6 Alternative Platforms to Sell Digital Products (Not Etsy)

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Etsy has been a popular choice for entrepreneurs to sell their handmade items as well as digital products for many years with over 480 million monthly visitors and about 91 million active buyers it is a platform that a lot of people want to sell on however with Etsy popularity called things like account suspensions and the fact that there are limited countries you could actually sell from so today I'll be showing you six alternative platforms for selling digital products that offer unique feature and benefits I'll be grouping these platforms into two one will be the e-commerce marketplaces and the other would be e-commerce platforms I'll be highlighting things like traffic the future of the platform the type of Juicy products to sell on these platforms and the cost to get started we have a lot to cover this video so let's Dive Right In so the first group will be talking about to be e-commerce marketplaces so these are sites where you can list your product alongside with other Sellers and benefit from the platform's traffic and customer base just like Etsy so these platforms are generally good for beginners so the first one we're talking about would be embattle so empathize an australian-based company that operates a network of digital marketplaces for your creative assets so if you've ever heard of playset it's owned by envato as well as envato element which is almost like a subscription-based system and in that marketplace where you could buy and sell digital assets let's just click into the digital assets that's the envato market to see what you could sell so you could sell things like e-commerce templates or website templates like WordPress Shopify so these are the kind of things you could sell here you could also solve photos Graphics audios and the likes for a battle element so in terms of the traffic for this site according to similar web the traffic for envato is about 21.3 million visits per month which is not as much as Etsy but is a bit of traffic so also in terms of how do you sign up it's free to sign up for envato but when you sign up for envato they would decide which head places you could sell on Facebook of what they have available and in terms of how much would you make on envato so depending on the marketplace you are on if you're on earning on envato Market there's a breakdown here I will leave the link of all what I'm showing us today in the description box so you could check that out for instance if you earn 16 if you sell your products for 16 you would earn 5.26 which is about 30 percent if you are making sales from the envato market if you are selling on mvato Elements which is their suspicion based um platform you make about 50 of your net revenue while for any for places is a bit different so you could also check it out once I leave that link in the description box so this is it for um envato the second one we'll be talking about is one of the platforms that I like buying things from I've bought this from it for years now would be creative market so creative Market is a place where you could sell all kinds of digital assets starting from mock-ups to templates templates including canva templates with resumes Flyers so some of the digital products that we have talked about on this channel you could also sell on the creative market so let's click into one I'll go to convert template and you could see that it has a lot of canva templates these are some of the templates I've seen and being sold on Etsy some of the owners of some stores and AC currently have accounts on Creative markets and you could also make register and sell your digital products on Creative Market as well so the creative Market has about 5.9 million visits every month is not as much as embattle but it has a bit of traffic and also in terms of opening your shop it's free to open but there's a caveat you would have to apply okay so let me show you so here you would have to apply where you would State what category you want to sell your products and you'll have to have a link to your portfolio so if you have a couple of designs you have put together or your digital products you have put together for example if you already have an Etsy store you could put the URL here or you could host it on a place called dribble or bed or bin hands and you could link it there and they'll review your application and they would accept it if they find that everything is okay you you cannot start making um sales from whatever my research you make about 50 percent of your listing price from creative market so the last one I'll be talking about within this category would be creative Fabrica so creative Fabrica is a platform that sells you know digital assets as well and I think this is the platform I feel is very close to Etsy you could see that you could sell things like clip arts patterns fonts SVG files it you could sell a wide range of things here so creative Fabrica has about 7.7 million visits on every month which is more than creative Market creative property is one of those platforms that is becoming very popular um to sell and in terms of how do you open your store you come here to open your store but you can just open your store shop straight away you need to fill up an application so here this is an application form so you could say put in the link to your products or your shop so if you have your product or in a portfolio you could put in the link if you already selling your digital product in places like Shopify or your own website you could put the link to it and link your um portfolio as well and then tell us why you want to sell on quemtified Breaker and submit a request and they will review it and if you meet all the requirements you should be able to sell on Creative Fabrica with no issues so how much do you make from creative Fabrica so for Creative Fabrica if you make a referral to people to your own store you make 75 but if they're the ones making that sale or getting the customer you get 50 of every self being referred by I also understand that pretty back Fabrica runs on two models one would be when people come to the platform to buy individual assets that's when you get this but on a subscription basis because it also has a subscription that's each month you get paid for the downloads that the customers made of your products and plus that you also get paid for just having your products on the platform so I could have this link in the description so just go through it carefully and if you're you want to sell a pretty Fabrica you could go ahead to submit your application so this is it for the e-commerce marketplaces um if you're finding value in this video please be sure to like And subscribe to join this community so the next group I'll be talking about will be e-commerce platforms so eCommerce platforms are sites where you could create your own online store and you have a bit of control over your branding and your customer experience so you require to drive your own traffic to this site so this um particular e-commerce platforms are good for those who have a bit of a following or an audience or you want to have a paid traffic to those sites then these platforms can be used to sell your digital products the first one will be talking about would be umph so pay Heap it's a platform where you could sell all kinds of digital products online courses coaching courses membership as well as physical products what I like about this platform is it doesn't have any monthly fee it's basically free to start the only fee you need to pay is if you are using their free plan for every sale you make you pay a five percent transaction fee and that's all but if you decide to go with either the pro or the the Plus or the pro you have two percent transaction fee and no transaction fee at all depending on what you go for another thing else is that it has different themes that you could use to create your own store so when you click on this you could see there are different themes let's click into one this one and see how it looks like you these are all customizable to what you want so this store is selling like different presets as you could see and this is how the site looks like it looks very simple and it has a bit of a Sharp about us and contact this platform is simple to use and very straightforward if you want to have your own Standalone on store on pay Heap the second alternative that I'll be talking about will be Gum Road so Gum Road is a platform that I find to be like a hybrid kind of platform because Gum Road has about 26.2 million visits to gum road so people sell digital assets as well in Gum Road and they sell memberships as well so let's see in terms of what you could sell on Gum Road so so anything so you could sell things like your digital products videos Graphics anything you could name it so let's scroll down to see what you could you know you could sell so you could sell three the crafted tools you could sell Auto you could send business and money it's grouped you could sell your designs fiction books education music and sound like I said you could sell a wide variety of things so how much does it cost to actually get started for Gum Road let's go to pricing So Gone bro charges just a flat fee of 10 so they don't charge you anything else if you want to open a store to open the store is basically free so there's no monthly charge so anytime you mix it still did take about 10 pay hip takes five percent for your transaction while gum bro takes about um 10 I know that gum Road has a bit of traffic as well but but you can also drive your own traffic to Gum Road so in terms of I'm frequently asked questions you could come in here to understand what you could sell how do you get paid so let's look at how do you get paid so you just click on the plus so you you get paid to direct deposit or through on PayPal so this looks like a hybrid there's a mixture of traffic coming to the platform and you can also promote um your gum Road account and people could also make purchases from it so that would be the second alternative in this group the last alternative I'll be talking about in this group will be Koji so kojis not like a website but it's if you've ever heard about link tree that you could link to your social media accounts like um Instagram your Twitter let me just say it's going to my dashboard and you could link into Instagram Tick Tock Twitter and anytime people click on your link they could always make a purchase of your digital products you don't need to actually have a physical website for this so this is as this is specifically for people who have a bit of following on their social media you know platforms so once you create an account in Koji it opens up to this dashboard what you need to do is to just click add another Koji is going to open up a template and asks you what do you want to sell so you can see you sell digital product ebooks digital download select course you can even do um collect donations and engage your customers as you've been fed but let's just say we want to sell digital products so you could sell ebooks printables and then these are the different ways it's going to look like one thing I like about it is that it's going to give you different templates to choose from but before we talk about the templates you could set your price and this is also five percent transaction fee as you could see this is also very straightforward the majority of these platforms apart from Gum Road charges just five percent transaction fee for using their platform to sell so if you click on configure the digital products it's going to ask you which style do you want to choose so you could choose this or you could choose blue or you could choose this depending on how you want um your page to look like and once you're satisfied with what you have chosen then you could click on next here you know put in the title of your store the description put in your logo and go ahead to upload the listings that you have that's the digital products that you have and start making those sales through your social media platforms so these are the platforms I wanted to Showcase today um please if you have any questions kindly leave them in the comment section and I'll definitely get to each of those questions and do not forget to like subscribe and turn on your bell notification to know when I post a new video thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: The Zinny Studio
Views: 5,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: selling on etsy, how to sell on etsy, etsy seller tips, creative fabrica, creative market, envato, payhip, gumroad, koji
Id: 2wavrctJT5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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