what kind of food what are the subtopics I'm going to talk about maybe it's homesteading maybe it's helping people find high protein meals so I'm asking like what sort of topics will I be talking about what sort of topics does my content revolve around and that's usually how you're going to start to pick your topic for example if I am in that food industry or maybe I'm thinking more like Health Food Health Wellness maybe I'll just type here and I'm just going to type recipes just because you know I'm I'm probably going to make recipes within my industry so on Pinterest I type in recipe and I see what the search result is suggesting for me to continue typing so recipes for dinner basically what this is telling me is on Pinterest right now this is a highly search searched for frease recipes for dinner recipes with ground beef recipes with chicken so I can explore that a little bit okay I can make recipes for dinner so let's see what some of the top recipes for dinner are and the freezing of that so easy dinners for lazy nights that's a great phrase I like that easy dinners for lazy nights 12 easy dinner recipes love that automatically I'm like okay that would be a really great freebie to make free resource to make I could totally write that down on my list of inspiration so let's rewind a bit okay I have this list that's going right now let's figure out what my Niche and my content pillars are and the content pillars are just those subtopics under my Niche that I'll probably be talking about on my social media most people will be like Oh I'm in the fitness Niche that's not enough you need to explain what type of fitness and who that Fitness is for so my Niche is not complete until I say at home fitness for busy moms okay that's a complete Niche and then content pillars might be Body Weight Workout you don't need any equipment body weight workouts you know I'm not in this Niche so I have no idea what sort of sub content pillers and I'm not even a mom so I don't know why I picked this as the example we could do like healthy recipes right we were just doing that maybe high protein will be my focus 30day challenges and that'll just be more of like a community Builder I think you get the point so what I'm going to do is all of these phrases at home fitness Fitness for busy moms body weight workouts or even workouts with no equipment all of these phrases I'm going to type into Pinterest and that is going to give me my freebie ideas so let's start with atome Fitness and the suggested results are like aesthetic room I mean plan could be good but this isn't sparking any ideas for freebie for me so maybe I need to look up Fitness for Women beginners at home I like all these so I'm just going to type these phrases that I like Fitness for Women Fitness for beginners let me type moms Fitness for moms let's check this one body weight workout beginner workout body weight workouts workout routine I like Body Weight Workout for beginners that's a good phrase so this is kind of like I'm just building up all of those juicy keywords or phrases that Pinterest is telling me like hey this is a phrase that people are searching for use this phrase in your freebie so that it's exciting for your target audience I want to explain that in a second but we're just going to keep doing this real quick we have women at home strength training all of these phrases when women atome strength training are like good phrases that I just like I just want to keep these ideas in mind so maybe these are like phrases for freebie so you're just going to keep going through all these different variations of your Niche your content pillars to build up all of these different phrases that Pinterest which is a search engine is telling you to use or recommending you use based off them being popular searches so once you have all of this kind of done all of your phrases figured out you can actually start searching under phrases that you're like okay I could probably create a freebie for that so maybe I want to look up like atome strength training there we go now I'm going to press search and look at the results and I am looking at what the titles of these Pinterest pins are Pinterest is a great website that other businesses is used to grow their email list so a lot of the pins that you see are probably freebies that have been proven to work well so that's why we're using Pinterest as inspiration for our own freebies so I'm looking at the titles of these 4 week workout schedule for beginner full body weight workout with weights seven best strength training exercises for women whichever one I like I'm going to write down and do my own variation of it so 30 minute seven best strength training exercises for women so I'm going to write this down seven best strength training exercises for women I like that one four- week workout schedule for beginners so I'm just going to do workout schedule for beginners and what I'm doing is I'm kind of cross referencing my freebie ideas with all the phrases that I had found before when I was doing my searches so beginner no equipment workout plan all those phrases I wrote no equipment workout plan I'm again cross referencing these to see okay how can I Implement as many of these phrases into a freebie title as possible strength training is a good one exercises for women I'm sure that would have been one if had I kept going exercises for women or even exercises for beginners I could even Swap this out again cuz we want to make it our own variation and maybe I'm going to say like 10 best strength training exercises for beginners cool so I turned that into my own thing that alone this could be a freebie boom shakalaka we have our topic picked this could be the one that we move forward with this is a six week because that's usually how it is O what if I say six week at home cuz that's a phrase workout schedule for I could say for women or even for like busy moms so here's another freebie cool so that is how you pick your freebie topic now a question that I get asked a lot is well what if you don't know your Niche what if you don't know your industry you're just starting out do you need to pick a freebie right away the answer to that is no not really in a perfect world everybody has a freebie before they start growing online that would be my ideal world but if you don't know what your audience wants from you or what they need from you or the value that you could really bring to them then you might be wasting your time working on a freebie without any direction on the niche the topic the content pillar so what I recommend in that case is to start posting to your social media first for as long as it takes for you to figure out what your Niche is what your industry is usually you'll happen upon that it'll happen very naturally for you maybe you'll start notice people start asking you questions about like oh where did you get this how did you do that what made you want to da da da da so usually the more you post the more questions people will start asking you about your routine your content whatever it is you're creating and the questions that you're asked could be an indicator of a future freebie that you can offer what I recommend is just like start posting maybe post for about 3 months as you're building traction and then after 3 months re-evaluate to see if these steps make sense for you you you could even ask your audience like hey what sort of freebie should I make or what sort of value can I bring to you how can I help you what sort of resource can I make that would be really cool for you to download so you could talk to your audience that way but yeah I'd say give it maybe 3 months of consistent posting and then coming back to this exercise so that you have more of a direction instead of wasting your time in the beginning not really knowing what sort of Industry you even want to be in now that I have the freebies that I want to make I'm like cool I did the exercise this one has great fre es that I found before let's plug it in to canva we're going to go to canva and the great thing with canva is that it is completely free so in canva we're going to type in the word ebook now depending on your resource or freebie that you're making they have a lot of pre-made stuff so if you're doing like a style guide a branding style guide they have a bunch of templates already made for that or if you're doing even like a work out schedule let's see if they have that Fitness planner there we go Fitness planner let's see if more results pop up boom shaka if that's going to be your freebie use their templates as your freebie even if it's like a budget tracker there are so many things so you can absolutely look up your specific freebie first so if we did the six- week workout schedule see if anything pops up obviously there are stuff that it's popping up but I don't know if it's like the template that I want oh that's cool that's really cool okay yeah so you can absolutely use these templates to make exactly what you're looking for but the one that I'm going to do today is the one that's more of like a eBook guide or ebook template where it's like Words as opposed to just simple to look up ebook and I like to do multiple Pages because I want multiple Pages as inspiration or the templates for multiple pages instead of just the cover image I also need help setting up the format for like page two page three page four so I don't just want a cover image ebook I want all the pages this one's pretty cool it has 22 Pages very cool and it's free to see which ones are included in the free plan if it does not have a crown it's free if it does have a crown you have to be on canva Pro I'm going to stick to the free one so that you know okay Pinterest is free canva is free you can do this all completely free here's another one that is completely free and I also kind of like it if you can pick one that is as close to your branding already that way it saves you time you don't have to change all the colors um guide for new ugc creators I actually like this one a lot because I feel like the fitness photo would look really good here and and really capture attention so I'm going to customize this template and we are just going to start plugging everything in making it look nice and pretty I spelled my name wrong okay with the elements I'm going to look at Fitness photos and these are all stock images that you can use so if it's this one's like the free one again there's no Crown you can use it for free and then what if it was just the legs is that weird that's not too weird and then the ones with the crown those are pro and again you have the license to use them because you're paying for a pro count the free ones you can use as well let's do this one yeah and then we'll plug in that [Music] cool that cover image works for me and then you're going to continue to do the same for the rest of your freebie plugging in the proper information where the template guides you my recommendation is to have a cover image you could also have the introduction I usually do the introduction before the contents table of contents so intro to you this isn't necessarily about you you like oh I love long walks on the beach I'm from here here W no it's more so about like your background in Fitness your story of like maybe how you got started or even more so about the guide of like I've discovered I see the best results when I focus on strength training the value of strength training is da da d da da so it's not really about you you it's about the guide and the value or what they will get by the end of the guide table of contents and then you would go exercise one exercise 2 etc etc now a very very common mistake that I see people make is getting creative that sounds horrible don't be creative no people get like too creative with the titles of their freebies and a sense the title is so creative that people don't know what's in your freebie your target audience has no idea what it's about so I had a student that her original freebie idea was a daily Parts tracker guide to IFS that was the freebie idea the purpose of the guide was to help people be more aware of their unconscious thoughts and behaviors so that they can reprogram them and like change their life but that title of that freebie doesn't entice me if I was that target audience to be like oh my gosh I need that that's going to change my life like daily Parts tracker guide to IFS I have no idea what that is even though that's exactly what the guide is to me I don't know the importance of ifs I don't know what daily parts means so you really want to simplify it and use the words that your target audience is using which is why we stuck so closely to Pinterest and the words that Pinterest used the phrases that Pinterest used you don't want to stray too far from that and try to be too creative because you want your target audience to be like wait I need that so A rebie title that we're playing with right now for this student is like inner Insight the path to healing and self-awareness inner Navigator exploring your unconscious with compassion making the unconscious conscious heal your patterns and finding self-compassion so those phrases are a lot more simplistic and easy for the target audience to understand than the one before so the title front first image is like super important that's what your audience is going to be gravitating towards and if this title does not get somebody to go ooh yes immediately download we got to rework it so once you have your entire freebie done what we're going to do is we're going to save it so I'm going to save it 10 best strength training exercises we're going to download and we are going to download as a PDF download okay now the next part is the tech part but it's not scary don't you worry one bit because we're going to be using Stan who believe it or not is also the sponsor of this video I love Stan that's all you have to know that's it I've been hyping them up for years it is the only only only only number one tool that I recommend any and every content creator have you just pay for this one tool and you don't need anything else truly truly truly I've talked about them in so many other videos so I feel like I don't really need to Hype them up too much we're just going to take our guide that is now downloaded and we're going to go over to Stan so I use Stan it's like people would refer to it as like a Lincoln bio store or linkoln bio site but there's so many capabilities here we are going to set up our freebie here because these are all things that you could do so basically we want to collect emails and start growing our email list on Stan we're going to select this one you can choose a cover image so if I wanted to choose an image based off of their stock images that are already there let's look up Fitness that one's pretty and it's also like kind of aesthetic so we're going to go with that and for the title I I'm just going to use the same title as before so exactly what it is and then subtitle you can use like these phrases to write a descriptor or subtitle if you're new to your fitness journey here are the 10 exercises that will get you fast results right cuz that's what people want download now and then you can choose what sort of information you're going to collect from your audience so name email is plenty for me now we're going to go to the product and we're going to upload our freebie I'm going to just drag and drop my freebie here perfect this is the file that will be delivered to my audience then I'm going to options and customize the email that my audience will get so I'm actually going to do confirmation email and make this a little bit more me so this is the subject line that your audience will get in their email so it'll say your 10 best download from so maybe I don't want the full product name because it's kind of a lot so your download from Millie I'll say is here that's cute here's your download first I'm going to say hi name thanks so much for downloading my freebie here's your download so I'm just like you can make it more customized there and we're going to publish it so so now when somebody goes to my link and bio I'm just going to drag and drop they can download this 10 best strength training exercises for beginners when they do I'm actually going to unpublish this cuz I realized this is live and people are like wait Millie is going to do Fitness content I am not I am not so that's what it would have looked like on your linkoln bio and then as people download the freebies their all of their email addresses are actually going to come here to your customers section which then over time as you build your email list you can email your customers another cool thing and the reason why I recommend Stan is because you could also sell digital products directly through them so the one we set up was a freebie which is the one that collects email applications we already did it literally took like 5 minutes we're done text done it's automatically going to send to the person who download so that's literally how easy it is so you have that freebie but you could also sell digital products so you could go through that same process of like researching what sort of products your audience would be purchasing from you make a new product in canva download it and then sell it here so then you could choose the checkout page how much you would charge for it and make money directly with your Stan account you could also book coaching calls create an online course set up a membership if you don't have a product you could just direct people directly to to a URL so like your YouTube channel anywh who there are so many different capabilities that Stan has I just wanted to show you for this video how you can set up your freebie with Stan low Tech little like little to no Tech honestly the final thing that I want to leave you with is make sure you put your freebie in the call to action of your bio put your freebie in your bio wherever all the places that you could link it YouTube description YouTube pinned comments Instagram bio Tik Tok bio wherever you can website put your freebie everywhere I personally recommend always putting your freebie as a call to action in your Instagram bio with a link directly to that freebie this is my stand store it takes people directly to that free resource or the training it's a 100 day Instagram road map so they can press save your seat sign up for that freebie there that is how you will passively grow your email list while growing on Instagram when you're growing on Instagram or on Tik Tok and the content that you're creating is in alignment with the freebie that you have that growth will happen organically over time and it's just super easy to grow both in tandom with each other so that is how you pick a freebie that is marketable to your audience how you create it for free in canva and how you can set up the tech super duper easily with like little to no brain power needed so that it's automated and sends automatically for you if you've made it this far be sure to comment the secret Emoji in your comment down below and I'll see you next week thanks so much follow your joy bye
Channel: Modern Millie
Views: 14,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: email list building, email list strategies, email list for business, how to create email list, how to grow email list, lead magnet ideas, content creator tips, social media marketing, email list for marketing, canva tutorial for email list, email marketing for beginners, passive income for content creators, how to grow your email marketing list, canva templates, canve templates for freebies, marketing automation, email marketing funnel, content creator tools
Id: hqryRbo9kLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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