5/11/2019 Love's Way to Go Worshipers Conference Saturday Evening

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praise the Lord is anybody excited about tonight here's the expectation we're just gonna go after God does anybody like that expectation that going after God tonight um we just want you to engage the Holy Spirit put your eyes on Jesus tonight he's worthy amen praise Lord ladies and gentlemen Jay Thomas Hayes gentlemen Jesus Christ [Applause] so here's what we're gonna do yeah that there's plenty of room I want you to make yourself at home tonight understand if it helps you engage sit if you want to lay down fall asleep take a nap I don't care what you do cuz right now we came here for him we are not here for me so us I just wanted to take a few minutes just go before the Lord together I said our eyes on the analyst that our gaze and our focus and our attention be him tonight Jesus we set our gaze on you above above we look above right now just take a moment and we take all of the focus let me put it on you instead our eyes to the hills from where help comes from we look at you Jesus who is worthy of all adoration look at you Jesus you are the exact representation of your father and you are the glorious and the most beautiful one of all it is all about you it is all about you it is all if we were gathered here because of you this is for you [Music] we said our attention we said our affection we set our emotions on you right now what do you want to do in our midst tonight [Applause] what do you want to do and I've been stood a where do you want to go tonight [Music] Jesus we love to love you we love to sing your phrase [Music] we're not in a hurry now we're not in a hurry now Jesus said our eyes [Music] Jesus come do what you love to do [Music] Jesus you said our eyes have your way Harry [Music] Jesus we set our eyes on you Jesus come to what you love to do see we set our eyes on you have your way have you Jesus we stand our eyes on [Music] Jesus come to what you love to do Jesus arise we stood our eyes come have your have you you said our I'll do what you love to do see we said our don't have you Oh gee we said our I'll do what you love Jesus [Music] you we stood [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we said our combusting that with me Jesus he come to come do what you love to do he said our [Music] more time Jesus Jesus [Music] come to G [Music] have you come and have your have your guys have your [Music] [Applause] our Father heaven knows you see loud let this place here up can you hear the sound of heaven touch me the sound of heaven singing our Father all of them rose see that this Flay zero [Music] soundTouch for the sound of heaven touchy spirit breaker [Applause] [Music] break our walls down Spira breaker even come down duh [Applause] even call them open heaven over [Music] sink on fire [Applause] [Music] see this place you year [Music] this before I came here yes yeah [Applause] freak down [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] spirit breaker bring car walls [Music] we really mean it now spirit breaker heaven come we mean it now we mean it we really mean it come and do the possible tonight break our walls down break our walls down we really mean it more than a cliche Christian phrase God we wanna walls knock down our insecurities knock down all of our deficiencies knock down everything that stands in the way God come kick down our walls a walls of self-preservation kick them down tonight God kick them down tonight God we want to be reeling the presents no room for facade in your presence Oh coming dude what only you can do and I'm a so God [Music] we want the promise you made to us in Acts chapter 4 where you say that you would pour out your spirit on all leaving young men see visions old men dream dreams we want an outpouring more than it seems we want it we want it cuz you want it so God why not here in Lebanon Ted no not Texas Tennessee God why not here why not now why not here why not tonight we're just hungry people longing to be satisfied by you that's all we want [Music] Spira breaker [Music] our walls [Music] spirit break ha [Music] heaven come [Music] sing praises to your praises to your dere Oh [Music] our honor to honor to your so much [Music] be lifted be lifted higher be lifted higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] reasons [Music] is too you [Music] your name so Oh [Music] [Music] so then all day [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Applause] [Music] he lives in kostia be lifted up [Applause] feel it [Applause] [Music] your name is like your name is hope inside hope inside your name I love that always finds me always find your names like [Applause] is life [Music] your name is love [Applause] [Music] [Music] your name is love [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he lifted up be lifted hi [Music] he's dead be lifted [Music] more time [Music] jeez he lifted [Music] be lifted [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] I love kindness you have [Music] you feel me you're my I can't [Music] you [Music] for you [Music] [Applause] you [Music] promises [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you have [Music] said the cat [Applause] [Music] people [Applause] and we [Music] my gun [Music] is your faith oh I [Music] you promised my company easily post an hour [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who light faithful to your pallet reset it then you will do I started it you will face [Music] you another god who lies it's impossible you are not a God who [Music] [Music] then you started then you will [Music] now just address something in the room right now [Music] mr. frustration amongst believers a crowd around the world there's just a growing frustration with [Music] people not seeing promises of God manifest in your life makes it hard to worship it to sing songs like faithfully you are all your promises are yes and amen when some people go I've been waiting on the Lord for 30 years I've been believing for a particular thing for 30 years I am here to declare to you tonight that God is faithful to his word if he said it he will do it the question is David is saying are you believing for promises are you believing for your own desires if he said it he will do it is not a God who lies either his word is 100% true or he's 100% a liar [Music] some of you in this room tonight have been believing God for healing in your body for a particular thing or for a loved one for many years and you have not seen the promise of God manifests in their physical bodies I am here to declare to you tonight that God is a healer not by virtue of what he does but by virtue of his very name he is Jehovah Rapha the God who heals healing isn't what he does healing is his name and he's either a healer or he's a liar Oh faithful if that is you tonight I want to just minister into that for a moment if you are one who is standing and growing or matured frustration with the promises of God and you've been believing for a particular thing particularly physical healing that's what I'm sensing right now if that's you I want you to boldly raise your head quickly it's dark but I can see a few hands I see at least four keep those hands up I see four five six seven eight nine right now across the room now you're looking at me but I want to keep your hands up thank you keep them up this is a ministry time this is a ministry moment right now we are the family of God you need to wait for somebody to anoint you with oil this is we're family in here we're gonna have like families sometimes families ugliness messy it just is what it is sometimes family interrupts the service this is what it is that's you you got your hand up we are going to pray for you so if you are if you have your hand up I want everybody to look around it people around you have your hand up if you love Jesus I said if you love Jesus then you are deputized you don't need some ministry team to come and lay hands on you if you love Jesus I want you to go and gather around these ones with their hands up right now and I want you to begin to agree in prayer for these people with their hands up and you're gonna pray and I don't want you praying your opinion listen to me I don't want you praying your opinion I want you praying the Word of God I want you declaring over them that the promises of God are yes and amen that they would not grow weary in well-doing that they would not faint but they were trusted they would see the promise of God if they do not grow faint won't you declare those things over them tonight if it's physical healing I want you to agree with them for physical healing ask them what it is before you pray and if it's physical healing I want you to begin to agree by faith for physical healing in their bodies we're just gonna take a few minutes [Music] Jesus your baby so Lord for everyone who raised their hand but we take authority over this agreement do we take the authority over frustration anger bitterness and by the reefs we let go of control and we say that you are in control we'll stop trying to control you we will choose to believe that your word is true but you are faithful to your promise that you'll do what you said you would do that you will finish the work you began Lord we say yes to your ways your ways are not our ways your timetable is not our timetable but we say yes to your timetable because Lord today we are choosing to trust you a new again we're choosing to trust you again anew Lord I ask you in Jesus name for every person who raised their hand for those were agreeing and believing for physical healing but we say that your blood speaks a better word than our physical deficiencies and so right now in the name of Jesus which you manifest your name for your glory but you manifest your promise to heal our broken bodies give us a downpayment in this on this side of what we will get to live with for eternity I ask you Lord for a down payment of our eternal bodies on this side God bring healing and restoration in the name of Jesus - what doctors cannot do do what medicine cannot do Great Physician bring healing to our bodies in the name of Jesus I see knees right now being healed needs yeah I just kept seeing these the Lord is touching these right now hi about here today but Jesus lord release healing to broken knees or laces release your healing right now as the chronic fatigue beat healed yep there it is right there that's the chronic fatigue being healed migraines are being healed right now in this room [Music] night terrors night terrors are being healed right now [Music] thank you lord [Music] lower back pain right now lower back pain is being healed right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if that's you and you can prank for physically take your time don't be in a hurry but if you're praying for physical healing and you've been praying and you're singing you're noted noticing a physical difference in your body you're noticing any type of improvement in your body I want you to raise your hand anybody one right there come on come on hallelujah for your healing power thank you lord those of you who are not noticing a difference yet it's coming [Music] he's faithful for you you [Music] I promise I promise all your promises are yesterday oh yes [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] hi stems can I take the glory of your wonderful here with your be able you'd well [Music] we are [Music] try ah man yeah with you just to whoa be put to shame [Music] your day me or voice like thunder comet shores wonders [Music] comment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let go I don't even know what that means but whatever it is God we want we want we break our idols of what that means in our minds oh it means your glory it means your majesty but on display it's not healing or signs and wonders cuz you don't need those in heaven [Music] it's your glory on display its Jesus being magnified it's the light of your face shining it's looking into those eyes like fire like heaven released it's a never-ending song it's holy holy holy is the Lord our God all my my it's a never-ending song yours is the kingdom [Music] yours is the power mister glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] walking around me I thought dinah me but you I never fail me [Music] waiting for change to go mooing Navarro's for you I'm never fail me [Music] your promise deals and great is your favorite your favor I'm stealing your and this is my car [Music] me never fail [Music] [Applause] I know your word will come to my heart and sing your praises [Music] Jesus you're stealing [Music] keep me with you [Music] my heart will sing your praises [Applause] is [Music] this is my heart and Bradys [Music] never there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] my god [Music] you never you won't start [Applause] never failed and you won't start now never you all-star we believe [Music] you [Music] you'll do it again never never bailed you never been you never failed and you won't start now never tell you never Barry never you never you never never never failed and you won't start now we believe it tonight never failed never fail we never you won't start now you never fail you never you never better you all if you won't start you won't start no no no no no [Music] I've had plenty of times when I wanted to walk away better but I can't cuz you won't start now [Music] so hard sometimes to stay in the faith to stay in the journey when you don't see the promise oh but when I look at your history I see you're faithful you were faithful to Moses you were faithful to David you were faithful to Abraham [Music] you will fade for the Joshua you will fade for the Mary and you'll be faithful to me [Music] so why should I worry or be afraid why are you down cast o my soul hope in God alone [Music] see you boo I've seen you [Music] the problem with C is that you can't unsay there's no room for I'm Billy once your eyes have seen you move you move mountains even the mountains that's why you said jehovah sneaky [Music] magnify the Lord with me see magnification you know what magnification does the yes magnification is actually when you see things bigger than what they so when we magnify the Lord we actually cause ourselves to see him bigger than we see whatever mountainous I just want to go ahead and just say this as a friend as a brother and prophetically into the atmosphere whatever your mountain is it is not too big for God [Music] I might be more for me than everybody else in the room I've seen you move you move the mountains and I believe I've seen you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] love you'll order [Music] for your mercy never bury oh my days have been held in your ears from the moment that I wake up till I lay my head [Music] of the goodness [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] I love your voice [Music] me to the fire Dargis you are close like no I've known you as a father no you are [Music] in the good Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] so with every breath other good with [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you're [Music] [Music] all my life you have been there all my life you have been so so good every breath that I am [Music] of the good news of the goodness of God yeah I will say of the goodness [Music] if you want to you can take a moment and sit down if you don't want to know [Music] I don't know why but I just there's a song they just [Music] I can't get away from in my spirit right now in this moment I fight mostly just sing it you're not gonna have the words don't even bother man don't even bother playing singers you don't have to sing you know it you can but I just thought I was supposed to sing this overall somebody maybe it's me I don't know what I'm gonna sing this [Music] the song the Lord gave me a relation song I gave the Lord [Music] the song called pursuit of you I wrote this in a moment I don't know why I'm sharing this I don't typically do this the song I wrote at a time in my life when a lot of my friends and people that I had been running with and doing life with for a long time [Music] ministry walked away from the Lord a lot of my friends all in one season a lot of my comrades and people that I worked with literally walked away from the Lord and in their reasoning was all similar was it was the search for love if you could ask them all why did you leave they would all say I was promised love that I never found and I remember in that particular season of my life I was looking for the same fulfillment they never they never found satisfaction in God assassinating the day or in God's people you see I believe the Lord desires to satisfy us and he can satisfy the absolute and I believe one of the ways in which God does as he doesn't through his people when as people are distant or too absorbed in other things related to the work of the ministry and we as his people are the ones who are directly affected the most you seek ministry as you know is not about your church size or how much you can do how many programs you can have the real question that's gonna be asked at the end is did you learn to love so I wrote this song really it was my personal super personal prayer to the Lord I never actually intended to record this song or did record it and it's whatever my personal anthem to the Lord and I don't ever sing this song anywhere I travel I don't know why the Lord's got me singing this song right now but somebody needs to hear this because you are on the verge of quitting [Music] you're chasing me I'm chasing you I'm being pursued by the very love that I pursue [Music] you're chasing me I'm chasing you I'm being pursued by the very love that I pursue [Music] in pursuit of you nothing else matters nothing will do [Music] nothing worth clinging to [Music] I'll be your bride coming my girl [Music] your J's jeez being pursued [Music] you're chasin me I'm chasing you being pursued by the very love that I pursue [Music] [Applause] [Music] will do nothing worth cleaning I'll be a bride my groom [Music] keep on chasing after you it's my glory cuz you are worth the pursued [Music] keep chasing after here it's Michael you are worth the pursue I will run after you [Music] nothing else matters none will do [Music] nothing worth clinging to I'll be alright come and be my groom [Music] nothing else will do [Music] worth playing into I'll burn you're right commander my group I'll be a bride coming my groom [Music] you're right coming my group [Music] by [Music] [Music] give cuz love it never gave up [Music] we never gave up give up cuz love he never gave up [Music] as well never gave up [Music] never gave up [Music] way that grasses [Music] gracias for you are for us you are not instance champion Oh to enter into your [Music] Crash's me crashes me for you are for [Music] champion Oh [Music] champion [Music] champion you may [Music] [Music] your love [Music] me draw me too [Music] as I waved I'll rise up like [Music] I never thought your spirit leads me on in the power of your love had to say no more time [Music] yeah let your love soon [Music] draw me too Oh [Music] I'll rise of like [Music] I'm sorry your spirit leads me all of your and that was so with you your spirit leads you in the power of your love I will soar and I'm sore your spirit [Music] let me love you more this is all that I desire will you let me love you more this is all I require would you let me love you more this is my deepest heart's desire won't you let me love you were stillborn or [Applause] this is all as I [Music] you [Music] this is all that I require won't [Music] this is my deepest heart's desire won't [Music] still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] draw beaters [Music] Oh [Music] our eyes [Music] go hold a sword your spirit I was solely [Music] last time I was saw him No [Music] Jeremiah 9 verse 23 says this is what the Lord says do not boast and wisdom do not boast in power don't boast in riches boast in this alone that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and brings justice and righteousness to the earth and that I delight in these things I the LORD have spoken we all my young adults you heard me talk about Gavin DeGraw a few years ago this girl broke into Gavin DeGraw store bus if you don't know who Kevin DeGraw he's as a secular singer she broken the tour bus and the band members were cussing her and telling her to get out but she would not leave and she stayed in the tour bus until Gavin came and he heard them talking to her that way and so he stopped and said it's okay it's okay and he let her stay with him for a minute and he talked to her for about five minutes and then they took pictures together and he signed a couple of autographs together and she left the tour bus she met Gavin DeGraw but they didn't exchange numbers and today they're not in contact and even if they did exchange numbers Gavin DeGraw is probably a little too famous to be responding to this girl she wasn't the type of girl that would be the girl you dreams I'm sorry for saying that well that's how we treat God sometimes we met him 10 years ago but we never reached out to him we never talked him again and we pretend that we know God I'm a Christian I was baptized when I was two years old and or the christening whatever it was I met him some time ago and we never pray we never read the Bible we never search after you don't know God you met God but you don't know him I said a sinner's prayer one time like this we one time but he said stop boasting and with wisdom stop boasting and riches the post in that you know me and I want to ask a simple question do you know God Almighty do you know him do you know the person that we're singing tonight I know that I could take it for granted that there's so many people in here tonight that you already say man I came on a Saturday night I'm above this the Sunday morning crew for sure I know Jesus but I want to ask you do you really spend that quality time with him do you really love him to sing do you really in that prisoner with him because he isn't that pursuit for you and I want to let you know that he released me sang into it about the person in this room that you that they they searched them they searched and they didn't receive that I want to tell you that if you search after God with your whole heart you will find him that's the promise that he said if you'll search after me you will find me and someone asked in this room can everybody stand with me just for a moment you got to be honest with yourself I can't talk you into getting right with God that's not how it works we lifted up the name of Jesus and that is a promise that he would draw all men unto himself and so I already know that the Holy Spirit is dealt with some people in this room and if he's dealt with you you got the only thing that will hold you back this is what Steve Hill said is pride and pride will damn your soul to hell you can come in this room and say I'm the greatest Christian in the world because pride does that but deep down in your heart you know where you are with God is your pursuit like it it should be is the love like it was at the first is that pursuit still there is the passion growing is the passion burning for Jesus Christ and if it's not this is an awesome opportunity to say I need Jesus to come into my heart real I me to search for him I need to know God I'm desperate to know him it's so easy to say I know God I know God but you all know I'm gonna tell one more story there was a girl that I dated and this was six members at 6th grade I can't remember what six or fifth grade one of those bonds this is my first girlfriend ever I wa I was in the classroom and this dude tapped me on the shoulder and he said hey look Haley penny thinks you're good-looking what do you think about her and I had no idea who Haley petit was and she any and he said she's back there and so I turned round and saw Haley Petty and and I was like yeah she's good-looking and so he went told her and then she came and he came and asked me if we could be boyfriend and girlfriend and so I said sure let's be good for the girlfriend so he went back in told Haley Patti and so we became boyfriend a girlfriend through this guy and so and it gets weirder back then we didn't have cell phones she would that we had a house phone a landline 6 7 2 3 109 and so Haley petty wouldn't call me but she would call him and then he would call me and tell me what she said and then I would tell him what I wanted to say he would hang up and call her and tell her what I said and then it would go back and forth I had a relationship with Haley petty through this guy and a lot of us treat God the same way we have a relationship with God through our pastor we have a relationship through God with our through our fathers or mothers and that's not a relationship with Jesus Christ you've got to have a relationship with him on your own and so right here in this place boldly I just want you to say my relationship with God isn't where it should be and I just want you just to lift up your hand and to say that's me my relationship with God is not where it should be just lift up your hand right there thank you thank you anybody else thank you thank you thank you thank you yes yes listen we can do a prayer but all of you know how to repent and all it is is repent and then pursue you got to just claim him to be the Lord of your life that he is the Savior that he is the king of the earth and then you got to give him your life and let him start to transform your mind it's not in a simple prayer where we just say repeat after me it's in your heart and motive it's in the heart motive because you can save the prayer right now and walk out and be the exact same way and trust me nothing happened but if you will repent inside of yourself and say I will never be this person again my pursuit is to know him and to know Jesus Christ can we all just pray together in this place really quick you just wherever you are I just want you to ask God to forgive you and I'm just gonna pray over you right now Laurie thank you so much for these people in this room Lord that raised their hand that they said that I'm not right with you or I'm not where I want to be and I pray God that you would let them become the man or the woman of God that you've called them in to be I pray for a deeper relationship with you a pursuit that pursue father God starts today where they'll read their word that they'll pray that they'll have worship done in their heart and their homes and their cars wherever they are I thank you God for the pursuit that starts today and I pray for a transformation a renewing of the mind a different way of thinking in Jesus powerful name in Jesus powerful name the Bible says that when one person gives her life to Christ and maybe already did give your life to Christ before but I just believe in this room that somebody has given their life to Christ fully and I believe that when we do that the angels of heaven they celebrate can we join the angels in heaven just for like 10 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here's step to whoever whoever raised her and I just want you to find somebody before you leave and tell them what she did so not just find a motel that's as accountability to selectively hold you accountable amen all right so can we get our an usher really quick just to put some baskets up here real quick for me really quick we are gonna take up an offering worship it's also giving the Bible says where your treasure is there is your heart also and what an awesome opportunity today oh I believe in the power of sowing and reaping anybody else I'm a testimony of sowing and reaping and I believe that this man is let's just get corny for a minute he's fertile ground what that basically means is that where you give were you sow seeds blessings will come back on you and every dime that comes in this pot tonight is gonna go to Jay Thomas's ministry and I believe that's an awesome honoring God in this way if you're writing a check you can write it to love suede church and we'll make sure that it goes in place so Philip get your checkbook out right the BBC Jay Thomas can I ask you while they bring they're gonna bring offerings up here you dick maybe they'll vote maybe there'll be a vote either how He loves us or what how's it go sorry how we love we live Yahweh not either one and the glories coming down but come on I like it yes father we just thank you so much right now for each person that's gonna give I pray that you'd bless them let it go back into their life press down shaken together and running over in Jesus name you can come at any time and just give your gift [Music] mother God can be cold no other God can be called a friend [Music] no other guy can be wholly team no other gods coming [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] the other guy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're learning Jesus you're the beautiful one we [Music] we Jesus you're the beautiful [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise God thank you so much J for coming thank you for bringing your amazing friend Aaron wherever he is we love you thank you so much for being here tonight and honoring God with us we will see the loves way folk in the house tomorrow Jay's gonna be ministering and for all the rest of you thank you so much for being a part of what God is doing we love you you were dismissed
Channel: Loves Way Church
Views: 6,122
Rating: 4.8899083 out of 5
Keywords: +jaye thomas, +loves way church, +live life loves way, +live life love's way
Id: C25UbOANwvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 26sec (6806 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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