5 UNTAPPED Digital Products for 2023 (Etsy Approved & Examples)

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digital products are oversaturated and nobody can make any more money online right not exactly well if you do listen to a lot of the other videos that are out there that tell you to sell AI wall art or that tell you to sell something for like a dollar ebook then yeah competition is going to be pretty stiff things are going to be pretty saturated but there are still untapped markets and actually entire untapped Industries to be able to sell digital products on and today I want to be able to talk about those and specific examples of each type of product if this is your first time here my name is Doug and my wife Haley and I actually run a seven-figure digital products business and so to say that we've actually tested these and tried these and sold them and stopped selling them and kind of done everything in between it's an understatement we have actually tried all these we've actually even gotten into physical products and immediately knew that digital products was the way to go but you have to go about it a certain way you can't just jump in and start selling things for 50 cents or a dollar if you want to make some kind of substantial income now if you're really serious about getting some step-by-step help on how to sell digital products down in the description below you can check out our free training that's called zero to 100K in 12 months or less with digital products it's going to guide you through all the steps like picking a niche figuring out what to post on social media how to price and how to sell I promise you it's worth it there's a ton of value in it go check it out down in the description below now before we start getting into the details of everything there needs to be something that you understand with whatever product you put out whether it's digital or whether it's physical whatever product you make needs to solve a specific problem for people okay the bigger the problem that you can solve the more of a return on investment that the user is going to get out of it so therefore the higher price you can charge so just keep that in mind okay as if you're trying to figure out a digital product as a side hustle you want to make a hundred dollars a month you want to take a thousand dollars a month you want to make ten thousand dollars a month whatever it is you have to solve a problem and the more you can solve a problem for a specific person the better of a chance it is being unsaturated and you can tap into something that's a real opportunity so as we go through this list just think about how you can help people okay the more you can help somebody the more of a chance you have to be able to quit your nine to five okay so the first category that we're going to talk about here are digital courses yes I get it you're probably thinking like I just got an ad for digital course watching this video or like you know I've seen a hundred different people selling courses online and they're all Shilling a course on a course and doing these things look I get it it looks like everyone's doing a course but I can guarantee you if you ask one of your friends or if you ask your grandma or your mom or somebody about how to sell an online course or even what an online course is you're going to get weird looks okay people are going to think Oh you mean like you know courses at the University or something like that or or you know some type of training that you do at work no it's none of those and it's really not as saturated as you think the thing is that digital courses are online courses themselves are not saturated the entire industry is not saturated specific niches or specific topics might be saturated okay there might be a saturation of of different types of outcomes that people have but the overall industry themselves is not saturated and the thing is is that because there are so many different types of people and because there are so many different types of stories and because there's so many different types of attitudes in the way that people talk in different actual course topics it's very hard to be saturated unless you're copying like an exact product or an exact method so the fact that you as an individual are unique and combine that with the idea of doing things like planting or gardening or raising chickens or Fitness or running budgeting Communications photography dating feminine energy whatever the topic is there's such an unlimited Market of of ideas that you can choose from there's no way that it's saturated okay and that's why this is number one on our list okay it's number one in being able to change your life with the amount of income that you can drive but it's also number one in being unsaturated because you can literally choose something that rarely people have ever actually done but let's say that you're not trying to do a digital course that's online okay I totally get it some people want to start with something small some people may not want to change their lives right away and essentially some people want to kind of step in or you know dip their toes in or whatever the phrases I totally get that okay so the second thing on our list is principal templates so principal templates are things that you'll sell or that you'll find on like canva or their PDFs or 10 template and you can buy them on Etsy and you can kind of buy them in different areas that are there too but printable templates are basically things where people are provided a template for a product that they print so that could be things like wedding invitations it could be birthday cards it could be business cards it's something that that you basically customize yourself and then you go ahead and you print it now this is becoming more and more common okay people are figuring out that templates principal templates are a very profitable Niche because they strike a good balance between demand and between price but the thing is is that if you can add niches to them specific niches or specific people that again have specific problems then the templates can naturally be unsaturated so a great example of this are welcome guides okay nobody thinks that they can buy a template for a welcome guide or an onboarding guide or template or book or something like that of some sort and so if we look at things like welcome guides you get somewhere around 8 000 results on Etsy which actually isn't that much compared to something else if you were to just look up like a mug and that's with a super broad term now let's pair that with what the term like Airbnb welcome guide or Airbnb welcome book or something to that effect where now we are providing a specific product to a specific person somebody who runs an Airbnb wants to have a welcome guide or a welcome booklet for all of their people that come and stay at their house or whatever and so they wanted to look professional they wanted to look really good but they don't have any design aesthetic or design taste that's where this product comes in there's less than 4 000 results that are there the pricing is pretty decent and there's a good number of sales so that's how you would take what you might consider like a saturated niche of a printable template or principal file of some sort and make it unsaturated by adding a specific person with a specific problem and a specific Niche so as long as you solve different problems for different people and it's not a generic template you can pretty much be as unsaturated as you want so let's say printable things you know like invitations or cards or stuff like that aren't your thing you want to stay completely digital or at least as digital as possible another really good unsaturated Market to be able to jump into are website templates now as more and more people move into the online space more and more people are getting into building websites more and more people are building funnels they're building checkout Pages they're building thank you pages but they can't actually build them okay they don't have the technical knowledge they cannot code they cannot change colors they cannot change text they can't choose fonts or install fonts to be able to make things look the way that they want and honestly some people do and they just don't have the time to do that they have an entire business to run so what do people do they go to Wordpress or they go to kajabi or whatever and then they go try to find one of the free templates that are available and they look generic they look plain they look kind of weak honestly so an untapped Market here an unsaturated idea to be able to sell is a specific website template for specific niches and it could be niches or jobs or Industries or markets or whatever because websites are used basically by everyone everywhere there's no real limit to who uses or who needs a website so it's basically up to you to pick and choose the actual unsaturated Niche or unsaturated industry to make these templates for so it can be for dentists it can be for orthodontists it could be for Farms it could be for donut shops it could be for really whatever you think about anyone who needs some type of website and what's even more helpful is that you don't have to just make like an entire generic website for them okay you don't have to make the entire site people actually need just checkout Pages they need just sales Pages just the thank you page when somebody signs up on an email list they need to send them to a thank you page with like a couple of recommended products or a couple of recommended posts for them to check out but they don't don't know how to make that okay you can provide that answer for them so let's take a look at this example here okay so this example this checkout template when you look up Checkout template it has just about 2 000 results okay that's not very many results in the grand scheme of etsy right and some of these products even show an estimated monthly revenue of nearly a thousand dollars a month with just a couple of sales okay lower competition higher price points higher return on your investment in your time again we're speaking to specific people in specific Industries with specific problems I'm glad I could say the word specific all right maybe websites aren't your thing okay I totally got you we can move into another type of product which is digital templates okay let's say that you're not as keen on websites and you're not really that good at designing them and you don't want to do things like birthday cards or invitations or things like that digital templates basically are most commonly things having to do with social media okay they're digital assets they're things that are just going to be files that nobody ever actually intends to print so it could be things like social media asset it could be branding kits it could even be things like Zoom backgrounds when somebody has a really messy or dirty background they need to put up something that looks more professional you can even sell those now in this specific instance for this like digital template or digital asset that we're going to do here I want to look at an entire shop instead okay instead of just one specific product I want to look at an entire shop because this is how I would set things up so the shop here is called social media Avenue and social media Avenue has over a thousand sales throughout their entire shop okay and they have an average sale price of 55 so let's say roughly 55 000 done by this shop and all they've done is they've just sold something quote unquote saturated here like social media templates because let's be honest there are a ton of social media templates for people to be able to choose from nowadays but what they've done is they've spoken to specific jobs and specific Industries so they made them unsaturated by targeting people who you may not think need social media but still do need social media these are people like doulas psychologists slash artists you know there's lots of different small businesses that you consider very traditional that need social media still now you don't have to get this crazy and basically list out all the different industries that social media Avenue does but the idea here is that if you're producing something that's this easy and this interchangeable you might as well Target different markets here with your product and in doing so you can make your product unsaturated are you picking up a theme here it's not just something is saturated you can turn saturated ideas or saturated ideas into things that are unsaturated by niching them down Okay so let's just pretend that you have like zero design capabilities whatsoever okay let's say you have zero taste but you are really good at writing things okay you actually have and you can sell really good with writing well what you can do is you can actually sell email templates now there's a lot of variety here and I've already talked about the node design side so we're going to skip over the fact that you can sell entirely pre-designed email marketing templates for things like MailChimp or convertkit or other email softwares and instead we'll talk about the actual text we'll talk about the text and the script and the writing in the templated writing that you can provide to people via a sale on Etsy and so email marketing if we throw email marketing that generic term into Etsy already has under 6 000 results at the time of recording this but if you add an industry to that let's say like and add a type of person that gets even smaller but still retains demand so it doesn't stop sales okay I mean just look at this product that has thirteen hundred dollars a month with just a few sales needed I mean all they did here was they just created ready to use templates that you can go ahead and customize in canva and they have different covers and different designs for each month and that's basically it but you see just by niching down and adding an industry doesn't stop sales all right let's look at this specific product here this product is thirteen hundred dollars a month with just a few sales needed now yes they blend you know including the design but then also including the text because what they do is they have different cover pages and different styles of pages and they have postcard designs but they also include different ideas for blog articles that you can also include Within These newsletters so they provide both they provide the actual design and the actual text in templated form for people to be able to use a lot specifically for realtors or real estate people to be able to use and the good news about this one is that you can actually print them as newsletters or send them out in digital format and so here all you need to do is find specific use cases for people in email and again it could be like you know specific Industries or it could be specific types of emails like welcome emails warming emails onboarding emails thank you emails abandoned cart emails there's lots of different types of email templates that you can provide for specific Industries and when you provide them again I repeated it throughout this entire video if it's for specific people on specific Industries it becomes less and less saturated so there you have it some of the best unsaturated product types and examples so remember if you just solve a specific problem for a specific person and Niche down you will naturally find unsaturated opportunities so if you like this video don't forget to head down in the description below to grab our zero to 100K in 12 months or less with digital products training I promise you it's totally worth it the value is immense and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Digital Income Family
Views: 25,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital products, unsaturated digital products, unsaturated digital products to sell on etsy, how to find a winning product, how to make money online, make money online 2023, digital products to sell online, etsy digital products, how to sell digital products
Id: c7263hbJfhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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