52nd International Eucharistic Congress - 2021-09-12 - Statio Orbis- Closing Mass

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[Music] and welcome back to budapest hungary this is heroes square in budapest for the closing mass the statsio orbeez mass of the 52nd international eucharistic congress i'm matthew bunson executive editor for ewtn news joined by father john paul mary zeller of the franciscan missionaries of the eternal word father you and i have spent a week together it's been a joy-filled week for me i can't speak for you it's been no it's been great a remarkable week and all of it comes to its conclusion here today in heroes square with pope francis's mass and the closing of this eucharistic congress the the procession for the mass is about to begin so we'll be going to that shortly but so we now go to the closing mass of the international eucharistic congress here in budapest [Music] misha please place them to your feet [Music] well you are looking at the procession for the closing mass here at the uh international eucharistic congress father we can see the number of bishops who are processing in the number of priests and cardinals you are invited to participate it's always very impressive to see the successors of the apostles the bishops processing for holy mass it shows you that we are one holy catholic and apostolic in our church it's in our very appropriate him christus vinci christus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] christmas [Music] me [Music] christmas is [Music] [Music] for you [Music] reasons [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] well we can see the holy father now processing to celebrate this closing mass of the 52nd international eucharistic congress father i note at his side is monsignor now bishop-elect guido marini who was the long-standing papal master ceremonies who was recently appointed a bishop in northern italy it's unclear who exactly will be replacing him for the role of master ceremonies but it's important to note his years of dedicated service to pope benedict xvi and to pope francis and the head of the international university congress is here in budapest who is the head of the vatican office uh archbishop pierre marini was himself also a long time master of ceremonies not to be confused with one senior now bishop aleguido marini two marines both master ceremonies of very long tenure for the popes [Music] we now take you to the papal mass the closing mass here in budapest [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] movies thank you from the bottom of our hearts for accepting our invitation to personally celebrate the closing mass of the 52nd international university congress since the time of pope john the third the 23rd eucharistic congresses and especially their closing masses have been called stations eucharistic celebration that visibly presents represents the creation of one great communion around the table of the lord under the leadership of the successor of saint peter with the bishops priests deacons and this economical presence expresses our common desire for the unity of all baptized people [Music] it is a special joy for us to have his holiness patriarch bartholomew the first of constantinople with us [Applause] that non-christians are present fulfilling the eschatological promise of the psalm all my springs are in you christopher christ in the eucharist is the source of eternal life and eternal happiness for all people he wants to reach people through our witness and our preaching through our ministry of charity he wants to reach the poor the sick the persecuted budapest is a city of bridges in the heart of hungary and europe we feel it our vocation to be a bridge between east and west between different cultural and religious worlds signed a document of reconciliation and friendship from which mutual cooperation have developed and the surrounding countries holiness of life today following the footsteps of the great martyrs and confessors of the last century outside those who have already been canonized certification is taking place at this very moment in verso [Applause] we cherish great affection servant of god who gave an example of unbroken fidelity to christ to his church and people allah a copy of this missionary cross which preserves the memory of the blessed saints of our region we ask you to be the main celebrant of this mass which we are saying in the name of the whole church for the whole church so that we may fulfill our mission in the world and for the world in the person of our master and lord jesus christ who always remains with us he pronounces the words of the transubstantiation of the eucharist thank you holy father [Applause] dear brothers and sisters at the end of the solemn holy mass will get a pontifical uh blessing which is which draws from the spiritual uh goods of the saints and will have a complete indulgence um so we should confess our faith is amen [Music] here [Music] schools [Music] key [Music] is [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] curious [Music] daddy [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] is there [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm i made no resistance insult [Music] who there condemned me [Music] [Music] he's [Music] is [Music] i love the lord for he has heard the cry of my appeal for he turned his ear to me in the day when i called him [Music] me [Music] they surrounded me the snares of death with anguish of the tome they quote me sorrow and distress i called on the lord's name o lord my god deliver me [Music] [Music] how gracious is the lord and just our god has compassion the lord protects the simple hearts i was helpless so he saved me [Music] he has kept my soul from death my eyes from tears and my feet from stumbling i will walk in the presence of the lord in the land of the living [Music] [Music] a reading from the letter of saint james take the case my brothers of someone who has never done a single good act but claims that he has faith will that faith save him if one of the brothers or one of the sisters is in need of clothes and has not enough food to live on and one of you says to them i wish you well keep yourself warm and eat plenty without giving them these bare necessities of life and what good is that faith is like that if good works do not go with it it is quite dead this is the way to talk to people of that kind you say you have faith and i have good deeds i will prove to you that i have faith by showing you my good deeds now you prove to me that you have faith without any good deeds to show [Music] um [Music] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] [Music] my only glory is the cross of our lord jesus christ which crucifies the world to me and me to the world [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] a reading from the holy ghost spell according to mark [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] he asked [Music] christ [Music] about him [Music] and the chief priests max [Music] [Music] he rebuked peter and said to him get behind me because the way you think is not god's way batman's [Music] if anyone wants to be a follower of mine let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me for anyone who wants to save his life will lose it but anyone who loses his life for my sake and for the sake of the gospel will save it me [Music] oh [Music] hi [Music] ah [Music] and witnesses is that comes the renewal to say that jesus is the christ the messiah is to be accurate but incompetent we are always in danger of proclaiming a messiah in the image of man that the culmination of his mission will indeed be the glory of the resurrection but that to do so he must go through the humiliating death on the cross this means that it will all take place according to god wisdom which as saint paul says this is not the wisdom of this age nor that of the leaders of this age jesus commands silence about the messianic identity but not jesus begins to teach openly that the son of man must undergo great suffering and be rejected by the elders the chief priests and the scribes and be killed and after three days rise again this astonishing announcement by jesus can astonish us too much the eucharist is before us to remind us given away we can surround it with many celebrations but the lord is always there in the simple form of a loaf of bread allowing us to break it spread it and eat it peter responds to the lord's by the master's words and tries to distract him from continuing on this path the cross is never fashionable brothers and sisters not today taking place within us as thinking according to god and it clashes with thinking according to man on one side there is a logic of god which is humble love god's way is far from all compulsions self-indulgence and triumphalism always seeking the good of the others even to the point of self-sacrifice on the other hand there is the human mind the logic of the world which insists on esteem and privilege seeking favors is who is important and powerful what attracts the attention of more people and how you can gain an advantage all the other people it can happen to us too that we put aside the lord in one corner of our hearts but at the same time we consider ourselves religious we continue to walk the path we have set for ourselves and we do not get we do not give in to jesus's logic here is real truth he who reigns silently on the cross is from the false god we expect to rule by force and silence how different is christ who stands before us from the mighty triumphant and anointed messiahs of this world not enough for him to have a statement of faith he expects us to purify our religious city before his cross before the eucharist it is good for us to administer the sacraments before the eucharist to contemplate the fragility of god let us take time to pray the eucharist we forget about it many times let's give enough time for this let us allow jesus the living breath to heal us from our confinement to open us to sharing to losing our rigidities and our self-confinement to free us from the paralyzing slavery of defending only our own image and lead us there he wants us to go hey this brings us to the first step to follow jesus lord commands something he's actually there in grace to help him do what he asks and peter accepts the grace and takes his pass the christian's journey is not the siege of success but begins precisely by taking a step back please remember this we need to take a step back and this frees us from being in the middle from being able to step out of the middle it is then that peter realizes that the center is not his jesus but the real jesus though he still stumbles later he comes to recognize the face of god more and more forgiveness by forgiveness and so he goes from there in admiration for christ to actually following christ what does it mean to follow jesus it means walking the path of life with jesus like confidence that we are beloved children of god we walk the same path as our master we came to serve and not to be certain every single day we approach our brothers and sisters leads us to feel that we are a one body broken for the sake of others dear brothers and sisters to the scandalous novelty of the crucified and risen god who as broken bread gives his life for the world then we will enjoy and bring joy everywhere it invites us to look forward to embrace the transforming gift of grace and to reinvent him each day to the question the lord asked his disciples in caesarea philippi who do you say i am [Applause] for a couple of moments please continue let us reflect in silence for some brief moments credo in [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] okay [Music] uh [Music] says [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] gloria [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh is foreign [Music] [Music] omniscient is and with patience [Music] justice and [Music] that the sick may take on suffering willingly for the sake of their own eternal joy and the eternal joy of others [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign foreign dentists [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] hey is [Music] [Music] [Music] benedict strategy [Music] [Music] foreign so mysteriously [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] foreign foreign is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] each other the sign of peace [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] please [Music] is so [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you are watching the closing mass of the 52nd international eucharistic congress from here in budapest and father the homily of the holy father as he likes to do is divided into three key points in this case proclaiming jesus discerning with jesus and following or walking behind jesus [Music] one of the greatest questions that jesus asked who do you say that i am this harkens back to the question that the lord god asked adam and eve where are you whenever there's a question in the sacred scriptures it's very significant it's a very significant point in salvation history and the holy father is taking that question who do you say that i am and directing it to us that we must we may we have to go from admiring jesus the holy father says to imitating jesus and the holy father says that we must ask ourselves personally that jesus asks us [Music] who am i in fact he says for you he has that point who am i for you so we can say legitimately who am i for you matthew who am i for you father john paul and whoever may be listening who am i jesus asked us who am i for you and his question is one that has such profound ramifications for every soul and as we see he asked that of peter and peter says you are the christ but then as pope francis um reiterates he charged them to tell no one about him so we have an af a seeming affirmation by peter and then our lord saying don't speak [Music] peter's reply back to the lord and then jesus responds to him are both important that response renews us as disciples the holy father says and then that's why he goes on to say he takes three steps these steps that the disciples took that we can take too it involves proclaiming jesus discerning with jesus following jesus [Music] and then as the evangelist writes jesus then began to teach openly that the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed and after three days rise again pointing us to who he truly is this identity of jesus is so important and also our own identity do we find our own identity in jesus holy father says there is always the risk of proclaiming a false messianism one of human origins and not of god as holy father says to save us christ became a servant to give us life he accepted death we do well to let ourselves be taken aback by those daunting words of jesus which then brings us as holy father says to discerning with jesus discernment in the life of prayer and the life of faith is absolutely crucial isn't it we can see the holy father's ignatian spirituality coming out here after the model said ignatius of loyola this discernment of spirits this is often a a key theme in the role and pontificate of pope francis and all of his speeches and all his addresses and using the method of the saint ignatius of loyola [Music] the holy father says we too would rather prefer a powerful messiah than a crucified servant [Music] the eucharist is here to remind us who god is it does not do so just in words but in a concrete way showing us god as bread broken as love crucified and bestowed [Music] holy father then gives us the admonition that we would do well to spend time in adoration before the eucharist in order to contemplate god's weakness he says let us make time for adoration let us allow jesus the living bread to heal us of our self-absorption open our hearts to self-giving liberate us from our rigidity and self-concern free from the paralyzing slavery of defending our image and inspire us to follow him where he would lead us which brings us to the third point which is following jesus walking behind jesus as the holy father says in the italian we did that in a very concrete way last night in the eucharistic procession after the holy mass at parliament in budapest very solemn eucharistic procession from the home of the country all the way here to hiro's square we all walked behind jesus and in following jesus and turning away from sin in conversion in our life when we died to our old selves when we died to sin we turn away from that and we literally follow the lord [Music] it doesn't mean that we're not going to have struggles but we must continually behind jesus follow him even if we have fallen gravely fallen into sin to know that jesus picks us up out of that [Music] perhaps maybe we might need to go to confession to be reconciled with god to get up and to keep following keep walking behind jesus never be discouraged by the weight of our sins but always look to the savior who came to save us to set us free [Music] pick up your cross and follow me take up your cross and follow me our lord says and pope francis says let this encounter with jesus in the eucharist transform us just as it transformed the great and courageous saints who are venerated here in hungary he said in particular saint stephen and saint elizabeth both patron saints of this beautiful place this is like them may we never be satisfied with little may we never resign ourselves to a faith based on ritual reputation repetition but be ever more open to the scandalous newness of the crucified and risen god and this going back father looking at the witnesses of those who've come before us seeing stephen king of hungary who gave his crown to the blessed mother who spent almost his entire time as king here trying to plant the christian faith the catholic faith elizabeth of hungary who despite her position literally spent her life gave her life for the poor and the forgotten though just two examples right now to the north in warsaw is a beautification of mother mary rose and stefan cardinal wishing who also gave their lives in two very different ways mother chaska for the blind establishing a community stefan wiscinski who suffered imprisonment for having the strength to say non-posthumous we cannot do this in the face of a totalitarian regime four remarkable two saints two biati showing us the way to take up our cross and follow jesus and to reach out to encounter one another in following jesus we encounter really not just the god man himself but we encounter one another in looking at jesus we're really headed toward the same destination the same goal holy father says it is to follow in the footsteps of the master who came to serve and not to be served it is to step out each day to encounter with our brothers and sisters the eucharist impels us to this encounter to the realization that we are one body to the willingness to let ourselves be broken for others i think we see that in the example of the martyrs especially cardinal wiscinski who is being beatified at this very moment this very day a man that was willing to be broken for others a man who spent years in prison and also to the cardinal here who you have a great affection for as well yes cardinal joseph menzenti we've heard also the name of cardinal aloysius stephanos from croatia three figures in this region croatia hungary and poland who are such important figures and need to be remembered so foreign loudoun's [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] she's [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Music] see [Music] [Applause] has organized a great feast and send his servants into the streets and squares of the city to invite the last student to the wedding of his son he has called us all together to the also to your presence our holy father shows its true faith in the image of the mother with outstretched arms to welcome all men and women from all peoples and nations lift up your eyes and look at you as of the nations will come with all the different ways in which of our holy father evangelii becomes a reality now this holy church having taken up the bread of life and drunk is slowly being [Music] [Music] of the kingdom of god from here christians return to their homes schools offices place of commerce places of pleasure to share with others to heal others to uplift and help others to reach out to their fellow human beings with the words of peace and acts of reconciliation [Music] is once again instilling in us the crush to face the world as jesus did he showed us and the last supper that we are not to rule but to serve that we do not belong to the great of the world but to the little children of the kingdom of god that we are not masters of things but pilgrims these eucharistic days which we have experienced here in budapest has shown us this path of novelty and conversion because the celebration of the paschal mystery of christ must not only enlighten the hearts of the faithful but us must also touch the world in which we live and work the salvation that flows from the eucharist thus becomes a eucharistic culture capable of motivating men and women of good will to reach out to the lord's poor to prioritize the common good to spread social peace to guard and care for the created world to be generous in economical dialogue the memory of the servant of the lord who gave himself for us in the certainty that the love of god incarnating christ is stronger than evil violence and death based on the sacrament of love this way of thinking can transform every christian community the smallest and the most inconsolable to become broken for the life of the world following the example of our savior who gave himself completely of course from sunday after sunday around the altar of the world and the bread of life we are called to embrace the fullness of christ in holiness in love and in mission in this way we can take upon ourselves the consistency of the eucharist which does not separate the body of christ from the body that is it professes sacramento communion between christ and the members of his body thank you most holy father for celebrating with this great congregation the closing mass of the 52nd international eucharistic congress and for drawing our attention once again to this great mystery which is both the source and the summit of the life and mission of the church made spring living waters capable of healing christian communities throughout the world [Applause] uh [Music] the eucharist means thanksgiving thank you to the great hungarian christian family which i would like to embrace with its different rights its history its brothers and sisters catholic and of other denominations all of whom are moving towards total is my brother to honor us with his presence [Applause] special thanks to my beloved special thanks to all those who have worked so hard to make the secrecy congress and this day a reality as i once again expressed my gratitude to the state and religious leaders who have welcomed me i would like to say thank you to you people of hungary [Applause] the cross has been the pillar of your home for a thousand years now let the sign of christ be the pledge of a better future unquote but cause us [Music] all those thirst in our time i wish you to be like that grounded and open deeply rooted and respectful of others the symbol of this congress will inspire you to proclaim with your lives the gospel that's saved the good news that god loves more people with infinite tenderness in today's world [Applause] he was always a courageous pastor according to the heart of christ an advocate of human freedom and dignity and sister who lost her sight at the very young age and dedicated her entire life to the sect to the service of the blind made a happy example made the example of these two beautiful people but but addresses made the blessed virgin great patroness accompanying and blessed my blessing from this great city wishes to reach everyone especially children and young people the elderly and the sick the poor and the excluded i say with you and for you god bless [Music] [Applause] me foreign is foreign um benediction he [Music] i [Music] us mama [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] well father um we have reached an end for this 52nd international eucharistic congress your thoughts on this mass and we can start thinking also of this week it's been a fantastic week and the theme is to go to the springs to wellspring of life which is which is jesus christ himself which is the eucharist the sacraments the sacraments are the wellspring of the life of the church born from um the pierced heart of jesus on the cross the eucharist is jesus in our midst and as the holy father was praying the angelus when we pronounce those words and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us [Music] that concrete reality happens every day every time we celebrate the holy sacrifice of the mass the word takes on flesh jesus flesh and blood become present in our midst cardinal or not cardinal but archbishop mourinho reminded us that we are to be a eucharistic culture totally transformed that that phrase alone i've been meditating upon is that work to be changed not to allow the culture to change us not to allow uh ideologies uh change us but to allow the gospel to change us to allow our lord to change us that's pri that's primarily the reason why we go to mass not to be entertained but to be changed uh perhaps that's a mentality that not many people have when they go to mass i think it's important to go to mass to expect maybe a good message but primarily we go to mass to be changed just like bread and wine are changed during the consecration at mass into the body blood soul divinity of jesus we are meant to be changed and then to go forward to be light into the world to be that wellspring of life in the world to bring others to that wellspring of life to jesus well behind us they are playing for the last time i think the theme song of this international eucharistic congress we've mentioned it before but this is a version of the one that was played and sung in 1938 the last time that a eucharistic congress was held here in budapest that going back to [Music] a time of the past but the relevance of that eucharistic congress to today we're a world in crisis we are a world of doubt a world in need of hope that was a world that was on the cusp of world war ii we're hopefully emerging out of a pandemic but the message is the same as saint stephen king of hungary taught his people jesus is the future and if jesus is the future we have hope we have hope uh we have faith we have charity all of these themes that we've been meditating upon and listening to being catechized being witness to the themes about goodness hope faith joy mercy patience all of these themes that every single day of this eucharistic congress had a very specific theme and these themes are about building a eucharistic culture and very specifically as catholics we can be very proud and should want to build a eucharistic culture we should embody that teaching and take the teaching of jesus those words of institution for this is my body those words alone this is my body this is my blood they contain the answer to all the problems of the world every single problem of the world that we face those words for this is my body given up for you for this is my blood they've given up for you they had that's the remedy we have the answer we should be proud of it and let's uh focus too on the fact that the holy father is here peter was here to close this eucharistic congress and that is something that's extremely important he is now going to continue his journey from here to slovakia i would encourage everyone to continue following our coverage especially our news coverage of the holy father's visit you'll be able to see all of the events here on ewtn and with all of our news entities as part of ewtn news but the fact of the holy father was here was that testament to the importance of eucharistic congresses as we've been talking about popeyes the eleventh one to one i think in 1922 we've had multiple popes now we've had francis at this one we can look ahead three years to quito ecuador for the next eucharistic congress it sounds like it's a long way off but we all know how time passes under the theme of jesus and the sacred heart it will tie into the anniversary of the consecration of ecuador to the sacred heart so we're already seeing this movement of looking back reflecting on christ with us to look forward to the future there's always continuity in the faith especially in the teaching of the church and i think you can take the themes of this congress being the springs the wellsprings of life and that's really the sacred heart of jesus uh pierce for our salvation from the cross flows forth the wellspring of the life of the church the the sacred heart of jesus really still beats in heaven at the right hand of the father jesus ascended into heaven and took with him his human body he didn't shed his human nature once he died from the cross and once he rose from the dead but our lord keeps his sacred humanity forever we know that that because when saint thomas reached out into his side our lord said thomas put your hand into my side doubt no longer but believe that sacred humanity of jesus christ his heart is so important in the life of europe most especially in france all throughout france we see that devotion through the sacred heart of jesus really is what brought france out of the heresy of jansenism brought really a heartbeat back to christianity that they're in there's at the at the center of christianity there's a heartbeat that there's a there's a danger in religion to reduce to all to the realm of abstractions but we don't worship an abstraction we worship a person and that person has a heart jesus christ himself has a heart that beats for us and in the eucharist every eucharist that we come to do we adore and worship his heart is beating for us on the altar well i think we're going to have a lot to think about a lot to unpack as the saying goes a couple of years from now in quito ecuador but father let's bring this eucharistic congress to a close your final reflections on this week and where we go from here this would be a eucharistic culture to be transformed just some of the themes going back just to be a people of goodness to be a people of hope to be a culture changed a culture embracing the mercy of god to go to frequent adoration as our holy father suggested during his homily i think that would be a really good way to make a resolution after every retreat that we go on especially as religious we're meant to make a resolution kind of a change we make new year's resolutions all the time and how many of us really keep them um but to make one real concrete resolution we probably have a lot of viewers who follow the coverage uh the entire week what resolution can you make our viewers kind of a concrete way that that i can embody the teachings of jesus even more that might be like i mentioned earlier showing up to mass a little bit early staying after mass a little bit earl later um praying the rosary every day going to eucharistic adoration at least once a month let's not set the bar too high you know i want to set the bar you know kind of you know at a medium level so we can get over it there's so many things that we can do to be a eucharistic people ultimately like the holy father said a people of thanksgiving a people of gratitude that's what the word eucharist means ultimately i'll close with that is just thanksgiving and i want to thank our viewing audience uh for tuning in most of all for being patient uh especially during any complications during the broadcast that we had it's not just a matter of having everything hooked up correctly but there's also a spiritual battle going on too at the same time well father it has been a joy a privilege there's a lot of fun to spend the last week with you as we finish now from budapest we have a lot of thanks that we need to offer we start with ewtn hungary for the great hospitality for their help all the time that we've been here we also want to thank ewtn germany ewtn poland ewtn vatican all of our vatican office who came here and all of the staff for the technical staff at ewtn in birmingham who have been up day and night making sure that this coverage would be what we need it to be to proclaim our lord in the real presence of the of the eucharist on behalf of all of us here from ewtn in budapest i'm matthew bunson thank you so much for being with us this week keep the faith live the faith take care god bless and be safe [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 3,747
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: nte, nte21023, ytsync-en
Id: sRyKe0P6tbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 38sec (8438 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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