6 ACF & Elementor MUST HAVE Plugins - Power UP Your Websites

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I released a video recently on five free useful tools or plugins that you can use with advanced custom feels an element or pro plugins that open up some functionality that's missing unfortunately inside elemental Pro itself so if you want to check those out take a look the links in the corner you can take a look at that and it's also in the description down below today we're gonna be answering the question that was raised well I put that video up what plugins would you recommend ones that don't need to be free but you think are invaluable when it comes to working with ACF and an elemental pro so in this video I'm gonna answer that question I'm gonna show you six examples of plugins that I would recommend checking out some of those are similar plugins with different options so you can take a choice whichever one you think matches your priorities I've also got a couple of honorable mentions towards the end so stick around and take a look at those these are plugins I recommend but they do have some limitations not necessarily in the plug-in but maybe in the documentation or the support that you may get afterwards but still recommend take a look at those because the cost involved is minimal but the functions they offer well there's a ton of options there so without further ado let's take a look at the first of these six real world plugins that I recommend checking out so what is the first one well it's dynamic content for elemental now if you've been following this channel for any period of time you'll know that I was sponsored by the developers recently to create six tutorials on this particular plugin why because it has so many options available and the documentation and the training information well it was a little bit lacking so a lot of people be put off by that and they weren't investing the time and effort and seeing what this incredible suite of tools can do so today we're gonna take a quick look at what I'd recommend why I recommend it and as always the link to that playlist of all those tutorials that I've created will be down in the description below so this picture interest to check those out because I think it's gonna open up what you think you can do this plug-in and hopefully it'll inspire you to consider taking a look at this for your own toolkit now from my point of view dynamic content for Elementor is one of those kind of Swiss Army knives of working with Elementor and custom fields advanced custom fields and unlimited to working with just ACF this will work with some additional tools however it's just one of those plug-in Suites that has a ton of really powerful things that most other plugins that work with elemental just simply don't have you want to work with relationships very simple you want to create repeated regions even simpler again there's tons of options available and I'll give you an example or two in a moment but if you want to check out this plug-in in a lot more detail I've been working with the developers to create a series of six videos that will show you some of the core functionality some of those things that are not necessarily that easy to get your head around alongside some free things that I've done that I just think that I like to let my subscribers know about because it's just such a great way of working so for me great product not particularly great documentation although they are working on that and like I say in conjunction with myself when I'm creating this series of videos it is opening up a lot more potential for people that would like to use this plugin but really don't understand or know how to take advantage of some of the great tools you have now I'm working on a really in-depth tutorial on how to set up a car sales business and that will be released very soon so I will let you know what that's a check out the channel and make sure you subscribe to be notified as soon as it's released but I've used the dynamic content for element or quite extensively throughout this particular project all the normal things you'd expect to see are in place you know your typical dynamic data we've pulled all that in however this optional extras area that's all been set up as part of a repeater region one of the great things I like about working with these repeater regions is there's a ton of options available to you so if you don't want to get in and start building additional templates you can just use some of the out-of-the-box design options however if you do want to use some of these templates which is what I've done in this particular example you can create anything you kind of want using elemental pros theme builder and then you can utilize that alongside the repeater regions so it's a really super simple way of being able to create more complex layers without having to touch a single line of code if I scroll down a little further you can see we've got a range of dealers that are associated with this particular vehicle this is using a simple relationship set up so we can relate the dealers through to the vehicles in a very simple fashion to the dashboard and make it really simple and easy to be able to link those due to multiple vehicles once again I'm getting the ability to be able to create my own custom templates to use with this so I'm given all the freedom all the flexibility that I need and the ability to use those templates so I can build a design that I want I've jumped over to the dashboard now and we take a look at the actual template for that individual vehicle I've got the repeater region set up I've got that enabled and you can see on the left hand side all the options we have available various different display modes we can just display the raw output we can create HTML and use tokens if we want to inside there or we can use a template which is what I've done this example we can then choose which template you want to use you create multiple different templates and reference those throughout your entire site wherever you want to we can show row items we can configure exactly what items are going to be shown we've got things like options inside share so we can adjust column and row spacing how we want to render things that style them all those kinds of really cool things if we scroll down a little further to where we've got this region which is the relationship region again you can see on the left hand side it's set out in a really simple fashion we've configured things through ACF and then I'm using dynamic content for element or to easily pull that data in reference the template that I want to use and then output that data so it's really super simple I've covered all these things in their own dedicated videos and a lot more so I will put a link in the description below so you can check out the playlist if you're interested in taking a look in a little more detail at some of the things you can do with dynamic content for elemental the next plug-in we're going to take a look at is ACF front-end forms pro now the free version of this was listed in my five free plugins and one I would recommend taking a look at but the pro version opens up even more options so let's take a look at some of those options and why I recommend this particular plug-in to be added to your toolkit so ACF front-end for elemental does a very very simple thing but it does it very very well that gives you the ability to upload content to add new content all from the front end of your site the reason I like this over some of the other tools that I've taken a look at and covered in other videos is that this makes the whole process super quick and simple we don't have to mine you go and link through the different fields we can pull those up pretty quickly and I've covered this in its own dedicated video which again I will link in the description below so if you want to take a look at the videos where I've covered this please do check those out now the free version gives you a ton of options which I covered in my 5 free AC f an elemental plugins video which will be linked down below but what the pro does is it gives you even more it gives you the ability to easily style all of your forms it gives you some extra ways in which you can use those forms we can do things like options pages and so on it just opens up a whole lot of doors and talking to the developer there's a lot of really cool things in the future as well we're looking at things like the ability to make payment options available so if you want to allow someone to upload content to your site and you want to charge them for that then you could use the stripe payment option and eventually we'll have the payment option through PayPal as well so this gives you extra options there's also in the pipeline the ability to start working with WooCommerce products now it's not going to give us all the functionality of what you expect to get inside WooCommerce to start off with it's going to start off with just simple products but I know the developer is looking at ways of integrated more advanced content into there as well so the roadmap for this is looking really really good and if you'd like to see the kinds of things you can do with it I'd recommend taking a look at my video on how I created a fully customized front end user dashboard I'll just jump over into that now so you can take a quick look at the types of things I'm talking about and how this would all work so inside the dashboard you can see we've got a much more user friendly way of working we've restricted it now so end-users like editors your content creators and so on will automatically come through into their custom dashboard without going in and opening up the UH normal WordPress dashboard and we've got all the control we want to give them inside here so if for example they wanted to add a new post you can click on add post that will open up a new option which gives you a customized forum all being set up and created with this plug-in which we can now allow users to submit posts and then us as administrators can check in the dashboard what we've got notify the content has been added and we can approve if we want to obviously if you wanted to have an automatic approval process so in other words all posts were automatically approved you could do that as well so you can see we've got all the things we'd normally expect to have when creating a post inside WordPress the title the content with the ability to add media a featured image categories and tags and then we can submit that post to be approved so really simple but the power of this comes in even further if we jump back out of this and go and take a look at like ad vehicle for example this is a complete custom post type we're not reliant upon the normal built in WordPress anymore we've created a custom post type again we've got the name the description with add media and the future image but then everything else underneath that is all being pulled in from ACF from our custom field so we've got the ability to choose the manufacturer whether it's a taxonomy we've also got things along the lines of vehicle options which is the ability to use repeater regions we can save this a draft we can review draft call those back up we have a ton of options that are part of this plug-in and this is just scratching the surface of the kinds of things you can do the future for this plug-in is incredibly bright if we come down you can see we've got the ability also to come in and work with options so if you wanted to set up a front end option section so your clients and so on could upload their logo set things like the title of the website and so on you could do that using this plug-in as well if we open up the options section you can see we've got things that allow me to integrate these into the designs so things like opening hours the email address is going to be used telephone numbers and so on we can even let them use their own custom profile so we can edit their profile on there including things like set in their password the email address first-name bio information and so on and if you wanted to you could also set this up inside your custom dashboard to allow registered users with the right permissions to be able to add new users should you want to allow them to but I say the beauty of this is it's all front-end nothin required for the dashboard so take a look at easy front-end post in and edit in for elemental super plug-in now if you follow this channel for any period of time or you've taken a look at any of my dynamic content tutorials you've probably seen le or elemental custom skin being featured in there quite a lot well in this section we're going to be taking a look at the version the pro version has basically three extra key features that it brings to the table now these may be things that you have no useful at which point the free version perfectly fine you can keep on using that if you do have need for these they're very very useful and if you already know how to use any custom skin it's gonna be a pretty pretty simple thing to do so let's just jump on now and take a look at what they are and how they work so next on my list is one of those plugins that just expands upon the free version and gives you some extra options and the free version is one of those plugins that I use on pretty much every advanced custom fields based website and not just ACF websites if you're using pods or tool sets you can reference the data as long as using Elementor Pro inside element or custom skin now the pro version adds in some extra things as well so if we take a look at the pro features you'll see while it's not a huge amount there are things that could be quite useful in the right circumstances so this is one of those plugins that kind of gets a little bit of an honorable mention because the free version does so much but the pro version add some extra things in there and for me I think supporting these developers that are creating these smaller plugins that do something is very specific and do it very very well is vital to create a flourishing ecosystem to bridge those gaps where Elementor Pro and elemental don't really cater for things like when we're working with advanced custom fields those dynamic facilities so for me this is one of those plugins that's really useful so we've got three key different things that we have as part of the pro version the display mode the alternating templates and dynamic everywhere now the alternating templates let me just show you that first of all cuz this is quite useful if you want to create some there's a little bit more unique what you can do is you can create two different layouts and then you could combine those for the left and a right section so you could see as the first example we've got content on the left hand side picture on the right and then the next one is image on the left hand side and content on the right so you can see we could create two different templates and then we can use those to get a layout that looks very similar to this some additional examples you can see different color options so the layered is exactly the same just the color options if we come down there's a third example now these are not visually at that to look at they're very very basic and they could be expanded upon to get something a little bit more inspiring but the technology behind it is more important than the way these have actually been presented so that first of all is the way to have these alternating templates the next thing we have is the display mode so again if we come into the display mode this gives us the ability to set things up on how we want to output our data so the first one you can see is to use a simple slider this is the post slider so these are individual posts and they could again like I say the advanced custom feels based they could have extra fields inserted in there so it's very useful on a gapper the second example we've got a masonry layout so if you don't have the same height you can make sure that everything still looks good by using the masonry layout so these are more visual than they are sort of like from a technical point of view but it's still very useful to have when the third example is to have the same height this is one of those areas that if you have a layout where each of the different sections of different sizes doesn't necessarily look that great so that's the set of the second example I want to show you and then this dynamic everywhere so if we say see details on me you can see this will say we can use keywords so it says every keyword that looks like inside these curly braces key word double curly brackets it will be replaced with the actual value so we can paulien post object query variables and so on this is a little bit more of an advanced thing and probably most users wouldn't really need to tap into doing this but the other features are very useful and if you want these kinds of more advanced features where we can tap into these keywords then you have that as part of the plug-in and that basically is elemental custom skin pro a couple of extra features over the free version but support for this kind of project and the things that it does bring if you have a use for them is very very useful so next up we have search WP now there are several different search tools and plugins you could use when it comes to working with WordPress and ACF and so on but this is one that I've used for quite a few tutorials and I also use it on the new wptouch website because it's incredibly powerful simple to use and it integrates nicely with one of the other plugins we're going to take a look at in a moment so let's just jump over take a look at search WP and why I would recommend this has been the search tool in which you invest your time effort and money into search WP just makes the whole process of setting up a search when you're working with things like advanced custom feels a lot simpler especially if you have a bigger website for example a business listing website a job search website and you created that with a tool like a CF search WP is going to be very very useful for you it's not the cheapest plug-in in the world but then again what it does it does very very well so if you're using this for paying clients then this is going to give them a great use of experience so let me first of all just show you how it works and then I'll show you what's available inside the dashboard side of things so on my demo food site I'm using search WP as the main search section so all I need to do is type in something that I want to find will go for chili for example and we'll hit enter to run that search and you see that takes us now through to our search results so it's doing exactly what you'd expect it to do it's searching your data but like I said you're on if you use an ACF normal WordPress search doesn't search for your sort of content inside your ACF fields it ignores it completely it will only pull up data from your normal fields your normal content for your posts and your pages and so on so stay at the box we need some kind of search facility table to do it so it's very simple does what you expect it's written on the tin basically but let's just jump into the dashboard and see what's going on behind the scenes now I've set this up so it only searches the recipes in this particular example because I'm not using normal WordPress posts or pages for anything other than just basic content that doesn't need to be searched against so I've stripped everything else out of there so we're only searching inside the recipes custom post type if expand that out you can see we've got a couple of different parameters now at the time I'll release in this video it's version three point something version four is due out which opens up even more options so I will be taking a look at search WP 4 where it releases and we'll take a look at some of the new things that are coming in there but you're still gonna find fundamentally the same as what you're gonna see in this particular video probably just some extra features that'll make it even more powerful than where it currently is so what we can do is we can apply weights to any of the content that makes up our cast post type or our post whatever it is we could ascertain against so you can see we can set a value a weight multiplier for the title the content and the slug week and if we want to just keep on adding attributes so if you had custom post types with lots and lots of different fields some of those you may want to build a search against other things you may think well actually there's no reason for the customer or client or end user to search for those particular types of information well you can pull those out and only include the actual attributes that you want to search against and then you can set the actual weight multiplier to those to say how important the content inside any of those particular attributes is going to be so as you can see for me the title is probably the most important the content about 50% and then the slug about 60% but like say if I wanted to add additional attributes I can add taxonomy custom fields whatever I want to inside there we've also then got the option to do things like exclude we can also come in and say transfer weight to single post IDs there's a lot of options on how we can search things inside here once we've actually set this search up we can then run an index and that will go through and find out all the different entries that pull up information inside all these fields with indexes all those post them into a database so when we're searching so when someone is on our front-end or our site and they're searching they're gonna search on all that data that's already been indexed it's not going to be working on immediate live data it's gonna work on that index date that's what strips out all the stuff we don't care about and only includes the stuff that we do and just ultimately speeds up the whole way of returning your search results we can also do things like come into the Advanced section and inside there we can do things like set up stop words synonyms so we don't want to search again things like as they would consider stop words and about you know those kinds of words we can strip those out we can add extra stop words and if we want to we can use synonyms inside you so currently there's nothing set up for synonyms but if you wanted to you could easily add synonyms inside there you could save all that out you can come over to the actions and settings section and you can see we can reset the index wake up the index restore notices and we've got a pile options now this isn't a tutor on how to use search WP but hopefully what you can see is it's an incredibly powerful plugin it opens up a ton of options and just it's just a great search tool so next up we're gonna be taking a look at facet WP now facet WP is a great way of be able to create comprehensive filters for your site and link that through to data you may have created with tools like advanced custom fields so it could be things like taxonomy is tags all those kinds of things so let's just jump over now and take a look at what facet WP offers so facet WP is the easiest way to set up filtering and let's just take a quick look of what it does because facet WP out of the box is I'd call a basic filtering option but there's also a ton of extra options that you can add to this extra add-ons that open up even more options available to you to create a really complex and comprehensive filtering system so you can see we've got the ability for smart filtering use your existing data as lightning-fast works and most themes and all those kinds of things so some great selling point just thee when we come onto the add-on section as well you can see we've got things like a map facet a cause and lots of things at the facets because at the end of this facet WP so this would allow us to easily come in and set up map options and have multiple pins which we could filter out and search against and all those kinds of things all built in side facet WP itself to come back over there you can see it's got built in elemental integration so you can integrate this into the elementary editor to make the whole process of integrating just your sort of filtering side of things into your layouts a lot easier and you can see there's a lot of different things we can set up caching on their hierarchy selects if you've got things like that have a structured hierarchy for example you might have a manufacturer and once you go to manufacture the next drop-down list could be the model of a vehicle for example and then when you click on a model of a vehicle you may have a different subsection for it like based upon the engine size or something so this is a hierarchy select and it can be incredibly useful for things like vehicle searches for business searches where you want to use a location of business type and so on and also things like property searches if you build in a real estate based website so you can see there's a ton of different things inside there for the add-ons but what is it exactly does it look like well let's just jump over to a page where I've got facet WP set up with a couple of different filters already configured currently we have a filter for the meal type the calories and where the number of servings so now we can start filtering things out as you can see we've got a counter for the side of these to tell you exactly how many particular recipes are in that section and then we've got things like filtering by calories so these meal types that's a taxonomy the calories are basically a custom field insight each individual recipe so you can see you can reference different types of data and use that information so let's just say you want to try a different range of recipes with different calorie counts we can filter that down that'll filter it out to show us any of the recipes that match that particular calorie count so we'll just say I'm going to go for a very specific range between 227 and 313 and you can see that just shows us one individual recipe but what else you can see is that when you do this it also shows the additional filters and the effect on those so at the moment using this calorie ranges our only kind of filter that we're applying you can see it tells us that we've only got two recipes inside the dinner and lunch one in each which is pretty much the same recipe also sets that will shows you the number of servings for this particular recipe so we can use any of these in conjunction with each other so it's very easy to sort of set the calories up and then say we only want to see inside that calorie count that's a dessert click on there and that gives us exactly that result so it's a very simple way of setting these facets up to filter basically multiple different criteria if you want to so let's just jump over into the dashboard and let's take a look at fasted WP and how things are set up again we've got the indexing options so whenever you create a new facet you're gonna run that indexer to make sure it goes to all your data and finds out exactly what match is the various different criteria inside those facets so it's open up the recipe type as an example we click to open that up and you can see we've labeled it recipe types and this is just the labor that you want to give it you've then got the facet type and you can see we've got checkboxes dropdowns hierarchy so on I've also got the hierarchy select which is that hierarchy add-on so if I wanted to use that I've got that inside there the shortcode which is basically what we would use then inside either WordPress itself or in this example where I'm using Elementor I can drop that shortcode inside there and then you can see we've got things like parent terms hierarchical so if we are using hierarchical data then we can specify this is using that show ghost's is basically worth two in there when it goes to these things that were then no longer relevant so we've got a lot of different options inside sure we can configure this any way we want if we hop back into a list of facets and we open up the calorie slider for example this time you can see we've got different options because basically whatever facet type you choose there will be relevant options to that specific facet type again you can see this is using the slider so we've got a nice sliding range inside there the data source so we can choose what source we want to use to fill out the information and what we want to use to filter against and we've also got other data sources prefix suffix and so on so you can set this up however you need for each individual facet then you just run the indexer and you'll start to work with that particular facet throughout your site so it's very very easy to work with and the reason that I sort of use facet WP as opposed to some of the other options are out there is because it'll actually integrate with searchwp so if you want to use searchwp as the search field inside a facet WP you can do that then your harnessing the power of those two plugins together to make sure that you're filtering and your searching is first of all integrated into your site and working flawlessly but also integrating with each other so whatever you search for you can then subsequently filter with the facets that you set up on top of the search result hope that makes sense but it does like I say open up a ton of options to use those to plug is together cohesively now if searchwp and facet WP kind of comes in a little bit expensive and you don't mind delving into documentation and some trial and error this other option is something that's worth considering so we're going to take a look at search and filter probe it does very similar functions to what you have inside searchwp and facet WP but it isn't the most use of environment however if you can get past that it has a ton of options and should suffice for lots and lots of use cases so we're gonna jump back over now at the dashboard we're gonna take a quick look at how this works how it works on the front end and the options you have inside the dashboard to work work with search and filter Pro so why don't I recommend search and filter Pro over searchwp and faceted WP primarily because it's not as easy to set up it's as powerful but the setup process is a little bit more complex first of all let's just take a quick look of what you get from search and filter Pro first of all you can see we're gonna get it's a blazingly fast fast plug-in you can power up you can create advanced filters for your taxonomy as custom fields post matter and so much more we'll just pretty much any theme you've got good support all those kinds of things so pretty much the same as what you get with faceted P and so on however the price is a lot cheaper if you want just for a single site it's going to cost you $20 or developer so you can have unlimited sites and again this is for 12 months it's gonna cost you 75 dollars so the cost is a lot cheaper the second benefit I suppose is the fact that the searching and the filtering are all inside the individual plug-in itself you're not using two plugins in conjunction with each other so there are benefits to it and if you're happy to sort of look past those more complex set up and get your head around it this is probably a better option for most users not everyone cuz it'll be specific cases where you may need a facility that's built into something like facet WP so that's the actual website let's just jump over and take a quick look at a basic search and filter that I've set up now this is just our test site we're just test out various different things as you can see on the right hand side I've got a search and I've also got the filter option so we click on the filter you can see it live filters and updates in real time on screen in front of me I can use the search if I want to so let's just say I wanted to do something like search for the focus we'll just type in focus and we'll hit well we don't need a hit and X is live update is Ajax so you can see that now will filter out if I wanted to I could still use these manufacturer filters as well so we had multiple vehicles that match tapered take you to search term that we typed in we could then filter it down even further so it works in fundamentally the same kind of way as what I've said with searchwp integrating into facet W P so it works very very similar however let's take a look at the dashboard itself you see what I mean now about the complexity so created that tests search filter that includes the various different filters the different searches and so on click and open this up you can see that inside you we've got a ton of different tabs and a lot of other options so just on the the get-go it already looks a little less user-friendly and a little less sort of streamlined in what you'd see with something like search WP and facet WP however like I say the functionality is there we can search based upon exactly what fields we want custom fields icons vehicles you know all those kinds of different things the number of results per page or to submit the form so it'll use Ajax we can go through and configure how we want to display the results the posts the tags categories and taxonomy x' post meta Advanced the available fields we want to use all those kinds of different things are inside they including the different kind of form elements so you can see currently I've got a search form and I've got the taxonomy filter and I've configured those in the relevant details but it was just one of those plugins that there's a lot of documentation it's not necessarily that user-friendly from the get-go but I would have things say that once you kind of get used to how it wall works you probably could fly through setting things up quite quickly and easily but for me the biggest bonus factor of this is the cost that's involved in the fact that both the search and the filtering are all inside the one plugin so it's definitely worth taking a look at and for the sake of twenty dollars so you could purchase a copy and test it out to see if it matches your requirements and if you could get your head around it it's worth investing in to see how it all works and if it kind of answers those questions for you so next up we have my honorable mentions these are plugins and tools that I think are worth considering but their technical support the documentation things like that may let down the whole experience so if you're comfortable getting your hands dirty again stuck in and see and how these tool work with knowing that support may not be there as quick as you may need it then it's worth considering plus the price is not bad either so let's just jump over now and take a look at the first of those which is piata net or PA Fe which is a plugin that has a ton of options when working with elemental elemental Pro so the first of the honorable mentions is piata net add-ons for elemental or PA Fe as it's kind of more known now why didn't I use this why haven't I set this up as being one of those highly recommended plugins primarily it's not because of the feature set because this is again very much like dynamic content for Elementor it's a Swiss Army knife with tons of really really useful different options it's not particularly expensive to purchase and unlimited copy or lifetime version is currently $60 so if you just want to test this out for 60 bucks it's nothing for what you can potentially do with it but what I kind of felt was that's one of the areas that I think is a little lacking and this is based upon not so much my own experience but more the experience that I've seen on the WP crew Facebook page and also some of the other Facebook pages to do with elemental is that both the support and the documentation is not always on par with what you would expect if you're paying for a plugin support is something that is vital as is the documentation on how to use it especially when you have a plugin with so many options and just give you an example of some of these options if we take a look we've got the form builder and all the different stages the different extensions the widgets you know all of these are individual components that's have a lot of options available inside them they are very very powerful I actually I've tested this out are you turd in a couple of videos as long as you kind of accept the fact that the documentation is going to be great and the support may take longer than you'd expect but you kind of way that up with the price that you're paying for it it's up to you so this is why it didn't make it into my top six all those kind of required plugins that you really really need to have the next one is jet engine now you may be thinking well why would I want to use jet engine if I'm using advanced custom fields well jet engine even though it's got its own sort of custom feels meta feels and so on tools built-in you can use a lot of what you can do with jet engine with ACF so if you wanted to have all the formatting options or the filtering options are searching the query and all those kinds of things but still use ACF because that's what you're most accustomed to you could combine this with jet engine now what I recommend doing this because you fundamentally duplicating some of the actual main key areas that you're working with you know those meta fields and so on it's not always the best way of working it could have a slowdown effect on your website but sometimes there may be a case where you just need the functionality that jet engine gives you but you still want to work with ACF then it may be worth taking a look at jet engine and again the cost for a single license is something like $19 so if you just wanted to use this to test it and see what the implications would be from a speed point of view from an actual feature point of view for me it's one of those things that I would say is a little bit of a no-brainer I would grab it test it out and see what you think and if it's something you think would be useful for you later on down the line inside working with ACF so there you have it those are the tools that would recommend take a look if you're happy to invest some money and some time and effort into learning these tools to get more an elemental pro and advanced custom fields as always all the applicable links for everything I've covered are in that description below like I say some of those may be affiliate links neat gives a small percentage back to the channel but cost you absolutely no more money whatsoever as always - you Paul see this has been wptouch and until next time take a
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 16,147
Rating: 4.9787798 out of 5
Keywords: WPTuts, advanced custom fields, advanced custom fields elementor, advanced custom fields wordpress, elementor pro, advanced custom fields pro, wptuts elementor, acf wordpress, dynamic content for elementor, PAFE, JetEngine, jet engine elementor, Elementor Custom Skin Pro, SearchWP, FacetWP, facetwp plugin
Id: mMI04mWTj6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.