#54 Sees 50 Years into Future during Near Death Experience (NDE)

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this is beyond with Heather Tash where we examine near-death experiences and life itself hopefully making this life a little better my guest today is Reverend Bill McDonald Reverend thank you so much for joining me here today it's my honor my pleasure and it's a it's always a great way to start the morning off being an Irishman you know starting the morning off talking and telling a story is this is natural is having breakfast well this is a real treat for me it's a treat for all of the listeners you have had so many experiences including three near-death experiences so let's start out with your near-death experiences and then we'll get into a lot of other things okay well I appreciate the opportunity I uh I've had three distinctly different experiences from one to the other stretching over from eight and a half years years old all the way up the last one was in my 70s so um not only are they different from each other but there's unique like like fingerprints they're I haven't found anybody else has had one like mine now you've interviewed a lot of people in near death experiences you know when I say they're unique there is a uniqueness in almost everybody's yes but most of them have a basic Foundation of you know a parameter of well there's a Life review they do this they do you know mine are out there they're out there or in in the case of the spiritual world it's probably it's all in there but I I you know I started off I started life at a young age I I don't want to brag or nothing but yes I was so excited about being born I I didn't talk for a year uh but but I was always spiritually curious and I was making up my own meditations and meditating at uh the earliest age I can remember 18 months two years I was wow I I was doing things that I didn't find out and we were talking about this the other day I didn't find out these things that I was experimenting and making up were actually formed some meditation till I was in the Himalayan Mountains spending some time with some people that didn't speak English and I didn't speak their language and uh had a great time and and they're teaching me things I go wait a minute I I made that up how could you be doing these things so anyway first the first experience and and I just want to emphasize because everybody always says this changed my life this made me who I am or this pointed me in a direction I can honestly say that none of my experiences my near-death experiences uh Changed Me From the Path I was on everything was just okay this is just another enhancement this is just another another road to where I'm going I I didn't find that it changed my beliefs it uh but it made a Believer out of me and what did it make me a believer in love I was already into that that's Love Is God right but having these three unique experiences you you have that point not just come home to you but to become you and all of a sudden you find yourself boringly talking to other people about love love it's about love and people look at yeah okay great okay go you know it's only love and the truth of the matter is those that have really had the deepest experiences uh they will say the same thing that it really is only about love and so the details of the experiences which I'm going to delve into here quickly the details are just details and I think they reflect the individuality of of each Spirit each Soul each personality um but the I was eight and a half fact it was about this time in the 1950s was about uh just before Halloween and all that that I got really really sick and I was going to school my mother was father you know stepdad was sending me to school and I'd walk two miles to school and I'd get there and I'd be sick and I had I started off I had the MPS you know and then I got pneumonia and then I got plur the kid you know the chest was filling up fluids then I had a all of a sudden my kidneys were you know had a disease Bry disease the kidneys which is a general term and then this cascading effect I ended up with about seven or eight different diseases all starting basically from the MS it's weird how a disease like that same thing happens from strep throat or things like that it'll if you don't take care of those issues it morphs into something else so by the time the school sent me home saying hey hey woman your son is really sick don't send him to school and then I stayed at home and I was dying at home and wasn't until my aunt came and said hey take this kid to a doctor so I finally got to a doctor and the doctor tells my parents uh it may be too late take him to the county hospital so I go to the county hospital I've never been away from home uh as a young kid uh the next thing I know I'm strapped in a gurnie about 10 minutes after getting there they're saying goodbye to my parents everybody's saying goodbye and I'm rolling down a hall and next thing I know I'm locked basically kind of locked into a a hospitalization situation where most the time was in isolation by myself visitors about 10 minutes maybe 15 a week tops on Sunday or something and I had no toys no TV no radio no newspapers no coloring books no School most of the time nobody even to talk to except adults when they came in to do something for you medically so that was my situation so the first night all I remember I'm in the gurnie you know you always see in the movies where they so they got a camera on the G you see the ceiling with the lights and they're rolling down a hall yes that's exactly what it was like every time I see that in the movies I go oh yeah I remember that just you know not the lights I wanted to see at that time in my life but I heard the conversation with the doctor saying and uh you brought them in too late you know we don't think we can do anything so next thing I'm in isolation by myself it's outside the outside the hospital building they had old wooden buildings these are the days 1950s where the wheelchairs are made out of wood you know slats you know wood you rolled around a wood wheelchair and uh when children in the hospital there wasn't a children's hospital there wasn't clowns and football players visiting you and if everybody being kind and visiting you know there was nothing it was you in a hospital and you were just ignored so the first night there they did a procedure on my back and they stuck these huge needles in my back to extract this fluid from my lungs because my lungs were filling up I could hardly breathe and uh it was coming out and coming out and I refused to cry I wasn't going to cry in front of all these strangers I just sat there and they just punctured I don't know if you ever had needles in your back into your lungs but they're long they're long needles I mean they're big needles and they go right from your back right into your lungs and they're fat and thick because they're pulling out heavy fluids almost like a almost like an applesauce it was like thick so they get through and I'm sitting there in my underwear and they go there's a bed getting a bed nobody tucked me in nobody said Hey kid are you okay hold my hand you're all right if you need anything nothing it was just get in bed turn the lights off so my first night away from home totally by myself I'm in a hospital room uh there's not another human being in sight because I'm all alone it's this isolated room and everybody's gone it's deathly silent no pun intended because there something about to happen at that time so it's really deathly silent literally and uh I'm laying there and in great physical pain uh if if you've had a bad bad kidney disease uh you know there's always that back pain lower back pain and the and then the chest pain from the pneumonia and all that and so it was it was bad and by the time I got to the hospital I actually looked like according to my aunt she goes my God he looks like he was in one of those P camps in Germany or he was in the extermination camp I mean I look like you know it was no weight on the body at all it was just totally like a skeleton so I'm laying there and all of a sudden there's no pain it's just Oh and next thing I know I'm feeling when I say light I mean this in two ways light like the body is lightweight you know opposite of heavy but I also mean I was feeling light li ght like this abundance of Light Within Me and around me of which I was a part of that light so the light I wasn't distinguishing the difference between me and and the light it was like it was kind of like like on a movie screen when the light is showing on a screen it's the light and projecting that's like me being projected and and um I notice I'm kind of have this floating feeling although without a body I don't feel like I'm floating but I'm sensing I'm floating and I'm I'm I'm looking down and I see this poor self me the old me the body laying there and uh and I'm going I feel sorry for that kid that looks really he's bad shape right thank God that's not me I knew at that age the body was not me now made halfen I'm going no that's not me this is me this Consciousness this even though I probably didn't use that word at that age Consciousness I just knew this was me this whatever it was this filment of light that's in my mind I it's just thinking light I'm just this light like a projection and so I'm floating above it and the room goes from this dark just getting lighter and lighter and lighter and lighter and uh pretty soon it's bright so bright that had I been in a human body I would have felt like I'm going to get blinded I'm just like looking directly at the sun it's just but it's like light is just pounding me and it's penetrating me it's just hugging me the light is just a part of me and and I look at the clouds no they weren't clouds but it was kind of like puffy clouds the light was kind of like like a cloud it's the only thing I can think of I I in intelligent I know they weren't clouds but it was like clouds and on those clouds were projected all kinds of scenes and of course you got to realize at eight and a half years old you know most people they die and they go you know and they I get a I get a review of my life how I lived it to this point how I cause problems and all there at eight and a half I mean what they going to review so there's no Life review but in my case there's a Life preview and at the time I didn't realize how far it went but as it turned out it turns out to be like 50 years in the future I'm eight and a half my next year near-death experience which we'll talk about later the next year experience comes exact exactly within a week or days of the first one 50 years later wow that's as far as the fature I went so it was when I when it happened I go oh this is the end of me knowing all this stuff right so anyway so there I am and I'm seeing scenes I'm seeing president uh uh Kennedy getting shot but I didn't know who president I didn't know John F Kennedy was he was a Senator Congressman or something I had no clue who he was and then I and I see him getting killed in in in Texas I know it's Texas I don't know why but I knew it was Texas and I saw I saw him getting killed and in my vision of that there wasn't a lone gunman there was someone else at least so I'll let it go with that because I talked about this on on on another on another broadcast and one of those truth sensors came in and said you know that Kennedy assassination the war commission says it was only one shooter and they labeled it as you know you know possible fiction or I go what so anyway so I'm just saying in my futuristic dreams there was more than one shooter and the story you can say whatever you want here all right so so then I see this lovely young girl I meet in high school turns out to be my wife who was still married today I see her and I go that's the woman I'm going to marry and and I and I and I see myself in Europe I see myself hitchiking around Europe you know which I did when I was 19 and and I see myself in Hawaii meeting this Kahuna and and I I I see all these facets of my life I see myself in Vietnam I see myself sitting on a helicopter didn't know what kind they look like tadpoles you look at a hue looks like a tadpole I it looked like a tadpole to me at that age I'm going oh those kind of helicopters they weren't even invented then I mean it was like but I'm seeing them and the shape came out oh that's the helicopter and I see myself sitting behind a machine gun on that helicopter and I see scenes being unplayed and I see guys getting killed and shot I see helicopters going down uh I I see things that happen later on if when we if we ever get to it I talked about it but when I went to Vietnam I kind of knew who was going to get killed what aircrafts was going to crash uh what was going to happen to me and uh I refused orders one time and was threatened with the court marshal for Mutiny because I knew something was going to go wrong and uh anyway I was investigated by the CIA the C which is the military group uh by my company command everything how do you know this stuff anyway when you have the unfair advantage of knowing the next 50 years of your life it's yeah I got all these oh you got here's a medal you're nominated for Silver Star you got distinguish flying Crush you got Bron star you got all this stuff and and I keep going no that's not bravery if you know you're not gonna you know if you know the outcome there's nothing eroic about that you know I mean so that's the kind of stuff I was seeing I was seeing things uh major things and then personal things so but I I was watching that and at the same time there was I don't know if you're into astrology or anything or numbers or anything numerology or whatever but there was two numbers in the middle of this that kept flipping it looked like 29 you know the two and a nine and then it the two would flip over it was a two upside down looked like a five so it was 2959 2959 and it was just kind of floating around in the sky and so I was thinking that uh 2959 is maybe I'm going to die at 29 years old maybe I'm going to die at 59 years old so I didn't know so hold that thought because at the time I didn't know anything about that and some people later on tried to tell me when I was doing a podcast oh that's your Saturn you know comes every 29 5 but just before you're 59 around 29 Saturn comes into your life and Saturn is kind of like a change of everything kind of like a death of the old self and birth of the new self symbolic or something I I didn't know but at the time I didn't understand but I did understand this I saw all that stuff and I realized that was me and then I knew as soon as I realized that I go oh I'm not escaping here I'm coming back to that old body down there because obviously here's the next 50 years right I ain't going anywhere so boom I wake up back in a bit I don't know if it was minutes seconds hours all night have no clue time when you're in that spiritual zone of light there a unique phrase write that one down spiritual zone of light whatever that is when you're in that place right because I can't figure out what else to call that place when you're in the other place there is no time is it's meaningless there is no time there's only now this moment and so but I knew okay I'm getting out of here but I still looked at the 2959 thinking well maybe there's something there and maybe if I don't take care of my body maybe that's the other Destiny maybe I got three Destinies here 29 59 and who knows what's after that so why I'm laying in bed for one year that was the first night I'm in the hospital for one year if you can imagine I turned 9 years old at birthday I had Christmas I had Thanksgiving there no special deals no no gifts no nothing they did have some guy dressed up like Santa Claus came down on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve and gave me some candy and as soon as the Santa left the nurses come and said you can't have the candy and then they ate it and nurses you know table like believe it I'm going oh wow yeah I go come on so I I wasn't allowed to have that sugar or something you know for the kidneys or something so celebrated the birthday was very quiet no gifts no gifts for Christmas no gifts for birthday uh no visitors for Christmas no visitors for Thanksgiving no visitors for my birthday no visitors for Easter no visitors I mean so and you would think that that would probably create one of the saddest depressed children that could that'd be the formula for that right right no just the opposite just the opposite I look back at that as a gift I'm saying you know all that happened and it it benefited me because I spent all that time in bed with absolutely nothing to do they'd wake me up at six o'clock in the morning the shift change because they got to come in and change sheets you know uh give you medicines I got to shot every single day I got at least one to two to three shots every single day for a year and then I had Medical Treatments for like six years afterwards had to go back to hospital and everything so I utilize that time I'd lay there this is where I started experimenting with I i' well there's the lights finding me again I'm lighting up here talking about this so I I was experimenting things I was doing when I was younger but I I I I kept changing them and uh do you see that there's or floating around my face it's going to show on the thing there anyway so I I was doing things like pushing my eyes so they would focus on spiritual eye and then and then I was closing off my nostril and I was put my thumbs in my ears I thought well this is this is interesting because when I do that this spiritual eye thing just it's a light show it's like and I get all excited watching this light show or this spiritual eye would just keep expanding and then you're going into it and then it's four hours later you go wow this is cool so you killed the whole day just doing stuff like that so that's what I utilize today for then I I remember a mother belong to self-realization Fellowship which is an organization created by perahan Yogananda in the 1920s actually 1920 to be exact and he teaches U Korea yoga former meditation but he also teach taught westerners Americans in particular form of what what he called now you had to see that that was a anyway I don't know if it shows up on your but on my screen I'm getting I'm getting orbs anyway so uh he taught a form of exercise because he knew Americans and westerners weren't going to sit down and do yoga you know wrapping their legs and doing all the postures and stuff and this 1920s and 30s I mean you know yoga was scary to people it was the devil stuff I mean you know it was right was Heathen so he he these exercises he called recharging exercises which you did these exercises before you meditated to prepare your body and so everybody took him at that and and part of these exercises is is dynamic tension where you you're tighten up like you know like you're lifting weights you're getting all this energy and you know and you're doing all these things and and I I laid there in bed and I I remembered that I said you know there's more to that than just meditating yeah I'm fascinated I'm just the me and me and the things going around anyway the um the exercises I saw as a vehicle a means of actually recharging and bringing energy through my crown chakra I didn't at that age it was the top of my head right now I know it's the crown chakra right but I'd be bringing energy in and I realize all that energy is in me it's sitting there it's a it's battery how can I use that what can I use that for when I got out of the hospital and this is where this is leading to when I got out of the hospital about home about a week or two uh one of our pet dogs ran out of the house went out in front of the street and uh and got hit by a car going the car was going about 40 miles an hour Splat and this it was a a a miniature poodle so it wasn't big you know so it didn't take much it hit and uh so I go out there and the dog just you know and blood trickling out of the corners of its mouth the nose the eyes blood coming down the ears not a good sign I mean you got trauma there right and it's kind of flattened you know like the rib cage and and the driver he's this adult I don't know how old he was to me he was an adult he could have been could have been 30 and I would thought he was an old guy but you know this guy come out and he was like oh my God I'm sorry kid I'm sorry kid I just I said give me my dog I picked up the dog and I went in the house and I knew that I loved my dog and for some reason I figured you know there's power in love because when God loved me there was a power there and it was a healing power and I also remember these recharging exercises and so I focused on the dog and loving the dog at the same time I was focusing on ener energy coming through the top of my head coming down my spine and in my mind these are my antennas I'm just going to bring it from there it's coming out my antennas and I'm gonna put my hands on the dog and I'm just going to love it and I'm gonna do this thing and when I put my hands on the dog it was like a clear you know it was like that there was like this shock like call it static electricity call it anything you want but it was like bolts of little Sparks hit this dog and the dog cries jumps up runs around circles runs around the house comes back nothing wrong with it never went to a vet incredible and so I remember that and I go I wasn't surprised but I remember that and I said love and energy heals and that's been part of about 50% of what I'm doing now with my healing thing anyway that's my first near-death experience and to be honest with you when I was in high school and I predicted JFK assassination told the principal and some of the teachers and people they thought it was crazy because it was two weeks before I said no when he goes to Dallas so got to kill him now in 1963 you could say something like that without having the FBI at your doorstep not today now if you say that I would have everybody I kid how'd you know this you know so but when it happened it was it it was not a surprise at all it was it was a confirmation and then I knew that pretty much everything that I had seen in that 50-year thing is it's all going to happen and uh so anyway I thought I'd share that first near that experience we'll take another session to talk about the other because they're all different I don't want to mix energies so that experience I came away with when I left the hospital I said am I going to die at 59 or am I going to die at 29 I don't want to get sick like that again so I became a vegetarian never did drugs didn't do alcohol didn't do cigarettes didn't do caffeine nicotine nothing meditated took care of myself and obviously I made it past 29 and but we'll talk about the second near death experience because that just slides right into that or I finish there well let's do that let's take that into another episode Bill all right God bless you you two great thank for allowing me to talk about that all right and thank you everyone for joining us if you've got comments about this please leave them we'd love to hear your thoughts and if you don't mind if you enjoyed it please give us a thumbs up see you later thanks for joining me on Beyond with Heather Tes please add comments and questions you'd like future guests to answer also if you liked what you heard please hit the Thumbs Up Button And subscribe that'll help keep this podcast going you can also go to Beyond with Heather Tesh to look for more episodes
Channel: Beyond with Heather Tesch
Views: 43,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rev Bill McDonald, Future, Future events, orbs, floating orbs, Near Death Experience, nde, nde experience, Afterlife, Near Death Experiences, NDE videos, Life Review, Jeff Mara, Heather Tesch, Love, IANDS, Are my loved ones in heaven, Lauren Canaday, Dead 24 minutes, Fox news, New York Post, Died came back to life, Woman dead for 24 minutes, Love covered Life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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